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<br /> � S.�rd mr P,e�erty �e.�r3o�rbv��sSs�Ii k� t&� I������.�i�g�a���cr ei�.t�w c��,- : _
<br /> ?�a�:3��tn..�a,;�in�!a��,��t'ir,�i�lc�"c�athin the t�"eat�`asYexa�"e�x3 a�r_a�.I�s�t�`ttt�. €�.iutli� ��.�� --
<br /> �oods ar d���,ding.f�r w�6icA,f.c.�cr tcytiires€ru�sr�+�cc.Tt+.is ins�r�n��s�lt.be�asai�ra�+d in�t�aa�atu;tis a�for it�pesi�s�; "`
<br /> . cl�i L.�nsl:�reqaires. 'i't�,insut�unre c'�ic�pta;rtd�r.g th�ins�n.��shnll hs c�osen @y Boxra�yer su�lect ts�;�r's�appra�x{.. ,
<br /> . �xhfch shall c�ot bc utu�easun�iy w�tt{tt�{d. �f Rnrttfw�r�ails ta�tain covsrage deserib�Q eb�+e.,fxnd�r�i�y.��t.ex�det!'� . ,
<br /> , � opiian.o�va covecage to protect t.ender's rigAts ia t�e Fraperty in�ecnr�ee wit�p�ra�r3yh?. . ,. ° . , .
<br /> � AlI insufanc�p�2isies us�!��va�s Ehali 6e�esepta�?a tv Ler,�d�r�atd�ha,U is�iss��s.�a.cd cn4r��c�u�,'.• t.€taisa
<br /> s�ilt 0ave t9se ti�t ta Ro28 th$p�lides and rene�vals.tf.Leadts rzquiaes.�orrower sb�lI PT�P�Y��co Lcnder�!I recei�af "
<br /> �aid pnr,iiums arid c�enewFil notices.ja the event of tass.Borrasves sl�ati give prompt�rsctice to tt�.inss�rance carriee ust!L�nctar. �
<br /> Lcr�t,.^r may a�ske pr+cuf ag t�:,if t�t tuPde Prromg�ty Dy��ra� �- � ' - - - -�- .. . _ _ ._ .
<br /> Untess I.ender and�ionawer otherwise.agr�e in w�ting,insuraa+ce paoceeds�ad!be agplied to restaratioa or tegair o�t�-
<br />: FratxrtY dama�esl•if tPte reswtatiaa or repair is emmr�mictil�y feasi.61�an�L�er'a s�curity is�t Iesseaed.If tice erstora;ian oa
<br /> repair is aot cxanomicaUy feas:bie or Lecder's security�v�ut3 be lessened,the insuraace proceeds sh31t 6e appli�to`the e�ms �
<br /> _ - - '�i°�.tf f-[.h��__�*�, rns+��-ilt:-R�'s__�@F_ev nnt�h�n du�grith un�v_erc�cs naud�BoanBter_If B¢anBCet_�*�"+*±�?+-41�--
<br /> Pmperty,ar.daes aot aasweF�viihin 30 days a notice fru�l�des that th�insvranae carrier has:offered to settIe a•cL�im.tiien - - -
<br /> Lender may anllea the insuiance�ra�eds. Leader:may ose:t�e prnvazds to repair or iesta� We Fcopeitg ar ta pay sums�
<br /> s�CUi�d by thi9 SeCUrity tnctmment,whethet ot tsot tL+eri 8�e.The 30-day peridd wilt begin w-hea Ylre ao�ice zs givea. ,
<br /> FJnless lender qud Bomawer otherwise agr� in writing, anY agPlication of praceec[s to princigat shall�aoa extend aa .�
<br /> postpane ehe dae date of the mo�thly paymenss ceferred to in para�phs ! �nd 2 ar�,hange the amount of the papa�ents. If •
<br /> undee p�ttag�aph 21 the�'mperty u acqni�d by teader.Earmwer's right to any inswaace policies and p:oceeds resuitm�f�
<br /> daman�e w the Praperty priar to the as•quisitioa shall pass to Leadex w tt�extent of the sums secared by this�esurity F�itument'� � .�
<br /> i�►mcdiately priar to the�cqaisition.
<br /> 6.Qc�tx�cg.Pe�ervatloa.�ifatnfwan�as�Pro4tdfn�t otthe Ptapeaty4 Barrow�s's I.ean Anglicatioa;I.c�se�ids. --- -
<br /> Boaower shall occnpy,�staDlish,and use the Property as Bomnuer's princigal resid�ace within sixry d�.ys aft�r thee execution of - -=
<br /> tlils Security Instrument and sUalt continue to occppy ths i4m�ty as Borrower's principsil r�idence for at laast one ye�er after
<br /> the date of occupancg.unless Leat�er otherwise agrees in writin�,wiush oonsent shalt Rot 6e unxeasonabiy arithheid>or aat�s
<br /> ext�'auating cinvmstanres exist whic6 are 6eyond Bozrower's control. Sonowet shall nai d�SOY, damage oz ia�air the
<br /> Ptuperry. allow the Prop�ty to deteriorate.or rnmmit waste on the Pmperly. Borrower sha�i be in defauit if anyr farfeituse
<br /> acrioa or pmceeding,v.f�ther civil or crimina3.is begnn i�tat ia Leader's.good faith jadgn�t cnutd ces�lt ia forfeimr�of t�
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Secuaty Instrument or Lender'c seeluiry inteiest.B�oitlswer may _ _ ._�
<br /> -- —
<br /> - -- _ cure sucb tt defiau�t a�.i�siate.as provided in paragraph I8.by causiag rfte scaimr orproc�itrg tvoe-�wi1��fi'� ---�--
<br /> that. in L.ender's guacf.,f�determinaaion, prr�fi�ites forFeiture of the Bqrarii4er's interesq in the Properiy or other materiai '
<br /> impairment of the licis c�ated by this Se:uritv_izu�ument os Lendea's secuail� interese. Eorrower shall also 6e in defantt if
<br /> Borrower.during th�i't:�u�applica��rn.piocess,ga��e materially false or ina�M�e infarmation or sratements to Leffder(or faited '
<br /> to provide Lender with any mate�I i�a`�urmation)in connection with the toan evidenced by the Note.iaclading,but not Ijmised
<br /> to,repmsentatio.�s wuceming•Bon�t�ar's accupancy of the Property as a principal residence.if this Security Insuument is on a
<br /> teasehold, 8orrower.sli3ll compiy with all the provisions of the tc�se. 1f Rarrower acquires fee titte to the Propetey, the _ _
<br /> leasehold and the fee tiiii�.!�all not merge untess l.eicder agrees to the mergec itt�:�ritfng. ,_.
<br /> '7.Ptotection oY�ZSdep's Rfg6ts it�ttte Pcoperty.If Borrower fails to g�cform the cuvenants and agr�ements contained in
<br /> this Seeurity Instramen�.or there.is a legal proeeeding that m,�s�ifccantiy afFect Lendei s rights in the Ptvperty (�cch as a -
<br /> prooeeding in bankn��y.pmbate.for condemnation or forfeiw�o°to enforce taws ur regulations).then Lender may Qo aact
<br /> _ pay for whatever is rr�:tcssary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lend�c's righis in the Property. Lender's actians may . �%
<br /> . include pnying any snats secvred by a liea whicfs fi�s priority over t(�is'Scsa;tity Instrument, appe:uuiva in rnurt. paying . �~
<br /> reasontible attomeys'fees and entering on the Pmp�y to maEce repairs.Alt�rau�ii�.eader may taice acticrs t�nder this pazagraph '
<br /> 7.Lender dfles not have to do so. • _
<br /> A�a'tu amounts disbursed by [�nder under this Qara�rin 7�:all 6ecome additionat e�bt of Eorrawer secuced by this _ ---- -
<br /> Security 4.�strument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrc�e to other terms of papment. these amounts shall bear iater�t�m tt►e -�
<br /> ��,. --
<br /> date of disbutsement �t the Not�e rate and shall be payable. with in;etest, upan notice from Lender to Borrawet requesting �___
<br /> �ayment. _
<br /> 8.Mortgage L�s'.�rance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a mndition of making the loan secumd�y this.rs,ecusity �.-�
<br /> lnstrument. Borrower shall a the remiums r imd to mainiain the mort ��`�-
<br /> p y p equ gage insurance in effect. If. for any r�tt�;n. the
<br /> moctguge insurartce rxs:trage required by Lender lapses or ceases to 6e in eifect.Borrower shall pay the premflums re;sired to _ -
<br /> o6tuin covera e subst�ziall uivalent to the mo a e insurance reviousi•in effect.at o cost subsmmiult ' ' T''='
<br /> 8 Y e9 � S P } Y�N�v�ent to the x`�:... ,���y�.
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance przviously in effect, from an a{cemate mortgage insurer a{s�{raved by Lender. If �-x..
<br /> substanrially equivnIent martgage i�..�usance wverage is not available.Borrower shall pay ro Len$er each aiontb a sum equal to �'�
<br /> ono•twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Horro�ver whea the insurance cavetuge tapsed or o�to �•��' �' ����
<br /> ;.� _
<br /> .�c
<br /> bo in effect.l.endar wil�accept,use and retain these payments as a toss reser�e in lieu of rtmrtgage in,ur�nce. Loss resen+e _" �"�'�='�'��. '
<br /> °,=:�A.
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