� ..• :.i- . • . .����_,..- :_ _.
<br />- .. ' Y?':��.b�.i::-r.'.�.�<tkd,�...td,� �I� aatisra��vmrer�eu�a.-w�arr��.a��5a��=—�.,.�°.--��•�.�—�.
<br /> _ — ilr��•mP_f� ' _ - ___---.—
<br /> � ...Y.Y_ _._ ... . . . �. _
<br />.. . �,.._. _. .. _ ..___—.._ ..- ._ . . . . : - ' -. . " ' --_—
<br /> �_ � . .` . ` . ` f i . . . _' .t�.�.-.�
<br /> �� ,� � ` ��.�• ` _ + ,� � . . l'QIPi1(IJfGIl��^RSVY.f.�1�YS��1i.�'5.�1___- � _— � _
<br /> �.'�i�Q'�rs'i1'�t'�'7�`Q����� �V�J't'�a�4'�i�`�'�.�'���`�� � — __— --
<br /> , . _
<br /> � � ----- - _ ---- t --
<br /> ; . . ,. � . • ,� . . � ' � -- -
<br /> . . - - -- -- - - --- - -
<br /> ��� 'JGL�IIb.b�redrf�tc's�e£�gie Pcraon. � . �
<br /> -`�c+e�_..�.�--` . . ,( °)
<br /> undesthefoIIo�.vin$�eda��at�o�en �intbar�a►oua8�'eus'.� Lem F.e� T , � �. _ ---
<br /> ("�SrusLOa"�,unt� aF es e .au or �r�r�Sc .t"$oneficiary")covEr�ngthe property descPihe3 � _
<br /> i�ta�herebj►nr:�sn�wle�a�6nt it ie undertaod thnt(o)the Dee�l of Truat to be�es�wtetl by Tirustar ie e tru3t deed anc� :� � -
<br /> a
<br /> • ' aat�s mortgage ua�(b)tho po�ver oF saFe provided far in the 1Yee3 of Ts�t providea eubstantialty diffarent r°�ghta ond -- -- --_-
<br /> obli�atlnns tn tha`rsusier.th'nn a mortg�e in�the evenL of default as breuch u�obligation. . • � �� ��__-
<br /> � . i r u s i os:,�a a�v ie dges t�e a t t h i s A s i�C t o�v 2 e d�m e n t w a s m a s��E o t 1�e r�u t i fl a o f i h�D e e c l t i t'1`�u s t. � �i . ' °` -_"�A---_ .
<br /> � �=,�,�p�►anr�IleSiYece�thfs_ 5th _dalroF_,__ Aosi1,i995 � �I_ =�-_"._-- _
<br /> i
<br /> - _ ----- - - . __=- - -- �c �,.r.. �--� �f�.,rSD, -— - - ---
<br /> _ • .:;!'rastor JoLene Eredrick .
<br /> _ �� � � � � �� f =__----_ __
<br />_ � . DEED OF�TR�TST . � � , �� ` __--
<br /> 'PHI$DEED OP TRUST,is made as of 5th day af AAril • . �• 19 95 .by B[—�'_- _-
<br /> JoLeae Fredricls f"Traswr"), whose maiting addres�i$ -=�°-
<br /> . �p�a_n�+ �ai:---=�
<br /> l.FlFli�- II • _ $ BII�,p• _ c�'�_—_�—__-
<br /> "_ •('�I'rust��.cvhnsema�ingaddressis �r.., � Raaco 6r Ie aad Ne. 8 u3 ` -=u.�.�- --
<br /> . �i�_;--
<br /> . f and ��ig_��' n�;� r an�or ChT�v T CnhmiAt � ("BeIIEfiL78i9� ���».
<br /> r
<br /> ' whosemailingeddressis 1821 N �lgncaek s7�d island_ga,,, �ARA'i ��;,`:-d—
<br /> n �i�.=
<br /> � FOA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Truswr irrevocably transfers,conveys and assIgna w Trastee,IN TRUST, =-:' T��
<br /> � QVITH POWER OF 3ALE,far the beaefi�and secarity of Benefici , der and sobject to tbe terms and conditions o;thla {.„„:
<br /> ' Deed of� he real property locaLccaf in the City of Gsata�s�and Ide• ,Countp of � _ `��± �
<br />- -Sa�� c L :State oF Nebraska.and IegaUy descn'bed as fol�awa(the"Property"): � '�`
<br />_ - .. , f:,� �t
<br /> � � ta 1,2,.3,4b5. a�:B Aaa�� co tne City o£ Graad IsYaad Ne. . - �£
<br /> � � . , I
<br /> � ,. . . ., ,. ; � I '.i;•
<br /> ' �� TOGETAGR WITH.all rents,e�5`�i�nts,ag�+sctenances,hsreditaments.interests in adjoining roads,streets aad ..
<br /> alleys,impruvemente and bnildinga ofr,r�v.,,t�d situU:ed thereon snd all persanal properiy that may be or hereafter 6ecome � �_
<br /> , :�.�'.. an inte�at part of auch 6uitdings aul��iT~:�frovements,all crops raised thereo.n,and all water rights. h%,'•" •:
<br />- The ptpperty and tha entire estxti�.and interest conveyed to the Trastee are r�Ferred�ta collectively as the"Tr�st � • ;�� . ,
<br /> � .i�;� ,.. ,
<br />- • �• Estete". i `��+_� • : .
<br />- a. Payment af indebtness in the Wtal principal amount of<.s �0 000.00 � ��$�h intErest thereon,as evidenced by � . �,�_
<br />= thaEcertainpromissorynoteofevendate(the"Note")withamaturitydateof - - t.,, --"-- '-
<br /> ' � eaecuted 6y,.v Trustor,which has beea�livered and is payable to the order af�r:Cciary,a�3 which by this referente is � � � �.'�
<br /> hereby mnd+`a part hereof,un8 any r�cd all modifications,estensions and rene�vafs theraolr,and ; :?a��t�:
<br />- b. Pay�nent of aU sums adv ced by Beneficiary to protESk d:r_Trust Estate.with inter�t thereon$t the rate o+f ":,�.��=--_:
<br /> .105 nercent 10� � ry�)per annum,�d�. . . '", , .�s�`�i:_
<br /> .} c. The perfosmance of TrusWra covenants and a�eements:� : :��7�'��-
<br /> This Deed oF Tnu�'r.the Note, and any otker instrutnent given to evi3r-n�: or further secure the payme�and JY ��.,�.��, �_
<br />_ performnnce of any obT:�tion secured hereby are referred to collectiveIy�s t11tz`i,oan Instcaments". �' .,� .:� -
<br />- TO PAQTECT THE 3ECURITY OF TAIS DEED OF TRUST: �.� �.�"��fr's��-_
<br /> l.PAYD�iENT OF INDE�TEDI�ESS.Trustor ehall pay when due the principal of,und the interest on,the iadebtednesa , �§ � r'�.`;_
<br />= evidenceci by the Note,charges,feci.a,rand all other aums as provided in the Loan Instruments. �� -' '='� ���.���'.•�'
<br /> 2. SpXEg A1�1D ASSESgI4�"'i 3.'1lrustor shall pay all taxes and special assessments of every Itind,naw or hereafter '�. . '.'�;°;;�„,-,,;R.-
<br />- Ievied against thP ttust estate or any part thereof as follbwa: ' '��- �'
<br /> ��; . �,...
<br /> (initial one) ; '
<br /> � 1Yuator ahall directly paY�u�taxes,without notice or dn.mand as et+ch installment comea due and ahall pmvide � . • ' �
<br />- the benefitiFUy with evidenci'of the payment of the E�e. , . - �
<br />_ eFeieryro��sef��.�e4s! #__.,......�.......... .. ....a.��... � ' . � `� . '., F
<br />° �iB�t.�C^"'�f'h�:•�L°cn Zt "i'i �i��3ii•i�JL,.III.t'aholl Aoa sma/� nn �y(nafh T hAn�rpAn�j�iSp�pp�� � �. . •
<br />_— ' { • a Q�/��Y�Yi'r�n�r�� ����i-° Tf�l]]f1h�T�11. d*n PTPP1tlsN��h]� f . ' . . .. . .
<br />— � �j�{�r�yj4,���g�g}fg�Y�L6119�lB�68t8LediQY� • •
<br /> 3. JNSIIFWNCE ANb REP�. Truator shalt maintain fire nnd extended coc-�raro�e insuranee insuring the � . r� .
<br /> � improvements aad buiidinge constitu:in�part of Y.he Trust Estate for an amount no[eas tl�.:s the amount of tho unyai.d I . _ •r:'�`-:, ..
<br /> � principul6alance of the Note(co-insurance not exceedin�807o permitted�.Such insur�►nce Rolicy ahull contuin u stsndard y �
<br /> mort�e clause in fevor of Beneficiary aad ahall not be cancellable,terminabla or modifiab2e without ten 110)days prios ; ° .
<br /> � writtcn notics to Beneticiary.TrusWr shall pmmptly repair,msrintain and reptace the Truat Estate or any part thereof so . • � `'
<br />_ � . that,escept for ordinary vrear and tear.th9�t Estate ahnll not deteriorate.In no evont shall the Truator commit waste f , _
<br />= oa or to the Trust Estate. �
<br />- 4. AG°I'IONS AFFECTIN(3 TRUST ESTA4`E.T`rustor ahall nppear in and contest any nction or pmceeding purportiag � • .
<br />- to a�ect ttte security hereof or the rlght�or powere of Beneficiary or Truateo.ssnd shall pay ell aoste and expenses,including � ..
<br /> s c�o3t of evidence of title and attumey's fees,in any such uction or pmceeding in which Beneficiury or 9Yustee may ap�ear. ; . ..
<br />= ahou2d 1`rustor fail to ritake nny payment or to do nny nct as and in the manner provided in siny of the Loan Instruments, f ; .
<br /> � BenoBcitisy andlor Trustee,each in its own discre2ion,without abligation so to do and without notico to or demand uyon � • •� ��
<br />= Tmator aad without retesising Trastor from any obligation,may make or do the eame in such manner and to snch extent � . --
<br />