�____ _� � _ �� _� ._._ _
<br /> —_:_- -, _ - ; : .,
<br /> �� � ` �� . .�� . .. �' ' . S�� '�.�o�:�'�°� .. ,. ' � .,. -
<br /> . `�`i�'1�:=��'-y�s lQi�esf bc r�.�.tis�l.st tti�cp�on of Lrr�ler.iF moct��°riasiransc covr.r�ge(in tE�.:usr���t;tu�'far ti�e peric�d . � , .
<br /> " tAa3#.tc�4es�r�uin:s}.pror+ic���yy m3 isL�ur�F s�rovs�by�ndcr agai.0�cc�s av 'a��nt�t�te is obt�ir�.-d.C3s�s�cr,�ati�i:►�
<br /> ._� t�°��u�:�4u�r.���ui�:a-�i.z ^ ry xne»�wnev.�,n effc:ct,or ts provida n lo:�rscn e.�ntlt 1he r�ui��c�:€or martgaga----` -�- ---
<br /> � Eps�u�ends ir�us��with any wri�en agr�mer►t 6ctwecn Borrau��ee ard Lcndci o:�plEcablc[nw., � -
<br /> ` 9,�ts,pettlne.�.eit�es.t��it�ugen3 may mafc�r�sauabte enset�s npnn rsnif�n.,p:,rt'so�.4 aF tiz;F�or�nq. L�.�tcr�L�!�.i«°� --------
<br /> , �prro�e�r�ic�t at the timc of Qr prEor ao nn insAect9nra spcsitping r�sa:wbt�sau�e fae the inspec�.ion. , ,
<br /> 1Q,Cat�demnstt€un.'Thr pmcecds oi t�y awai�or slaim for d3rr�.a�s.disect or can�eque,lda3. in eannectian witH�nny
<br />: . can�cm.�ation or ot3�er t;�tin�oF any pan of the Preperty.or for conveyance in tieu o8 cond�tion.ere h:c��}r assi�uai a.�tA , _-.--_--.
<br /> ' ' sh�tit be pald to.Les�dee. . , . : '. �
<br /> i�tlte�yeni of n totul t�iag t�f ttss Prop�cty�ttie prooeeds�halt�e uppfied to the sums secvred by ttus�.curity iR:n+,ment.
<br /> . ,wketlz.^T Of II4�L WC[!dQB. cvith any encess p�id to t3orrawer. In tfie event of a p�rtiat falring af the Prog�ey in wtudi tha fair - -- ..
<br /> . m�rkci vat�:e of tSie Pro�rty immediately before ths talcing is equa�ta or�reater Wan the aatount af the sams saursd by this -
<br /> • c���y Lcr�!�u�mme�tiatety hefore the ta�n¢,unless Bgrrower aad 3xnder oihenvise�ree in w7itirrg,the sums�ecured by _
<br /> t}�is Secauity Insuume:g shaSl be reci�c�d by the amnuat of the pmcePds multiplied by ths fol2ovring fraction: (a}the wta]
<br /> . �auat nf t&e suras seaued immediztety bsfora the taking,dividod by(b)the fa�x markei v�I�e of the Progetty i�iately
<br /> �efore the Lilcing. Any balauce shalt he paid co Sarrower. In ths eveat of a partial L�mg of the 1'roperty in wluch the fair ----
<br /> . amrket vat�of the Propecty iinm�iatelY 6efnre tke talang is tess tl�ar►the amnunt of the s�ms seatred inamediately befare the
<br /> taTa�;.:uoles�I3atrawcr�1-ender othemnse agree in wriung or unless appHcable!aw ot6eiwise p*ovides.the proc�ds.s6ail_ .�------
<br /> (-, h$;�t�pl4�1�ilta:�unss�in�this S�urity Insuumeat whether or aai the sums are then due. _
<br /> , �` : `ti`,���.vipe�.y�i:��rn�'s h�Borrower,or if,after nnti�By Lea�der to Bortower tt�at the candemnor offi�.s P�.�sS�au --_`_
<br /> gw�d arr sesde a�d�.1"x�r.d��:.J3nmovv,x�s tu asgorid:tn L.�rd�within 30 days after tAe dat�tfr�uat�ae us;�..
<br /> � Leader,is autA.�rized Os rallec3:�'rt�: �i��za�+d'sa Sl:lts 6t]11f371s c��er.av�estorsrion or repair oft�3e Fr.u�r dr t�fe.'ae�...: .:•, __--- _
<br /> . �-. . � �
<br /> ' seaJt�d.py t�iis gec�ity I�:iy.�.r�t�a y�.�'',a;'�i�-a�d� � " _ -_.
<br /> ` ' Uir�s Leader and 8atrt��'tj(�wisa'� ia n�?�,,auY�PFli�arian af gcac�sfs�to principal shall r�y, .,��.or� " ___ -__-
<br /> . . ...; . �
<br /> !�T?��="r1�due date af the mauttr�q�ments ii�"�tu i��T�t a�2 nr chau�tire amount of such�ay�3t,� • -.� -- —
<br /> . ._ �
<br /> ft�.�6orrow�l�ai Ret�c�;Tf'�i6earance�g��a����i�cxr;.�aEeasco�e.,C tfi�time for payment or c►�d�+otc F��y���-��,..-
<br /> o f amortizativn o f t he�ucna s e c u r e d by t h i s S e c a r i t y�I n s t r u m e rt�^.z m e 3 U v��'.,e�e r t o an y s u c ce s s o r i n i n t e.r e s t o f B o r r���t r�i t:•. � �__ � .
<br /> not operate to re1�s�*,.:tiabiliry of.the ori�inal Botrower qc 8arruwer s ss;t�essors in interest. Lender sliall not fre �t�,:, '` '
<br /> � , '. ..�,<�'��'� —
<br /> �oa�ace proce.�dir,�a again�.�m:,saccessor m mtetest or re!'ri�,:to extend time for pay?�s?nt or othernrise modtty umn�ott � , ,;� y��t��.,�,y�•�t.
<br /> of the sums sae�irr�1 ay this;�.:;.:"�cy Instrument by reasah bf any demand made by'�'-0ripnal Borrowei c�r I�L�¢us.wer�s�'"'���� � ��'°��-
<br /> e -
<br /> s¢a�essars.im icqc`r�?1ny f��-�ce Dy Lende�in exercising a�r right ar nmedy�!v*J�ct;t 6e a waiyer of.oc:�°�..��`.:�e the. •,-: ; :�( .
<br /> � exercise of anp ti�`:��r�ed�:��' � . " _ . ' '::' : . 'rr. `�t* '�:
<br /> l2.Succ��'�i�til As��,Buund.Joint and Seve�a� Liabi�it�;��ers. 'Che covenai�an�l agreemeau of this �;• y�
<br /> Securiry Tnstrumeat s4ia11 bind�nd:btnefit the successors�d.�7ssigns of E�der and SDrracver.subject to the ptovisions of •M�;:� �
<br /> Paragra�h 17. Boaower s coverra�ts and agreements shall Li�,�oint aud severat. AY►r Borrower who co-signs this 5ecurity �:•,:°" .
<br /> ;y_
<br /> Tnstrument but does not execate the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that . +:_.•'.
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Insttumen�(b)is not personally obligated to pay the s�uns �`�' .: •°" �
<br /> seeured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lend2r and any other Borrower may agre9e to extend.modify.farbear or :ti��
<br /> maL-e any acco�modations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's wnsent. ' �::��. .A t '
<br /> • 13.Loan CGarges.If the lnan secure�by this Security Instrument is subject to a law cvfiich seis ma�cimum toan charges. ;;? ' ,`
<br /> • ar�d that la�v is finally interpttted so that the interest or other loan chatges eollected or m be collected in connection with the . __ :`'�=
<br /> loan exceed the pernutted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shalt be reduced by[he amount necessary co reduce the charge J,."''"'�
<br /> ' to the permitted limit;and(b)anY sums already colle�ted irom Borrower wbich exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to `;;;;,:����e:..
<br /> Bonrower. I.eader ma choose to make this refund b reducin the princi �t o�ved under the Note or b makin a direct '� •�-?� �_
<br /> y Y g P Y S �••,.;�Y�_„
<br /> paymene to Borrawer. 1f a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment witt:out arty .'=-•r-'}������
<br /> - .tY t�!y�S1M�.
<br /> pnpayment charge under the Not�.� =s=�r°. -
<br /> 14.Nottces.Any aotice to Borrower provided for in this Security Lnscrument shall be given by delivering it ar by mailing a�:...z="`__
<br /> it by fi�at elass maii ualess applica6le law requ'ves use of:cnother method_'Fhe notice shall be dirzcted to the Propercy Address � �~'����+��=
<br /> or any other addzr�s t3Qrrower,designates by norice to Lender. Any no[i,�[�Lender shall be given by first class msiil to ''�
<br /> mi
<br /> � •=:��11C:''::;'=:..,::
<br /> I.ender's addre�s s�uui�f h�rein cita�ry other address Lender dcsignates by notia°to Bort*:�u;�r. Any notice provided for in tl�lis "�::�;;�,s-�.''�-
<br /> • Securiry Instrument�IsaL Sr�+iec,mc•aL to have been given to Ba►t�uwei or l.ender when gi��en a:�provided in this paragraph. :�`�:-'
<br /> 15.Governfng�"�i�w; S�c�g�ility. TAis Security Instrument shall be govemed�by federal !aw and the tuw of the �. :'"�'��`� �_
<br />_ jurisdiction in whicti�Ice P�regem,�is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note ; . - #
<br /> . conflicts with applicable[aw,ssich,conflict shall nat affect ather provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note which can be .� ' . •�•r
<br /> ven�eet withoat the contlic0t�s c+avision.To this end th� Nvisions of this Securt tistrument and the Note are dectared � �t� •
<br /> gi a p P �� .. ���"�''';'•�
<br /> :r:�
<br /> to 6e sc.�verabte. � , . .
<br /> 16.BonoRer'F Copy.Bori�sver shall be given one ci;itformed copy nf t�te Note and of this Securiry I�utrumem. �. � . "
<br /> ..i5:�
<br /> • , Farm 302fi 9I90 �+iy�;'' �
<br /> , . . �,.,
<br /> Paa9 0 0!B � , �
<br /> . �•`�:
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<br />