:: , , . . _
<br /> � ,: r.� � = _,� -- --_ . - --
<br /> —_ _ . .�� , . ' . _" ' ' ' .'_ . . :•__-._.e.. �.. . ._ r f_-�.-'1vv"' _. ' -�.�..... __ _
<br /> ;F . _ . a_� � ...__ .. . - .. .'' _ 4 G _ ' R' . _ '.f` . ���Z ..z ..a: --__
<br /> - `� _ ..- . ` . .� c�— -- _S. ,� �t__ . ' .. -t .� .� c � .-.t� �,�Y `�� _ i,,,. � �s_ —
<br />� � `�', c4 _ � � `�'` 4 �
<br /> • ��� ��{���� • � � ` , . ��, -
<br /> � ` . (� tire�star Aas 8�e rtgAY and(s dtdy mnf►oAze�to eseeu�end parfartn!�aL1lg�ions unQar tt�Aeed ot T�u�t end tt�es�a�tons ds n9t e� � . —
<br /> � . � .` dMf�t e�nflte!v�ith 1Re pravisiona o4 arry et�.reg�dnll�n.crdinanca.ruto at 19ww.�ntraet or othes egraament�icb may be OlrtdinB cn , < ' : � ---
<br /> ` - - +�ntcratanytime; ,
<br /> Y �' �e�,[�at��n or�oxedin9 ta ar shn!!6e pending or t2usstanedwTlch migM m�Y�Gtsa P�oPe�M•�nd _ --
<br /> -- — � �}�3ramor hss not vfotatzd and shsD not No2ate anyr st�ufe.rog++.'etIan,or�rten�.nde ot tac�.eoc�act or mhar¢greamerit pnetudtrt8��ut rtot �_ "�
<br /> , tlmCad m.ffiass govemingl�tamrdaue!l�aterTats)whI�mlght rs�►Lvhl effact t�a ProyaRy+or Lenctar`e rt�ar trf4erest In th�Propafty(EUnuant , , : f
<br /> • � 4athiaOs�alTr�st eic�pte9set • ��«;� ,�' '�-`
<br /> th.a .
<br /> .�<,'�` ° , . 9. PREOA SEEQ9 QF TR1J9T.Grantor ropmserts end c�nts that there am r.�pdor deada of m�1 sS¢eotfng any part of the�roP�1l , , t.• �j��
<br /> •- ,,-.��• . ' >.•�. foRh on Schsdul���ad to�Its�aed a!Tn�vahich t3�nicr agr�as to pay anQ parform tn a timery msnner.!�ticera ere nny�rtor deeds ef trust . :":'_::'�
<br />— .� .. , . Uirn t3rsntet agsees to pay ait amaums awed.as�PaRorm ell obliga*lons�qulr�s.unde►sucp deeds at tiust and tt:e InQa�ness sswred tnere�y ��'�.;.:.;•
<br /> _ F .
<br /> � f<<' � ��, • � and Mt3tet agrees tltat a dmfeuti undersrry pdor dee0 a?trust s0af1 be�det�lt unG�t thts Qaad ot Trust and ctiall erftlti�Lender ta sf1 rig7fb and ', . ,�•,•:,��y,;
<br /> ' �',%•�� � � rtmad:e�cortlalnaat�nreTnarintheObligaHonstov�tchlendetwrouicfG�sentittedtntt[eeveMOfBrryotitardefeutt ' { :
<br /> -'��;r_��_�' . � !, 7RA�(3FERS�F 7FIE PROP�A7V aSi BE#!r•"FtGAL IHTER�SSiS iN GRAtI1'OAS OA 80EIFd01�lEHS� tr�1he evertt of s Sala.Canv6Y8nCe.Isasa. . .
<br /> � '•'���� oontract tor deed or ffans[er to arry psrson M oD or a�/part of�e ceai ps�psrty de�'tted in ScreQuta A ur aay h►tstast tls�saln.er pt el!er arry . • �� -!_
<br /> ,.1.�-._
<br /> : �`:�>s. �f-• -�. :�;� hasan6eiai irtara3t(n Bomewer ar(3rarnor('rf Bonawar or Grentor ia nat a nahual Reraon or parsons beat is a carporaUon,Itmioad Itab�TitY comDanY� , ' .-r"�.�:
<br /> �." � ;, . . Partn�BNA.trw�ar ottser tep�i entity).Londer ma��.a!its ay4'on dscisre the outsmndtng pBnnpal ba[ane0 of tho Obtigahona Plus eaxued t�fterast . � .
<br /> tRen�immediatnly Qu�r�d payahla.At Lender's toquesK.ararttat ar Bortmrrar,as the c�se may te.shali fumLh a camyTeta etatamentsetting fa�th r; • �
<br /> ;��--� ' ell af fis staddto�leis.memseis,ar partriers.av aF�raAr�e.and ttsa e�darrt of thetr�peaive owrtetshfp irrterests. ' �— �
<br /> — �..�fi�ii�ii'S. tflr ea�u�i at tt�L�l�.��t ese sQraue�bY th�s oeed�TnuL tir�tar abso3utaIy sssigns t�leteder atf + '
<br /> � �D�9 Cira3a�in9
<br /> � , ;� ' �;o esl�.rtg"?t,ti9fe,irtoresl.daim and demand nmiv arra��°rdreaftoraequired in an exts���d fu�ue[eases of�ta � 5 y�h r r
<br /> 1 � � �.'�r��sr¢subieases).atl merRs�i.sa arnl�R"., af tt+�F,�PeriY(aA s��1s�s��enmerKs wh�vrtisien at a�s..: �,�s , �.{,,rg���s.� �s '
<br />- � . . �6 :5°k988�aS� t 6�'.��''3�F»�''�c V71f1tt'i�3,�•••�+p�L'(1F733��•t��!"i`jp�-,-� ri �� � �f . tn<< a Z�J�-•%.
<br /> ' � � �r!�s.�ac�x!�xs5 hs�s the 9.essas'�.ead a0 g'� : :� . .
<br /> S-,'' 3 y ,(r��i ,� �'J-.
<br /> � �. � i�TS7C��7'��r��i-aa ail at tne rertts.incarrt9.��%ew:�.;.'•'�'°+��:�:eE�r�rnsa�a:rt�:<�(�� ; =, .
<br /> � , °:f � �c�tetL�ts t�arfrz:'s ar a.'i�3 eui c�Lea F;o�sr9 i*�..�'t3 a'2r�ms.,� , :�
<br /> ��;�p�d�:.-?c�.�e eomirtg dao dutfng arry�r�t�r�.-Ee� �S.`�i�,
<br /> �r,� , ���.a!2.'�.Retoertaga rerds.PartdrtH ar cammon�a sr.�:rtenartee conLibudons.tax�insu�ss contriDUtas��fic�ency resn9, .
<br /> � `. ,:F�r[�,i,=:`..',;�r,.;..,;%;� rqttd.,�-h•a d3t�3�°�y�uy�ytttg det�R itt 8�ty ie83e,e0 Proce�ds payabls under eny Po1Eay o4 tesutane9 aavering icss of�resuitlng irom :;.
<br /> ' `� •,:�` . urnenarstabi►'ay�by desb�ucHon or damage to tAa Propertl►.alI pmceeda payabte as a resuft of a tessse s exercisa of an oP���Pnrehase'the I,. ; �
<br /> ' ' pcoperty,efl praeecds dartved tmm tfie tem�ination oc rojectlon o!arry Leas9ln a 6antwptey or ather insotvency pmceeQing.and e11 pmceeds from ��
<br /> " �-'.." ,:•�, •: :�� [� eny dgi�and e[atms ot arry ktnd�uhieh Grantor may have agatnst arry leasee undar tt�e Leasea or airy oca,paM�of ttre PmPerty(ap o}fhe a6ove ero —
<br /> Aetea�tar eolfacUxeh/refexed to as the'i�ar�l.This asstgnmeM ts subjnet to tha dgl�t,Power end autnariry given ta the LenCer to caitect and eAP�Y . �,��
<br /> 8�s��. i h t a e s s iQn r rt e r rt is ro c orded in ac�rdanoe v+hth ePANCabte state law;tAe Ilan created by tl�is assignment is iMended to bs s�ectHo, .
<br /> = '�' — ps,i3t�.°d,sttd�fia-��rpaft tlt�rtiotditt9 af thl9 Oeed o1 Trutt.atl as pravlQeO bY eADUcaht�sta2e taw e9 emenQad irom time to Um�. Ib mn0 es � , �;y
<br />_ . : , . Ctan ts no detauit under f3ro OhltaaEons or Ws Oemd af Trust,Lnnder Qrant9 Grantar e revocsbte Il�nss to�Itect atl Ranta iro�ti►tha t�cas�s v�rien f - i-
<br /> � 6are and to use sueA pmoeeQa in Qrantorb buatnsae opera8ona. Hcwev�r,landrr mry at an ttms requtcs Grarrtor to d�posit dl ii�nts 1�an � �
<br /> ° • ' • ' t' aceaurtt m�nta�ed by Qrar►tar or Lendar at LenQsr�InstinNan. Upon Qei�utt tn t�s OaYmant of,or In ths pertortn�a of,ai1Y af ths Ostttipattona, �� � s `
<br /> , Lsnder m�y it(t!option t�poas�ss[an of th�Prop�fty ena have.hald.mtna.Q1,bau snt!operab ths Pra9esiy on terma and tor a pedo0 af drt�a , .���
<br /> . . that tsnd�r 8a�m�propec. tenEor may procea0 to��teet artd rac�tue UI Rfnta srom tne preporty.an0 Landar ah�ti hav�tuD poxnr to mafn • "� ;Y
<br /> . . : ' dtirtttan�,nnavattoru.ropilw cr r�pluem�n�to th�RcoD4M a�t.�nder m�y dwm praper. Lortdu mty apAry ell�MS In Wnd�r'�tofs Atscrotton . �. .,' �;1r�-
<br />_ --_Y._'�>.-"r;:_-- t�payrtuttt of fN�Obll�ation9 or to the paym�nt at tlfe ooat of eueh aiteratlanti�enavtUOne,r�pa��And reptac�menta end aay oxp�nsb Inctdent w • ,,K
<br /> -. :•` .��. ttking and revtnlnp po�stastorr of ths Pcopefif►F�IaGICetN e,�d ttia n�m.'�st end eFeretioa af tho Vrop�rty. I�aQnr msy kaep tAs Propa+t�r � •_..._ _ _
<br /> --s�
<br /> • p r operty I n a u r e d a n d m ay dtu�h a r p�u►y tmce�,char g e s,cfatma,aaseaaments ant!other tlen�Wtiicb may aeenis. Ths exAanss end cos4 ot th�ss j � t°• .��-:� -� ,
<br /> • � � acNOns may bs paid fram th�Rar�reos�vW.end any unpaid amounta ehell be added to the prtndpa!of the Obltpattans. Ti►as�amounm,tapether , � , ' ��
<br /> v
<br /> � � • • • witt�otAer cosb,aha116acome part o!tNS Obtiga!lans secured by thta Ooed ot trust
<br /> . . 8. LEASE9 AND OTHEB AflREEMEHtB. Qrantor s8a11 not mka or fa(I to faJce eny ectton whitb may causa or permk the termtnabon or the � .; •�
<br /> .'��.'•�. ' wEMt�otding ota�►y paymerft In connsaUon witA anyr Leaas or ashar agroamcnt�llg�eemenl�pertalning ta the Praperiy. In addWon.Qraatcr.wltRout •
<br /> 8e
<br /> �� �� � . L,endePo pAat wrlttgn wnsrrrt,eratl nat(a)eolte�t any monies payabSe undar any Agreement mare than orte momh in advancs;(b�madiy any
<br /> .� , . AgreemenX(c)asstgn or eflow a lien,secur(ty IMaresi or other encumbrena�to ba ptaced upon 6rantofe righb,tfUa en0 hrterest in an0 to arry � ..
<br /> � Agreemenf or the amourtta paysbte themunder.ar(d)tertninato or cencaf airy q�reament exeept tor tha nonpayment of arry sum or other mafleflal "-
<br /> � � bresch by the other party tharetu• It Qrantor reeatves at arry tlme any wrttten communtcatlon assertlng a dotautt by(ireirtor under an RBreement or
<br /> ' Purporbng to terminate ot eaneel arry Agreement Qranwr sha11 promptiy torward a eopY of sueh communteaUon (and ar�y aubsequertt :;: ,�;
<br /> � . commuNca�ans reta�ng thareto)to tsndar. All such ltgreemarKS and the emounts due to GraMOr tnereundei a�a hereby asstgned to Lender as .Y��y�
<br /> eddfHane1 secuAt�/torthe d6ligattans.
<br /> 7. l�llECTtON Of tlt�EB7E�NE,S9 FROMTH[fiD PAAiY. LenCarsha►1 be antfried to noUfyor requlro(irentorto noti7y ar►ytnird partY Qn�iuding, %�.�.
<br /> ' b�a2 r.Q211mfted to.(essets,lixr�s.gavemmeMal authmiUes e,�d insuranee companies)tops►y Lender any indeDtednesn or ob11paBOn awing to � =�� :
<br /> Qran�r witA respeL!to the Rcoy�rt+1 t��»h►'�debtaQne°��at�athgr or not a defauit exisb un�ar this Oeed of Trust Graritor ahall diligentty 4
<br /> co°ect U�e IndeD�awir�t�Grantor from�third partles arttl the givin3 of sueh noUftc�Uon. tn tho eirdnt that Qrantor possesses or recehres � ,- : ".
<br /> a. •� Fva�esslon af atry d�+.�errs ar o9:ee rem'Rar,a�s+w:`.4f respact to the tndeb�d-.�.a toliowing the giving of such rtatification ot H tAo Instrumerts or . , V�i,����„�;
<br /> � ot�r romiHerfcES�.»��s G'3D�ent cf��mdabtedrtes9 or the payr.:�x ct arry insurance or afndemnatir�proaeeds.Granto►shail hotd .
<br /> cr.�h ins�umente er:4 cr`[ar 2:r.:C�sces in trusi for iender epart trom ita at�er y�rty,endarse the tnsCumertts a^d o2her[emkmnces to lsnder. � ��-�"� �
<br /> `;;.��l��•�;i;. ` . . ezul i�smediffiely proviQe Ler.�^uti�posseaslon of SRe In�tsumenb and other rerr,ittance�. la�eo shall be enUUed,but nat re�uired.m coIIect(by , 'a.;'��
<br /> � %�`•���� . in s or otheiwise;.�nd the Umo tor paymem,co�r[Aromise,exct�ange or reteass r�,ny obugor or eoltatoraf,cr r.�rar}�a seGfe arry a! ; . • '
<br /> _ ;+:,':,i:r • • � �r�awed S
<br /> iPo�f�SebteQnesa whether or not�ever►t of datautt exists und�C�i�ABreamer.t lenEer sha11 nat be Itabte to Grantor for amf a�ia;error,m�ssaka, : �
<br /> .� �`.��'`'� , , o�;�an or dslay aartaining to the acNans dasdbed M thia pa.�upb or arry d�.3ges rosuWng tAer+afrom. Notwtthstartding ft:s�.tgoing,no�'sn8 f . , .
<br /> • herein ehall eau�tender to ba deemed a mortgagee�in�poasession. � .
<br /> w _ ' 0, UgE ptJp NIAINTENANCE OF PROFERIV. firantot ahail tafce A11 aaUons artd make erry ropairo needed to mainmin tho Property In�oad � �%�
<br /> - ' �Non. Q�antor shall not commH or partnRarry waste to b9 c�mmit4ed wNh respact to the Property. Cirantor shatl use the Propsrty solety in ! : �r
<br /> " �Iance wNh apylicabte Iaw ane(nsuranco poflcies. Qrant�as�ll not mako any atterations,addRions or improvemonts to��Fropany witt�out i �t�;
<br /> �' ' : ,. r'e pdar wrf4ten consor►L Wrthou4 IimiUng the foregoing,alt FJ.C9ratlons,addi�ans and improvemente made to the Ptope:?��`fall be subJect to ; �"•�;,,. v
<br /> ' ��' � the tTeneftclat Interost betong ing to l en de�,s h a l l n o t b 0 r e m o w_y w.".!�aut t,ender's prlor virtitten wnsent,and st�all Ee maQe at Gr��bPe sota expensa. � ��'
<br /> 4 � g Lpgg pp pp�V1AGE Granior s�atl beazthe a�.^.rerfsk of ary[ass.thoft,des�.�Jon or dam�ga(wmutativ0ly'loss or Damage'1 to the Property or , _ ,
<br /> any pallon thareof Nom any causo vfiatsoevu�. In tho evor►t at amt Ws�oc Cr•.r.•rage,Orantor ehall,at tho opUon of lsnder,repair the aftected �
<br /> ' Praperty to Hs provioua conaiUon or pay or cause 4�ba pald to LenQertho decr�„�+n the tair maAcet vatue of t�e atfected Properry. �•
<br /> ; ;:. � . 9Cl iNSUNWCE The Prope�tg+rv:ll bfl kapt tnsurod tor iffi t�;^r insurabta vahie(rsptacemer.t�st)agsinst ell hazards incfuding loss or damaga ` `
<br /> ' eaused bv 4aod,earthquake,b�m�o and ftra,tt►eft or othar cas��vtyto tha extent requtrod t�s(m�d�r. Qrazitor may obtain insuran�on the Ptoperty
<br /> � ' trom suc3�companie�as a�aptabfe to Wndor in ib sote discretion. The insnrane�pa`.w.°9 eha11 raquice the insurance o�mpazry to provide �. ,
<br /> � Lender with at teast � days v+fitten notice bsfore sucfi policters$:9 x�"�red ar canaeited Inar�ff manner. The in:tirw~:eo pollcies shail �
<br /> '� � name lender�a los9 payes end pravlQe that no eat or omiscion of Grantar s�y other person shall attoct the dght o1 L�sr,�ar to be pa;a U+e
<br /> " ' • InsuranCe proceeQs portaiNng to the los�or Gsnage of the Proparty. In tho e�¢r�t Qrantor fa(ta to aoquire or mairrtain insuranee.Lender(�r !
<br /> .� • .. . provtding noitce as may be roquVed bSl lew)m��in its discretion procure approp�ate Insuranca coverage upon the Property and tha insurance�M i •,
<br /> eh911 be an advance payabte end baeting Interost as desctib9d In Paragraph 23 and secured hereby. Iira�►tar sha11 tumish Lendet wftA evidenee ot f
<br /> �^'�,�� • Insurance indlcaUng the�equtred ooverage. Lender may act as atOOmeydo-tact tar tirantor In making an0 seriling ctaime under insuranco policies,
<br /> � , w� ; canoelitng eny podcy or endorelrtg Qranmr s name on arry draft or negottahta Instrument draxm by arry insuror. Ail such Insuranee poticies shafi bo i � �
<br /> Immediatery eselgned�pledped and QeUvereA to Londer aa turthar sacurity for the OhqgaUons. In ifie eveM M toss,(irantor shall Immedlately ghre
<br /> - ' Lender vnftten natiee end LanCer Ia authori=ed to make proo!o!tos3. Eacb Insuranco eompany is dirocted to make pey ente direettv to Londer i
<br /> inate3d otto LenQer end Cirantor. Londer sTf�fi hava thv�tght,at Ite sote opUon,to appry auch mantes uward the Obtigations or towarQtAa oost of I :
<br /> • rebuttding and rescoAng the Rnparty.My amountri may at Lender's opUon be applied In the Inverse ordet of the due dates theroof. ;
<br /> � � • 11.ZOH1N0 AHD PRNA4E COYElIA.Yi9.Qrantor shall not inlUate or conaene toe�chenge In the zoning prwisians or privete covenanto aHecUng ,
<br /> t�e use o4 the Property wltAout Lender's prmr writtan oonsent. N l3rantor's use o!the Praperry becomes a noncantorming uae under any toning , ,
<br /> • � pravision,Qrantar shall not cause or pertnft such use to tle d►scanUnued or abandoned wifhau!tha prtor written consent ot Lender. (irantor vtl(1 �
<br /> �� � . ' immetllauty p�avlde Lender wltif w►itten noUce of any proposed change9 to the zontng provislan9 ar privats cavenarns aNecting the Property. i
<br /> � � iZ. COliDEMidAT10M. GrertOor ehatl Immedlatety provide Lender vAtt�vrtimtn eatice of arry aotuel or lhroatened condemnaticn or ominant domain �
<br /> ptaceedins portaidirts to tho Proparty.All monles payabl�to Cirantor trom auah oondemnat�on or tcking ara heraby anslgnod to Lendor end shall be
<br /> .�'_ " applio0 fiiat to tho paymaM o! Londar's attomeys' fee9, tegal exponzes and othor costs Qnciudlng appraisal teos) in connactlon viith tho .
<br /> � ocndomnaHun or emin�M Qomatn procaeding9 end then,at tho o�tiort o?Wnrler,to tho psyment of the Obtijga8ons ortho rostoratton or ropalr of tha _
<br /> Preporiy. i .
<br /> � tfl LCN��'..F7'0 Rit4tIT TO C011dMEHCE OA OEFEGD LEQAi 1�410l33 Cit:.^.•ar ahatl immediats!y provldo londor vrRh wrl��notloo of any actual
<br /> tT
<br /> � � q�lhroatanod actton,sutt.or other proceeding effeoting the Rro��':�•ar.�:'r tr�:ebll aPpoints Lender es Iffi suomeyar�-lact b s�mmencv,lnwrvene
<br /> ' � dr.,attd deland sueh acNone,suft9,or other Itgsl pcoceeding9 er.�to e�.��'.99 mr settlo any c(Nm or eorttroversy perminirt3�s�rato• Lea�ElfaO ,
<br /> - - • ' :�r:s Ce IiaDte to Grentar tor�u�yl acUon,ertor,m:stako,omi;;,3on or 6::siµ=ethY:tnB to tho aoUons describs3�Lh19��c�;,Of�y a:,-�99 , �
<br /> ' . ' . � ras:.,"tifig ttier.Yrom. f�to�Ing Conmined hereln wi11 ptevsrH Lpn9�fnam 9s.'t:�lfit�IIellons dosaribed tn this p::ax:.,R i�ia osrm n�r.e. ,
<br /> � • '6�,i'JpPMACF�AT109. Lo.x�v sno11 not assume or bo re�an,;bl9fos tta pa�ormaneo o!e.�ry et GrantaPS ob5g�ons vV�ros�cs to tho Proporty � .
<br /> `'�
<br /> ' � � cu�.:t arty eircvmstarsses. G.�or shsill immodtatery prov1�9 l�3r vr.�v�hC�n no�ca ot�3 sr.Bomn'rPy and�o1d[sr,G��rr:d its sharohotQars, �.�,_
<br /> •'.� `�• ,� . dir�e�rs o�'^^�s,ompi es and erri9 h tes9 fro * " . •n^ 'f d n s.causos of ;
<br /> . , _ , ..:....
<br /> ag arm m ail clatm�,Qamag�.I1..II..r�en( ,.F��.ng attomoys eas an to �xpo ss
<br /> --__ _.. :_ - •, .__. __...... �„°"„�^�° ssii�ea�fthet 1a�81 procoodinga(wsnWWtittively'Cdn!ms9 P�'�9 M tRU ProDeRS/Onctuding,but nat lim�s to.t4fose imraiving .:. ... ... . ..... .. .
<br /> .:�' �. � ii�2rdous P:�ieriale). Grantor,uyon tho rsquoK of Lendor,ahall hlre tegal counsaf to dofand Londsr trom suoti�aTms,an�pay ttss s2mmeys'foes.
<br /> � tcg11 oxponsa9 artd other cos�incuaed in connactiontherati�f,t h. In U fo a iusm a tive,l on der s h a i l h e e r�ti t t o d t o a m p l o y i t s o e m I e g�l c a n s e l t o Q a t e n d . �
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