.:_: _
<br /> � , � . � .�; _ � � � _ _ __
<br /> _ `�.x�. �-.x:� �y ��`�_��;�<. �� ;�t����"�"�� ° _ _ _- ----
<br />_ _ _ - -�--.�,�.��:�.,_ _ ...
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<br /> � � - _�_ �
<br /> _ re_..� .... - ....�
<br /> _ _ , — < , ;� _.- -- - - - - . ,
<br /> � r . � . � , ` � �t���A�l6/�..�� = --
<br /> � �. �9.'1'�a�r o't e�Pro�rty�i'a Bene�c6nl Int�s`i in Boxctsticer.if ult or�►y part of the t�ropeny or an�l m e. t in i3 -_-_�-_ -
<br /> nl
<br /> ` ia soid or tmt�feprat to;if a bencf�cial iater��t in LcrraEVer is so3d or�ansfcrr�.aad�orrmver is nQt a maturai�F:ssnn)evitHOUt . -=______
<br /> Lcnd�r s prioa rr�ittca coase�:, i.er.der may. a�its o�tia�. �eci�ir� i�i��>gayu�nt in fuft of a!I sums sr.curcd hy ttis -__ - --------
<br /> : u�ecurity Instr�eni.Ho�zevcr;.�s option shait aot f�x exercised by l..eadex if exemise is�mhibited!sy fedeml taev�s of the date• �-
<br /> . of t�is Sccarit'_v,Lostrument. • - _ -
<br /> i€I,ender exercises this og3ion. Leader sha11 give Borrower notice oP acceter�►tion.The afltjG�s�Fmvide a period af c�ot , -W-._--___-_ -
<br /> � �ss than 3Q days from the daie the nouse is d;livemd or mailed within�vluch$orraw-es n;�ty��'pa}r all sums secumd by.this =
<br /> Se�rity Inst�eat-�If So�o�vez faiis ta pay tivse sums prior to the eapiration o f t�.peri o d..i.c i s d er mrsy imroke an y fe�edies --__
<br /> p�tt�d by t�i.s�erurit3t Instr��without further nat.ise or demand oa Boria�re.c. °=��==;.--_-_-.-
<br /> I8. Barroker's Rtght �o Iteinstate. if Borrower meets cenain conditiens, Bo::c»er.sh.gl�,,have the ri�ht to'iu�ve` ��s��_��-
<br /> e�orce�rent of t6is Seauaty insvument discontin�ed at any tim:Priar to the e3rlier of: fal 5�.a}'�;��or.such other�seriod as � ---
<br /> hcable law ma for�instatement) 6Qfare sale of the Property pursuant to ang porq�af�sale cantained in this �,�c , _
<br /> ' S�urity Insmsmrni o�r N?s�7+of a judgment enforcing this.Security insavment.'f'�os�cosisiits�st�s��:i�Bisrm;�er:ta)�Ys °�� �;�.� � ____
<br />� ' Ixnder all sams wivch ihen wauld�6e dae uader this Securiry Instnussent and the No:e r�s if no a�sel�.�t;an 6a�occurred; (b2 � � �t�=.-z
<br /> cures any defauit of auy other cavenanss or agreements;(c)pays at!expenses ir.curce�in�nfez.in�.f�,Securiry.Instmment. ��� _A
<br /> er a�a a�as t�b! ue tu assure g-- ;=-�`-`==-_�
<br /> - - -:-;��i�g.but nnt limited to.reasonable attomeys fees:and(d)takes such acuon as Lxnd y �. Y�N ����,_�_�._-_-.
<br /> tlmt t8e�ien of tfus Security Insuumenc.I.ender's rights in the Progerty and Eorr�wes s obligari��t.t�2�y the sums secured by �==�a,=�:�`� =_--_-_
<br /> I�truntent and the �"•'""� -
<br /> tbis Securiry Instrnm�t sha�� coavnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement {sy Borrawes. this SecY�=Y � �.� �- ---
<br /> obiigatios�s secured hereby slsall remain fu11Y effecYive.as if no acceleration had occurred•Hnwe�erw�titiis right to reinstate sflall ��� ` - -
<br /> � not appty in the c�se.af acceleratioa under paragra�b 1?_ � r-� ��''�
<br /> 19. S�te of Nqi�:.CG�ge af I.oan Servicer. '[7ie Note or a partial intcrest in the I�o:e.(togeztier witt►this Secaricy � -_ ---- __.
<br /> Instrument)caay be sold one or more times without Qrior aotice to Bonower.A sale tn�y result'sn�change in t6B enCty([mawn t,,5���,;_�;�^=y-" -` �
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthlY PaYments dae under the Note and this Sacarity Snstt�►'?;�nt.Thete•also may be one ;�.��'r�_ -
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated m a sale of We Note.If there is a change of t1�e L,vuJi,S�N�er,Borrower will be :h�. . .�.-�-
<br /> :�e�.='>�-:�---
<br /> : given wriaen nod+x of the cl�ange in accordance with paragnph 14 above and appiicaale taw.The.cartjce will state the name and 4 �j,;._�k��:�-
<br /> address of the new Loan Servic.�r and the address to wlucfi payments skould[�tnade. 'fhe noti�,VrilE ���ntain am,r other �;y:�.�{�__
<br /> : iafoanation required by applieabte law. • r- � :� = =- -
<br /> ; ZQ. garar�ons�nnstan�es. Borrower shall not cause or permit_the preseax. use.dispoFa3; ssnrage, or rielease of any :�k�y ,-
<br /> Hazardous Sabstances on•or in the Fcoperty: Bosawer shall noi do, aor allow anyoae ei�xi.ta do. anything affecdna the �_�,_._._,,,;- .� _
<br /> � property thai is in viotation of any Envirocunental Law.The preceding two sentences shalt teat„3�Ply to the presence.use,or � g�f '; _
<br /> ` stfsrage on t$e Prnperty of small quandties of Hazardous Substances that are generally .recagni�C!7 to be appropriate to normal o Y��� _
<br /> resideniial us.es and to maintenance of the Property. ''��_�;��
<br /> Barrower shal! ro d ive I.eade�writtea aotice of an iuvesti ation..claim,.demaut�„�awsuit or other action by any �'�-`�`�-�----
<br /> P mP Y B Y g x::�..�r,-
<br /> � goverumentzl or regalatory agency or private party involving the Property and att7r.Ha�..*dr,ti�,Substance or Envimnntental La�+ s;:,+;;;, _
<br /> of whicb Bor�ower has actua! imawledge. If Borrower learns. or is notifced by any gavexa�antal or regulatory aut�ority, that �j�.: , ;;' :� �
<br /> I any removal or other remediation of any H a 7 ar dous Su bstance a f f e c ting t he P ro g O r t y cs necessa ry.Borrawer shali prompdy take -_•.,_,,,� - ,'t'_
<br /> all necessary remedial accioas in accordance with Environmeatal Law. '�.�'�.°
<br /> � As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Su bstances"are those substancr�defir:r.tt,ab toxic or hazardoss substances by ••..•J..�� � ..
<br /> • Environmental Law and the follawing substaaces: gasoline. kerasene, other flammat+la,�or toxic petrolewn products. toxic ,�..,��,�V
<br /> pesticides asid herbicides.valatile solvents.materials containina asbestos or fartea[dehyde„arrd radioactive•mAt�ials.As used in ;. ,
<br /> � tWs paragraph 20, ".Environntental Law" means federal laws and taws of the jurisd.iction whete the Ptc�p�ty is lopted that,:� ':;'':
<br /> relate to h.alth,safety or enviranment�t pmtection_ �"�'.`��
<br /> NO�t-U,'JIFORM COVENANTS_Eorrower and I.ender furth�s covenant and agr�e as fallnn>�: ' .�' �
<br /> �:'�:., ,
<br /> � Zl.Acceterntlon;��Ic�.L�izr sh�l give notice w Borrowes grtnr.to 3�ceteratfn¢L�►(lawing BoiTOwer's fr�ash�,�� :.�'r• •;_.:',�� �-
<br /> � of any wvenant oP agee��t tn t::is Seearity Instrument (but noi grias:to•accRleratfas� ander �aragrapb 1'7 antess �+",�.•1�; . �.. ..;P,':
<br /> ;1';�:.:s.�
<br /> . applica6le law pravtdes othenvis�).�hs notice shull specify: (a)the defuult;.(b),tQte a�n re�aire�D to cu�e the defaait;��; •.����_, �, ;}.
<br /> (e)a date,aot less tdan 30 days klntrn the date the�ot[ce is given to Bo�m�zs,by►vhtct�ti:e default must be c�u'ed,and ,: :"''�=��. „-_•'.�
<br /> �c�::��'• ..: •�
<br /> (i� thut failure to cure We de�ault aa or befose the date s�ed in the n�tl�may cc�virt�in acceleration oY the su�s .�,,�.::�;rl,;iyf.� ;;.:.�.
<br /> secured by Wis Secarity Instrune;u.t Au?J saie of the Propest9.'I7te rzotLee�.!'►�ti.further infr�rm Basrotiver of tRe right to � �,��s
<br /> reinsSat�after scoeteratton and the s��=h1 ta brin� a couet actlon ta e�sscrt tde aan-existence of a defanit or any other I% ti
<br /> defease of Borrower to acceler�ttioa and sate.If tha defau[t.ls not c�r�d w�:.ar before the date specired tu the aottce. ��=?�- '
<br /> l.e�dcr,at its opt�on,may cequ�re t:nmediate payrnemt in fuli of ai!sums�ure�by thGs �ty lastrument�vithsut ,.� `�� '°-
<br /> , ��.�c, •:,�._
<br /> i'urtficr d�maad and may invoke the�ower of sale and any other remedies,�e�mitted by applicabte faw. Lender s6a11 be : ".�;��.�;.: •.�_
<br /> entittQd to co�tect a ll espe n s e s I a t u�i n pmsui n g t h e r e m e d?es pravided�in tiils p a r a g r anb ZI.incfnd3ng,6at not limited :� :.-.^ r,,�";,�-.>.
<br /> ���..:'.
<br /> �`;�a„.,=
<br /> ' � to,reasona�le attora�eys'fees and oosSa of titte evtdence. ; • _;:-_
<br /> If the pawer of saie is invoked, Trustee shalb recard u nottce o8 defaatg in each coanty in w6Ich any p�rt of the . �3:;.'"'"` `�. -
<br /> •.:<,• ;�..:-
<br /> property is locaied unc!shall mu31 evpies of such notice ia the manrt��peeaccEbed by appltcabie law to Bor�ower and to �:.;
<br /> the other persons prescclbed by appltcAb2�ia�v.A f t er t he t i me requ i r�!by ap�ll c a Q�l e l aw.Trastee shAl!give p ublk notice �` ' .� ' � '-°"�r-
<br /> of sate to the person5 srad in ihe maaaer prnscrl6ed by applica�le luw.Trustee.without deaiand an I�rrower,shall sell ' �'� _
<br /> a
<br /> the Property at pu6lic auMton ta the taighe�t btddcr at the Rime and�e�taa:and undes the te�s desi�ated in the aatice of � . �:_�;.,, : ,
<br /> sate in one or m�re parcels sind in uny order Tn�tee determines.Trestee may posipone�ate af a11 or any purccl of the � �.
<br /> �operty 1ry.pnblic anQtouacement At the time and pfaco of any �reaiously srheduled sa9e. i.ender or its d�igaee enay .. '.. �
<br /> ` Purcbsise t�e P�ogesty at ptnY sale. .. ,. •
<br /> .I ,
<br /> � • .
<br /> Font►3028 9/90 � • '
<br /> vaga 5 of s • . ..
<br /> . , • , Y
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