_ _,+� _m�`t�.`r V`�`Y`` ,.',';t ' ' . �_�',,� �v Y,._y,��� . «. } . # %`- �Str�.: - — __
<br /> =/� -�� .Sx� YS.Y��:=''8 S} u.:.L.,��:'T ..� ;4,. -���''i. �� '�����{R,•`tr• yz g -� �.° — -----
<br /> 1. .��'��h;t _ : r£. F._: a.6'�$��'� J aCS.. �����_� -.. -� _ _ __-
<br /> -�.'.`�_��h�-fi �4�Kt .i°Tt 's.. r. '..6«���k���,�'��1�#'t4��.�'�.�K'�'°d -
<br /> .. _ _ - ? k - _-- _ - __.
<br /> -� • . -% ' LL ' � ` �9Q-Z2S52 = ___---
<br /> � .� � A,�Ctas `Recori�iag` 5end �a':� � � ' . , , , -
<br /> � ; 6�aur3.ty Lar�.d Title Co. •. • � � . • . f� s • _
<br /> _ � , 2700 �a�nam Street ` . , , �f��'°.����� , . � , , S � _ ___
<br /> -_------ , f�too�me� Tow�r - �uite 600 � . , , ---
<br /> - - .Oma3�a., N8 6�102 - L , �� -
<br /> - _ • �. _ � � . , , � . �'� , �� ' ' � _ -- _-
<br /> �
<br /> - - � . . . ' • � �z� �,_�._
<br /> -_== ' �SLl3ASE OF C�LLATF3�nc�tc.mn� __ OF � • � � F=:_:�°°-__-- ---
<br /> ` '� � , . , �S� oF TRUST .. ` ^ —
<br /> � � �
<br /> �s�� • ( � ' � ���v�i�' --_
<br /> -���� . IN CO�SIDB1t�TI0N af �ne Doliar �($i) and O�her Good� and . � �-'-� �.
<br /> —�, �.� Valuable Coasideratioa,. recei t of which ae hereby ackncwledged, F`� - � %�$��-
<br /> _ �'�'�'' , HONlg . FHDF:RAL SA,VINGS APID �OADT ASSOCIATIaN OF GRF.ND ISI,AI�ID. � i ��-�����'�"'
<br /> . t L lR>t7�L„'-+�
<br /> .�:;�-x - -- fede�ra7. saving�' and` 1�sa �sso�-iation� r�3.eas�s- -tls�- Cas��t�f� -- - - - E r� : ��
<br /> - Asaignment of IIeed� af Trust made by WHDGSWOOD, INC., a Nebraska �'�`, ���
<br />---�s: .r. corporati.o�t . to H01� FSDSRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF aRAN#) �� _ '���'-
<br /> °_�•�� � ISL�ND. a f�deral savings and loan association, oa �hhe following "�- ;� 5.��:d`
<br /> _ . .l[..- _,�-.'_ _"Y_
<br /> __ � � descri3�ed real estate: -- --
<br /> ►�.�-,�
<br /> -- .; � �., e�Tt�+� �-.-�.
<br /> �i�k� ` ?assel 1: tat Oao (1). Wad4earood Sufrdiviofm. City aP(izana Ioland. Kall CooatY• Nabsaekat • e�- a "� --
<br /> ur
<br /> r-5.�n• _ er .,.._.
<br /> ,: a ast of�t One If). Goldea Age�ecroa�8ubdiviafoa sad I�;t-�- '`'�`�
<br /> —_-_—_-.`6�s�� Fazce}.Y: A eract.of,laaA eoapriaizS P - -:;::_ -----.
<br /> - a past eYYar_�te9 CaYE{y Aoeaue lyiag veot o£ead adjaceat W eai8 Tot Oae 11). ail iA she Cit11 0=� ; },
<br /> ,. •�;� Io2oid. f�L1I m+mtY. goDsaaka aad mso gasticrolmrly deacribe3 ao folloora: Beginnin9 nt a poiat an ttsa � --- _-
<br /> _. veut liite ot oa�d Lot Oao (s): aaid potat haing caa HtmdreA eozty-Cne aad 81zCY-FOis HtmdtOdttm
<br /> ���� (Sai.64) feet avreh of tRe aonthmest�oraer oP oaid Lct Qne (�); tttcece moaterly pnx@endicvlar to Cho "� .� __
<br /> �ccsq uae o� aaia rve mse eil a diatmmee of 8ighty-Cne aa4 i�o 7ca!`�a tea.al feae eo a eoiac oa ct� . �y;�, �—
<br /> -- va�t liae o! vaca;ted caze.y Avetcuer tAeaee aossherly alon9 the owaE I"saa of vaeaced Ca:ey llscsiue a �;`� --
<br /> 3��,�� diatanee of SYao ET+mdnd GLEust]t�1Ve aad �see fnmdredt2ia (293.03) feet: tIIee,ar.aOElactip4 ri9he 90 �
<br />=_---- _ � degxean oo aimrtex and�s:9 eaaterly s di�ssaee eE Sighty-Onr�sd S�oo TmtOra CRi.2I £eet eo a potat -
<br /> . � ;. :':
<br /> ��?i���F on tIIe veat lisse o2 osid Lot�Oae (11. �i d poiat beiag at tha point oE 3at.asaeetiaa oE the p:olongaeion >;=a.;4,
<br />_ _ � � of tka mu*'^��rly lias oi Stacger Drfvo ovitA t,he meae liae oP aaid Lot Ono (33: ��ce aout6eaaterly ,�{;'
<br /> ~•��' along caid pzolr�gatims a diatanee of 2eao i3�m�ed Thlsteen (113.0) feet: ehmce nmaing aouthv�eeterly. ' <'�'-;;:
<br /> _ '�':i��''� ,qaiallel to tt�psolwt4atioa oE the nnrthvantosly line oi 8awiatm IIriso a diatance of 11.ro H�us4rne aad ,',
<br /> ,. "�
<br /> � --- _ -- - -- -- - assseea�-izov.u) fmat ca ene posae-os-�••t»^�s^y; - -- - — -
<br /> h._e . . '���� . �
<br /> � ��� recor�d as Ilocun[ent No. 91-105�11 on Se tea�ber 3,. 1991 i.n the � �
<br />-=���.,..;�.: .. P .'..������ �:: :
<br />�-:E,�:_:.: : � � O�ffice of Ch� Register of Deeds of Hall Cauntlr. Nebraska. �.-.
<br /> � r '
<br />.i�Yl��i� ,_'Q • ti�_ . _
<br /> z�''�:'='�?�r�� � HON� FFD�..�3+ SAV'IIJL�S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRANll ISLAND . z • �
<br /> � hereby assigns to Y��dgewood, Inc. all of its right, title and �` �� ��•, , �
<br /> � _k .
<br />_ „�.���:�..� . intereat in respect ta�a Promissory Note dated August 29, 1991 made ��`� ''� :�: �-,�
<br /> .,d- �. .. by Quality Car� of t3rattd Island, Inc. and payable to Wedgewood �, , t '�'�'�`r=
<br /> . ��t + «..,��L
<br /> +�� %�����`�`�:
<br /> ,,, � .� Inc. i.n the original principal amount of �ro Hundred Thousand
<br /> � °��y Dollars ($200,000.00) and hereby make dela��y of the original �':'���x��+,'� `
<br /> s �� .: . ''��":�`1��;;��f���._
<br /> _�Y, a.nstr►�ments consiating of the Promissory Note�,�erein identified and t.,v,;�r�l �
<br /> �-W.. a Gua�anty of such Note by Timothy S: Juil"�s and Sally Juilfs. �, �� . ": �,:;�
<br />--�``"""�`�� Ht}MB F$DSRAL SA�iINGS AND LOAN OF GRAND ISLAI�ID.�ssigns to Wedgecvood, �� �1�=; �'�,l/�
<br /> -_�^~-•-�k�'''�• ZAC., all oE ita iatereat i.n a Financ�tng S.icu�ement and Security �'�� �'�� , _ �� '��`-��
<br /> -.__ �.�-��;: r�,, :.`,.
<br /> ��.��~� .
<br /> -_----= � AgreetneAt dated Auguat 29, 1991 made by Q�ity. Care of �rand =.. �--�'*� .�:.
<br /> - ^ Islaad, Inc. �.n reapect to equipment, furniture, ��� �`��''��.���
<br /> _���.;° fixtures, : r'`., K•^'
<br /> inventory�, accounts 'receivable and other righta ta payment as . � ��.,_
<br /> � , �: specifically identifisd in that Finasa�ing St�tement and Security � . � �` ��'
<br />_•�-;`�� • Agreement which was recorded on September 4, �491 as instrumer�� No. � ,:�,.° '� '�
<br /> �`��`'��'` 527511 in the Ogfice of the Secretary of SCat�e of Nebraska. `{��Y: �.• =�:�.
<br />-���•.L-Y.:��-' - . . . .
<br /> ..�7
<br />--��=�a�4��, DATED this �.O day of March, 1995. ` , �
<br /> _-�_��:._•. ;_i»' � � � .
<br />`';��:�'��; � HOMH FBDBRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN � . ,,��r:.
<br /> :���.�� , ASfiOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, � �
<br />____--- � . Federal Savings and Loan Asaociation� f� . . '
<br /> —��� . •
<br /> -___�-_,:�:_ . . , . ',.ti". � :�-'
<br /> - T�� • ' BY � •��.'���'t..� . .
<br /> -_�,��'3=�, — r''r r... . . :�
<br /> - - • • (Ti.tle) �
<br /> _--_ - :-H�, .
<br />- -_= �;�:�; � � ' � . . .
<br /> �,::RS`��,,:�;:� � � . � • . , ;. �
<br />_- -=:;ia�k'�'.�:. �
<br /> .,c�t�i�a��•.. STATB OF N$BR1S�tA) , . . -- - . _
<br /> � -s�� . 1 SS. �
<br /> t� ,: •�,� COUN'rY OF HALL ) . �`� .
<br /> __�' •
<br /> �1 __ pn this �� day of March, 1995, before �e, a Notary Public k
<br />- -��� du].y qualifie and resicling in said coun y, ersona�ly came f . �
<br /> �-•:�. � ��" �- w+a.V►► .tn , !�,� .n.s►ic�e� Of � :
<br /> -�=1� -�� H�ome Pederail. Savbngs and Loan of Grand Is2as�d, a federal savinga ' � �
<br /> ,_.�;,
<br /> - ���• ��' and loan associaCion, to me personally known to be the identical ��.�. . '
<br /> � -� . .
<br /> ����-1 t .
<br /> -- --�- -
<br /> . . - -- ----_-
<br /> � '�,. ' . . t. . . .
<br /> �. :.. . � �. � �. .. •
<br /> .
<br /> : ��.: •: , .
<br /> . �' . _
<br />