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<br /> _-:- i � i. ...;.F • : � , i"f- •i.� Y — _ _ .
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<br /> --� v�J{���,`. . � � . . ' . � ., . s� _,cs',.c-� , ��Y�i�.L�
<br /> -ny.�1 :.Y �
<br /> 4-y'�-! St �� �j' . ._ - �_ --..
<br /> _ ; ��� r?�,'�`! ' � ; ' , . � ` i 1 �F ��_}7�� ��'=..,.,rz-----
<br /> ° • � .. �
<br /> _ `�' - _ . . ' - � . . . ' ��� �' -
<br /> - :{ ' . -_ - _.
<br /> Y �t �..L -fi,': � . , , �y ` . ' ' rlc �u�`���F�: --
<br /> 4--
<br /> '11,.'`,.'•-��� • i`: fc' � - '_'
<br /> .-�ae_s- � . � , :. . _
<br /> ��`� ;�8�';, less coste aad exp�nsee oE cPeratiam�an#� cnA3�s�ilt(st,, inclu�iag attozstey'e feos, . �� ��� ,
<br /> �.��; " �•,-<< upoa �c:y in ebtedn�Be eecured hereby. e4.1� is�- s>.•�r. oreer ao BemaBlciasy erag ��,y
<br /> ' r datezs�iaC. �e ent�sing ugan and ta-ki�9�gsa�n����ts of thcs Truat Bstate, th� � . �.�`.� �''�,..a =- _
<br /> Y � • • •
<br /> ��x '� � . . coliectian of such sents. iasues aad pzo��r,;a,��<:�o agP�icatioa theseoY aa ���4�� <-
<br /> -- -� • `L`� afsYesaiB, ehaii not cure or apfva aay.d�s�a2.0 oa r�:t�ice of default kereuader or w°` � ��---
<br /> --�s�r..•;:-.�St:C` ? •.�'Sae.�;.
<br /> '. �t:�.:z:>�.""_-
<br /> � i�va7.idate eay act dtana in respanae t� a1at��&ar�s�t�.� oz puteuant to aucta aqt ce . x-.�;'*�.�
<br /> , .,.`�,:. oE dagault and. aatv�a.thstan8iag ehe cau�imssa�a as�:��.ae0ion of the Truet Sst�te f,����;� f ••f ,
<br /> - ..��•':��•" . or the collectiaa, seceipt aad app3lc�tiaxa:ofc. r::at�� �.esuea or Profita. T'rufl�ea � �� '4 � � �,�
<br /> _ '` .'.�^'��:: � or.8enogiciary ehall be entftled to ex�aftsm e.�aag:�right provide8 �or its am/ og '��"•'• " �
<br /> .:^'�'. ,
<br /> ._-._.. -� �" ;���;. . , ��he i:c�aa Iastrw�nts or bY��� ecs�uss�a��r:eY.►3�.event o� defau�t. iAClu�3ag . •. �
<br /> � �', `�'�` � ��, the rigbt to'exereise the poacez of eEele j • ;� ` �.=i --.� �
<br /> .i :z=-, . s. n. � , _-
<br /> � • '"'���' -
<br /> ?�'�.,_�y_..� � ' • (b) Camaseace aa action to foreclo^.,� e.Iaf.t�•�eed of Truat as a mortgage. :< �.;'7; •�' 4.;:,- -�'��
<br /> � �._jt7, . "- ` appoint a sece�ver. or•specifically eafazoa�y->og t4ie covenaate hereof; r� „ � - � j..,..
<br /> `�.� �f
<br /> _5.,,..�. , :.. �'�����.. �
<br /> �.�-��:?;.<: :,..<<Y,�.:;... .. . 4c) �eliver to Truetee a writ�ess 8at�rat,ion o£ default astd demand fos ...c• .,..•.
<br /> ,:.,e,.,.., • eal��. aad a viriLter} netiae of dQfault a�,9 �e24'�ticu to cauee Tzustos'e fatereot ��ti'�''.'..�' � '
<br /> � J'f�`°�� `= ' f�a Gis Tsust Bstate ta be eoid, �hicl�ar3�it��''i^u�stee ehall cause tv be duly filed '-�`��,�,j ��`���
<br />_ .�.•�•�<;'�:; • - �'=- �
<br /> . i_ ` fca.record ia tYie apporopriate Officia7. F��rsrlv of the County in a�ch the Trust �- � � ��
<br /> _ �a-..� �, ,. BsCate ie.located. � '` '��'�-`S''- -----""°-
<br /> 1:.' , ` .-.�''=:• �— _
<br /> _ �}''- .,
<br /> , ;�.f il.. .FOitsCLOStlRB sY PowsFL�oF sA*c�i� sAauld Eeneficiasy elect to forac2CSe� k �� '� ���' "
<br />_- ---i�.::.,... :�y; . bp �rcfe� og ¢he Fa�er of Sr.le k� eflnt�fnsd, SeaeEf.ef a�► shaii naEf�fy � _ , ;��r-r=-
<br /> • TzW.$�-3 812d ehall degeaat mi� �s�te�.tbf� Daed of Trust aa8 the Note and ouaY��� *+ t,,Y�=` °
<br /> .t,�i`.,.,;.� r °� ' recea�Y.g aad evi8ence e� e�gc3ncif�.ur��:maat an� �^ried•hereb� ae Tzusteo mmyr•,_ s�� ..,
<br /> �` z ; f,-���
<br /> ..;e�. . requfxe. :#:. ',��
<br /> .'' r �` . . . . • : �,��. .,���' _-.
<br /> �r� .,�s%;-. .kr . : , - �_ � '. . :�< <s� �n -
<br /> �, a e .r r�:.�� . . � . .� . . . . x P' � Z
<br /> �.. :if • �f,(/f•�C.�: '�� , �: ta) Lrpon recef�G:¢4 such�no�ic� €s�a H+�St=_°a "+�=�Y. Trust�e shall cauae tm �r� ��t, -
<br /> ��v"aS��Tn:k'rl�xa�;.n �
<br /> .t���°s��� � be�'�az�3ed. Publiehe��.�livered t��'ss�L-ox Fsud.�x��tice af uefault and Notic� ���. - E` � _
<br /> J�, 4; ���!��-a. ,��. o£ ��..�•S ae th$a requz� � l.aav and hy t�if.s Dee.c a� Tsust. T�uatee eha11. . +F� } `f�E,', •
<br />�,� ',�',}•:�:.:'�'�,. ` � wit�sut demaai3 en TzuQ,:.�:,, afeer suc� tica9 as � C�xr�s be require8 by Iav► ana � ��,•:; � ' $
<br /> 'h ,, lyt,�•' •�r: �,"` ' aP� zeaosda�aa e£ �.r�a•�e�cc�t a��cn2t•�s3 aftez' iloLfce of Sale havfng be�s� `� °v,`.-�'
<br /> �`�'�v�,�.�r�Fi• •i<;x � za;�s: ae requised toy i�r.�:��L tIv�T����cWate at the ticae •aaid piaae of salQ , ,� `. :y;�
<br /> � �,,.
<br /> ``r��`•.;=�•1,rf:Y�,�i ' k'�; e-:, . „ m a .�
<br /> �;� �by it iri suah�tiat.:a� c� ...�-I�...e3tipc��3 a� whole, or in �eparate lots os . .
<br /> � �ar�:;�, �r���.s or itease ae Tstis9tee e1a�t�. '��em �srr�=-�iiest, aud ia audzs order as it may .
<br /> • cYetezmina, at public auctiaa to r.Tx�hfgh�st bidder Por caeh� iva lawful maney ot ' ��.,;.-�. .r •
<br /> � �� '���� � � , • tlie United Statea, payabie at the tir�e of eale. Tsuatee ahaiZ deliner to eucb _ ..�,i•. " � �
<br /> . '~, purchaser or puscht�aera thereof, ita gc�od and sufficient des8 or deeda, conveyiag - ��:
<br /> � " ' the psope�cty eo sold. but without any coveaant oa warranty, expreee or implied.
<br /> �'',� ,� � The recitais in suah 8eed of arry rna�tert3 oz facte ehall be conclueive proof o� � �� ' 's•
<br /> ',s�r���;...�:: �: ,
<br /> : � Ui0 tlUE�Pl12A@DA tti9!@O£. Any pereoza, inclu8ing, witlaout limitation, Tsuetor, � ";- �
<br /> T's�3e�ee, end Seneficiasy, �nay puscbaae0 at such eale, an�Truetor hereby covenanto � ,�
<br /> °;.; '� .�'`-Y=�� to �arrant arid doferid the titie oP such purchaaer or p�schaeess. �F� '. � x'�•
<br /> . . ,,�
<br /> . � '� ' (b) Ascnay be germitte8 by iaw, afYer deductiag ali coeta, fees, ex�easee • :
<br /> '.°�;._ � : �'-.� oY Truetee an8 of this Trust, inclu8ing coste of evi8ence of title in ccnuection �' ' ���_-
<br /> , - � . ' h ie Tsustee ebail a 1 the pro�ee8s of sale to payment of (i) ali eums •'' ������`'
<br /> wst ea . PP Y
<br /> .',;;3;�;:..�,`,...:s`._:� es�pon8e�.un8er tke terme hereof, not thesi repaicl, wfth accrue8 interest at twelve ���.:�,,'�:�
<br /> �'}-"�='� � :'�, 112t} pescenC per annum, lff) ali other sums then aecured hereby, an� (iii) the . • �:r''
<br /> . : �:pP,�r•;�,. i. . _- .
<br /> ��;,s;...,�, re.�rtainder, ff any, to the pezeon or persons iegaliy entitied thereto. . ;
<br />:v��.�....Wv.„��'� • • 'a:` . • +
<br />- .�,_�+� . .
<br />�''-�" •'"�' : (c) Tsuetee may. 3a the manaer provided by iaw, poatpone sale a� ell or A,�
<br /> airy portion og the Trust Hatate. :� r '
<br /> ,. . ,� � ;. �
<br /> . ��
<br /> �` � iZ. ��ox$S K�£ SRCLVSZVS__ 7Cruatee and Beneficiary, and each a� them, '�.s;�`.'.'• "�'��`: `.:'':
<br /> �-,�a __ a'r ,
<br /> 'r�� shall be ent£�tTed to enforce paymant and perfosmance of any �indebt�daess os t!A:;�';'
<br /> - �� `�� � obligationa �QCUxeti hereby an8 to sxezciee aii ri�'�ts and pawere under thia aeed ?""�� : ���
<br /> " �'�;�. , � s. .� of Truet or crtder fanp Loan inatzwrsnt or othes agreement or arcy laas �nom or �� ��•� .�•��?.,�s;3?.,
<br /> :_':.•��._�: . he�aEtor f.n fozCe, notwithetandfag eoa�s or all oP the euch �ndebted:sese and �`��,��•
<br />�; �� '� ` � ob2igationa E�eured hereby may noar os h�seafter be otheswise eecure�, mhether by � .
<br /> ' mortgage, �e�� of truet, pledge, iien, aesigr�ment or otheswiae. Neieher the ` •
<br /> `��`= � ' . � acceptence ot thie nes8 of Tsuet nor ite enPoreement w4�ether hy caurt ection or �� '�� , .
<br />_ '�- •���,-'� pureuaat ta the poxer of eale or othes poware herein contained, ehall pre�udice � . :.,.:,�,.,,� .•
<br /> :.', �-`}"•�� � oz in any ma�areor a�Eeat Truetee•e �r• Beneficiary'e right to reaiize upon or , �•�•
<br /> ' .%'�<<° enfosce any ather seeurity now or horeafter heid by TrueCee e� BenePiciary, it .�"r�'..
<br /> 1'�`-�" ' "'��s�� being agree� tho��T�uetee a�td Seneficfary, and each of them, e�all be entitled � '
<br />"__ -`��f•.'• .; . � to enforce thio Deed of Tsuet � any other eecuzity nom or hereafter heid by � !
<br /> H��Y"�' '�� BeneEic�ary or T�ustee, ia auch ordear and maruier ae they or e3ther oE them may �
<br />���.`T��.. :.._ �... .
<br />,�-�Z__• , . in thefr aboo2uto dieoretion 8etenntne. Na remedy herein conferre8 upon or
<br />- ��-. ' • ..��:'� •. reserved to Truetee• or BeaePici�ry is intended to be exclueive of any other
<br /> � � reme8y herein or by lo►w prwided or pesYnitted, but each shall be eumulative and � . . .
<br />��•�� •�� . •���.�.�;x , ohall ba in addition�to evory other zetnedy given hereunder or noLV or hereaftez ;• -
<br />—_` � � �.,..�, z"-: existing at ia� or 3a equity or by Statute. 8very power or remedy given by any � " •
<br /> -- ti�"
<br />- '�`�-`�*�•- . of the Loaa Ir�atsYUi►entd to Truetee or Beneficfary or to which either oP them mary �
<br /> -- _ -_-,"...:.. . �
<br /> t.::� .
<br />--�_°_ �.��.,,:,,,; b e o t P t oraise entit2ed, may ba exerciaed, concurre�tly or independentiy, from t me i
<br /> _��.=},'�: ,:�:�.-' • to time, an8 ae oftAn ae may be deert:od expe�ient by Tsu�tee ar Ber�efieiary; and
<br /> -- "'"�'-=``-�'��r;%;;� '. either oE them may� puraue inconeieeent remedies: Nothfng herein ah�li be � •
<br /> _ -r�
<br /> - �,�.„";�: ;''�'i.;t�.. aonstrued ag prohibiting Benefici�ary frmo aeekf.ng a deficiency judgment agafnst
<br /> ' �_ :. .ti::;.: the Trustor to the o�etent auch action f e permitted by law.
<br /> '� .,,.: . .
<br />�� �_��,:�4:��'� ;=;,S ' 13: i280[JBST�FOR!�'4l'�I4"�._ Trustor here�yr req�,:eats a cepy of any r.otiae ot . ��� , •..
<br />_r=�'�'• � �`�Y���� � dEta:alt, and that arsy rcatfc� c��sale here�der he mailed to Pcer,at tha ad�res�. � ; ,'��
<br />_�_'� .`'��• �'':�,`�xt''?'��:. see s�osth in the first'paragra�h of �hfcs G�ed of Trust. ' � � .
<br /> , .<.: •, .
<br /> �--«.==y- ,.,, .. . . � . -- - • • . �_�=_-
<br />__ ��i-� 4. � . , .. ' 1,.. � .
<br /> - � c.
<br /> � �. ,� .. . • ' �-----, 'S;-', _ .
<br /> I . ° '� • . . . {_ �. . .
<br /> ...� .
<br /> I
<br />.__ . , . ..
<br /> . �- _.,�..._.. . , . . . - --- -- -
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