'-� �,c. r
<br /> S ., .� _ . . � �'�{ . .
<br /> � " .�..�e• '}7� -
<br /> ' .`_ � � •'" i.� i ,. a.'�-F'� �.:,�. L i �i r-. 4 .,Y-x�A� �� -: c �. ' }r-tr:`t r ���t� y — — ---
<br /> � ..� . . e _
<br /> . .._ , ��=. . c
<br /> � �Y F ,� i y�`ya`-"' aa4 c- �� 4'Y'_. '=it,tlta4G�. �1�ta i'�R._?Ld'� _ -- - -
<br /> ..��i +� �`"�„_'�� .s'�.�'.� � ,i..-c- - — -—
<br /> — - - - -- �i.aa.�c.wss.f.;�. - - —--- --- —
<br /> __��;���.`!� �_ _ —___ - __ -- _ - . . : ' ---
<br /> ci•ryr� ' ' - ' ' � ' - _ ' _-
<br /> �a.'�f�� . � � . . . , . . � .�
<br /> � '°'v � V�� ��A�.SViI� .:.�_.-_•_ _ . —
<br /> :a .
<br /> -°y.� . . . . . - '_ _
<br /> — _ �t+�,�.�„�Nosn�at�t�.Tn�atnr eRsll tcee�ine Proy�rtyt!n compliartce�aitt�afl epp7c�t�tsws.ardinanccs end reSs�L'ons` , _---
<br /> - � �In�to tndvsieia!hygiene or�mrtronmerrtat Pratectten(ooIIsc-8ve�y naTarre�to Ites�atn.es"EnviroameMat I.awa"►:'IiaaWr ahai9 _
<br /> '�-�.� kA�stitaP�csgertl►trceefsomeHau�3tartcesda8rt[edtob9hazardou9ortoxicunds.ra�ryEmrirattmenfalLaw!(ca��cetircetyretarr+adt� , -_- ---------
<br />----_---_ � �Iier�In ss"iisza�aus Matertata"k Ynisiar hereLy wa�rrants afld represents to t�der thn?tt�a,��re no Heaer�ous Maturtvs�ort or —
<br /> ---- - under the Property Trustoi here�y agragsto inGamrtity artd hoSd hanniess�r.der.its dim�rA�[cern�e�bYaes�d a�aflb�ei�d --
<br /> airy s�ccess�ars to t.endefa interesL trc�m and egainat any and a!t cfa'sms,damage.9,taun¢�end llaDlllUes arts:is�in cosmec��ss witt� . _
<br />,-��� F< . ti�e presence.uae.diapasal or VBnspart of any Hazardous Matsrlafs an.ur�der.tr¢m ac about ttts ProRerty.TEiE FORE�UlI�i§ ___--__
<br /> �"-�•: 3i1RitIVE RECAMtEYAD:CE GF THIS CEED O�TRt1ST. ` c =_-
<br /> -_ "� 4b A����•�ib,Tr�satltaleb f�S�tQ L�d�ttse rent�, �� es aRd pmfite ot tAa ProN»rtY:Pr��dBd that�'ru8tst —_- .
<br />---��_-�'�-'�. stRai),unUttheocaurrenceofenEirentofDeffiuithersur,Qar,havatDa�ighttocoUectendraffiInsucArents.iasueaend�ra5�sast�/ __ - ------
<br /> ��:- Dsc�ome dus artd paya6fe.Upon the eecurrence o!an Event,at Qefault Leader may;eititer in per�on or Cy 8gent►vith er witJ►out -_ _--.
<br /> ����' bringing any actton or proceedin�or by e rsceiver appotnted by a court artd wNhoui t¢Qard t�the adequa�y af ib seatt�itY.er�s __
<br />:�:?�ts'��=�:�� �_. ��nnr�ar��aksnn4c�qa[an�{�1sP2�iL�ll.arBnYDattthereo�,initsownnamserini(�art8meoltheYrustee�ar�ddoarryactavrt�ichft. ' —_— - -
<br /> -�"�-.9 deoa�snecessaryordasi►ebfstopreservsttievalue.ma�tabilityorrentablftiyotgta�R�fif.��3►�ereoimin�rv'iu a. _ __ _
<br /> ����'�`_-� tacreace tlta iRrsame therefrom oi proiect the security heteof end���or wfthaut tat�(rtg possesSlan af the Pro�at�G EU8 f0Y OT - __ ___
<br />- - ---•:�:,` --- -_
<br /> �� othe�wtse c�tit�1he rente.issaes and proftffi tttereot.inciuding tha�e past due and urt{aaid.and appiy the sasa�tess casLS attd
<br /> T-� Y axx�i�ses of aperatton and collecl3on irtctuding attomeys fees,upon any irtdebiedness se�ured Aereby.aIl in s�tGb orderas LenQes - � �
<br /> ` =���j� m�y determtna The ertering upoi�artd taklrtg possessinn af the Preparty.the cotls�'ttan af sach rems.isgu�ti&1tdE�xroBts artd the �--
<br /> � .t.y.f ��f .E,��_._.._._------
<br /> t��tbation tAsreo!es atoresaid sha0 rtot�ure ar watve es�y Aefault ur rtatice�default hereunder or irnaltdEd�sr�cy act dGne in —
<br /> h��'�'� • tasponsetm��cch.delauitorpureuartttbeuc�snoticeafQ�'tsuitartd�o'hxiPhstart+�irtgihecantinuattceinppssessioticfthsPra�ertyar. -- -
<br /> ��;��-^����. t3i�aatta�.r�e`,Dt 8r�aoniitat[an af er�.issues or orofits.artd Tiu.�e and Lender shall be entitied to exer�iss ever�rt�t �;,•.___----
<br /> ��see;�s:��� . �y�Qe�SaGi�r�rs€Ute�bagl�Qocum�av�ylawupanar,curren�afstc-,��reMaiOefau�t.inc[udingrNithoeitilm�tatianUterf��a --w.
<br />: -sr-r..�%k?;f���`� -
<br /> � �rs�iftr��mar-,.E��tf.�s�['-+�er,Lend�Y's rights artd r�sedies urtd��sf4sis R�ragtt s�afl be cumulatisre wiib.and tn no�a
<br /> -'�f���=�`�':: � Gnn'f�tlw�ca.Lac��c�t�EtF�&r'Jremediesunderany�mEntofteasasartd�ent�racc�edaHairssttlfePropeAY.Lsnder.T� '"
<br /> _.-�_
<br /> F:�_p'�__�4: �a tRe fs�civ�c�;aSi tse t.�to acca�t onry,those�esctuatty recesveo. - � -
<br /> � , ��.�r,A Odad�The foFlowing shall cons�tut�an Event af Qefault urtde►thls Qeed of Trust _�"'�-`��
<br />�"''':';,,��" ' (a; �ure to pay ar+y Instaitment of principaJ or interest ot sn7F other sum secured hareby when du� =----
<br /> �-=---
<br /> - - � � (�ll�f�reacAatordetaultunderarryprovisloncentalnedintirel�at�thisQeedotTrust.arryottheLoanQocumenb.aresry ��-
<br /> ,•` ;. �___=;"_"'�"
<br />,=,_.°"%�.�y other tien ot encumbrance us�on the i�rnpeRV: • - - - — .-
<br /> , (c)A writ of executian or attachrrtent orany simitar process ehatl b0 entered againstl'rustorwhich sAaf1 hscflme a Ilen on �, ,
<br /> _ •,�`_4�,��: , tne Prop9nll ar arry poRion thereaf or interest iHereln; �:��'�:
<br />--•' . :�^.- : (d)There shall be filad by or against Trustor or Botravrer an actton under any present ar fr�ture federal,etate or other �,_,�;�,�,,,�:;��,
<br /> �,:,:;'. �; .;�,,, statut�law or regulatton relating to bankruptcy.insotvency or other reliet far debtors;or there shall be appolnted anY trvstee. '
<br /> • .,. .y� reeetvecacllquidatorofTrustoror6orrawerorofalleranypaROltheProperty,artharar�Lv.issuesorprofltsthereo�orTnlIItn► �;'
<br /> ".• �• '�` %�"` or$Qrrarc�dc shall make any generat assignment for the beasfit of creditor� ��"�
<br />_'.:'. :. � . (�.T�,�,�te tr^,�tsfr�tease,assignment conveyance or fuAher encumbrartce of all or arry part of or amr in�:i�7rie
<br />'.°,` ��•• �• , � ProQ�t�r,�-�atunt�:o,y or imrotuntarify,withaut the express written caitsent of Lender.pravidad that Tru�ar.�ri16e�
<br /> _ .y;.�^�.^. ae��t��cs�.;�1ra?ss olthePropertythatdaesnotcontainanapticntopurChaseandthetecmofwhicfr.d¢iraoiexcoed
<br /> cngycab;" �
<br />�°���;;a,,,�.as� {i��tuaQonment ot tha Property,or � .
<br />_� -�.;��::��'� �tt4rustorisnolanirtdlvtduat.theissuance,sate.transi�r a�nmen�ccmeyanceorencumbranceofmorethat�ata�a!
<br />-�Cak• '°9� .
<br /> •_°SsQi_1:s``.?A � . - ,
<br />_--"�:��4:�,+ �f.�_percent ot((f e corporationl its issued and outstanding stock ar(if a partnership)a totai of percent oi v �r�•-
<br />""'!�) � •I ri_' -1. -
<br /> • ���•;�; , 2rtr�ersh(p tnterests diiring the pertod this Oeed of Tiust remains a Ilen on the Rroparty. c._ +' • �
<br /> .p..;;_:.,:. .•�:. p •
<br />_.�, ••�--'�•�, : 12 Ren�sdlati AceN4tatlon Upon D�faul6lnthe eventof any Eb•��t ot�efault lertder may.wfUtout noUcs except ae requirad by �..;,;4.. ' _,.:�
<br /> •. •-�r,•:�.�+=7 Law,dracf�ro c`.1 indebtedness secured hereby to be due end pa1d:t�and the same shall thereupon Dewme due and paya�te ',�� ;�
<br /> ,. �, � •�i�sout eny,P„cesentmenf.demand,protest or noUce ef any kind.T(�c-�tr3fter Lender may: • , r i�
<br /> � � � (aJ•tTT..:martd th�t Tct:stee euercise the POWER�F SALE�anted herein.artd Trustee aha4!thereaftar cause Trusto�s ;'r ����-��-
<br /> '�'"� �a I i n t e r o s s[n t h e F r a{�t a B a sot d and the proceets r.�be distr�buted.all in the manner pravided in the Neb�-aska Trust Oee� ° � z'_,L,�� _
<br /> ��'��.��' � .° RaC • , ��"_
<br /> VM s �_K��
<br /> -----_-----'W (b) F�eanyan0a11�tghtsD��d�torinanyofthetoan.LocumentsarbylawuponaCCUrrenceofarryEventolQ`etaui� ,�` �
<br /> `�'::f�:=�ap�:i4 � attd • ----�---- __�
<br /> -�.: _:;.; (c) Cacr.menceanactJontbtor�'asethls0esdofTrustasacr.�rtgage.appointerecelver,crspeciticaliyenforcea�lolthe �;;���_� _
<br /> � covenartb hereaf. �' ' �
<br />;,;,,,, :i,c Nb remedy heroln confened upon or reserved to Trus�e or Lender is intended to be exclusive cf any other reme.Qy herein,in the �: __� <<
<br /> - .-:,• � l.oan RoCUments or by taw provtCed or psrmit4ed,b�t each shall be cumuiativ9,sh81t be fn addittan to every othar temedy given , � �'-�,1- .y,�._.°',;,,,,
<br /> ��. ' : � hereund9r.in the Loan Qocuments or now ar hereafterexisting at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrentty, � .
<br /> �1*'�:� In�epenQenUyorsuccessivety. .��'� _
<br /> +�fl�'1'Y-ri�% , Y
<br /> -_ .,,, Y3.TnrstN.The Trustee may resiQn�t any tirr�e without cause,and Lender may at any tima and without causa a���t e � •,,,3F,�;� `_
<br />:�;,rr��?'-�'::°;: successorarsubstF�utsTrustee.Truateeshailnotbelir�letoan party.includin withautiim(tatlonLertder,gonower,Trustor6dcny •• . • _
<br /> Y 9 . ` �y::�• --
<br />'L� ��"''r �� ' purchaser ot Ute PropeRy,forany toss arQamage unte��aeto recWess or willtui m::conduct,and ahatl not bo reQujred to takeany -
<br /> _��,�+;�=y;::, � ". , �
<br />-����fl:;#: actf�n,tn connectfon witfi the enforcement ot thls Oc�daf Trust untasa InQemn�:`ad,in wrlting,tor all cas*�.compensatior.ar _
<br />�:==T•_��'^��� exp�aae�wbieh may be associated therawtth.In addiUan.Truatee rttay became a purchaser at any sale o}the Ptc,rarty Qudicial or .
<br /> --'_ .�� under the power of sate grantad herein);postpone ttle sate of all or any portion of the PropeRy,as pravlded by law:or��;1 the
<br />"=_'�� Pro as e whole,or in ssparate parceta or tots at trustee'a discraUon. � �� �
<br /> ����
<br />-�;r4i::,..,.. Ae�Y , • .
<br /> _;����.: � 14.FNS and F�cp�n�.(n the svent Trustea seits the Property by exerclse of power of sate,Trustee sfiall be entit�t t���ty . • . : . ;
<br /> _ ��-���-�=_�� any safe praceeds flrst to paymeM of ail costs and ex�artses of oxercising power ot sate.inctuding atl TrusteB's fee3,artd t�e:,der's
<br /> --�=�_'+ andTrustea'sattomey'stees,actuallylncurredtoBxt�nt�rmiitedhyappiicablelaw.Inthoevent6orrawerorTr�ta�rexercisesarry • ! �
<br />.N"�_""`_���3 rtght provlded by Iaw to cure an Event af QsfaulL LaMcu shaU be enUUed to recovor hom T�ustor all costs and expenses ecl�,�3�ty , �:�
<br /> '�3.Ju�, �;. '.� -
<br /> � �� irtcurred ea a result oi TrustoPa deisui�(nctudin��:tt�cui limitat[an all Trustae's and attar�eys 4ees,to the extent porrt�i�!by �,, , ';
<br /> $APilcabte law. ��
<br /> '�i^:=� 15.Fudua Advanea�.Upon requaat ot 6urro�gaa.t.,�rt�st may,at its option,make a6ditlonel end future advances rs�d�� : � ;i ;�:• �
<br /> ?°.'`:y'� `' } advancesWBorro�ror.Suct►advancesandreadvanae�+�::hinterestthereon.shali6asecuredbythiaDeedofTrustAtnoUmesflall -
<br /> _�,w���. tllepHnc(palamountolthoindehtednesssecuredbytht�f7oedoiTruatnotinciudingsumsadvancedtoprotectthesecuriryofthia �� •_, ' ��
<br /> - - -� =' Qeed of Trus�exceed tho o8ginal pNnciRal 8mount atated herein,or� ,whtchever la great�r. , . t`�• . .
<br /> -".,,�`-i;� ,' 18.M(sc�ous Prmrf�iorH. ' �
<br /> ��av.��:..�'':.:�:
<br />= ��:°;- :••• �a)Borro�xe Nof Rekas�.Extenslon of the tlme tor payment ar modiflcaUon of amortuatlon of the sums socured by this
<br /> __ iM
<br />-''"�� ' � Oaed oiTrustgranted by LendQr to artysuccassor in interest ot Borrower ahatl natoperatbto retea,e,in any mannar.the Ilabiii.y • .
<br /> `�_,Y,-`::p?:'{;4� . ' . '_
<br /> � r �• � ofthoorigina{BoROworan4BorrowerssuccessoraininUarestlendershatlnatberequir8dtacommenceproceodingsagalnst
<br /> ,--:.��.:,.�,,�„�, suct�success�rorrelusotoextandUmefarpaymeniorotherwisemodilyamo�onc�thesumssecuredbythis0eedofTrust . �
<br /> ��y'��x.�+�x�... by reason ot any demanda made by the original Borrawer and Borrowar's suecass�,s in interest ,
<br /> -���,�''•°`- ''�- (b)I.+Ntdar's Pa�in.Wit�out afiscting the liSbiltty at any other person tiab�e tor tho payment ot any obiigaUon herein .
<br /> ;:�=.�=�i'T��` --�'� menUoned,artd without affecUng the Ilon or chargeof this Oeed of Trust uporterry porUan of the Property notthen or theretofore • � . • .
<br />- � ro(�ae�a9seeurlrytorlfiofullamourt4ofa11unpaidobtigatlons,Lendermay.tromUmetotimeandwithoutnoUce(t)reteaseany •.
<br /> '` ,,-"- �..�� persansoliaDle.(ti)extondthomatuHryoraiteranyolthetermsafar►ysuchobtigavons,(iii)grantotharindufgsnees.pv)roleass
<br /> :.., ,. � � or reconvey,or cause to be re(easod or reconvoyed at any Ume at LendoPe optlon any parcel,portton ar all o!the Property,
<br />,_.,;_;-,.i • ' (y)taice or retease a�ry othor or edditional security tor any o6ligaUon herein menttoned,or(vi)make composiUOns or othor � . .
<br /> anfinflc^,moAth wiQf dOD20B in f8t�ttort Uiereta " —�- '`---
<br /> _ � .
<br /> . ...
<br /> •� , . • � • .. _ � �
<br />