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<br /> , � � ' acres inose or Iess; . . . . , ,
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<br /> ' � d�sirs ta�bav�su�rlivided as a suh�d'avision the foregoing tcact of land located v+rrithait the corporats � __-_=
<br /> Iimits af tb�City of�'itand Islanct,Neiiraska,and itemby submit to ttie City Cou�cit of setcPt C'iqr -__
<br /> _ _ _ fiar a�lance as provided by Iaw an accurate map and plat of such propos�ti suhd�visi�,w� —
<br /> ksown as N�iRL4�t1BDIVLSION,desigaating explici�ty the tand to be la�oot as�d gariic�a.�y _
<br /> � describz�:tke IaLg,easeynEnts,anct streets�`z�nging.ta such subdiv�ion,wit�the lats desig�tat�d _ -
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<br /> . ::�.. . , � . �` -
<br /> . surveyor,an8 t���ttain�a dedicaiion of the easeane,�ts to the use a�d benef�t'��puEilic��Iities, � . , -_
<br /> and�f tlis st�eets�ta the use o�tA�.pubtie faTever. Ii�i�onsideration of the a�eptance of the plat � _i=_
<br /> of said NIARLCD�;�BDMSIQI�, the���ividers hereby con�.and agce� weth the City of� `=-
<br /> Gransi Island, Nebraska, t�� they wiiF'in�tall or provide at their expnnnse the following � -
<br /> ' , , lA..
<br /> �: �:•- ��vei��W. - . � [i!�'�Y�
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<br /> 1. .Fav3ng. �The Subdividers waive the right to abject ta the creation of any ' �_
<br /> ��
<br /> • p�vi�g ar r�p'aving district for Capital Avenus where it abuts the subdivision. ��"�"
<br /> It���
<br /> • . . �,��•.
<br /> 2. Water. Public warer supply is available tQ the subdivision attd all aew .� �vA�;;
<br /> , {::�.
<br /> . sWct�aes nequiring service in the subdivision shall he cunnected w sach waier supply. -�
<br /> ; ,
<br /> .;rs.:,�.
<br /> 3. Sanitury Sevrer.� Public sanitary sew� main is availab2e w the ��'��
<br /> , i�..-.
<br /> � subdivision and all new structures rea�wring service in the subdivision shall be connect�il W such � i`_�
<br /> ��.��;.
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