o Y� '•'�at �j `�,r. t� . . ; .. .• . t .c t:%� —=
<br /> � � ..._ , S �.c ^._!�3 y. ,b` _. C,c . fl . i - -.�:f. ��-`•-i � '�, L,a^t '�" 4 �.r_x � `° a��.�s�— —_'
<br /> f .r �' - � � t� .�. - _ � -e t,.a � t . � ' -�. � �4 � [ {�i�4L�
<br /> �. . . .y_ � . 3 k . . �:- 1 � — — _
<br /> n ��� •a�`_ h: F�% s�� �t .��� �+. �u�xj..��s� �'7.�r � r '4u . s�.`- � .. - . — -
<br /> �,���.^ilik'�,V i�, ' ) -� ,.: t�" _"�`..�i1cs .;} 'Y'�` .1 \S?'Y- .'�'_,y^"c.�f,`��---��— -
<br /> -�e��-� -
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<br /> ----°�-'�'`_ • . ` . ��
<br /> -c�`c,�.�.��'SF�.. . � . . . . ; , . ` '` , Y: ', f' _
<br /> r ���, � ' ' "' � � ' �e��+��',�+�3� ' . --
<br /> .,,�� �=•` � �.Sa�r��.��'anss�' ��u�sT�I keep the icagruv�_�aat�g�s�s�ea$ar�on th�Ptag�ty - - -
<br />--__-��:��'==�;�.� , � 't�i��nst tsss by fire.�s�cI�a�fn the term"�eS co��age"s�d any aths�l�axartts.ia�Ps�inB,R�s c� .: ;�;_- __-_--
<br /> °m-=� ��� �' flooQ'sng,faar which�d�a rCr�qire,s insms�ce 1�is iasarance si�I be�ni�fincd an the�nts aad far the p�rFads @��ender ,_,_:�: --=— --
<br /> ���*'s<. �
<br /> ��� u • • �s.�o�-�cc�i��t pc�v�d'wg the in,��c$st�I!be chos�by��s snbject to 1�Q�'s a�mv21 wi�shsIl aot � -_ -
<br /> � " 6e u[uca�anab2Y w�tT�et�. If Batm�rer fa�.�t�ntain cavasge�e�ave.Lende4 a�y. ai Leac�rar's oPd�. � ` . ��.�_
<br /> r3, _ '` — ____
<br /> - "'`�c �V¢8gC tD Q1DtCCiIAIIdti�B�$�If81D t�i1C PYOpPSIy IIffi 8�i0QiTQ2tiQB Wit��I3 7. � . ` �R_� __—
<br /> -�- �'�'{-' AII�C p02icI�9�nd Ie��t819 Shsll be�g�ail�tA LenGet eIId SIr,sII iGCt¢d8 8 SmIIdBRt m�CEa�.Ie�der 5i�eI1 � -
<br /> P..�s� .��ave t�e�s tQ,ho2d d�e 8olisies ttad re,�wrds.If Lea�s�s.Bqri�ow��{�mptty�ive tg Le�dra aII�ss af ga� . �� �� -�:__ -
<br /> < �.,r 4�,�. gS�1�1LmS 8IId t�Eiqt�UOtlCe,4.IY1 th8 EYEIIt Of IOSR�BU�wR 5�1$I�$IY8 g1oIIi�t nOt[�ti3 thC¢ffS�'BIIOe C8Sig2 8nd L�d ci�S.LP�t2ef _ F ��s ��
<br /> � ���� . aray ma�eDsoof of IgssifnatmadepmmptaYbY Boamwe� ; � `•.-
<br /> tS�less I�d��d A�u��aw� a ia , � � � -
<br /> �- � � , agr' w�3tn8 ���'ac�strait t,��to��r�p�s of th.: ,�'��� --
<br /> _�:,,�, �
<br /> � ". �F�Y+�8�if t�e tesUara�a�ar rxpaa is eson�scally f�b2s aad I�cada's s�aaity is not Iessea�d.If ti�e restmatiru►ar `--� �4 . ,-�-'�� .
<br /> � '" r2p�i�is afli�:an�ic2IIy feas�Ie ar I,e�der's s�nin►aout�6e Iesse�.@,tP�ms�ance p�s sball be ap�tIs�d w�sums � =�-'�;�� F -
<br /> �` .� ' ` ' sec�edbv_diis 5er�ty In��r�ethc�t ar ani_tII�n d�.�arh an eac�rn�.m EumotareL.3f_�.a�dons.t� _ �. �} �" _.
<br /> y__ �
<br /> . . � PmpErty,�daes not ansarer wu��n 30 days a natice from I.e�drr @�at�iusmaace c�i�r Uas offem�to�tle a c1si�.�n - -.�;- h��,�i��: -_
<br /> , �.. �dCt IIlay CQ1I�t t�6 inc►►rart�FICC0Cd9.I.��lLSB 1$B�p�E�S�'i!P�'dR�?t7.SDQ1C t��kOj�dly as[0 p�}i&�i'i!#��d : '� '�'���q —_-
<br /> ,.f �, �;,: Fyy thzs S�nrity tnst�umr,nt.wheti�or not t�en du�`1he 30�day pei�d w�71 begin a+hea t�e notice i�pvea. � . � "`a`��� -_
<br /> ��•` r. tr�
<br /> : ,.
<br /> 'vA�t'34 r.EaQfd BIILl BOtPOW�d'Ot11C�WlSC 8$t�EC III NIjl�L$.8IIY'd�I1�II O�p100?�3 ti]pF�iClj?21 SIl81t A�t C7[fiCil�OI 17031�6d��. . ?'.. -i�a_�:'}�'.a�r.s��.,..,.__._
<br /> � . .. :. �: : . f$C d11C IT2ffi Of it3C fIIDZi��L4I1�PlI£d LO IIl�$S 1�2 dI C�1�1$C 1�C�IOIIIIt Qf QIC�.��Ct� •.r•..: '�.�'� •
<br /> " x� - , y „°'� _._:
<br /> '�. 4 �'— 2i the Pmpe,r�y�S acquu�d by I�ader.Bomow�'s right m any ms�ancc p�licies acd pmce�s�-�m damag�to d�e ` ` - -
<br /> - a t .
<br /> : Pmp�dty pl[6s to"the aCqID�on Sh�pas9 DD Leudet tD the extt�t of the s¢�S s�by Th'ts S�}i�eut i�+��afelY. . �. r}�� r"`�" -
<br /> , t�
<br /> 1�.. pz3o�rwtt�earq�sitia�. . :. • < ,r. .;. : . f���+� �z-
<br /> ^"s.�?���.� 6;��y.Preaerva�st��ut�+�„t�.:9 s��irr�4fct�n�3'{�he�ira�.rt9; B+orroW�s �a Ap�cation;��tts :�`•�'��,�.��
<br /> --�,�-.�.�--- — - ,.., =�
<br /> ..:�< «•.:'^� �mrower s&�II�y.establish,au�ase��tY a4 Baanw�'s qr�r�ide�ce within siaty days�r tLe'P^�*�++of . � -�;,�..
<br /> ;-�y•-=���'��..� tbis Sec�ity Ia�uameaiand sGa11 condnne ta�the Rope�ty as Bmmw���al residcace far aE�o�e y�c�ei'�e. . . � ' `_��j"---
<br /> . ,..,:� � `date of occupaucq.anless U�des otketwise agiee,s in wri�g,wbicb c�r�a►t shari not be�aa�.��ed,±a��nless , � � �
<br />� �'t'`�, �. d���� � � .�,;��. �°��:��:.
<br /> `.�:�;�i�r.'.�-� ext�uaa�g d�amsmnces e�rist w6ic�:��reyond Balmwea's contmL Baimwer aball not e ar air � .�'�� ��
<br /> .�:� :• ,. ' r,�
<br /> _._,�•'_ altow 4t�PcoDerty da detariaiar�or cammit wasDe on tLe P�nperty.Bmrowra sball be in defanit if aaiy forfeinue�an or �_�,_ _-
<br /> . . : ' paoce�g,wAether civ�or criminal.is beg�m�hai in L�der's guad faith jndgmmt cauld resutt m fotf��f the Property ar � � <•k�
<br /> � �`�'-. ` o t henyise m a u�a i a IIy impair t h e r e n c re a t e d by t h i s S e c a a i ry�►ar I.e n d e�'s s e a u i t y in�s t.E�may aue s�c h a - --�"`��� -
<br /> � . . defaui3 aud ranstai�as Qrovide�f in paragraph 18,by caasing the acti�n or pmceedi�g to be di�i.�a�l�g tLat.in �... ��, .
<br /> .r �. . . $t ' �._ . .
<br /> � . �� �r ,�.. Leades's�;sOd faith detea�ation,FteCtudes forfeii�e of ihe Boaowds intea�st fn the Fro�+rc�}r ar osher matrai�l+'�;`�e�t of . �>+7- ,� ..
<br /> �.:: matrai 1
<br />. : ..��ji,:�, ttie lieai�d by tbis Secmi�+Ins�ment or Lea.de�s seaaity mtra�st Bm�mwa sbari aLw be�m defanit if Bomawr��r,"mg the '.` f���f���' '`
<br /> , an �-_;� ..
<br /> �';;;�'�F'�rj. . � �, :_;. .
<br /> it{,�.3 Ioau a p ylic�ion p i o c e�.p�ve a a a t e s i a J I y f.sLs�or mac�ate infonma�on or sKa.�eats to Le�,dea(oi fa�ed ta p m v i�e�L�r with �- .,:�, .
<br /> r�;� '�,. atry material inf�,•rt,��� m canaectinn with the]nan evi..denced by the I�I�»�cluding,�bnt not limi�oo-. repr�ans � �..;ti ;" ,l�. _
<br /> .�` .`�. � conce�nmg Boimwds�»apancy of the Pcope�ty�s a g�.��esidence.If L�Sec�uity Insuurnea�t is on a IeasehoId,�o�wer �� '�? r;; .
<br /> • s6aU,comply with aII�e�av�ss a�the tease.lf Boaowtt�qc'rres fee tide ta t�a Pr+op�,�he leasehotd sad t�e fee s�shalt . �`
<br /> �lt ;':-t���..
<br /> . notmetge tmless Lender��s tIIe tnagea in writing. : ..
<br /> �. 7.Protectiam ot�er's�tig6ts in tH$Propeaby. If Hmmw�fa�s to peaform the coveaants and P.�reemeats contamed ia �:�Y.��,•
<br /> " : . flus SOCaci.ry incrrn�cn ihcae is 81eg�e1 pmCeeding fheL m8Y Si�ifr�aflY affeCt I.ended's r[ghTS in i�e FtqpEary(suCh Ss S _ . ...�•.. �`� i f_:,
<br /> °��
<br /> �__
<br /> ' . piocecdmg m bank�u�"�;�,Pmbar�for wademnarion or farfeit�ae or tn enfarce taws or rega�lations).thea I.end�may do and pay . , �'.
<br /> ��.. ��,.,._
<br /> ' , ' � n���t�.�,. --
<br /> . fm wLarevea is necessray►to pmtax tt�e vaine of dce Pmgeary au8 Leada's rights in ttce Propaty.Ix�udea s actions may include Y;.� �
<br /> !d
<br /> ' .�. .. � D�S aay�ums ss�ue�by a liea whicb ha4 priority ove,�tttis Securiry I�ume�t,appearin8���•D�S��� . " "v�v�
<br /> � ' • aito�neys'fis�aad��u18 on thts Ptopeary to maYe repaas.Althoogh Lendea tn�y i�ke ucdon undea this para�yh 7.Le�nder .'':`'!��� ; . ' ;':�}
<br /> .:, . .. ,
<br /> : < � daes not have tv do sm. ' . .��"s-'`
<br /> .;1„ � . . �'..�,�,�;.rf
<br /> - �-: Any smamus disb�sed by Lendrs anded 8ds paragiayh 7 sdari berome a�danal debt of Baaawer seceued t�y dds Sec�uity • . .- .:'�F:��:�
<br /> •�' .�,", J� Insuamer�L:.Un2$ss Boimwer and I,e�dea egree ta othes teams of�payment,these amoffits�II 6esY intraest from tir��te of -
<br /> :,.:;•• . ��';;:. . . :..
<br /> •�'':,:,a... . . . . ,,:,
<br /> . _ d�s6�t arthe Notc rarE sad sva11 be payable,arith int�st,agon norice from Lendea to Basaawer requesting paymeat �-.<<
<br /> ', � S.Ma�nge�asuranca If I.eadca r�,qaired mortg�ge fi�r�sar�ce a9 a caadidan of mal�ng the loan Eec�aed by ttus Seauiry .". ,,�°,':�,-.::;�;:
<br /> . . . Inswmeat,Bomow� �.all pay the yreaniums require� to a�aintam the mungage ins�uance in effea.Lfr,for any reawn,r�e . . . � . �''':"'�
<br /> f�.:.;..
<br /> ��,�i>°`.:�,,
<br /> ` ma�gage insmance o�c�age reqnued by L�ea tapses or ce�es to be a►effec�,Barmwer shall pay 1hz�xs°�i�s requined to : .:r�;� ,
<br /> `� r .: abtaiu a�uc�age srobs�daUy equiva2ent to the mortga�qe insuraace previoasly in effect�at a cast su6stanti�alSy.eqaiv�tu the � Y
<br /> . .. � casi w Baaawea of the mo�tgag�imsueance p�evinusly in e�G fiom an alterna:e mort�age in�urer appnnved by L�-�3er.1f . . . � :.
<br /> subs`tantiaalIy eqirivalent mmtgage�ce cnverage is not avaW:it��.Botmwes shall pay t�I.er�der each month a sum eqnal to
<br /> I
<br /> . an�twelRb of the y�ciy�csortgage�suianoe gremn�m being Paid 67►BmroaES�vhe�the ms�ce caverage lapsed or ceased w . '::..;����,.`;
<br /> . ' .. . . .�;�
<br /> � . �� � be in effect Leader a;�acoept,�se and remin these payments as a toss rr�ve in lisu of maitgage iu�anca Loss reseave � .'. :��".
<br /> � r'' . _� ,
<br /> . . � �atcn�28 9lfl0 �'.. .��' :
<br /> �, �..,. �-4Rt�E1ro2�a� aa�•s'oie iertm.ro: � . . «t�: • ,
<br /> ��:' _ . . .. . � � �;�..�
<br /> , `t. -� H • . �, _ _ . '%�� •'f
<br /> . � .. . . . � ' . �,�;: .
<br /> . . � .i
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<br /> .. - .i=Si''�.�i. .. � . ,;A: . • ' - . . . . . . _ .
<br /> _ ��a. . . ._ . . . . •. • . • . . , .. - . . - . . . . �;,, . � . �
<br /> �''�'r,, � . . . . . . . . ' . � ' ... . • ' , � . ' • _ � _' . .
<br /> - . . " . . ' . . .� . ' , � . ' . • _ . ' _. . ' . � _ . .. , . , . . .
<br /> ��. . . _, . _ , , .. . � . . .' ' " - ' ' . - ' .
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