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<br />=i-r.v�aieo�3o (J.4��v11a�+�sz � . • . • . . . _-
<br /> � Begiening aC tte� `sau�hvest c�rnez ot. eaSd. HarCtiwest Qvartei (ttiik}$ t�heiiee t�'�m° OQ� 00°� - �_
<br /> E (ffissused bsari�gj, ,sloing, fts+d• ppon t6e souti� �.fsie af �ea`�.d PivrtEnrest Quaxte� (tti,TT})s n . .
<br /> . d3sxance oF One Th�ut�amd T�hsQe liundred S'iuep Tsro;end Yhxe��ti�ndr�debs (1,362.03) �ee,C; -
<br /> �Ch�aea �P�� 4ti` t�! S�°- � � �{�tA�9CP,Af Six riundre�t �amrtee� and $eventy S3x,t6tndt�d��e.�•.— --- _ _ _
<br /> (6I4.7G) feet•; �h�c� ti 8!'. S3' 40" E a dist�nc� of Qa� llundred BiFtp Five and Figti�g
<br /> � S3a Ltuadredt�s (IS�.$6� feet; t�enc� N SR° ,25' 3Q" E, a dfstauee o� ��i£ty Ztao snd�iVec�ty —
<br /> Five ltaudxtdths f52,.2�) €e�C;' thence N Ol' 40• 43" E'a distpnse of Qne 8uddred Ei�6t� _
<br /> Ei�ht and �ightp Q:►� EIuadredChs (188.f31) ,Eeet; thence id S1° 1g' Zl" E a distance of Si�cty , ___
<br /> �►o and Ninetp'.Foux livndredtha' (62.QG) fe�t� thence ti OL°, &3' 51" E a dit�taace af Nitte
<br /> t nrid Tvo Teatbs (9.2) feet; t8cmce S 89° 54• 31r", E a distance o$ Z7�xee Bustdred Ti�irtp Tvo , =
<br /> and '�e.nty Nin+e H�tndcedtJas (�32.2�j feet; thea�ce N 0�° 39' S6" Si a d3staace oF T�ra �
<br /> H��red Sixty tY�i �a�i 5eventy Sia� tisu►dredths (Z61.�fr) feet; thcnee S 8�.° 25• �t8•' St a . --
<br /> �ii,stance of� QR� �ausand 1'Qe¢�ty � attd �t+enty ffive Hund�redthg �I,Q22.25� feet; then�e . , —
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<br /> Z4�5.93) �e�t;. ��hence S 88' 03' 41". F. a. dtsgaace of Four IIu�dred and Eleven Itunsla-edths , -
<br /> '(EiOQ�.t1? ffeet; .thence S 46° .Q4' S9" W a distance oF Pive �uudred Si,uty► T[�r{�e and �iinetp. --_
<br /> 7f�ree Suadre�ltha �(563.93) f�et to a point, Ti�irty Saven (37.0) feet tiorth of '(maasured :
<br /> pezpendicularlf distanC to) tt�e 6o�nth lfne of said Nortihxest Quarter (HfI}D; thence S 90° � `�-`-
<br /> . OQ' 00" ti,,parallel�"vith ehe so�atl� liae af said Notthwest Quarter (d�it�), ,a distat�ce .of� . =-
<br /> Uae� T��csand•Ttaree nundt�ed l�orty Seqen and Sixty Thtee IIundxedths (1,347.63? feet to a � � __
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<br /> � fec� to tf�e poisFt .of begian�g , • . . , . -
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