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<br /> �"'"��Y - R4�E13�: 3`QASRBY, Pe�so��l i�e�s�senta�ive bF the ESTATE aF t "Y:-� .-� `�-��-�
<br /> ��� � Af?ffi��0.. ��.�T� �1��aser3� GRANR'OR, pursuant to ae�t�or5ty _ � r - ,` .-'"
<br /> _ �a � —
<br /> ,�;.` gfver"t: by� �he iai].1 a�fc tAs. �eceased. 3.n consi$eratfa�t of `� 4� , i , :
<br /> ��._._:.. � . �.
<br /> Y�.�.�, • -�'�9f��?!�TPit�e TPaous��d �'�tv� H.m:�r�d Qotiars and nol100 (�83.54Q.Q0� �.�r .,-::�;�.n ~ -
<br /> , r , -,,�.�: Y� �,;'.
<br /> :k,•��.•. �
<br /> �, � �ea�t'usd from Gi�ADI`DI�S. � :�� "'� _
<br /> -�-� :�-�� . Y _�_ ;G�,��"`
<br /> .=''�``'� ' JAL+SES &. �?�AG��A and P�fAAY �. i4AGNER• .
<br /> Y� husbansl �d.wife • -.'��'�V�'���
<br /> d�� ` . ' ..;��
<br /> contregs te GAA�iTE�.r�p.� as joiat tenants and not as tex►ants ; _-
<br /> : :=�n���� ta�� tas defined �� _ ��°;_
<br /> � ;�� itt, cem��n. tlle fo�ila�ing descriHed real es ' _,� .f�
<br /> ����.�.� 3T��.t3eb. Rev. Stat. 'P6-201): �`s� -
<br /> �.� - r' a art of �he Rvrf�wesfi Quarter �; >`���`�--
<br /> _,�.� A� �ract of 1and c� isinq p h . , � �..�.1
<br /> �r�ia�1; af Seatio�� Tsae�ty-th=ee (23), Tawnship Tcffelve . �1.2? ,��� a'�
<br /> :�..�,,�,•� ���°-
<br /> ��1,. Ranqe Elev�a� (111. West of fihe 6th P.Ai.. Ha12 Couaty. ; _G F�,,;rt.,�s�=
<br /> ;�.; ,' ��b��.�ka, as Earllows: Heginni.ng at the sout�ic,rest aornes
<br />-�.' � �.4� saf.d Horthwest 4�arter (NW�) : t�ence N 90° 08.• 00° E �`
<br /> `';_..f , (assu��d bearingt. a2ong and ugon the south Fine o� said . � ' , , _.
<br /> •,..`.,� :' � • NQnth���st Quartes EPiW}1, a disY.aisce o€ One TPtousand Three . ,�.� ;�
<br /> - � � ;.gundread Si.�ty-tarQ and Three Huadredths i1.362.03f feet; , �, � �"•� -
<br /> �� thsnce N. 46° 04' �9° E a distanae of SfX HllIId]C�d F011�te6A ,r1
<br /> � � anrli �Seven�g�six S�an3redths (634.76) feet; thence N 81° 53' •. ,:. ��
<br /> �-�=:�r.. • . ..
<br /> '� � • � ��"�.E . a distance of One Hundred Fifty-five and Eighty-si.x �
<br /> ��``."�;��• � gun�ed�hs�. t15��•8�y feet; tl�ence N 89° 25' 30" E a distance • . �:j�'
<br />;��,:- h
<br />�-''_�.; t � � of Pitby�t�rt�:.and Tcaentp-fiae. Hundredths (52..Z5) feet: thence . . '�,
<br />'�-=�`"�'� H a2°•.. �0' 43" E a distance �of One Sundred Eighty-eight and' , :.:.'.�
<br />--�--;-�'��� Qni�;���;��ndredths (188081) feet; t�2ence N 51° 19' 21� E a � � •
<br /> ; �`�'' � d;ts��e of ��Sixt�r-two and Nf.nety-four Hundredths t62.94) . �z ; "
<br /> - a-�'~'� � c N Q�1° 43' S�"' E� a distance of Nine and Z4ro � ��,
<br /> - £�et� tI1eA � ..�r;,_,
<br />``�Tu�. , Tent�s f9.�1` fee�; thence S 89° 5g' 39" E a distance of . :.�.
<br /> ;��:� Thre�. Hundred Thi�ty-�wo and Twenty�nine Huadredths t332.29) �,,�..
<br /> � ;;�,�� � � " w a distance of �,ro Hrtindred , �'� �:.
<br />-��°� : fee�;: therice N G�a . 39 56 '
<br />_ ,.�=.i°. . feet; thence S 89° 25' `' � ��"�
<br />::;=�;��;�:��;: � �� Sixty-one �ad SevQnty-six 1261.76) ��' :. �
<br />:�=_'�.=:j���..� � 48" W a c�istan�� of One Thousand Twenty-two and Tcsent�r- � "���!�jt:��
<br />=��'`:��".`� f5.ve xuad�s�d�h5 �1,022.25) feet: thence S� 02° 18' 22" W a . '�..•.�y:
<br /> - "`�' d�.s.:ance of Four Hundred Ninety-�five and Ninety-three �.�.:';�` �.
<br />=�^��a Huq��ed�hs (49S.J3� £eet; theace S 68° 03' 41" E a distance �;�_�����•
<br /> _.-.�•-, . {.��._� • .,.,� ..;. �.
<br /> oE P�ur Huttdred and Eleven Hundredths l900.11) feet; thence :,�;=.�
<br /> ` � � � S 46° 09' S9" Ti1 a distance of Five Hundred Sixty-three and `� _�
<br />���'".� Hinetiy-4�ee Hundredths (563.93) feet to a point, Thsrty- • � �
<br /> �;;�_.. •, .�' .
<br /> - y � • seve� (37.0) feet north of tmeasured perpendicularly disfiant .
<br />�-tr'`�.:�" � `' t0)� the south line of said Northwest �uarter (NW�) ; thence � ... .
<br />-��.:`�t::..'�� ���� S 9t�° 00' 00° tJ,� parallel with the south line of said �� :
<br /> �_�,�.� � � �� • Harthweati Quarter E�3) . a distance of One Thousand TY�ree � ��
<br />_,_-.�Y r;. �
<br />=-�,��: . Hundred For�y-seven aad Sixty-three Hundsedths t1,347.631
<br />-a��;�:� - � ,f�et� to a point on the wes� lfne of said Northwest Quar�er . � � .
<br />:�:��,;,• {;�•,��;�;= thence S O��O 07' I9° W, al,ong and upon the west line . '. .
<br />°��-��".��>': o� ��id Northwes� Quarter (NW�P R a distance ot- Thirty-seven
<br /> `�'�"r�-�-�: (37.a) feet to the point. ofc beqinning and containing 11.504 ` ' : � ..
<br /> =-?�•':�.:�� acres, moze ar less, of vtt�ich 0.028 acres, more or .less, . •
<br /> -�-=::.�-''r�=`� = is presently occupied by public roa8 right of way, `�. „�
<br /> __ ._:',���_: — .
<br />;�7�=-s:�� subject to easa�tents, reserua��ons, Covenants and . .. . � .�
<br /> ��:�:��`��'�: � res�ricCians of s�corc3. � , .
<br />:=e• Ri��li�p:' - . . .
<br /> a�--���� � GItAI3TQR covenants with GRANTEES that GRAlITQR has �legal poweX � .
<br /> �� ,,=r��'�;;: �� and Iawful authority to convey the same. ,
<br /> :::.�,�:� ` (' � .
<br /> � r.
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