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<br /> certain indentuse of Deed of Trust ana/or Mortgage, dated on DECEMBBR 2ATH, 1993. �•�•„ ° '
<br /> gives� by LARRY E WIRTH AND PEGGY A WIItTH, HQSHArID AND WIFE. trustor, to AREND 3t. �•�--�� �
<br />: • gAACI{, AZ°I'ORNEY, trustee, to HQME FEDEI2AL SbL ASSOC OP GRAND ISLAND ia favor of • �=���}�
<br /> covering th� Eollowiag descsibed real estake, to �it: _. �� •__
<br /> - �. TIiE EAS�'ERLY HALF (EI/2) OF LOT TWENTY SI3f (26) AND ALL OF LOT T'�3TY SEVEN . � • �
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<br /> whicb Daed af Trust and/or ��azs�gage was recorde8 :i�. the Office of �h2 Register .� ..F :
<br /> � ' � of Deeds in,$,^�� for BALL Coi:.��y, Nebraska; on ���Y 3RD. 1999. � .Book of • �: �,, ��
<br /> ` Mortgages, �t page .as 94-1dG4120 together witb t:� note or obligatian there�n , *�„��, -
<br /> descri6ed. . , . �:.,.'`�,`:
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<br /> pessonally lano�n to De the a8me persons whose name(s) are reapeotively as � ' :;:a�•. . ' .
<br /> AN IOW�► CQRPOR : s� ed to th� �osegaing fnstrument appeased before me . . L6�"�::� .. .
<br /> - this day i � perscn, severa acknowledged that they, Deing thereunto duly ''�'"'` �
<br /> suthorize ,. signed, s lec! w� the corpora�e seal, and delivered the sai8 �,: �� �
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<br />' purpose tye=ei . far D�, � ,
<br />-� . �jven un my ha it an s � i CFt 3RD, 1995. s _ , �, .
<br /> _ � OF9B".CCNELLEY � . .
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<br />'� DES M.CNEELL�Y • �
<br />:� • MY CQtA�IISSION LXPIfit� JULY 2 , 1995 . . .
<br />;-�i TAis instrument is Brepac�d �yo T LA AST, Il'lSflR, PRIrICIPAL 42ESIDEI3TIAL �.� .
<br /> ;��� M012TG�1GE• INC.� 71.1 Ii1GH S`PCiL.�ET, DE NES, lA. 392 0001.
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