• � . 't" �- , s . . q Ci . . .. .,ccr... &_ �' _. . . . _ --'—'i.." —; ,.. ,.
<br /> - •' '..- : �.�- . �. ' .S . � � . ' .y ' � ,-t'p<^ ' , j. '� ; . .y E..
<br /> If � � ., , , f �. _ _ . ,- � "fa 1
<br /> ,\` ' - r� t_ .. '� � . . ` '� .. ... ' "�� `i' •a.. '- '. . � `�` <� .c.
<br /> -n'. S . .. . r: �f``'
<br />. o•r -e; — `'i f,��:l , , . J:` t ....�r . . '� �' , ' "
<br />. `� . . . • .. f. , , . . . . __
<br /> � ' . . � �y . - _
<br /> :�` �a. �; _ � 1��� . , c.—
<br /> R - . �� .---" ` _
<br /> �.����"•;"�. ,,L' �-,�: 9�i#atae�k.�w fd�IR T�ior sRait kes,p the ProAartY in comptianae with aU aQDlieabie Iati�ardinanr.�s artd regulattona r ,<.: , . - _
<br /> -- � rttatin8 ta inQustrial hygtena or esvironmentat pcatect[an(caite�ttvefy reterced to herein as"�EnvtrcntneMal laws"�7n�tar s�all ` ' '�``• ' ` . -
<br /> ". . � �tAt�P�o�eRytresirams!lsub.�ffisteesdeemedtabsAarardousostoxtcunderartyEr►v(ronmentalLaws(callectIv�tyreterr�dto r :,.
<br /> . , hese€n a9°Ftszat�daus P�atetia�a'�.7tu�trfr Aerehy warranb end csDresenffi to Lendat that there er8 nO MBZardou9 M�iBrtaLs ofl ar . • , �_
<br /> t � underthePto�ertyTncstorPter�yagresstoindemnifytandholah8rmtesstender.ftsdirecbrs.oHicors.emAfoY�e98ndag2nS'��ttd ; ;-
<br /> a�r successors to tendefs in�rest tcam an4 egalast enf►en0 Wt ctafm.a�Sa�tosses and IiaDi[�Ies arising tn eann$�ttar►witA ���
<br /> itI
<br />. ' ' . , tt�e presenae uye dIsposai or transpnK af any Ha�rQaus M�teriats an.undar.from or aDo�ct ttte'PrcBerty.4HE FOAEQCtNA � : "�``
<br /> . • ��
<br /> . :`° °`. � vw1�RANTiESIt4HDftB=R�B�RATiOAiS.ANmTla!)StOR'S09lIt3A7[O1�,SPURSUAP[TTOTHEFOREGQIAtfi[NDE7ANf7Y.SHALL . -�-
<br /> .~`-�,� t0.!��a!Re�.�n�tat hereby asstgns to Lend�r the rents.issues artd prottis a1 the Proyerty:provtd$d tttat 7�tot '; , ` ..� _
<br /> . ,- ` st�ti.un�ithsaceurrencaolanChreniatCefaulthereunder.havafharight�colteCtar�dretainsuchceaLs,issuesandprafitsastRa� .. -
<br /> :=J,;_ ..� ' become due 8nd pay2bIs.6tpan the occurrence of an E vsnt o f D e i su i b L en Q er ma y.aither in person ar by 8gen1,w(th ar�rithout * _. _ • ' _
<br /> - - Y -.. l�ri�.ging auy e�Inn or prace�in�ar by a�eceiver appointed by a court and v�ritheut regard to tne adsqusey a!its seciuity.er�ter r's.
<br /> � � . ` - . uQanandtai�e�*of'u`�e�vi���*��ii��"�����=.^.r���:.�e�.►�mw.+ttnwTru.steaenddnamacc�wis�ttit _ - �
<br /> �, s. • deemsaeoessary►ardesirast@topreservetflevalu��narkatabit�'tyorrer�bll�tyofNeP�operty.oranypartthereotorinffices!ffieretn. .
<br /> �.,- �� � �.t inereassths incame ft�erefrcm or pratectlhe sewrit�►hereot an�with ar withaut mkJng possssston af tAe Property.aae for or �+•,� 4'� ..� ': �
<br /> ottierw`�se caitect the rer�.issu�s and prafrls thereof,induding ttrose pa.st due ana unpaid.and ap�ty ths same.tess east�end
<br /> eYpenses p�I oper8tton and coSteetIoa inciuding aHOmeys'tees,upon any�rtdabtEdness secured ha�eby ai�in suc4�oNeras Lertder , � - �_r r� -°
<br /> . e s .,�,�
<br /> � � � may detzrmirta Tha enteting upon and fai�ing possesslon of tt[e Pro�erty.the coltecHan of such r8a�.iss�es anQ prafiL9 and the . . �;,`�.x- -.--
<br /> -- apptication thereot�s afo�d.shatf not cure or wa�ve arry dafauit or aQitoa ot defautt h�:�nder or imral#�a erry ss:t done in �,". : �,�_-�_. -�-
<br /> -- s r25ponseto&uChdefaultorpursuanttosuehnaticeoiQefaultand.norixithsta�fdingthecerttirteranceinposeess��noftheFropeetyor �. :_••=���_�--
<br /> th�cafIectlon.recetpt end eApilraUon of rents.issuss or pmfits.ead Tnistee 2red LertQer st�ali he er�tiBeO.to exercisa�cery d�ct <<j.;1:;:�'1�y_-=
<br /> -- . ' ` .� • praridedfarinarryoft3�,aLaanDocumentsaDytswuponatx�rres►oeofanyC-�tofQefast�incWdingwithuutlimItettanttterfghttA .�..L�,��.�_�-
<br /> -,- ;-,�L-�� . ��ks ths po�r of s2.te.Fr2�er,l.Rncleds n'�ts and PemedIas under this psragraph shalt t�e cumutative with.and ln no way a '�� • � :-.�-�� ._--
<br /> : t . .._
<br /> ' . . • Gcnfi�flonon.lenQe�sdghisandre�tadiesunRerei►Y�sISeanentoileasesand�LS�ecor�edag3finsitireProDem►•1�e�.�tt�2ae
<br /> . .� !�T-_.=..===--
<br /> • • end the�iver sAai9 he IiaDte to scoount ony thass�actuaiN necehr�. '._,� _-_---
<br /> ' ' • 11. E�tb o!prtau�.Tha taftowing snall aonstltute an E�►t at Oeta;ilt under Mis Qeed o!Trust ��
<br /> � � .� • {a) Eailure�Pall�Y insffiIlrneat ot p�irtcipal ar inffirest of arry o2t�er sum secureA here0y when Gae; �_-_--.---- -
<br /> � �� � (b) Abteachafordsfguitundetarrypra�"soncentalnedintheNote,this0eedotTnist,atryoltheLeanOocument9.orarry -.°�'�^=�--
<br /> . . , . . �k.,� _�
<br /> - • ..' ,. _..,,,. V 0�2T 1.2110f$tiGtiltl6l8l144li�Q111T19 PtOpBRy; '��
<br /> �_- _-T
<br /> (c)Awritotexecutionorattachmentoranyaimttarproeess�shailbeenteredegainStTruatarwfilchat�all�o�rteatlesraa� �
<br /> es
<br /> � the Praperty or amt poRion thereot or interest theretn:
<br /> - - - - - - -- {nT=nam�sii8ii�n itsc�i$'+y vt ag3�w"'►Tii3SE�t3t�[���8R Ae:fiAA�F4�2Ln�t asA.SB[K 6i iLL2U[9 t8d@l8I.Sffi�-Qf-4� _ _ y�,�i�
<br /> � �•�• � s�te.taw or�gutatton retsttng to bankruptcyt.Insolvon�y or other�elig'P tar debiar�es there shaU be appah►2ed anY truSL�e: [ ,.��,-� _-
<br /> �ecetver or IlquEzF�tor ot TrusW ror BoRawer or oiafi or any paR oithe Rra�I.or the�ents.iss�es or praftb thereaf.orTra�tor � -- �-=�
<br /> �• . ' or Borrower sh2ff make a�ry general asstgnmen2 tor the bsnefit of credi0�cs �`
<br /> '' {e)TRe�sat�transter.lease.essignmerti conireyance or further encumbrance at all or any paR of ar arry interest In th� , }� �.�.
<br /> . Pra�eRy,either volunffi�ii�o r i n v o f u n ffi r i ly,w i t h o u t t h o�c p r e s s w ri i d en cansent of lender.provided that Tnutar�itefl Qe =_
<br /> ' ' ,�. �mi�edqpexecutealeasa ottheProDerty�3tdoasnatc�a�tainanopUontopurchaseandthetermotwhicbda�c�tex�eed
<br /> one year:' . "���
<br /> , (�pbartdonment of the Property,or ,, . _ �L.
<br /> � .. � . (g) (fTrustarianatanindividual,theEs�u¢�ae.sat�b'an�ler,assIgnmenLcomeyanceorencumbrartceofmorethanatatal __
<br /> � o��—parceot of(if a�rRaraUon)i4s Issued and outstanding stock or(it a partrterehip)a tatal ot percent ot �;%
<br /> r
<br /> . � pffitnership irrterests during tne pertod this Oeed o!Trust rematna a Iten on the Propercy. ; it'
<br /> . �a, q�n�dt�Asat�ti4lpn Upon Q�huH.tn the event o!arry Event ot Oetault Lender may.wltttout naUce exCept as cequired tiy •�Y
<br /> h
<br /> ' � � • � law.deciare ali ind�mnesA secured here�y tD,be duo an0 payabte and the same shaiS thereupon become dua and payabie ��•�
<br /> � � � wltt�oat any prosenimeris:demand,protest or natl.e of er►y Wrtd Thereafter lc�dev may. ;f
<br /> � ' � (a) pemasrd:t�tat Tru�tee ex�rcise ttera�1°a'UVER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shal{tnereaf�r eause T�ustors � _� ,-�_-
<br /> ttt -
<br /> - � Ir�„st In the F�apeRy to be�vJd and thg pcaCaeAs to to alistributed.e0 in the manner pravtded in the Nebrasica Trsrst Oeeds -- _--
<br /> ` � �. • . .. ��. . .�_�
<br /> . . tb) ExerareanY�da��'.3�p���rinarryottAeLOanQxumerrtsarbylawu;.onoccurreROeofarryE�trst6f08taal� �;��µ-�-�--.
<br /> • - ' :.•�t.', �� ' . • -
<br /> • � (c) Corr.mr'x�seanac�ontotorecto�tlTlaDoedotTrustasemartgaga.appointareceiver,orspeciiic�:yentorceamrolthe �:_:��n==_�___
<br /> • � � ' covenanis hec�af. �.-� � � -
<br /> : . � �;.��� . � No�edy herein cbnferreA upon es resenretl to Trustee or Lender is In4ended to be exCtusive of any other�emedy herein,t�n . .�� ���
<br /> Loan Documents or Oy taw prav[�au permi8ed.but each sha11 be cumutative,sha11 be in adaition to every ather remedy 9 q r���
<br /> � � hereur+tter.intheL!Can�oaumerASaznaworhereafterexisUngallaworinequityorbysta�te,anamayb9exeaise0ccncumeeU1l. •. ,��__.
<br /> , irtdependontty er�er�oesshrety. • • ..
<br /> 13.TrustN.'�<A Tivatee mey reslgn at anyr.Umo without cause.and Le�der may at arry Ume an0 without cause appofnt a .. "�,�,A"'��
<br /> successororsub�`u'�2eTrusiee.TrusteeshalfnatbeliabtewerrypaRY.indudln�x�houtlimitatlonLend�Borrower.Trustororeny � .
<br /> �� • purclsaser af ttte Property.(or any loss or damage unless due to recktess or wii:7ui tr!scoaCucL and shatl rtotde requirea to teke arry ;���h�
<br /> ' �' ae�ca�in eonnection with the entorcement ot this Dee�of Trust unless indemnlfled,in wrlUag,far all Co9ts,cempensaUOn or • � .
<br />- • e�nses which may be associated therevdtb.In adCiUon.Trustes may become a purchaser at arry sate oi the PrapectyQUdlcial or . . .
<br /> �� � • � under the power ot sate granted hereinp,postgone th9 sale ot all or any poRion of the Property.as provtded try la�;ar setl the • • � •
<br /> F.. � ,•�. . Propeety ae a whm,�or In separate parcote or[aL9 at Trustee s discra�on. .
<br /> 14.F�u and�n�.�n the eveM Trus�e sells the ProAenf►by exerctsa of power o!eate.Trustee shaU be eritttted to epAH
<br /> u
<br /> any sale proceeds fi►st to paymene o!aN coab and expenses o!exercising pawer af sale,includtng all Trustee s tee�.and Lendera ,
<br /> � � endTrusteesattorneyatae�,actualtyineurredtoextentpermittadbyappfieabtelaw.Intheevent8oaowerorTrustorexeeciseeany . .
<br /> �, • . . rigbt provtded by law to curo en Evon!ot Oetautt I.ender shall be enUUed to recavor trom TrusWr all cosm and expennes aatualty :.
<br /> � . , . , InCUrred as e rosult of TnrstoPs detauf�inctuding without limitatlon all Trustee9 and attomeys fc�s.to the extent gmnitted by
<br /> � � �':;.- f�ppitca�te f$w. ..
<br /> 15.Futur�Advane�s.UPen re�uest o!Borrower.Lender may.at ifs option.make addiUonal and tutura edvences and ra-
<br /> • � �� advances to Bortower.Such advances and readvartcas.with interest thereon,shall be secured by t�is Oeed of Trust At no time aha11 :
<br /> - ' � � � tho�rinclpalamoimtofthetnaeOLednesssecuredbythls0eedotTrustn�i�tu�din g�sumsadvaacedto0rotaclthosecudtyofthis .
<br /> •-� � • Oeed ot Trus't ouceed Me original pflneip�l amoaM stated herein.or S� �-- �ichever is greater.
<br /> _- - t6.�/rcl�.i�,i;. ,=_� . T-
<br /> �� • (a)Barta�e►K Mot R�ha�Q.F.xtansion af the Ume tor payment or modificaUon o1 amortizeUOn ot the sums secured by thls .:ti �� •
<br /> � OoadatTrustgranL..�dbyLsndartoanysuccsssorinintereslotliarrawershailnotoperateto�etease.lnanymanner.tholiablltfy . � . •
<br /> ' ottha artginal�nower and 6orrowePs seccessors in Intarest LenGters4�atl notbe required to cammence proceedings against .
<br /> � sachtsuece�sororretusetoe�RendtimetorpgymentorotnemisomodiyemortizaUonofthasumssecuredbylhisDeedofTrust
<br />— � � by reason ot any damands made by Ihe criglnal Borrower and BonowePa successors in intarest •
<br /> � ' (b)Lendu'o�awfea.Wi4ROU!ef(Qeting tho liabitiry of any other por�on liable for tha payment ot any obtlgatlon heretn � ..� . •
<br /> aw
<br /> � monttoned.anO without etfecting th0 fian or eharga of thls Desd of Trust upon any portion of the Praperry not thon ar theretotore ,
<br /> = reteased as s�auriry tor thb tu0 amount o1 n11 uapaia obitgaUon�,Lertdar mny,tramtimetotimeand withoutrtotico(if refease any f
<br /> � _ .__ _ _ � ppr5pnso1labie.pi)eztend4homari�riryorultetanyolthotormsotanysucAObtigations.(ili)grantatherindutgances,li�reteass tI
<br /> -_ ' , � . t t omr or CauSO t0 R8�Ai�'dSGO Oi recanvsyed at HR!►�►ma si�EfrcGi�r'9�tia�i a���ot e!!Q!i�3 Pto#'�7• L--=—=--==-.----
<br /> O ac s�r. �
<br /> ;� . �.� (v)ttUce or refea3o 8ny othar ar eddidortal sscwiry br any oblipntian heretn mentiorted.or(vi)make casrrpositions ar o"tlt8r
<br /> • � . arrengsrru�nb rvit�doffiors in rofo8on tneroto. . �
<br /> . . . l. � . .
<br /> . � � , j _ .
<br /> 1. , ;...�., .. '
<br />��.' • ' . .
<br />