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<br /> wa�RAwr�r oE�n Z�95.• . 1Q2�,33
<br /> �ALI.AS l.C� BRAMBLE and MAF1Y ANN� BRANIgLE, Iwsbt�nd and wif�, THOMAS RUSSELL
<br /> BRAMBLE and SHAWN DENISE BRpIVIgLE, hu$band and wife, DENNIS WILLIAM WINFREY, a aingle
<br /> person, KEMNETH AI.AN WINFR�Y and RHQNDA 5. WINFREY, husb�nd �nd wife, Grantar, whether
<br /> vrre or more, in consideration of One Doilar($1.Q0), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, cpnveys
<br /> to O�NNIS WILLIAM WINFREY and KENNETH ALAN WINFREY, as Tenants in Common, Grantee, the
<br /> following described re�i esta#e(as defined in Neb. Rev.Stat.Section 76»201)in H�II County, Nebraska:
<br /> The west 760.28 feet of Lat Four (4) on Maintand, in Section Four(4), Township Nine
<br /> 191 Narth, Range Ten (10) West of the Bth P.M., Hail County, Nebraska, being
<br /> described as followa:
<br /> Cammencing at the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Querter (NW y4� said Section 4 this
<br /> being the Tf�UE pLqC�p�g�GINNING;thence N QO° Op�pp• E aiong the west line of seid Lat
<br /> Four (4) 1p91.00 feet ta the present right (south) bank of the Plette Rlver; �h�nce N b9� 39'
<br /> 43" �along seid right bank 822.71 teet; thence N 49° 56'41" ���o�g �aid right bt�nk 144.05
<br /> feet; thenc� N 81° 05' 4�4'° E along sa(d right bank 1 Z$,60 ieet; thenae S 00� pp� pp» yy
<br /> parallel with the west line said l.ot Four (41 1559,97 fae� to the south lino aald Lot Four (41;
<br /> tMence S 89° 58' 12" W elong seid south�ine 780.281eet to the place of beptnning containin�
<br /> 23.025 acr�s..
<br /> Grantor covenants (jointly and �everally, if more than one) with the Grantee that Grantar:
<br /> (1) is lawfuily seised of such real estate end that it is free
<br /> from encumbrances subject to easements, reservations,
<br /> covenants and restrictions af record;
<br /> (2) has IQg�I ppwer and lewiul authority to convey the same;
<br /> 13) warr�nis and wiil dafend the titie to the renl estate
<br /> ag�ainst the lewful claims of all persana,
<br /> EXECU7�D: (..F , 1995.
<br /> r 7
<br /> � � �
<br /> J
<br /> Dallas 8rambte �� Mary An e Bramble
<br /> � ��s.�� ��ir�rt�+r-t�c-C�
<br /> Ti�omas Russell Bramble �� �7� , �����'�
<br /> � a n Denise Bramble '
<br /> ' ���� Gl �
<br /> enni� wlliam Wintrey K�nneth Alan Winfrey
<br /> � /�' � �
<br /> _ �L.L�.�C.� �� �.
<br /> Rhonda 5. Winfrey ��
<br /> STA'CE OF N1�6RASKA )
<br /> 1 sa.
<br /> The foregoing Inatrument waa ecknowledged befare me on ,
<br /> DA�LAS LEE BRAMBLE and MARY ANNE BFtAMBLE, husband �rvd wlfe. � � ��a6, by
<br /> �^ wr�r.n...rr�•se.•••r.aw.��. � � � .
<br /> R ��f„rr?1l �:')1•'.';'�'.' :w r} �,.1l:;kd � -� I
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<br /> A,F.tY S.KI q7•r ' � �
<br /> " � . , •',;,•^�tt,;� f..�t.T'••'t ��I.l,u�,, � NOt9n/ P(II�
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