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<br /> DEED l)F TRUST ! � � �� N
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<br /> a
<br /> PARTIE3:Thie Deed af 7rust la made on Mn1�;��7. 1995 ,arrunq tfie Grsntw,- �T,�,�t �_Yt�tArt � �
<br /> ("Borrower"1.
<br /> . vvhp�s rss(dancr sddr��s is _�LEC�% "191�,.....[�ri�n� r■l.�a,,,,8s11�-- _ _ • - CamtY. Na6raska ('Trustea"i. snd ths Banefloiery,
<br /> ...�i(�.� ,e corporetlon araarMzed
<br /> end existing under the laws of_ _ j�;RgASKA ,_,,,,,,,,_whose sddreas Is_--..?21---SC]T1Z7i Td�Q:LS'� 3TRERT, ,,,,,,,„,,,,..,_r„_.
<br /> ("Lsnder"�.
<br /> CONVEYANCE: For value rocelved, Borrower irrevocabiy prents and car,veya to Trustep,In truat,with power ot sale,the real prpparty,ot wh(ch
<br /> eorrower le imwtuly setzed, detcribed helow end etl bulldlnqs, flxtures, end sxistina snd future ImprovemenSs tt�ereon snd sll riqhta-of-wey,
<br /> eeaemenv, rents, Iseues, prnfits, Income, ten�mente, harsdksmentr, privl�eqee and sny eppurtsnancs� thenuntp belqnpirp (�tl callsd ths
<br /> .�p�m,.� , ,
<br /> PttOPERTY ADOHFSS:_ ?14 s wASrrwRTrssrr _ � , . �RArm rsi.bNn ._,..,, ,Nebraake 6e�e1
<br /> LE�AL DESCpIPTI�N: �"sitl 1ctry� t�a cad.l
<br /> . ,. � . . . , , . . � ,,,,,,,, , , ,, ,, , , , , . . .
<br /> bcatad in __ _ ���,L_CpiTt7Ty_, „,,,__ .�County,Nebraske.
<br /> 7ITLE:Bprrowar covenanta and warronta title to the prape�ry,except far
<br /> BECUHF.D pE87": 1"hls deed of trust �ecurea to lender repaymant of the aecured debt end ths parTormance of the covenente and agrsementa
<br /> carttalned in this deed of Vust and In any other document incorporoted hsrein. Secured debt, as uaed in this dsed of trust, includss sny emounts
<br /> Bonower owea to Lender under this daed of truri or undsr any in�ttumerrt eecursd by thly dead ot trUat, end ell moditir.�tione, a�RSnsbnr and
<br /> ronewele thereot.
<br /> The sacurod de6t la nvidenced by(List ell instruments end egraamente tecured by thls de:►d of tru�t end ths datu thdraof.�:
<br /> Q, b A120M2SRORY�jQTR..,�T'm...,f,�R�TRYTY A[�RFRMRNT �g� �zeu,,..2?.,._1_9.,9� ,_..--- —...__
<br /> �Futun Adveno��: Th� ebove emount Is secured even thouph dl or part of k mey rwt yet ba sdvenced. Futurs �dv�nce� �rs
<br /> , contemplated and wlll be aecurad to ths ame exterrt a:H msde on tha d�tr thie dasd of trust i�sx�cutsd.
<br /> ❑ Revolving I(ne of credit eprdement dated ,wkh initlel annual interaat rets of %.
<br /> Atl emounts owed under this apreement ers sscursd even thouyh sll emauntr may not yat he sdKsncsd. �uturs sdvsncet undar
<br /> � the epraamerrt ere contemplated and will be�ecurad to tM rema sxtent es If mada on ths dMts thia dsed pt trutt b�xecutsd.
<br /> The above obllpstlon le due snd payable pn If not psid sarlier.
<br /> The totel unppid belance tseured by thia deed o}tru�t at erry vns tima thall not rxcasd�meximum princ(psl rmount of
<br /> ! _ aTya. �nnsaNn AA1LI KLlll�e , ........,,....,_ Dollar�(1 1,Alu�Intarett.
<br /> plua eny amountt diebursed under the term� af this dped of trust to protsct the sacurity of thia desd of trurt or to p�rform �ny of the
<br /> covenerm contefnsd In thb dead of trust,wkh I►nsrsrt on�uch di�bur�emant�.
<br /> ❑ V�bl�R�t�:7F►�intereat rats on thr obliqstion tacured by thi� dasd of truit m�y v�ry accordinp to the tsrmt of th�t oblipation.
<br /> i ❑ A cppy of the Ipan aqrssmsr�t cor�talninp tM tsrms undsr wh�ch th� Int�n�t r�ta msy V�ry It �tt�cMd to thla dNd of trutt rnd
<br /> mede e pert hereof.
<br /> p �
<br /> � f1iDERE: ❑ Gommerclsl (� 7�g9i[3NMLNT,����!p, ❑
<br /> ' ,, Punuarrt to the Fsrm Home�te�d Prot�qtlon Act,detipnrtion of home�tnd ❑ I��ttacFud to thl�d��d ol tru�e�nd m�d��pMrt Mr�ot
<br /> � ❑ hs�bsen dlacl�lmed;ths dl�cl�im�r I�ett�ahsd to thly dasd of tru�t end m�d��part Mr�o}.
<br /> BIQNATUFiE�: �y�Iqnlnq bNar�, 9orraw���qrw ta t!w t�rMw�nd aov�n�aa�tNn�d In thl�d�d of truat,inoludlnp thop on p�p��.�,nd In
<br /> � �ny►1 d��crl!»d�b ��iyn�d fay ar nowM, , , � � , ,
<br /> � '" � � �
<br /> i_.,�S , .
<br /> ---�Zr _ _ __
<br /> . ., _
<br /> KA7.V�N J I . � � , . , KRIe xI� � �NMAI�J .
<br /> ; The forspoiny Inatrument w���cknowladpad b�frx�me on thlr___-�_27TH,,,,., ,,,..�day nf
<br /> � bY....Ka1T�V7H_..T IMAAl+i ,A�_.Ifi.t�Tiu= �L�N.�_H�lAl11�lA��m �rrs,,,,.,,..,._,��� .........
<br /> RhIMUI
<br /> Caporn�a o( Mrn�af Ca nlen er hrtrwN�IW
<br /> r.nn.r.nro va
<br /> ��'0"�'d�"� e , pn b�hal ol tha c rpor�tlon or psrtnanhip.
<br /> My `
<br /> � C4EMl�1AAV,Sva Of�e6r� 1Nawr�+�cl
<br /> 7hla Inatrument wa9 pro er
<br /> o+oe��KEns sraTeMS,n� m� a oc�.+�ran[ene�p� APPL# p0005433 ,����i i��;IEBRASKA
<br /> ; CCA# 0000000000
<br />