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<br /> � Y7G•TgiCC� ' — �_-_—`
<br /> ,..,.��� b,. ' �3ED'OF 'L'Itd16T • - .
<br /> �`"Po-k��' �r..,� � . � . . . : . �r rro�- . __
<br /> ,� R�s'..��rY .r i.z, , . ' ' . •
<br /> - ti. ' . . . -.c-W,�,. '�=--_
<br /> `;�,4� . . TE�IJ D88i1 QF TRaST ie ma$e ae o£ the 3•� day.of 3�a�'�: iS95, by THOPSAS � _�
<br /> '��-��`'� L. ANb8RSQ31• t"RTtiF3TOR°�� �1a08@ tC��1iA9 tt$@I88H i9: 1149 $. 8tttt�Z RA3d� OZEITtB � = j `
<br /> Y S' . .
<br /> E < , i8land. Nebras�a 68801; , . �
<br /> . � .`��y� -��.�
<br /> :; �� . , _ `�, �,
<br /> :s���-�� � s `� ~ '� _._
<br /> _ _. �r. �� and ARTEItT�i C. i+tAY6R. Attorney at Law, I°TAUS7BSH1, mhose mai2ing addresa ia: �k_ �.Y� �. -
<br /> �f�,.��-�r.... P. o. enx 2300. c3rand =alan8, Nebraska 6s8oa; •�r�_�5•���
<br /> r' 1_.e.; _ •�!r_
<br />_ -� 1 ry�^�h�2f'� ��- . Y,W
<br /> ar�e LncY 8os�s�a a soPPZY co., srrc., al�1a Lac�r su�ain�s supBiy co. e sebzaaxa = {,� ,
<br /> Jti'�A.--;-�.. ,,`J. . Co�tO�C3411� I"88I48HICYARX"1. �hose mefliug ad8reea is: '115 S. Clezk St.� t3zan3 Y :,.c1,
<br /> . c_:�:.�:. ' 2918aid, N@bSaEaka 688b1 � t'E i E� +
<br /> ` � �, tih=
<br /> - �•.;'y✓.;� ' � . I --
<br />- �flR y�,p�yg CpidSlp�ApTION. Trustor irrevocably transfer�. comreys, a�d �+ ..,s- a -
<br /> ' � `•�` �"��� aeeigae to TsuOeee, it3 TBUST. WITH 80S:BR OF 9ALE. Fo� the beaeff t and security � �-� =
<br /> �"`�_�-;��.:``''� of S�neEicfary, uader sud aubiect to the tesme and conditfune.of th3e Deed o£ . � '�� �,��A
<br />- ;�`c`�'.�� ' �'�•� � Tsuat. the real pXaperty located in Ehe City of (3rand Iel.aad. CountY af Hail, .i.:��. . -��„i�.�'-
<br />- `.� . . StGte Of M@bYt19k8� r�ad legaily describe� as fo110mH: (the "Property°T: ` �<�_-
<br /> � -e.,- 4"�=
<br /> .. `,•., t a . �2..r
<br /> . ' � '-�'` '��L - . { � � -_
<br /> � ' A tract o� land ca�mQriefng a gart o£ the Weat Half of the Sautheast 7�
<br /> � • .. '°`��. � (auarte� I� af Sectiois �tcanty-eevea (27}, Townsbfp Sleven (il) . � cs�A f ..
<br /> ° "f:j ! •
<br /> . ' . •• North, Raage Nine f9) Weat of Ute 6th P.M., in Hall Coimty. Nebsaeka, . . .,,,._`y ,:;. -
<br /> � mose parti.cnlarly desczitted aa golioae: B�ginniag at the nostheaet _��r_.�r°s�>�-=
<br /> � . �---.--�..._�.•..-._':.�,°'..:-
<br /> �' --- � corner of said Weet Ha2f of the Seutheaet Quartes (t,P}�SB;�: thence' a,, . : . '.a;,�:j�•
<br />_�:<,. -.__.... �..
<br /> � , � :' . mesterly ala:tg the a�oxth line oF esid"�est Aal£ oP the.S+�ttieast� : f 4:A���
<br /> ;'.:�: '�. `.."'�`�, � QualtEer t�3H�. a c�staace af Seven :�dred gine aad ��tY-two ..
<br />'1.f . �s . � �c�cedttie t709.62��.1?�; •the�re defleotzsv3- ie�� 107° iQ` 34° and • ; i °`,r";=
<br /> . � Bf ht and Sf.� • f ��
<br /> c� � _ :. < s'urinfng saattt�asterB�,E.zlist2�c� of 83ght Auadrec�.2�ty- 3
<br /> `�`�r�'�`. . ��`�� Teathe (83D_�3 .fee��..G`�8sace•. �aeteri a disf.r�?� oP Fdur HunBrea� . s�'rc�'. �
<br /> sj� ,t,, `� ` '�-
<br /> u, �. -- -�.• y� C �o a ofnt on the .,f�,s.t'•.� �t`�`:,�
<br /> -- ..�r<,r.,. -`;- . Seveaty-namry 3nd PiE��o Henau...edths I479.521 f� ,t P ��'}�1.. r�.�f�;; '
<br /> � :�� ;.- ;�'. �1�=.. eara�.li.ne af..eaid R���-.�alf of the Southeast Qua��..� 'IinTi4SH',f1. thence � :.; .�,, :::
<br /> a�s�herly a'�ng eaf.� eset lfae of ttie t,ieet �a7L�� 'of the Souttieaat� � - � °
<br /> ' ' � . . Quazter tC�, a c7istaace oE 3even Httudr8d Bia�i.� aisd Far�r Tentha r';�
<br /> ��`�,' • ~ �780.4 f f� Co the piace of t�g�aning: aa�3 . � �.•
<br /> y :�<�:i���,�'a��, � : �f �:
<br /> ��''h'{' � ` � A tsact of Ia�ad cemprisiug a � of the.w�st ti�bt of the Southeset
<br /> i �fe<f ' ., _
<br />��a� ,��k`��,�i��•' , �. . QvaEter. I�SSS�.f) of Sectfon 7�veaty-sevet� t29). Tawnship Blevea �21) ,.
<br />=`�'.. `'����r���, wn; tzoreh, Range Nfne l9) Weat of the 6th P.S�F., 3a Hall County. K�bYaska, ;« „`��
<br /> , .: '.> .
<br /> _ ;;,;r�;A��;.` � more particularly deec�ibed ae followe: Beginning at the ndrth�est , . ,� ;�Ft,
<br /> '•���:�%� corner of eaid Southeaet Quarter t38�d): theace eoutherly aiong. the
<br /> � ' � oreet gino of eaid Southeast Quarter (SS'.ff. •a distance of One Thousarsd � • ;,��% ..
<br /> Oae Hundred Porty and �oeaty-to�o HundredtE�� (1,140.22? feet; thestce � ' �" '
<br /> f . , , -. ( :.{� �r�y*� .
<br />�, '. . . � defleCting left 122� 10' 30" aa8 svnaiag northeaeterly, a distance of ,. ;,3
<br /> Pive Huadred 8lghty-nine and Ninety-ffve HunBsedths (589.951 feet; �.
<br /> � � •• theace deflecting right 31� 01' and zunnf�a9 easeeriy, a dietance of �x` • ,-_
<br /> � "�� Three Hundred Thitty-eix and Tvro Teatt�o (336.2) feet; thence �, ��•,�-`� :
<br /> .�, : defleatin.g left 104° 51' 34" and running northwestesly, a dietance of �.., � �;�/: ••
<br /> . ; z�• Bight Hundred thirty-8ight ea8 Six Tenths (838.6) feet, to the north �• •�l`
<br /> °' �`• :,: �. lfne of ths 3outheas� Quarter tSS�,p, a diatance of Six Hundree Thsee � . .
<br /> ' =� ' and T�o Tentha 1603.2) feet to the place of beginning. � • ' -
<br /> _ _.��._:r .�;:°�: •. `
<br /> � ,��,,,: � ;�.. TOOSTHBR WITli all sente, easemente, appurtona.zcea, hereditamenta, intereate � � � � .,
<br /> .•.;�="`�•, � in a8jof�sg zoada, atreeta and alleys, fmprovam�ats and buildinga of ar►y kin� � . , . .�
<br /> _ �n�:.. � ., ��. •.::�.� •.� :.
<br /> ';�,.; � � situate� therean and all pezsonal property that may be os hereafter became an � ,
<br /> �. . � � integral part of such bufidinge and improvement�r. � ,•
<br /> 1 *� . � �� . ''' ' The property an8 the enCire estate a�8 intoreet conveyed ta the Truetee eze �
<br />_ �.��c+' ' refeae� to collectively ae the "Tzust Setate". � �
<br /> .:;'��,�s� � . , � .
<br /> ''� .' .. , FOR THS Pi1RPOS8 OH 9ECQ�tItz(i: + ' �
<br /> a ; . � . ', • ,
<br /> 4u �.� .. a. Payncent of indebte8naee 3n the totai princigal amount oP S40,000.00, � �� .
<br /> �r;��� with intereet ttxr�reon.at eeven percent (7�) percent ger annum. ae evidencea by r _ .,
<br /> t
<br />.r; ,}�?y'.�� •..� . • '_ � , that certain Pa�ans.iesory Note oP even date (thQ "NOte^I wfth a maturity date of � •
<br /> Y• � ' , April i, 1999, executed by Tsvetcs. ahfch hae besa delivered arsd io payable to
<br /> ';' �r-�•"� ,. • the or8er of Benefic�ary, end which bY this rePerence ie herehy made a part ,
<br /> _-:-� '" - . . � hereof, and ariy an8 all �cx�aficatiane, extenoiona an� reneaals ehereof, an�, ,
<br />- ' • � b. In the event of BePault or other aaceleration ef the due date, at the ` '
<br /> �: _ � � .. .,�f�.._~ �. option of Beneficiary. payment og the balance awing on eucb note together mith _
<br /> . v nce9 b the Sensficiory to protect the Trust 8etate, wfth intezest ��� �
<br /> all euma 8d II y j
<br /> - _ -= , :``��,�. the�eon at the rate of t�elve (129) percent pez pruzum. � . � ,
<br />=�J�� '. • This Deed o£ Truet, the Note, and �ny other inatsument given to evidence � . : ' . � .
<br />;� � � ' �� ar furtt:er eeeure the payment 8rid Qerformance of any obligation secured hareby. .
<br /> are referre8 tv coliectiveiy as tlrn "Loan Instrum�nta". �''°� •
<br /> . . 1 `���' ,
<br /> � � � , ;::' •
<br /> ' . � - Tp pRpTgL`P TFIS $sCt1RITY OP THZS DBSD 8P TRiJST:. • � .
<br /> -��' . • � 1. �AYMBPT OF_IND�'�SnNt{83. Truetoz ehali pay mhen due ttu� rinci�ai of;. ��• ' '`�;;`;.'�
<br /> � and the interest on, the indebtetta�se eviHencad by the Note, charge�, ge�� end `;�f' �:..'��;:`'�''. .
<br /> - - � - - all other swns as provi8ed in the Y.oan Znstrumente. .. • . ` ''.-'-"'_-:,.:. `.--
<br /> : ;`;a�------�
<br /> .....
<br /> � ' � .,,�..
<br /> . �, ,
<br /> ;_- - . ;=
<br />