; � � .� , . . . ,�. , w :�� :�, �
<br /> tc -. _� ... -+,G ' . ' ., r-z- , `�f�� 6�f « . � _- ... . _. ,. _ `` '�
<br /> P� .��: ,. 1. . � � � �
<br /> `�a.�� ��. . t�i��`t• -�3`, be. _a 6� ,y � `� _ - < �*''IF�-�L c `{� �j y� -
<br /> aft� � r �' s .,�r , `� ., oN � . - _ ��'' ` i �, k'
<br /> y�°�.a,s� - 4'.3. - -��:- .L , a . . �. �� � .` . • _°s;— _ ' F , _ + , - .
<br /> '"}st.:�t C�.,�� s Ta,��t h✓ . . � � t 4 t '"tsLf� t- . s ' . { .. . i - �- b -
<br /> ��{pn�a r `''; �. `�- f. . , : ` .. , t c � ^ ` c .�4• . t �., �R4't`' .S`
<br /> . ;�. � ., . : . � t c F.� �� .i -.. 'S.P• .
<br /> S i �'•: .-� �� t . . -t� , r c, r , � . �y }
<br /> -.r�`���t .�k fi.cz. 'r.na4-.ae-�`eR• ��Y�t � �4Sr,. -,�_� _3tr a..� '��4te-n�+: ` t� .
<br /> t��'�2� . . . . ( ..t� .f� `Y _
<br /> �YL': � . ' . ' � � . . - . 4 '
<br /> ��.r-� j_ . . � ' t V/���1j!g� • A , '� '�.s- � �5�, `' �
<br /> �__�r.�.} - - - � . _ _— _ _ ' ( M V�� ..�V��� `t��p�.
<br /> _'_.-. -- v v.'�_ , . . -( . ..
<br />.::�ij's;_'.�. . . , ` � , • . . � .. ..��a�S. -`E.:v��r .�
<br /> x � cnndemiuition ar�nther takin of of the Pto or Cor canve ance in Qieu of condemnation.ure here assi ed mnif � �. �� r "``
<br /> - - �--`'�t•' . � �Y P� [��Y• Y b3+ gn , .4�...,.�:�
<br /> �,:� shafl be paid ta Lendej :' •�: �„� _
<br /> In the event of u.totat t�kin of the � ���"�``' -
<br /> ����: � .. S �P�riY the proceeds��all be applied ta the swns.serv�d by t}iis Security •. :.. �,�
<br /> ' In,�umtea�whethet ar not ttfe�t dae,witf�any excess paid to Botrower. In thg event a€3 partiai saking of the Ftoperty in � - ;.s ' '
<br />='°�.,�,:. � ,vrfuc�the fair mark�t value af the Pro �: .,.���.,`�-. ,t'•.
<br /> � peny ianntedi�telp before the takins is equaF to ar greater tltan the amount of the sums �' � .T�t
<br /> �_�� � ` secu�d 6y this Seciuity Instrument immediately 6efor�the takiag,asilpss Borrotiver and Lendet uther�uise agcee in wtiting, '.� �:.• `' �.
<br /> the sums secured hy�his Security instr�ment sh�i!6e redused by the amaunt of tae prac-eeds multigliQQ ay tke follflK�. , Y-•
<br /> t �� fca�tian: (a)the Wtal ammu�t of�the sams secuted imm�liately before 4he takirtg,divided by(b}the fa"sr m�rket value of the � X �
<br /> � Pragerty imme�afety 6ef�the taking. Afly balance shali be puid to Borrower. [n the event of u partial taking of tfle _.;._�_ `Y`�' :,
<br /> `�'"�'�� ' �ruperty in wiuc&thefair market`value of the Property immediateSy before the talcing is[ess than the amoant of the sums � ' t;:
<br />--_;�.�a,•. h
<br />- _::. J, _ aecured immadIate1y before the taldng,untess Borrower and Lertder otherwise ugree in wsitfng or unless applicable law �,�_
<br />":'::�rv� '�-; . _ . 4th�erwi�e prtr�id:.s.tite Dr�eds shalI iie appiied to the sums secuced by this Securi���n��++P�r whethe:.�ar not the swn.�a�e --
<br /> --� - _��- - . . ,�:
<br />�-T:�'`.�_;' tf the Property is abandoned by Borrower.ar if.aftes natice by Lender tn Barrower thaz the condemnos vffets tti make --� -
<br /> -- -9 � an award or sett[e a cla€nt for damages.Borrower faiLs to respond to Lender�vithin 30 days after the date tha norice is giv�n,
<br />:.;._ ��w, - -
<br />- =Y�€.':�; Lender i$authoria.ed to collect and apply tke proceeds.at its option,either to restoration ar repair of the Property or W,the • • -- --- '-
<br />?'��`-�`�• sums securzd by this Sec�ity Instiumen�whether or not then due. �—`v`^ - �
<br />�`�`�r ' Untess Leader and Bprrower otherwise a e in writin an Iccation of roceeds to
<br /> �� . � g• Y aAP� P Print7pat shall not�atend ar � ------
<br /> ,,T� y� =.•� pastpone t he due d a t e o f t he man f h E y payments re femed to in paragra�hs I and 2�or chaz�ge the ama�t of sccch paymeats. �„
<br /> � 1L Basrower Not Retrased; Fo�6earaace By Lender Not a Waiv�r. Extension of the tance far payineni or -- - -
<br /> �µ��'�� �aodifisa�on of amastization of the s�uns sec�u�ed by this Securiry iastru�eat granied by Lenderto sriceessorin'i�cest � —__
<br />,`r��:'•.: � �Y
<br /> .,�.�_:�:_ . 1 of Eorrawer shaII nnt operate to release the liability of the osiginal Hormvrer or Snsma�er's sacc�.ss�s;n iri:t��,�t�c4�c --- - _
<br /> _`�`=�-�� shalf nqt be reqaired to commence proceedia�s agaiASt anyr snccessor in interest qr refase tci extead time for paymCni ar , "" -
<br /> " otherwise modify amottization af the sums secured by this Sesarity Instrument by reason of any demand made by tke ariginal =-
<br /> , Borrower or Barrower's successass in intetes�t. Any farbearance 6y Lender in exercisuig any right or remedy shall nat be a _
<br />_=� ` waiver of or pseclude the exercise of any right or remedy. � � �
<br /> - �
<br /> .� 22. Saccessurs aad EAssigns Bound;doint and Severa!Liahiltty;Co-sfg,aers. 'I4ie wvenants and agreements of this ��
<br /> �.� ��j , Security Instrument shali bmd an�benefrt the saccessors and assig�s of Lender and$orroives,subject to the provisioris of -
<br /> � � paragrapD 1T.Borcower's covenants and agreements shall 6e joint and severa3.Any Horrower who co-s'sgas this Security �
<br /> _�� Instrument 6ut does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrumeni only to mortgage,graat and canvey that __ :_ � "
<br /> — _.--__--- -�lS:'..f°`?.��u c s. c 1h1�ci u`ic icmts trF�tI1S S� ' - - '
<br />' ' s0�:z,+�..�'3 b S �`"�Y arrty inshvine�('ti1 is-narPeisonaItY obF�.'a�ii tv PaY�e smt]�
<br /> .i��.. ' y{6is ecurity Ins�ra,.i:and(c)agre�es that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.,fortsear �
<br /> ' or •�j'�- �ny accommodat�a,-�.;�iiis,regarcl to the temis of this Security L�saument or the Note without that Borrower�s
<br /> •'�ta +��. COf1SCJll. ' '
<br /> , �. 1.oan Q�� i:`c�es;oas�seccrr�d:L�this Security Instrar�.s�;.s subject to a law wl�ictr.sets maximnm toan
<br /> "' ��' charges,and that�x��•;�:-�ai�y:.��ipreted so�at the interesi or ot�er loar.w:�ges collected or to be coIIected in commection �
<br />�.;_r�=�,:�� . ` with�e loara exceed the perm:r:::�.limiu,then: (a)any sach loan charge shall be r�uced by the amount neccssary to reduce
<br /> �- the ch�e to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums already coltected from�orrower which exceeded pemutted limits an'll�e
<br /> ! �'�'- . �funded to Dorrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed uQder the Note or by maldng a
<br />_-''"��' direct payment to Horrower. If u refund mdaces principal.the reductian will be treated as a partial prepayment without any ' .�
<br /> .':�'�:'-• �' - -
<br /> ,r ,: prepayment charge under the Note. �;�o^�
<br /> 14. Notices. My notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security inswment s'-.zll be given by delivering it or by �•�+�s-
<br /> � '��"� ` mai��;�it by first ctass mail nnless applicable law requires use of another method.The a�oli3e shall be directed to the Propetty .��--
<br /> ,�_ ...� ,���
<br /> wr�tBi±�' � Add.-as�ar an other address E�*ower desi ates b rtotice to Lender. An notice t�Cender shaq be °�
<br /> Y �n y y given by first class
<br /> d���_ . , maii[o Leader�s address stated h�ein or any other addness Le��r designates by�otice to 8orrower. Any no6ce pravided for � �1
<br /> __,;%�"�i. in this 5ecurit}r I:��:ment shall be deemed to have been given to Barc�rer or Lender when giveh.as provided in thds �:�--=
<br /> ���'• P�S�Ph• • � • �-�_- -
<br />�fy'�� 15. Cowerai�y G�w; S�rerability. This Security lnsuurr.ent s�C��a:.govemed by fedetal•ia-�.and the law of the � _ �
<br />_��v�?r. jurisdietion in whic�th�Pcc�r�€J;s laeated. In the event that azy provision or clause e�'dzu 5ecurity Instmment or the Nlote �;�'-.� � -
<br /> =���:,, .�.. .
<br /> _�,,�;�n���< ' conflicts with applicable Jaw,ss�:•canflict sha11 not affect other provisions af this Security instrument or the Note which can �_�'.-�=�. '` �' %..
<br /> ,. ...�.z . ,.
<br /> :�s:��:� 6e given effect without the eunflicting provision. Tb this ertd the pravisions of this Securiry lnstrument and the�loie are • �,.�j.•.+:�' .
<br /> %�'���� � . declared to be see�,z.�te. •,_•�
<br /> ' . ..�:<
<br />.i�,.. a . . .
<br /> r,,� `, ,,. 16. Bor�c�r"s Copp. Barrower shall be given one conformed cop��:�the 1Vote and of this Secrs;ty Instrament. '� •• ��. �
<br /> �' . . �7. Transfer of t6e Pro e or a Beneticia!Interest in Borrowe. �f all or an perty y
<br /> `�� y�aart of the Pro or an interest in ,
<br />.,.NCr:'�:�s�. �`. � - --•..
<br /> .'���.`f�.?.' � � ��•. �' • .
<br /> �1�. ' it is�r.iid or bansferred(oi�if a;Gec�eficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferrea a�vi-Ciorrower is not a naturaD on) .'�':�''�
<br />''::�sK��i�:`.-.._ iP�s ;�:�:�:,.�.. . . '
<br /> ';"4'•;yr'���', witha_r I.ender's prIor wriRen a�m:rnt.[.ender may.at its opUon,require:;nmediate�n-xyr..ent in full of all sums secureA by .'�,:.��,�:.�,�., .
<br /> °���••� �- this Secwiry Instm�menL However.this opdon shall not be exercised by Ler,e::r if exercise is prohibited b f `i� "
<br /> f�=.�.:'.: Y edera!law as of .�. .'j;;::
<br />=�;M�,...� , the date of this Security Instrument. � ' °
<br /> =�`r'}`��� If Lende�exe�sises this o hon,Lender shall ve Borrower notice of�xeleration. 75�e norice st;:ll ovide a •. ' • •
<br />---„.�.�„�, P P� pr period of • ° ; . .
<br />_�y��;=�±� not tess than 30 days fmm the date the norice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums se�ured by this ��
<br />�'��A��, � Security Inswmtnt. If Borm�er fails to pay these sums prior to ihe eapiration aF tTt;.s period, Lender may invake any . �
<br /> �=xy�:` t ? remedies permitted by this Securir,�Instrument without further notice or demarcd on Ba�lY4'f.
<br />`""�'�" ' 18. Bosrawer's RIg6t to Reinsfste. If Borrower meets certain conditians, �urrower shall bave the right to have ' ' �
<br />-�'�`��� enfarcement of this Security tnstrumeat discontinued at any time prior to t�te earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as �
<br />-;:�.. � � :
<br /> *�'.�*"T'� Single FamiJy�-Fattnte litae/F}cdAte Mac 11NIFORM WS7'RUl►fEN7'-Unifatm Covenanu 9l4U fpage 4 of 6 page�l , � � . r.
<br /> � . • 'R_
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