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<br /> ���� ��-, ; Ir�C�[ Ht12LDING & �UPPLY'4�'Q�..,, INC., �/kj�R Ir1k�"3d:BiJ�DII�If3 se SiyPPLY �r� � � _ _
<br /> �� �:�=�-�' C�., a Corporation organi2eo13 and� existfng un�� t8�e laws of� The ={-�` ��°""""�°"`
<br /> �,�.��
<br /> , �� ... . __m__
<br /> - :' :r:;�;f��.• 3tate nf Nebraeka, �RAI�ITOR, �in��cnsideration af PFP�Y Z`ROdTSAND AAtD ��� �
<br /> .i, � r� . , � ' . . .Q.��-�':� ..:� � -
<br /> °"�'�=f� . NO/100 ($SO,OOQ.00f DOLL�S� rece�ved froru 6'�C�E, THON�lS � L. � _ --
<br /> � ,y - -
<br /> �..--� ;:;:�:" ANDSR�ON, conveys ta ���;, tthe folio�ing c�s�rfY��d real es�ate '� ,�� t�;n _- --
<br /> �� .+;',�`-°�=. tas 8e�i��d iffi Neb. Rev. �tsacs. �7�6-201) . � . �% ` -
<br /> �.:.��•-. . . . �-f.s; {-��r'�
<br />_ ., � �.�: r � - ..-
<br /> � �;�..�.. .�r
<br /> � A tract af land cca�pris3;n�, a part oE th� �T+est �Zf of the ��r�-, ,
<br /> r,;��''�-��: i�:.:..,� - --
<br /> -- ;�: � _--� Svutheast Quart�r if�'�5��� o� s���ion �nty-g�n (2T) , . f, ;fk �" =
<br /> - r�`�`°��-:tM:- . �ownship Bleven (ily. DF��;, Ra�ge YJin� ('�j BTr�st of the `��,�£ �;,�-
<br /> <� >` .� 6�h P.hg., in Hali Caunity�.. Nebrasha, ��e pai�ticularly •-.:g�,�,��ak i�- .._.
<br /> ,y?,,�., �: describ� as follovre: ��tnning at th� a���t3a�st corner .;,;f �'f�f .S�
<br /> - ti� <F�rl' `�,�. � of said west Half of�• �rie Southeast �rte� t��SB�) ; ' ,:'���:,�;:�;�,
<br /> - � t r41� � thence v,�esterly alo�tg� t�te no�th line of� safd�4i�st Half � �`•�� ::;�f��-
<br /> R �L�� ..�'I•-i,� _ _ • � ``+J fl�,�r..
<br /> _ , ;...<;,i;�;;;�:.:��it 4 of the SoutheasC Quar�er tW�SB3f). a dtstance. af Seven � :�.;,;,;� ;:
<br /> ' t, r
<br /> .� . ;,:<<.;�=,:�:.,::. . � Hundred Nine and 83.sc�y�-Cv:o� �iundredths� f74� �2) feet; . , '':.�` Ts '�}�r
<br /> ¢ f��� �; � � thence deflecting- leSRt 10*l� 10' 34R au�� running •�����fi:� �
<br /> �
<br />_ , !,`�'" ' �,°� �3 .�sautheasterly a c�stana��•oE Sight Hundr� Ttairty-Bight ,'��'�, -�: ,
<br /> �3. �' `.•.. � �. �a�d Sfx TenChs� ��3`�.6f fe��;: Chence easte�].y, a distance , � � � � ��.� � .
<br /> 'F.,,�� ;� �j `'; � mf Four Hund�� :&sven�,r-`n�ne and Fiftp-eoro �dredths� . �.� �
<br /> '`'� �F���c- f . �� (4'19.52) fset, Co� a pa�rc an Che east li� v€ said West � � �`
<br /> ' t`� � � Half of �he Southeaet QuarCer (W�SB�f) , tlti��ce northerly
<br /> .`i�';���,, , . h •_� ..
<br /> �
<br /> , �s:�w��� � �ong said east 2ine afl tihe West Half a� th� Southeast =9: ��?
<br /> ):q.� )]. - .' iN E .
<br /> . -'���.'� :""'.� Quarter (W�SB;�� . a disbanae of Seven Huudred Eighty and '�:''�.�.�
<br /> . Four Tenths (780.4) feeii. �o� Che place of bcgirtnfng; and �.=�`!�
<br /> _!2i:f•c .i,f. � . .
<br />_ .4.:� � ;• �-. .•' ' � �.
<br /> . .. .: c. � .. .. .,r�',�
<br /> -:� � A tract of land canipriaings a part of th2 Ul�st FF�If of the � � � z
<br /> ,;.;� , �r.
<br /> �,�,�:.:. .:...:. .. � Southeast Quarter tW�lSB�?- 08 Sectfon Tw��Cy-seven t27} , . ' .�.-},;��`.: ,'
<br /> :: ��� �� � � Township Bleven Qli) No�4�ti,. Raage Nine (9� West of the � � . ;,d�;�f�' �`�
<br /> �������?:r��=� 6th P.M., in Hall. Cbnn�y.y, Nebraska, mare ar�icularl ° �+-
<br /> � :1., _,...�. , . = P Y
<br /> � �`4�` ��� � `: described as folloore: a�g�nning at th� Lorthw�st corner � � '
<br />'j� ''��'`;�r•��,;��.�` of said Sovtheaet Quaru�� <Sg�) ; thence sauth�rly aldng � �'� � �
<br />-���'�l`'�' the west line of eaid 3cusaYleas� �ua�cter C�), � clistance �
<br />_ .�;,,,�.«�.5 �, �
<br />� �''-, !.4��r • .
<br /> . of One Thoueand One � Hundred Porty and 7l'�enty-two ,. '° �` � �
<br /> , �. . . �- >; Hundredths i1,14�0.22}- �eet; thence defl��ting left 122° � ` � �-
<br /> _, , .
<br /> •� • ��' � 10' 30" and rurmi�g nt�i����asterly, a di.stan�e. of Five �� - '!�,
<br /> �` ' �'�'..�- • -.'�' Hundred Bfghty-nine anc� i��nety-five Hun�redths; (589.95) �;'� ..
<br /> .y.�� . . d., ..
<br /> ,. .,y.•�.;.:.. ,:. .;y?,;�,.�
<br /> f�;_.�;.,,�� . .'� . feet; �hence defl�c�9:�� righ� 31� �1' and running .,,;s�,
<br /> __ .•�,��: ^ . . : � easterly, a diatass�� of ��ree Hundred Thisty-sfix and Two � � �
<br /> � , , .� . _ � Tenths (336.2) f2cy�; thenCe deElecC3ng le�t 10�° 51� 34" � � :• . � � �
<br />=� ;:;�;_;'.::="��: �,,- and running northvrestcIILy, a dis�ance of Eigh� Hundred � � .
<br /> „ n;,�.;�:-Y�:'.;-'`,-�_� : thirty-Bight and Sfx R"ent�hs t836�.6? fee�, ta' �be nortb ;:;... •
<br /> �"r�_��� � line of �he Southeaat Q�arter (SB�t), a distan�e of Six . •i;;����. �
<br /> .,:,:,.,�.
<br /> �;`�°�', .`. . ��r , Hundred 'Y'hree an�1 'l�ro�T�ntihs (608.2) fee� to th�,p].ace of • . . �
<br /> - =�._ _ .. beginning. . , .
<br /> ;;�vr•
<br />-- _��.• ���a .:.,.;,..
<br />_�-���'�'•�',���.''.":N�"� � (3R�NTOR .
<br />�; : . �a+�enants wi�h ��i� GIt1iNTlig th�t GR�f1+3TO;Z: • .
<br /> _?�=��;:`�=,,;�,
<br />�`s� ��:�� �•`��- (9.) is lawfully sei�ed of such real es�at� �nd that it fa - �
<br /> ���:,�;�Si :�y`:i 3:
<br /> �`.�-.�-'°���-,����' free from encumbrancea except easem�nts and restrict�fons of record;
<br />.��C_w�. �y� r . .
<br /> -'-___ _—___—_ ''1' • .
<br /> - �-���;:�s�.�.��+�. � t2) has legal power and lawful� authorit� ta comrey the .g�ne; .
<br /> --���:
<br />�k.:�;,...�.�r.:�:; (3) warrants and will defend� tl}ie Citle Go t�ie real estate � � �
<br /> ,• ',-,. � .
<br /> ,��� ,.�„ agafnat, the lawful clafms of aIl persons. � � ��
<br />��;�:...... .
<br />_:::�.:;,�'
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