�____ _
<br />---_ _ _ °` � . � _ -
<br /> _ , G ` , , + ' _ :. ,' , �f��=s, '��7Y6d�• .
<br /> --__ _ _ - f �l.���4� DIi�V�7� ������:��������' ' • 4` ..
<br /> ` .� 1����ri��o�'�+ra' �Y_P+� �xt�petty' a�9► .
<br /> - - -_ ` si?�'fxs�ftt�r�t�t � �'ie .� �€�vr s�tbe. �pett sx �ga�c i�
<br />_ - - . s�c+r�a-���aa�f s � i�ess�BtactEr+�+s�x�l cg uanat'eraad A��js r,c,fi�a�.��a�t. . �� --
<br />�.:,� — —= g�r•m pria wri�ta camm�.L�a caty�se it�c�tion,reqn�e� i�€�tl af s�s�ns soo�ae� �ns S��it9 ; �. ---
<br /> t�t I�oRa�►c'�t�Ppci�sbs�i t�et be ex�aa!ted bp j.ca�r if cxesri4s�F��Y���af cpit t�f tf�s'. . -
<br /> ��`�, . „ �� . . • •� ` ' _ -
<br /> I€Le�drs a�iroes t83s�p�n�t.I�eied�st�i giac Bca�oxa aioeca a� ,1�po4ica at�t pc+avi�e�Qfant 1e�� , , -
<br /> ___--_-�==-�� ttw�3�d�ys€�8��se @ro�odoe iS ddiveled�ur�di��������.��Y�,�. ��
<br /> ���= Ia9aumd�L IY�a�ca�a�s�4,�Y��L�to ths e.xpe�q�a m��us par�c�,L�eadar�Y �8
<br /> � �_�`:�. �t1BS S�nity Ti�as�tw�act fiather aot�a ac d�wnd txf Ba�� -� ' � ,
<br /> 1�i.�6 R��t��1ll.�. � BlA4Y39Yli t11CCL4 Ql3i�ID.�lS�iSi B�I�6R►tt 8�$� d�1►�.tbC Y�S:t[1' 6fVl. .._
<br /> � .. �Y�[CtiBlaY 0�t�S � �IL � �iL}F � j�U[W �� !���� �� . �
<br /> „ . 9L Iti�C lYIC�GftI1Cr��( �Y
<br /> �cis.`��3 '`� .,�:.`d t�P!'°� �, kr�� f�1.tblS
<br /> ----,_ ° _ . • � �,c _
<br /> r .t L� �c� {�try p�8�r.�r�fffi�a$S11S.S'a�1j► L a���W�"ta3P4Y3 L�dd'All -- �_
<br /> . ���`'��' � �:.��......=4� r�f Q. • _rn�s_� as.i£aaacrsd�sioa.�d,n�rr�:(6}�_�n�' - - -- -
<br /> .� �Lq�i:_ _ . -
<br />- � �tL�: .r. �ady,otY�a�i�a�groc�t�(��,4i�9s aII exi�ai�•�R�isr cai�img�S���� $ 6�it � __
<br /> �.� ��;_ mt T..��.te�i90*a�bJe a�omeys fce�ac�d(uj taires su��'���t�x�Y�13►�i�to 84S1tia that tbe lim ot�th�s
<br /> iz ����y���s �,` �..,..��y�)!� ���Q�}.� ,}� �y�
<br />_ P'�j.:�ti�,�." ' '' f ' � afL�fa�Y+aYiW �""�� � Q� fi����i76a.1{in}n�� w� � YI� 41t .�.��.� � .
<br />_ ,,r"�, ��'�:x-a�' TIISfiUQlG6t Sb3�1 C�F7t�IlII�_�-UD�!�'�SOII'�Wlls f�t.9$��i ��.����
<br /> - -- : 4aeby s�c�fnTdy eSec�i�e��aso��d a4cuaed.Huweves,t3us ri�,w ee��� ,Rtu:apptY�tt�e csse af �_.__�_
<br /> �` accek�a und�F�b 37. � :
<br /> ,�-��-;:�;�.: ::f. 19.Sa�tatNote;Ci�aS�di.a�nSe�vic�r. �'ilr Ntsi� � a paziiat insaest Qt the Nap,�(�w�h @si9„St�tut�.
<br /> _=ir,�;,�� .< 1ac�IDent)maY be r�td�e or msua times�p�at ttntioa Oa B�wt�A&a1e taap t�saSt ni a Cir�gc m tve�c/.�O�vn
<br /> - as t2�e"I.a2in Setvice�dmt caII�s m�ntbly �msda ihe Nutt�1 ttds Saarrit�►Instr�t 1l�aceaiJJsu mayt�g tx�+� --- -
<br /> `�:a�=;=:'��'�=... mQe�ges of the La�n Srlvices to a sa�e af 9te Not��f�rst is a�tge of tbe Lo�n Sr�s►�B�o�ves�vili ba •
<br /> �jA r
<br /> ,�?''�;-�'.:-= :. . givea writtea nutice of die stiange ia acx�rda�wiffiE pntagraph 14 above�d Iaw 1be a�uticae ev�l spwe t1�e namc aod
<br />- ,�1�' --=LL- - • �of�a�Lora S�sis��d me add�sg m wlxicb paym�fs s��made'itie aa�ce:�ciU a�ao c�tain.8�►ahcr _
<br /> ..",~.,,��}` ��D�S�a6��s. IIr�ow ot g�mit Qte pres�o� ase� stassges ar teSe�e�a��ty �
<br />_ w.• Y ' et S�U II6t c3�SC' mit
<br /> " '��+ . �OQ.9�Q�.4�ii af ID t�G�.���5�8u II(i(f�lD.nOt�d9fl Sbydl�C P�r iD��$8ff�$��1j�Y-
<br /> � t�at is in vimlatthn of�y Eavuaamattal Taw�e�g t�seut�aces sbaD mot agpfy on @�e pr�smce,use.adr�uQ thc
<br /> ' '� ,�.�Jk. Ptopecty of s�aII quanwaes of 8�rdons Snh�tbat sc�gEaeraIIY�ed w me�iate au�al r�tiat u�s . ' _
<br /> - �d ta m�c.e of the Ptopeaty. . . .
<br /> �: >� - B�wer sttali pmmpdy give L�det wri�i ao�se af r�y inv�on,cta�e.d�d,iaws�it aa ot�`'��'►, � - --
<br /> ��=--- gavemmrntal�regala�y agency ar�vat�PanY involv�the.�Y,and�y Sa�cdons Sabst�ce�� ��1►
<br /> .�.. � ...-_.._..-_ -- �rfr�saawer -;�,��,�-'�•,�'"'".�t-�y-`eY � --
<br /> -,, �.".� ' r�val ar Wt�ei re�ediadon of���yans SabsC�re affac�mg the Pt�paty ts neoes�y.Soaow�s4�a11 p�ptly taice a]1 -- _ -_
<br /> • - ' `-��' �: �y re�medial acti�s in atc�Ce cvith Favaaam�tal Y.�w.
<br /> � .��, , As ased'm this p�agtapb 2U.°Trla�rdous Subst�ncRS" a:e thos�sabsGmoes defined as tm�ar�IIS snb�by
<br /> _ . ,.;�,_�._ �v�roame,��! Laar and the fol[a�attxg st�isstansc� pso2in� Tceroser� othes tTammah�e ur tm�pe,uaTeum to�c .
<br /> ��`. ,, pes�ci�des and herbidd�s,volanle�1.�,materiads cantam�ag asbestos ar f�yde►e3d radiaacdve mata�aL9.�i�od it� �
<br /> , .'�'':i. . thL4�f2T8�D ul.°�.AVII8�IA891A1 ISW°III 'Q�S fC�Rt8118WS 8II�18W8 Of t�'i�C�011 w$Cd8 L�1C I�[O�I I4IQC8L0�1�tC�l$ _--
<br /> y. ' , � ' �0 °��1a S3f'bl�/O7 P.�VlfOIlIIIC�Cdl�ROIC�' OD. • . • . '--
<br /> . •
<br /> � � � ' NON-UN�RR�i C011ENA1�fS.B�w�uud Ic�dar furth�a covwant�rJ agiree as foltow�
<br /> Zl.A�erat�un:Remed�.i.eader s�ai��?ve matice t�Barrawee priar ia accileratiian�olbwing Borrow�'s breade�
<br />-=� _ ' sap covmant or agreemmt io t6ts S�rity Instrument (but nat prmr to accdtration tmdtr pstagraDB 17,�mkss - ,
<br /> i � �rylicable taw paovldcs othcswise).The natlse sLaO speafYs(a)the defaui�(b)the ac8on r�to emre�defsWt.(e} _
<br /> . . . � a dat�not Ie�a t1�aa 3D days imm tdae date the noNce is gfven to Basro�,by wWch�e detan8 maat 6e tvuad:�tad(� . �-�
<br /> � . . t�at F�e to cart tID�defantt on or Defore tDe date spectf',ed tn the na�,i�may resalt fn aecdea3iaa�aithe sams seca�M =� ___�
<br /> . .. . by t�Secarity Iastrmaent and sak ot the Prop�rty.The aotice s6�U farthv tnfmr�n BormWee ot tt�e rtght to eeimtatt �W��,w--_
<br />�.. :::. �� nlCer aoodaotion�tnd tbe rig6t t�bring a coact adion to aswt t6e nuu�isbtnoe ot a detantt ar any other dettase ot r=_�;- _ -
<br /> n ��-� _-_,
<br /> � �-;a "' ... B�o�rs ta acoeiQStion an�saia T3 tbe dtfaalt b not cared on os 6etore the date Fpecif,�in the nWke,i.xadar.�t its . �=-
<br /> : � pecif _._
<br />��' `.. opltaa,m�y rcquire immeidlate paymeat fa!'tr�c1 aD sums scearcd by th��it�Iastrammt wtth�nt fi�t�er dema� "�=•:;;_----.-_
<br /> , .�... Ia -�—�----
<br /> '� � � and may bavoge t�e power of sak and any atBc�rrmedks perm[tted 6y aPPlk�b➢e tavv.l.ender s�a�be mtttled to ooIIect --'",`:��A-�
<br /> � s�U c=peasrs iacarr�in parsutng the�+emedies pmvided�a t6is D�S�DS 21,Lnciading,b�ac��tu,re�sunable � ..'1,r �"'-��-,
<br /> ,em '�.°_� „f.
<br /> � � � " sttosntys'tccs anA costs of 4ltle e�eaee. ' .�:;:';:..�����
<br /> t,. . . . � U tl�e pawer o!sale� iaFafce9;7Yostee sba9 rerord a nodoe ot defanit in eac� �t8 in wl�ic�any part o!the ;';::,�..� = . °...
<br /> � , . Pra�perty�tocated aad s�aD m�7 aopS�ot sach notict in the manntr presc�'bcd by apylk�bk!aw to Borrower and to the , :'�``:
<br /> , � ather pasans p�f�ed 6Y a¢Dlisabfe taw.Afttr t�e tfine ra�qmUed by applic�bk/�w,Trmta s�D give pnbllc notiee ot . � • .
<br />- � � sa➢e W the persons�ad in the�anner pnscrIDed 6y apylicabk taw.'ilrostees withant dcmand op Bormwpar.s�aU seil the .
<br /> �:�: � Ptap�i�zt pnbBa anc�ton to t�e�igAtat Diddv at the time and piaoe swd�der the term3 desi�atcd in the netice oi sate . . �
<br /> .i,: ,s
<br /> } .
<br /> ' . . • , For�e 8025 9/90 .
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<br /> - . :'�'� • � . . . . . .
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