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<br /> .. .
<br /> � , ��' �y�_T� i�'���.�;,�.�'_ '- . - . . - : � --. . -fa9,asr+l�,y. 'a1'.;:3.t a .. _ '�a. _�� �:<...=_ �� -
<br />. .- _-`�' n�. �...._�t��"a3�-._'$At� __��S �� _;3►�. �.t�F� �.,5:_L.`�r � a*�'�i rWti34">.�44 ��ti»Y,. r i:� n a s __. -�_
<br /> _ - � g�� ����� . � � _-__--
<br /> Y , l�TOVdT1�SIFORM C4VENANCS. Boam1cr and Lcndcr�urthet co�ea�at and 3s,�ce a,fol2ow� -- -- --_- -
<br /> ` 1?. Far�i I'a�ac��das� If t�eQder e�quis�immediate Qaymcat e�fuU under psta�erapb Q i.endca�ay invok�the -=-
<br /> u�s -
<br />'_�.� g�n�aFsas anci ony other reresedies pemiitteQ by a�piieat►te taev, i.eader shall be ent�itec!t�colf�r.3 alt expEZtsess ineune�l in ==_—__ .___
<br /> ; , �ursuing•the retnedi,�provided iat t his par,tgra�h!7.in c l�ding.bnt aot Waited ta.t�onabie attomeys°�'ces and cas�of tide
<br />� eeid�r.C� � . � _-=__- -----
<br /> � �•�t�e pdi�af sa�#s�sc�k�tti�_;.c sLaII reterd n'a�tF�ef defs�i tn e.:�is'c,�nt�+d�a Es�.b a���af t�Q � • -=_ -
<br />::, ' �erty is ta�ted an���WB�a�sur�auf�ee�4�e m�aer.pr€.scsib�.DY aPP�t6le i�w to Bu�av�er a�nai to , ----_----
<br />:.� . 4tte uthe�persons prc�rlt�ed by appl�cnb?e[�za Aftcr thr time ceq�Dy appllcu6:�[aw.�r�stec.��e[•!�Hd� e--- -----
<br /> nati�e of sa3e in t8e persoas.ead ta t�e aaanner gn�iDed by og�liwhle t�w Trast�Ritboa�s4e�nn�i o�.Barcow�crs ---
<br />-� � t�U sdI tIfe Prnge�rtp ai pubf�c aucliaa tsr�e Qig,�est la�der at stte time und pia�and tutdes t3se 3er�d�f#�tcd.tn -
<br />:_� , eS��nt�at sate ia oae or rttore�aud I�sny orde�7'eust�d�tt�m� 'H'rusiee mas post�tone sa2c oi aU or.a�y
<br /> � �a.reei�f t�e Qro,�tertX!sy puDiFr anaauac�emca!ut the tisne nud pLue oY ar�Y P���Y�-�d sai� �Lcrtder�r i� • ___-____-_:_:-__:_
<br />;.-� d�iga4�e m�Y P�rbaS¢t�Prai�et4y aE em3t safe. __ --
<br /> Upun rec�i�t a4 payrsreat aY the prboe bid.'I'rasS=e s�ml!de�iver to Itae parc�ser Tr¢.�tee's dca�c�m�yicg the ��^=.W.�__
<br />_ �.a,-iq '�r.xFY;L�i�s 4F�_3�t�'s cl�1 '�^ t��s�ss f��Q4 E�ta�t6 Q%!ss s4ni��s�de Mr�in. �_- -------- --
<br /> -� Trustee�II ag�t9 the psaoe�ds oP thc s�le ta tIze fuidorsIag arder:�(a)to ra!!�sts aad esp�nses oY eserdsU�ttte 'W_Y-----�
<br /> p�a�ei o8�a�i t�e s�Z.insludia�the payraeat egfhs'Frostee's f�arie.�By ia�a�l,aiut to es�d f ivs S'a
<br /> .� �i the prIndp� aruannt oi t�e aaie a! the Hme of the dec[aratdoa oY defaut�tuu� �asombbe aLtor�efs' fees as .
<br /> p�mitSEd by Lasv;(b}W aII sums secured by t�Ls S�y AasOrament;uiid(c)nay estr�t�o tlte peisnn or peYsoas
<br /> '� ��Y e�t�ti�c�t�i� ' � .�� --_- _-
<br />_ - 18. Itearaveyssac� Upon gayamnt of all sums ssnued by this Sazvtiry Instrumen�•l.ender shall requcss Tnest�ca...
<br />�' r�ro¢ivty the Ptopcay afld shall su�nder tf�is�ecurity Instrument znd atl nores ecidencing debt secum�by�t4tis;Seca�ty . `
<br />,:� tr,cm,m��to'E'n�stee. Tcustee shall ceconvey t�te Property vrithout tir-ananty and without.charge t4 the persan ar pe�sans�.
<br /> � tegally en�tted m n. Such persan ar persaas s.hull pay any recordation casts.• _
<br /> .� 19 Sn!►sSmLe 9'�aste� Lender,at irs opuon.maY from time co tun�remny�e T�ustee mmd apgoint a successos trustee ta —
<br />,� ' any Tnistee ap�ointed heraund�. 9lrithout�onveyance of�e Pcoperty,the su�ressns uustc�shall sncaeed Co aIl sht tiU�
<br />-� � p��r and duties confeired apon Trastec 6erein und by applic�ble law.
<br /> �;:# � 20 Requc�ioz Noi�es Boironer requesrs that capies of the notices of defauiE and saIe 6e sent to Bor�owe�'s address ,
<br />':=� wtuch is the Pruperry Address. ` . _
<br />"=:.;; Rid�r.s to tt�s S�Yy Ias�r�nseat If oae os in�re ridets aze eaec�ted by Barro:ver and recarded togeit�er with this �.'� -
<br />' ..� ;.&eruriry Insuumerit, the wvenant�of each sucA �i�Et �tall bs incotporated inaa and shall amend and saFpi�ment the _
<br /> covenants and agreetr.em�of this Securiry Instnunens as if the rider(s)were in a p�t of this Security Ias�t� (Check �.
<br /> _� . appticabte box(es)j. . ----
<br /> �=s•
<br /> �_ -
<br /> .� �Coadominium Rider . • �Graduated Paymcnt Rides �Growi�g Eq�tity Rider ��_
<br /> _..---- --
<br /> -:: - _.-- - -=-- - _
<br /> . ._-- ---- •- -. _ - -- -- - �
<br /> -- - - - .._
<br /> - •- ---
<br /> �Flanned llnit Deu etopment Rider �Other[Specify� . :� �
<br />- . . . . ,
<br />•�� . BY SIGNIIvG BF�AtV, Borrower 2az�yts and agrees to the teims contained in pages l throngh 4 of this Security� �,
<br />-'��h Iasaument and in any rider(s)execvted by Brzawer and recorded witb it , . � .
<br /> :� • �
<br />'�� Wimrsses:
<br />�.L�• �a"'T A. �! (Seal)
<br />=%]� ,, Q��( S �� Borrower ,��:
<br /> � , . (Seal) :.�.j �s'",�?°`
<br /> -..� Borroe�er �r�(�v.ar=�"`-- —-
<br /> ?� . OE68RAH S SQ�IM'P ;:�;ri�vrix�r;-.
<br /> ����,�f�"�':-
<br /> __ (Seal) ---_ -_
<br /> ,�Ry _ ' _ ' _ ' _ . . � . BOfIOWCf _ ':��".�,�.��
<br /> �4�-c� - ' _. . - �$P.Bj) �j..`Y _ ���L".
<br /> Baao�ccr �i:•'`' ��
<br /> ':_. � . .. •�' ' . •
<br />� � STA7E OF NEBRASKA. NALL " . lr'r..:a�ty ss: . . , . `. .
<br /> . .:.,� :
<br />,_� � On this 7t!'f day of Apri 1, 8395 ,before me,the undersigned.a Nota�� ' ' •
<br />_= Public duly caaimissiancd and qualifccd for said county,personally cac� ' �
<br /> v� CC3A�Y.S SQ�A�'P AND DEBOitAH S SCQ�UiS'i� H1158Al� � W 1 FE " ' •-, ,.�
<br /> < ,to mc knc��n to bc the • • � _
<br /> -= idenrical person(s)whosc rtame(s)are subsrribed to the foregoing inswment and acknowledged the execupan:+.fi°rtof to be �� • . '
<br /> = thair' volunrary act and doed. � �'
<br /> .�.
<br /> _- Wimess.rr.ay..t�ar,i And notarial seal at aRAi� 1 SLAt� , �, , in haid county.the _ � ,.f,",:i;,�.
<br />--= date aforesai�t..,i , . .
<br /> ,� • My Commisc�itxi�aupups: • 1 '" "' , '`' S � , .
<br />"�•° R i!!�I� i�E� lvoiary Pu61ic
<br />''� . � � !6l'a� ..
<br /> �� ROBEF3T�44 REFO ° �
<br />.,�� -_ lyGmn�Ex�1�34.19� REQUFSTFOR RECONVEYAIUCE .-_�._ .. ,-
<br /> :-:� 'Che uarlersigied is the holder of the note ar notes secured by this Deed of Trust Said note or rtotes,together with al1 � � �
<br /> other indebtedne�seeured by this Deed of Trust,�have been paid in full. You are hemby clirected tn cancel saiJ note or notes
<br /> �� aad this Dced of T�ust�vhirh are,deLcered hcteby,and to recanvey.without�varranry,all thc es4�te no�v hcld by you under � � . �
<br /> ` ' this Deed of Trust to the persan or persons�legally entidcd thcreto. • �
<br /> Daie: . • . : •
<br /> . . . .. -_. �t _�_
<br /> �r��c�e�sdoUee.a� � :
<br />