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<br /> �H�sar�ots�Ma�T�usfor s�a1!ke�tha Prcyerty ia car,iplisnc�r;rIUlBti app11ea61a ta�rs.orainatscg�eisd e�iattona ` y� _�� -_v-
<br /> �e�n9 to�ndvstrtal hyptet�e ar emtronrasn�t protecllon(cs'.fecttvqty referrct�to heretn aa"Et►vJmnmortaf taxe"�Y�tar s�al1 —_�-�..�---_-_--
<br /> KseptftePrope�freeframat)subsanc�sdesinedtobehazardau$artoxicunderanyEnvlronmenfaltsw9(cclte�tiv�i�f�eferr�to ,. F�:;�y-r.�:=�_.-_.
<br /> . herein as"Hazasdcus[iRat�riats'?.Thcstor Rer�y v�rerrenb and reDrese�ta LeAder ttrat Utare afe no Ft�daas Matertus on ar •�.:�,--°"`�`.
<br /> , under�isFraABrty.Tmstorha totndsmnt andh�.dharmtessLestQer,itsdtrnctars.ofRcer�emDtoyee ege�anQ ' -,�ts:��y�-�_��
<br /> ��� �y ► sand
<br /> . �any successors 4c Lertdsfa intQresL tram and egatn�i er�7►snd e!I ctatms�4amages,toases an�IiabUittas aNsinp in�ratecHon wttti ���; °
<br /> m�
<br /> !he preseaca.us�dfsposal ar trans�ort of any FTetardous M,ateriats on.unBer.from ar 8�out the,PtoyBily.TH FOREQO;Aid �•� 3,�S
<br /> � xa:-'
<br /> S!lRVNE�E('AI31/EY�l4Y�E Of TIitS D£E�CF 1Rit5T. _ ,- • A � _� -
<br /> � tO.Assi�uMa�dR�fb.Trt�storherebyasslgastotendarthererAS.EssuesandprofltsoftRaPragerty.pravidedtltatTi�sicr '��.�--a�y •-
<br /> shat�.irrt6lBieaa�euneRCeat�n�va�totQefaul�hereunder,havethedgAttocoitectandretainsuchrent�tssussandprofi�aatt�e�� .�-.��'Y=
<br /> become du�and payabla Upon the occurreno9 of an Event ot Detau1;L�nder may.eflher in person ar by eger�.witA or�iNo�t. ____-_______°
<br /> bringing any action cr proceedin�.or tiy a receivsr appoisrted�y e court and�tho�t regard t�the adesls+acy of�secudr�o�t�r = ---_ ---
<br /> _i�lsanamDE�.ke�ossesstanaStheR�erry.orerrypartthsrenL�nitsownnam�orin8tanameWtlteTrustee.anddoarnracls�Alc!►it _---- --______---
<br /> deerrtaa�c�e^'saryord�teTopresetvetYievatus.merTCe�tmyar�ei�bititq�ith�rraperty.-ormrypartmarer�urirtber�sii�� � - -----_--
<br /> inccease the[ncome therefr6m or proteci th�s¢ctrrity hereof ant�with or�aithout ffiking passes��ton ot ttie Proloerty.sue.far.qr -- -__-
<br /> oiher�ise coileCt tRe�ents,tssues and profits thereoF.ieciud€ng those past due and anpai�and appty the sam�teas costs and __
<br /> expgnsa�o!operaSon and col?ectIon irtclading atoornsys teea upon asry indebtedaess secured hereby.ail tn sucfi orde►ae Lendor = -
<br /> ' msy<lete�mirt�The enteriag upon and ffik�rtg poss8s3ton oi tha PropaRy,the ccltecHon ot such renta.t�sues end pfotits and the -- ---- --
<br /> apPU�����ffioresatd,shalf no!curo or�raive arry detautt ar notice of d..�fault hereunder ar invaltdate arry acYdone in -____
<br /> . resposrsetpsucE�de�ault�rpursuanttosuchncflceatdsiauttendnotwt6�standtn9ffiecar►tinuancelnpossess2onofthePraperlyar
<br /> Me c�7Se�Ea�L PecatAt and aDDifqtion of rents,i�tes or profit�a�d Trustee and Lea�r sha11 be errtitled to exerGse every nght =---
<br /> proicSa�dta�ice�otthetoanOawmeataa�(��tawuponoccumenceotarryEvairtoi0ataw't�inelJdfngwithoutlimtLatIenfha�ightto .. — -
<br /> exett�5ettte�an�r of saie.W rther;len�r's�hts and ramedi�undet this par8gr�ph shafi he cumutatIve witn.eit;!in no way e --
<br /> �''_�..
<br /> Ui�it�aer�cn.Len6efarigi�isandrertec}iesuFlQer&r.yessl3�nesttattsas�amir^o,�r:.:,ar�:.g:t�lticsRroQeety.l.er.�3r.F � .�_- ��-
<br /> ario�r�cehrer shatf ea Ratre to accourn oNy.masa rents a�aliy rec�;vea.
<br /> "'11r.Evants ai A�fntR The totlowing shali wnsUtut�ae��er�t af Oefautt under this Q�d ot Tmst �
<br /> -.. (a)Fatture to pay anyl Instaitmerrt oi pdncipal or ir,:r�sst o!any other sum secure�t hereby when du� _-
<br /> (b)ADteactaotardetaultunderarry�eovisioncornainedintheHote,tt�isDeedotTrus�anyoititeloanQocuments,orany
<br /> other lien or er�izar.brance upon the PrapeRlr. . , --
<br /> (c).Awr;2ofexeeuUonoraltacl�snen�acarsyatmilarprocessshaUtssenteredegalnstTrustorwhichohaSlt�ec;oms,elienmp.;, , �.-
<br /> me Propsrty or arry portion thereot or in2�;e�t t�erein: ,• � ��• ��`�`� -
<br /> __ _ _._. ...(�_There shall 6e filadby 0�8gainsi lrustor or Borro+r�er en action under�ln�present or futura fede►al,staie or othBr ,� --
<br /> . slatute,law or regutatbn retaUng to bankruptdy,insoTvency ar oBter rerreT.ior�1�&��rmere shatt 0a apyoirrtafianY tr�s�-� �- �,,, __ — =-
<br /> receiveror�.',qr.JdatorofTrustororBoRO�rerorolalioranypartotthet�ri�arty�orSE�ac�.(ssuasorprofitsffier89of,orTrustor �._ _ ..,,:
<br /> or Borrovr�r.�aU make any genera!asstg��ant tar the benefit ut ccr�li�.^� ' ' '� ! .r-
<br />- (e�The,safo.transfar.lease,assigturrt�P::conveyanCa or further�en�mbrance of ali or any part af or any interest in the'`;� • �',
<br />` properry,either veluntarity or.invotuntatit�C,tir,lhou!the express written consgnt o1 lender.�pravided that Tn�sLar shall�e •:,�
<br />� parmftt�dtoexecutealease ofthePrope[ty.��`atQoesr,'�2confainanopUontopurch�aandthetermotwhicbdor,�etotexceed �
<br /> ` ..c�ne year,' � . ��
<br />`=� (�Abandonment of.the Property;or. �
<br /> , (g)IfTr,�icNsnotanlndivitluat,titai:�uance,sai�transter.assignment,convsyanceorencumbrartceotmorethana4otal --
<br /> of.�—..t�cent ai(tt a corporatlon)it9 issued end outsta�ding stock or(if a partr�ership)a total ot percen4 ot ' ��
<br /> p8rtr�arshtp irJarrests durL.r�4he pertod thia Deed ot Trust remains a lien on the Property. i*
<br /> 12.Remedie��aeekra�GG.�on D�fa�1L(n the sverrt af any Event of�efaWt Lender may.without rtoilce exceptas reqttired by _
<br /> law,declare a;t�ndebtedness&�ured hareby to be Qua eRd payabte antf the same shatl thereupon become due and payable ;,,,,.a,,,;�_ ��
<br />_ without as�y p�trnent Qemanfl,protest or nouce ot arry kind.Thereafter Lender may. � .',�_.
<br />- (ay Ra�d tha4 Trustea exorc�se t�e POWER OF SALE granted heretn,and Tiustee shall thereaRar cause Trustora �:�<,4.,: ,�:-<:,..�.
<br />= tnterest in the Property to be sotd and the proceeds to be distributed,all 1n the manner provi�ed in�fta Nobraska TNSt DeeQe . :.�:••�"-""' "
<br /> . A� _ �:i::.�__—
<br />_ (b)ExerciseanyandailrightsprovldedforinenyelrhaLoan�ocumentaor�y[atuuponoccurrenceoteny�ventofOefautx � � .•��,�.�---�-
<br /> • 'Stld ' ' r-��,iig;s'r�._=°_
<br />- (cj Commenceanactiontoforeclosethi�0eedolTYvstasamort e.e intareceiver.ors9ecMicalt enforcean otthe , . �•:F+�=-__ �r
<br /> gag Pp+� Y Y �G�`-=
<br /> cavenants hereoL • . • � t.,�-�!' �,��_
<br />` No remedy herein wnteRed upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Infl�ded to be exctusiva ot�r�cther remedy herein,in thB `. � :
<br />= Loan Oocuments ar by taw provtded or permitted.but eacA shall be cur���:ve,shaq�e in.zr�'u:�on to every other remedy ghren ` �.��f+«<.y' `. ''_�;�._._
<br /> y•.itf•:l Si75:�u��,:+`�-
<br />- hereunder.intheLoanOocumenbornoworhereafterexistingatfaworinequityarey�.r�:o�sdmaybeexercisedconcurrentty. � •=:;�:., _�,,,�,,;
<br />- independenUy or successlvely. . : `'�''°".'-"ci::.���-'�
<br />- 93.Tn�is�Ths Trustea may resign at any tlme without cause,artd i,ender may at aayr Ume and wlthaut causa appolnt a .Y�•
<br />- successoror�l�tt`LSuteTrustee.truateeshallnotbeliabtetoenypaAy.irezl�cudingwiihoutUmitaUOnlender,Bonower,Trustorora�y '" �`.'
<br /> purchaser ot tCtc�R�operty.forany loss or damage untess due to recktess m�wiiiful misconducL and shail rtot Ee requ ire�to t a ko sr}p . • . � ..�,',' :.'
<br />- acUon in connecUOn witA the entorcement ot tbte Oeed of Trust unless lndemnifiod,fn wrlting,tor ell costs,compensatton nr ,�,�;?�.� .
<br />- expenses which anay be assoclated therewtth.In addition,Trusteo may bacome e purchaser at any sale o1 tha Prog�(judicial or : •� �• .
<br />= un�er the power o!itate granted hersiny;postpo�e the eaie of all or any ponlon ot the Property,as provided by faaa;or se11 tne r��•
<br />- PropeRy as e�hp1�or In separate parceta or lots at Trustee's discreUon. �'�`'' � � •
<br /> � t4.F�t�d+f�nN�.In the event Trustee selts the Property by exetclse o1 power of salo.T�uSLro Esh�ll be enUUed to s�ply . . '..;ti'>;
<br /> erry eale proce�cdl�Trat to payment ot ait ec�L�and expensee o}axere153ivg���awer ot aa1e,Mclu ding a I l Frustee s tees,�n d L en d e t� � � � ''•�r����`;�
<br /> andTrustae's21'r.tney�stees.actuaityinc��rr�dtooxtentpermittedEyepplicaDtelaw.Intheeverrt8orrowerorTrustorexercises2ay � � . '�`���
<br />= right provtdad by taw to cure an Event ot Oefaul�Lender sfiail be entlUerS to recover trom Trustor ail cosb and expenses actu&IP� . � � . :
<br /> incurred es a�esult of T�us;ar�a Cofault inctudfng without timitatfon all 7ruat�eee's and attomey's tees,to the extent permitied by ;,��. �.
<br />, eAPitcahlo taw. :r��.-.,:�. •
<br />= 15.Fu�ura AdvB[e�s.Upon�eque53 c�Borrower,Lender may,at ft�o�ilon,meke eddiUonal and future advances artA ra- ..
<br /> advancestoQ�srC:�er.SacAadvaacesert�rcadvar�ces.withlnteresttherebn�shallbesecuredbythis�esdofTrustAtnoGmeshatt ` • . '
<br />= thaprinaipalatct�auntolthelnQeDtednesssECUredDythls0eedpfTrustn 190 08�.00 g8ay����protecttiteseauriryofthia • .
<br />- Decd ot Trust excaed th�original pdncipal gmount stated herein,or� ,whichevev ia greater. ' • • . �
<br />= � 16.MNcNt�it�ous Rro�Hlatts. ' —�- - -�
<br /> Y
<br /> (�B�owN lYo!RNlsipl0.Fx[ension of tfio ume for psymerrt or mo�ii�siion oi amcrtimtion oi the sums securoq Dy mis . . . .
<br />'_ DaadotTrusigr4ntcdbylertderto8nysuccessorininteresto}Borrowerehaflnotoperatetorelease,in�rrymannpr.the8abllity • '
<br /> ottfie originat Borrowerand Borrawer'ssucce�ors tn tnterest lender shall not ha requiredta commenco proeaeding�against . .•
<br />- suchsuCCessororretusetoextendUmetorpaymenEOrotherwisemodityamort�aUonotthasumsseCUredbythis0eedofT�ust • •
<br /> � by teason oi any demands made by tfle ortgtnal Borrowet and Borrower's successors in Uterast � � , ..
<br />- (b)L�fd��Paw�t�.Withaut aftr�cting the Iiabiiiry o}any other person liabte tor the payment of any oDtigadion hereln .
<br /> � mentioned,and withoataf[ectingtA�iien or charge of.thls 0eed of Trust upan eny portlon of the PropaRy notthan ortharetotore •
<br />- reteasedassecuri.ytorthe(t�llemounto9�Il�anpaldo011getions,Lendermay,iromtlmetoUmean4withautrtoUoe(i)releassany '
<br />- 'perso�nsoliable.(if)extendthematuri4yoralterarryoftAetermsofanysuchobtigutions,(ui)grantotherindufgences,(hr)reiease • .
<br />� �r�QF c?��&e to De r9tt��Or re�envoyeA�t Etny timo at Lendel's opt�on at►�QarceL qortion et 8N Ot th0 P�008tty. � � �
<br /> _ -_�_.�,�_�_.-.__-
<br /> (�take o►rel�ase any othsr or addiUonal securiry for any aDpgation herein menUoned,or(di)mako composiUons or other .
<br /> - s.mu�gameats witi�debtors in�etaUon theroto. • . .
<br /> . , . '
<br /> . � 5 ti.� ' • . '
<br />