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<br /> g . } ��•4 1� . � ' � • • ' • • . -- -
<br />��1'��`� �� • _ p�t tfitar�f to �a �ld e�d�r !�e 6�sr aP sale,,a� #r► e�ss�A �eir►ts , . _
<br /> n�'�-s �
<br /> c � �tic�esY cr Ttustea �P�all giv's �cta noLi� oP'de�ault and�tic:� o� saie �s. -_ -
<br /> 1 � `: s . es ma� !ae !lzera re�utt ec3 b9 law. ` � � , =
<br /> . .4�'�.?r � - � ��.
<br /> � �'�� `� � 19,. �'�j� �$ �'�.$. '1'As'8t. �tm �Ctl'Q"�fl1' �k.'r2by COJl�@tB {iBCII tti@ 'rl"ii�8 �
<br /> �u:
<br /> --_-- _ _ Y��;. e ��res t,s sell lhei pra�aertY w81di the Tt��se s�y exercise arid �de'r tat:i�h . � �����„::
<br /> ="';` � !h� P�P�Y �Y � �l� i� th$ es�nn�s Bmvidad t►9 law. At�fhe o�tion af ���� :
<br /> - , ' L`!!B hr�.+A2P1C1Si�� thf� �d OY Y'ee18�4.' �p bE Sos�Ct._a�� !41 tg1�e'+*sanne�r �����3��-�`8�` �
<br /> : �f:1'3.;�aaw�--�r,s _ -
<br /> � �' ,�:�.1�• P�ov.fdsd by l�v Por the foreclasure o� �ortgag� on ceal propert�e �hat, ff _ _
<br /> ` f:�`.� -- a eale of tAs groper�S► �9 �he Tr�s� ist�=aiseo-��er ��'�z° - -- � �'�"�` ___
<br /> . . ., sale, 42� prcoaeds sha21 t�e apglied �icet to the paY�*�t oP the ecsts aad --�.-�—�a=��__
<br /> � � �. ., :y.?.-., ezpenses of eaercieing the p�urer of sale, includfnq tt�e Pee oP the TrustQe a�•-__'--�-_.-�-
<br /> ��.�'4;',�-;Y 4.`. ' in an amo�st not to exaeed twA per cent (2�) oP the �le'price then t� the q----'Y`"- `-
<br /> K�,;e--
<br /> ° •'``s:,'' ,,'�.,, Pa9me�t ciP the obligation secnred by the Deed oP Tru.st and the balance. i8 ru�, -�-_
<br /> . �3t• �. � P�n or Persnns lega�3y entitle+d t.�8reto. _.�.,;__:_ -.
<br /> � .�.,• � ' 12. RC�A`�IQN YDt �ffi 6V� aF TRAL3SFFR. Iaa tA�x event the tif.le tr ��:`":__--
<br /> . _.�«r.,
<br /> _�. : � � ttse sa�d rcea2 estate ie transPerred,. as can*_racted to be �erre8, from •.•�:- :�
<br /> - , Q�he undersigned far anY F�n or bp atsSP.mr�thad whatsoe�res, the e�xtire , 'W --
<br /> -------- psincipal �n entt the accrve8 irltgsest shrall at nttee beocme due s�d PaYable �-'`_-�_ --_-
<br /> - .. 4`�~ ' at t�e electian of fihe BenePiciary. Faflnre to txercise thi� aptian ' •:3;,-;_;;.,=,== -
<br /> . __��._•...:.�: . �.,,,,�Q of transger' oY title as aY�ove stated in one instanae shal l not -- _ = -
<br /> ` . � c;anstiLute a waiver oP the rig4�t to exerc�se tbe same in Ehe even?� oP any . ' :..:w-_ -
<br /> . , • `�� su2�sequent ttcanEPer. .•'..'`��:_:�,�
<br /> . . -- � 13. OQTIES OF TRUSTEB. B�rrower a9rees thats (a) Dutiea artd � `! .�.'�:±�"_,s�
<br /> --- -- .--�.=_•:: obliqations of Trusts3�stsa].1 be determiIIted soleiP 1sY � �P�'s P�isia,-� '`"`"����,�„�•
<br /> � ' ` aP this Deed of Ts�st and Tcu�tee steall not l�e I�.abie euce�t for the �`•� ::.r`
<br /> � � �,erPormance of such dutfes and obligatiens as are sPeciPically set fos�h -Y..'•,,..•; .
<br /> ;�" � . ' hsrein, and no imglied covenants or obli tions shall he imposed upan ..
<br /> '�� � ', :=ti:
<br /> ' '�rus�e: (b) No provision of this Desd oP 7trust s�ali reguire Tru�rtee to ��,�� :f-'
<br /> � .� t escpend or cisk 11ts awn f�� or otherwis� incur anp finsncial ob�tion �r ��,.,�
<br /> - . " in the perPormanca of atiy o�'.its dutties heretmder, or in the exerc3se oP ;i�,�Y �,:
<br /> • app oY its rights or power: Ic) Tru��e �Y ��t �+i� ��el of its ot�rn •�,�
<br /> �� • clzaosing and the advice of sunc �ciu�sei shall b� full and complete
<br /> �� ' authoriaation arui pro�ection in tha resyect oP anY action �aken or suPfere�i ..' �. ��
<br /> . . ': 'r:��•,
<br /> �+►ti �� hy it hs._r�undor in good Pai� and reliance thesr,�aa�; and (d) Trustee sh811 � ', .•a�:= .
<br /> not be 1�.¢ble Por ariy actioa takeA by it in goa�d: �aith and reascnabl9 �?' •__
<br /> • • believed bp it Lo be authnrized or within 1Ls discretion er rights.oc � •, ��► :::+F%
<br /> , ;�'��` '� powers conferred upon it hy this Dessi of Trus�t. J
<br /> ,r��
<br /> . . Upon paymenti oP ail sim� secuced bp this Securitq
<br /> 14. . 'p s,
<br /> :;,�`ir�=-°
<br /> � � . Instsument. Lender shall cequec3t.Trustee to recanve� t1� Froperty en� shall . ,-_
<br />- " � • surrender this Security Instr�ent and ali notes evidencing debt �cured bp • '. :; ;,;� �- .,
<br /> - :� •;.• •� ' ��';►. this S�curitp Instrumer►t t� Trustea. Trustee shall recoavey the Property � ., � °�.,':';�p;. '::
<br /> _ ' ' z�'-. �ithout warrantq and withnut char8e te the pePSOn or persana le�ll� • . ' "r .:r :. .
<br /> �. .:.
<br /> ., . erititled to it. S�ch persoia or pers� shall �ay any �cordation cosits. `� '
<br /> � , ' ' 15: HAZARDOD3 NlATERIALS. Barro�rer sl�all ia,�ep the Property in .r.�` , •
<br /> • • camplias.r,� with all applicamle laws, orciinans�a aaid regulations releting to . : �
<br /> -�� �. ,..,; indus�rf�� hygiene or enviornmental Bro�ection trolTectivelp rePer�ed to • • . •
<br /> :;:��'� • herein as "finviorn.^�entml Laws") Borrauv_r shall kEep the Feopsrty free Pram � � .. __'
<br /> _ _.,t_�;, .. all substauces deemed to 6e hazarBaus or `�oxic �mder any Gnviornmental Laas '
<br /> � . (co2lecicivsly rePerred to het�in as ^Hazardaus Materials"). Borrower . . .
<br /> . . hereby varrants and regreses�i�s to LendEr that there are no l�lazasdcus
<br /> � .. • ' Materials on or under ths Property. Bocrower hereby agrees to inctemnify
<br /> � � and hold harmleso Len�es, ita directore, oPftcers, employees and agents• .
<br /> �: "- and any successos� Lo Lender's interest, from and againsL any and all . .
<br /> � � claims, d�sages, losses and liebililties arising in connection vith tJie • � �
<br /> � preranca,,: us�, dieposal or transport of ar�y Hazardous MatBrials on, under,
<br /> . fram.or a3�out ttca Property�. TI� FQAmQOIL� WllRIiAL�I�SS 112� RBPRESEriTATI0N3, i .. • ,
<br /> . � SUItVIVE REO�iIGY�+s'�B OF THIS DEED Og TRITST. . �
<br />-� ��`� 16. Thi� Qeed ot Tru� chall � binding ugs�n ths partiea hereto and
<br /> -=:�� .'�.� . ' all thofr assi�ts and heirs.
<br />���._ .. • � � : . .� .. .
<br /> _ � � ' � :
<br /> , � . .
<br /> .. . � � ...
<br /> - ,. � ;� � .
<br /> ' ' " .. DATID thie 6 �ay oP AQRIL, 1995. �
<br /> � . 5
<br />' , 1� . • ` _ � . .
<br /> � : � �. ...
<br />