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<br /> , � � . _DAtoLMS�,E��RAM9�ami MlDiRY QNNE 8F5f�41Ag1�;huab�d en�w3f�;fii1�S RilBS�P.6�.'� ,�� t
<br /> � . � . � , � , , • .
<br /> �. BRAMBL�and S1�tA1��Et�ISE�RAMBL�,itusbarad and�vite,�ENNIS ONi6.t IAM�1t1l�1�R�1f.a alt�ta . ` �
<br /> i � � ' . . . � • . � . .
<br /> . ` . . per�.�n,K�N�tt!�tl.AN W�YVFREY ensl Ff�InN6A 5.WiNFR�if.4�usi�and end wifa,�f?Jt40F��+rinetfie-r -- -- . _
<br /> � ' one or'more,inconstderatfa�of One Qoiisr(S9.�Of,teceipt of whichTs tr�reby�cfu:owtedged,cosevays �
<br /> �� ta DACLAS i.EE BRAMBLE aTM THQAIIA&RUSS�L flA�lMB�,es Tenants in Cornmu�i.Graniee.4he ,.
<br />, --- ` . fnito�erin9 d�sc�d real estaYe{es�efiried in t+lsb.Rev.Ste4.Se�tion 7�28'i}in l�e4!C�unty.��ah�a�i --- . -,_
<br /> . Lnt fcur(4)on Mainland,in Sectton�aur(41,TownsS�tp i11�ne(9)Horttt,Range fan(tt1� � . � . �
<br /> ' �West af ti�e 6th P.M..Hafi.Gbun4y.Nebrsske,EXCIEPT the west 76�.28 famt theseof. �. .
<br /> . b�ing descri6ed s�s foilows_ . , ' . . .
<br /> ` Cqmmendng�u�,a Sauthweat Camer of the Nortbwest Qnarter(K''�iY�l said SsctFon 4;titence � ,
<br /> . ' !+�t,�a.�s8'��°�tdssumed.beazing)etortg tt�south linc3 mf said Ls�t Faut f44 760.?B feet to tha _ �
<br /> '.,",i` :C�e{�LAC�br-BEGINNING:thectc�N iM°Q{l'ad°��ra9ia}with tf�e Krast iirta satd�Fa�r :
<br /> . :````:. 441'��S�.S'r i�.i�.ttia present rigM(!u!�tlt}6ank o94Yt�Piai*.e 133ver: t#ienc�N 8t°�'+�!4!�` --
<br /> ..,,..• - - - -
<br /> � • . �'���.;t E atong said.Rg,��I��nk 42.99 fest;thert�N 51°09'3�'E�ion�mid rigtrt baak fi78.5S fa�: �
<br /> ' � to the east iine`at said Lat Faur(4);���.3 OU°QB'49'W al�r�raid east iine 2E1Q6.01.�i , .
<br /> to the soutt�line satd I.ot Far,u(41;th$nr.b S 83° 58'12"W along said s�uth line 582.18 feai . .
<br /> �. . to tha piaas of tisginning cr�c�ining 23.025 ecfes. � . � ," � _
<br /> . �� �iramos covenar�ts(jat��and severaily,[f more than onef witb the Gr�thet Gramcr: . �
<br /> . . _. _ _ _ . � _ _._.. .. ----=-._ ._—_.--_
<br /> - ._ --- -
<br /> - •----- -�— 7�T�iv?.r�u1iY S�iS�ofsucir�eid�.:�r�tfih�tifis,�ftt�------ . .
<br /> • fr�u��ncumbrani�s sabjecT tri�s3asaments,reservr�dscc�A . ..
<br /> ciz�iisisanis and resvictions a�facord; , . � '• � .
<br /> 42) has tega!povd��d(awfu!authority to convey ths seme; � � � �-'�: �
<br /> •;�_...
<br /> ' (3) inrarrants aad witl defend the titte to tha rea!estate ' '
<br /> against the lawfui claims of al!persona. , � ' . '
<br /> EXECUTED: :�:�.J .1995. '
<br /> �� ."�-�!."'a�s.vG�^"'� � , � , .�4:;, .
<br /> � f3ralla e Bramb}a• �. Niaa Artne Bra � te ' �;''}�
<br /> � � � �'"��`'4.�.�. , ' . .
<br /> ' omas Russefl Brambte � S awn Oentse Bramb .- ' •
<br /> f
<br />= Qe ' is Willi�l(Vinf�e Kenneth Alan Wk►frey
<br /> , � , . , .
<br /> ' �.Rharsd�9:LNtnirey . . . . , , , , ' . _-
<br /> ,
<br />- , , �� . -
<br />- STATE OF NEBAASi(A ' 1
<br /> ' 1 ss. �
<br /> .COUNTY OF ADAMS ) ,
<br />- The foregoing instrumam was acknowfedged 6efore me on Q� , 1995, by -'
<br />- DALLAS LEE BRAMBLE artd MAF#Y ANNE BAAM,BLE,hus6snd end wito. �'
<br /> ,Ef".�:i:1 t;�i��;;(•�'.t::G'J�.;'.�;13 ' �
<br />_ � A:7Y S.YJl+TT � � `'
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<br />_ �+��:'-�t•.y Pracc�bta S°..^t 19 19i�• Nn;ary P!�ir . � t•
<br /> e—i._�.. � _-
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