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<br />.:..sn.,�7_�s_ . a . ' , . ' . . . -
<br />--`F�s:. _ • � . ' �
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<br /> -� �'i_�t•. - . . ' . - '� . -
<br />� `r 1M1: � .TQB�W�TH ali the imjsmvem�nts now ar he�tier er�cted an the ProF°rtY•and�I3 easements,aPP�• , ---�---
<br /> �` �:�:., aad fuRUes now or hec$�fter a ga:t of the gmpe�tY- All ceplaccments and ad�tioas shall aLso 6e covered by tl�is 3ecvnty � "�' .; , �
<br /> ��`�< , ,' inst�ument All of the foregoiag is refe�red to in this Secatity Instrumeat as the"P��tY•" r`' .
<br /> -^�-;•
<br /> r ="'. - BORFt�YlER COVENr1N�'S d�at Bormsver•is l�wfulty seis�f of the estate hereby canveyed andhas the right to grant F�.
<br /> •-z�•�- �. �d canrey tttte Pra�sry and tt►at the Praperty is aaeacumbered.except for eac�,•+,h•�±+��of�coid Hogower�warrants and .
<br /> t� •
<br /> _ _:�'�,'�� wlfl defen�generalIy the titte to the Pcoperty aa ir�all claims aud�€mands,subject w any�encumbraaces of recor�. _ ..
<br /> � � THIS SF.C[JRFfY INSfiRUIv�NT rnmbines unjfoim covenants for natioaal use aad noa-unifonn caveeanu with �r
<br /> „' - limited variatiaas hy juFiqdictian w�te s u�foim sec,urity iristiumQnt covering mal pmpetty
<br /> �< -.
<br /> i .�, i3NIFORM COVENA�ITS. �Bomawer aad Lender wveaant and agcee ss foutrws: . . . . ' ,
<br /> ,, ;� �.'� . -I. Pa�ment bf�sincipaJE an�fntee�ti PrepaYment sud LatQ C6ar�s. Borcaw�r shaL"pr�uaptly pay when due the :
<br /> �pa a t and latc c es due under the Note. `` � ,
<br /> -�.-'�`�' '� pqnciPal of and interest an the debt evt¢enced by the Note aad apY P�P Y� � � = Y
<br /> � - �t ' 1 \� y�• I�ds for 1�aes aad i*`�� Subject to appliraDle law or w a writtea aaiver by IBnder,Bormwer shsil�pa�to '
<br /> " � � _ _ �,1• ' e o .�,A :r �rp �m�it rhe NTore is mid in full.a stim(_"Fuuds"Z fo;:(a)yeai�y ` � .'3 Y`
<br /> _ ;,.- � � I�c�s���tt� '�~��".�.J.�,�t..s+� TM�_.LA?---• �
<br /> 4t�
<br /> "��'� � � l j:.,�s aad assessments wtnch may atta�n priority uver this Sec�ity Iastn�ment as a liev on the 1'rage�ty;(b)YearlY leasebo�d �.
<br /> ��-� � payments or grnimd ceats on the Property, if airy;(c)Ye�Y 1�a7ard or prapeny inswance premiums: (� YearIY floo� .�� ° Y��-..��,-
<br /> � ��• insmance premiums,�any;(e)Yeaziy mo�tgage insivance psemi�s.if auy:aad(fl�Y�F�le by Boimwet to ,�:`;�h t,
<br /> '�`'`�,;�'�''�' Lender.in accordance with the provisions of DaragraPh 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage insurance piemiums: These ,',.�,� '�,�.� �
<br />-'`�4.�'=��.'� ' items are called"F�mw Items" Lender may,ai apy ame.coIlect a n d hold Fqmds in an amount nat to exceed thc maaun� � ���=f�--
<br /> . .,... � for Borcower's escrow accouat vnder the federal Reat �.j`"` .'�.�-�.._
<br /> aaUanat a lender for a fedecaUy related mortgage loan may� ''F �-- •"�-
<br /> � v�,� • Esmte Settlement Pt�nce��ues Act of 1974 as ameaded from time to 6me,12•U.S.0§26fl1 et seq.("R�SPA"),unless another '.r , �`—`-"_
<br /> '�"'�.'y��^, `__s r-�.����..--
<br /> c�.�:. ,-� �2aw that agplies W the F�nds sets a lesser amoim� If so.Lender may.at any cime,colfect and I�old Funds in an amonnt not to � ,,,:,�.:�
<br /> '.x",r�, exceEd the?�ss�a amonnt. l.ender may estimate the amowt of Fuads due an the basis of ciarent data and teasonab2e �K'�`-=°---
<br /> L `���. -.-,a,� ` --
<br /> �:1�_:_ estimat�s of expendimres of future Fscmc�Items or c�eia+ise in�ce with a�licab�c law. �- - -- ..__,.
<br /> The Fimds s5a11�held ia an insdaatian whose deposits are insm�ed by a fedenil agency.ins�umentatity,ar e�ty [�-_�
<br /> ,• ,i�. � (incIuding Le�der,if Lend�is sucb an insumtion)or in any Fede:al Home�Loan Baak. Lender shall apply die Fuuds to pay T�F-� '' "`°',�a�
<br /> ,;:..�•4;;.�` the Escrow Iteans. [.�ader may no4 charge Borrower for holding and applying the I3mds,annually analyting the escrutiv . r .��-�-�
<br /> �� ..-�� : . �account,er verifyiag the Essmw Items, uWess Lender pays Boaower interest on the Ftrads aad applicable taw pe�nits `�=::.=. ,
<br /> ' '�, . LQnder to make sach a chacge. However.L.ender may cequite Botrower to pay a one-time c�arge for an indepeadent real �
<br /> � ��•�� ' est�te tax re�oiting senrice osed by Lender in connection arith this 1oan,ualess agplicable law provi8es othervrise:.Unless an -'�'�
<br /> 4', ,.'( �
<br /> ������:� .a�nt is utade or app�icabIs iaw requines inter�st to be paid.Lender shall aot be required to pay Horrower any+inie�est or �
<br /> " ,l� y. — -- earnings an t�Fuads.goirower�a�iender may ag�iu�eritiug.uvwco�:.'•,`.a��tcrc�K stss����the£Qrt�.._t.ender= -___-----�'_.�"'f��_�
<br /> "'. shail give to Borrawet,witho�charge,aa annual acconnting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to ttte Funds and the '�,�;��• -
<br /> ' ,. :,;,���.:� putpose far wtuch eaeh debit to the Funds was ma3e. The FS�nds ace p2edged as addirional securiry for alt sams secured by. `'r M
<br /> � �:-.;r• this Secuiity Insuament °�'•
<br /> •,..,;;,; :r;�': If t�°.F�mds held by Lender exceod the amoonts permitted to 6e held by applicable law. Lender shall account to �;�
<br /> ��~�x�;�<•.�� Borro�C�e the excess Funds ia accordaace with the requiremen.v of appli,cable law. If ttte amount of the Fimds fieId bg
<br />--` �-�;r�:f�:!�`� I.ender a,�y cime is not safficient ta pay the Fscrow Items w'�due,Lendes�may so notify Borrower in writiug,and,in -- "`.�_ .
<br />;�i,.�,�"_S:�' • . sach case Horrower�i,�it��pay to Leader the amouru aecessary r��a1ce up�r�eficiency. Borrower sball maEce up the �-
<br /> " s' � ' deficiency in no.mare tiisr�iwelve mom8ly payments.at 1.endeis soIe discc�c4rs. • • -�'�� ��
<br /> �`-'_�trrM.'.� .
<br />--.-F.�•. Upon payment i�:l:ul of aU sums sec�ued by this Secority InsuumenG L.e��er shall prompily refuad to Borro�ver any :��.�;
<br /> -_ ` � '`��=:, . Funds heW by I.ender: If,under paragmph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell!he Property,Leader,prior to the acqnisiaon or �.. � s, ,
<br />�="�'�''•= •`i�,�� sale of the Property,shall apply airy Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sa�e as a credit agaiest We sums � _ -�-
<br /> ���5'�� � secared by this Securiry instiumett� , - `"'
<br />`" �`�' ��,� 3. Appltcatton of Pl�qaients. ITnless applicabte law provides othenvise, al}payments received by I.ender under 1��4:
<br /> �'��=a�����" ed:firs to an re a nt char es due under the Note;ser,ocd,to amounts payab2e under _.�-�!
<br /> �c.�;,,�� A�S�Phs I and 2 shall be applc b Y P P Y� S ,.__... -
<br /> � �� paragraph 2:third.to iaterest due;fonrth.to principal due:and last,to aay late chuges dae under the Note. : ��. �
<br /> ' 4. �argcs; Llens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assess�^.�nts. charges, fines and impositions amibutable to th� , � �{� .
<br /> �`�•-''� property w;i�i may attain prlority ovet this Securlry lnsmimea��r'_�leasehold payments.or g�ound rents,if aay. Boir¢«� ,h'�` ,�.�;���
<br /> ; ;�,:;; $� shall pay tL�se obligadons in the manner provided in patagraph 2,nr.:f not p�id in that manner.Borrower shall pay therQ.an 7•
<br /> r«'�:.,� �:; ' time directly ta the getsan otived paymen� Bomnwer shall pmmptii f�.anis4 to f�.'•der all notices of amounu ro be paid ua�es
<br />'�°�'�'J��;. _ tlus paragraph. If Boraik�s tnakes these payments directly,Borrow�shall p*�:mpdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> �:'' •�, '' •
<br /> '.c.�a.r_ '': ' � . �L.:i�...��. � . .
<br /> :� .• the payments. . . ;�-S - _
<br />�+;;,°";t�.,!�r'� � � Borrower shall promptIy�s��L any lien which has prioritg a�er this Security Instrnment uriless Harrower.(a)agrees •• .`:�'�' '
<br />-����i����� ,� in writing to the payment of c5�iilsli�ati:an secured'¢y the lien m a:�ner acceptable to Leudec;(b)coaeests in gaod faith the • � ,_
<br />- ��'��, lien by,or d�fends against enf�erncct of the lien in.legal proa���which in We Lenders opinion operate to prievent the • , .
<br />- �„�_:% �
<br /> - -"`� ��=�• enfo�ement of the liea;or(c)secures from the holder of the Iten:a agee�:.ut satisfactory to 1.ender subordinadng Ihe lien +�� �� . •_
<br /> '� , � to this Securiry Instrumen� If Lender determines tt�:t any part of ihe Propatt�t:�subject to a lien which may attain priority .
<br /> .ri�. . � ..
<br /> �s`.� ;,,.�~���}, over this Securiry Insm�ment.Lender may give Borrower a nouce identifying 'c:�lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lten or take
<br />___-_�,�;�:,� � one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the�i.vi�of nottce. � '` �
<br /> ,•,.:,:.�,,..
<br /> , ���- 5. Harrrd or Property Insurance. Boaower shall keep tlte improvements now exlsting or hereafter eiected on the � •rig.;l,;•.
<br /> } F„��. property insured against Ioss by fue,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other ha��rds.inclu�g , .
<br /> _;�,_�;��M tloods vr Rooding.for wlrich Lender requires ins�uance. 79�is insurance sitait be maintained in the amounts and for the . :
<br /> _ - a,
<br /> TM{�� . farm 3078 9/90 (pogt 2 oJ6 yogesl ,'
<br />- ��x:Y.! L � �;�r
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