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<br /> _ � � � ��:, 1-4 ��II.� �]El�t . ,
<br /> . � AsSignt�e�t+af�Rents ` tl020027343 �
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDEIt is made this 6YH " ��� .
<br /> asid is irtco�arat�l intn and sha11 be deemed to amend and svpplemem the Mo�g�DeQd uf Trust o:Sr,zur�ety
<br /> - De�(ttse •`Sr,sx�risy I�stsument"? of cbe sa� date given.by the undersignat (the "Borro�rer") m s�.
<br /> Bor�o�ver's Note to . ' . , ..
<br /> _ ". fi�'Qr� Gar.ri:���.ta [���r3iCtg �si6�.' C�� G1�SOGiAtiOtf_���E�'t3�td. IS�ePg��. . :. .� .,. , _. ___ _ _
<br /> L��C�����, !� I�r�cfQrm� �r��efsc�gs @�ts (�sµt,eadec"3 -- —
<br /> ' af r�¢satu��2te a.m�oavc�i¢g 4tie l�catscxt�f�.'�c�in t��ricgs FE�.��c a.r,�Eaca,.�d,at:
<br /> - 3'E�-3��'—�4.��,.,,;��.6l�0 �T4�2 Ki�S'� AV�, 4 4 C�3 t�.:�,Ti,.,�C ST, QEiA�iQ
<br /> , ;':�.'`�.5tAti�3';;'.'i�fEBRA59t10 6���`'f�`-;_9��9 ;``;.... .;:;>,,.�;�,:.. . .
<br /> , . 'ez: .,. .. _ :r , : [PmPertY Addmssl �`r='`
<br /> ',; ; , •
<br /> � �;�:;?;: , . . ,
<br /> i' •
<br /> ;`�lI;`FAMILY CO�i►E1biAN'ii$..va additian to thc catre�^.:.�s and agreements m�a�i°'.�+��Seqiriry Inst�ame� :
<br /> � ��s��anrl Ix�der further oovenant aad agrr.e as follu�.�r:.:; , ` , . _
<br /> x
<br /> ;:5.;f,��, � > �`�;,;�ADDT�3�O�iAi.PItOFERTY S� .,�6'�."i'����INS'TRYJh�I�i'f'. In�dd.�on to tite
<br /> °;':;�; ��,<• Pra�peny d�cr:`�ti{s�the Securiry Instnu��{'�:;tdh�tofiowz�gtems are a�&eOiiio the Praperty des�a�ratf:.and shall
<br /> ij' •;.;� � ' ..i• :", Inctr�*�r�»t�}�tulH� �ats.& av�t`s�rocfs of every —
<br /> .,� �iso wt�m...���perty oovered by the. ..��aa'cy -..:..: � .. . , pP��
<br /> . c�ta�:•.��6arsd:sti riow or l'r,�,.-�Per�located in, on. or•:�. or infe��c�,F,��xstti��im ccz�.*��t with the �-
<br /> ';;;�, � ._ Pxr�t�,iticlud�g� b� �:�.�Q,, �iose for the purposes of sur.�fy�.�g.�r�i'�a�t#t�in3 heating•caoling,.
<br /> ° � el�clty, gas, water. air�:ia� ���:"�`�"is:,uendon and extina t1(� �?3a�.:f�'.��t�'z�:.�ss wmmi
<br /> ' ".i`'� . a�psc2fus�ptumbiAb+.bath us6.s�`fyates f?�tci�,�;-�water cInsets, sitlkS. �iis��„��c?�;,-tbrc�5't"s�.^':a�'•,f�J:;�',.`cU�wAS1te�S.
<br /> �'' �.�ansals.'washers.dryets.a��,'-.�^..�zQtsur,twi�tc�uws.storm doors,sc.ra:tf�:�.�'��s �rr4f�.carrt��d curta�n -
<br /> � �s�hed mirmrs.cabmor���=��'•c��cag�tt�cb fiiir�''�overings nao�ac[��tnc�raslliit�$.�r�dse�gr.�t�� ,'" ,,
<br /> �� . , , �: .. '" �.... -
<br /> , . �1��,�+�hich, inctuding rqsr+•�.� z��u9�iia?�as.���. shali ba d:zsn�'tu iic;�is�s�a.u��i�� �tt:;"a�:itf�.. _
<br /> ptppert�cov�3�y th$Set��j..�.�,sir�c�i�:.'1�.31 of the foregoing taga[tc�wii�•t��:�Perty e1�.��8 in the
<br /> � Sect�rity Inspvm�ati(or the 1e2�:�nrd es����'G�tic:Security Instrument is an a ieasehoid)are referred[o in this 1-4
<br /> �. Family Rider artd the Seauity Inswment as the"Propercy." �
<br />" B. USE OF PROPERTY;COMPI.IANCL' �1VIT�i LAW. Borrower shall not sezk, agree to or make a �
<br /> shange in tbe use of the Pra�perty or iu zoning ctassification.unless I.ender has agreed in writing to the change.
<br /> ' Boi'rower sRall campty with alf laws, ardinances. regulatians and requirements of any govemmentaJ body ,
<br /> � appiicable to the Property. . ' . _
<br /> • . C.SUBORDIIVATE L1ENS.Except as pem�itted�y federal taw,BorroweT shall not allow any I ien inferlor , _-
<br /> to the Securiay Insuument to be perfected against the Praperty without Lender's prlor written permisslon.
<br /> D.RENT IASS INSURANICE.BorroR•er shss0 maintain insumnce against rcnt loss in addidon to the other =
<br /> 'hazards for whicb insuranoe is reyuireA by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> E.•BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REII�TSTATE"DEI.ETED.Ilniform Covenant 18 is deleted. �
<br /> F. B�RIZOWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lettder and Borrower othenvise agree in wridn�, �tte first
<br /> sentence in Unifo�n Coveaant 6 eoncerning Borcower's accapancy of the Propeny is deteted. All remaimng -
<br /> covenants and agreementa set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. � .
<br /> MULTISTATE�1-4 FAMltY RlDER-FarWe MaelFrafille Mac Uniform Inst►vmacn Fortn 31?0 3193 -
<br /> �_.
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