. i ___ ___ _
<br /> ' � . ' ` � ' � ��� ����� � , :. � - • ` --
<br /> S. �axtu�it; pea�ay �-uru�e. Borraiver sh�t! �e�c��i�grmrem..�-�+�.ts aaw exi�tin�or t�re�4tes crc�ts�d on sh� - -
<br /> ��Y u�l a�s�io�0y�ire.f�azar�s i�te�i�th��°exi,�d�i ar�ierage"aa�any ot,�h�,rds. ir.�tu�ing . ��---
<br /> ff�sfs or ftaodIu�.-�eh-��iammm�.-T�sAa1i be m��d in tb�e amaaurts�.faY tiae�ri�is ; ---
<br /> ahat Lendelr r�uir�:'�h�insur..nae c�rrier pravidin�tha insuraacc shal!�ee chasen 6y Borrow�cA subject t�6eadcr's epprovaS � � . —
<br /> �vhicU s6�tI QoY Ise�reason:.6ly i3rithl-,eld. If Sortower faiZs to�aintvn covera$e deszri6erF uba�ve. L:ender may�us 6.ettdea's '
<br /> opiioa.o6tain cov�rage ta pr�tect l.ca�e�'s rig[us in the Praperiy in atcardanre+vvith pasagrapSs�. � '. .. . . -----
<br /> All insurana gpniicies nr�rea,.-wals shal!b�acceptable to Iarider an.�shaU iac[ude a staa�arc!mortsa�e c[ause. Let�er �, --
<br /> shalt have the ri�t�tr,old the�o�iaes aad�ewals.i�Lendcr teuaires;Borronrer�hali•pmmpUy�i�e to l.ender att reAceipts of: _------
<br /> paic!premiums ar�rsaec�ra!aciices.In the ev..nt o�ioss.Basrovrer s4a}}give pm�t uotice to the insurantc carrfer aad Ler.der. -
<br /> I.ender may a�aL•e gr,to€of toss if Qct made pcnmp�dy bg Bomutiver. . � • � -----
<br /> Unlsss Lender�d$artoi+er otI�ertvise agr�ia writing.itL?*��!Y pmr�sis'64a1t 6e appYi��tn restnratinn ar re�air nf tbe = -
<br /> Pro�trs',ds��.es tl4p:�tofr.�iaa�s�ir is ecor.ossuralty feasibie and Lercder's�xurity:s r.o�Izss�d. i�t�e e�;t�s�iu�ct; ----"--_-----
<br /> rep�ir is noi ecouo;ricaQfy.feasib�e or Lender's securiry wnutd�e tessen�.the insurance prace�c€s shall De apptied ta the s� ________
<br /> secumd 6y this Sec�ity Instrument.whether or Qot tPien due, with any excess paid to Barrower. If�orrower�6an�ons�the
<br /> Prvperty,or daes rrae aescv¢r withia 30 days a aotice from Leader tAat the insuta�cairier has ofiered to settle a claim.,then �"-
<br /> Leader may coue� a*e insur�ce pra�xds, Lender may use the pmceeds to repair or restore the Propert}r or to pay sums
<br /> sec�ued by this Secur�ty Iusor�¢eat.whether or aot then due.Tbe 30-day period will hegin wflen the motice is given. -
<br /> Untess Lcr.der� Borrawer ot�envise agree in svriting, any appliration of proceeds w prlpcipal sball not extead or
<br /> pnstpone the d�e d�:o€the m�nthly payments referred to in paragrap6s 1 aad 2 or change tHe amnunt of the pay,ments. 1f =- ---- - ---
<br /> uader p�h 2t t�e Pro�t}r is acquired by Leader.Sorrow..r's right to aay insu�an�ce policies and pmceeds resWting from -
<br /> dama�i:ta�the PmFerty prinr w tLe acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extem of the sums secused by this Secarisy Inst�ument -- ''-
<br /> imaretUsoly��or t�the arquisition. �=---
<br /> ;x=-n��r__—
<br /> . 6..Ocwpar.cy+;�'r�servat�on,Ntain3eaaace and Ptotection of the Prraperty;Earmwe�s I,u.w ApplIration.I.ease�otds. _--__-__ --
<br /> Borrower shalt oa;e��.establish;actd use the Pr+op�rty as 8orrower's piincipa!cesidence arithin s'vcty days after the exeartion of '�-"�—
<br /> ttis Security[nstnu�eaa aEd shalt oontinue to omigy the Propeny as Bormwer's priacipal residence for at teast one year atter �rx�.^:=_-��
<br /> the date o�accup�vtt.y.unless Lender otheswise agrees in writipg,which Consent shall nnt be„��s^nabty withheld,or untess - -==::a;���
<br /> .,,;,..:b__.�.�
<br /> extenvatin$ circumstar.oes exisi wtuch are beyoad Eorrowerfs oontrol. Borrower shall not destroy, darnage or impair the
<br /> �� Prapepty. atlow Ihe�roperty to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Prop4..rty. Borrower shail be in defauit if any forfeiture �t`����+ •�
<br /> acxion or proceedia�.arhet�et civil or cziminal.is begun t6at in[.e�der's�od faith judgment cauld tesult in forfeiture of the �';�;���-����
<br /> or fltIIe�srise materiaii Y ty sy•iaterest.�orrower may. `_''�`��`'�`
<br /> Froperty y impais the lien cceated b this Securi Uistniment oc E.eader's securfl ,�.,
<br /> cure sach a defaute ar�reinstate,as pmvidc�d in patagraph 18,by causing the action pr proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling :�L%`:., "
<br /> that, in I.endee's�ood faith determination. precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer s i�erest ue the Property or other materia! �,-��F%
<br /> impair.+aent of thP Iien created by this Securiry Instrun�ent or l.ender s secu.riry interest. Borrower s�all aLso tie in defauit if
<br /> Bomnwer.durin���Y�n application process.gave materially false or inar,curate informatia�r or statements to Lendec(or faileQ 'f=�a:� `.;'
<br /> to provide Lsnder vat�s any aiateriat information)in wnn�tion with the ldan.evidenced by the Note. including.but not limited . ��:�;'"
<br /> _ to.representati�s c.�f�eeming Soaower's accupancy of the Pmpertjr as a pridcipal residence.If this Security Instr�meni is on a � � ���', ,, �
<br /> teasehaf� Borrower shall comply v�ith all the provisions.rsf tt{e lease. If Borcower ucquires fee title to tAe Prag�ita+,.the �'�'�`� ���
<br /> lea�eirq�d und the fee Litte shall aoe merge unless Isnder�trr;.�e merger in writing. ' f' "� r :.s
<br /> 7.Pratectiau:'u�a.ender's in the I'ta P gteements costtained in ' ..`:�;`. •''{
<br /> .en RightS �p.If�natiower fai{s[o erform the cavenants aExl tt
<br /> this Secstrity Incrnrr�rR.t�or thete is a tegal pmceeding dtat rray significandy affect Lender s rights in tiie Property(such as a • : � • ��
<br /> proceedkt�in ba�Ctnptcy.probate,for condemnarion or farfei�re or to enforce laws or regulationsl.then Lender tr[�r do and � = � " � �►�
<br /> -�:iv:,
<br /> p a y f a r w t s a t e v e r i s n e ce s s a r y t o p t o t e c t t h e v a lae o f t he P r�p i:s z y a n d L e n der's rig hts in t he P rope�ty. L en der's adiz�iis may, �;%�. .,
<br /> include paying any,surn5 secured by a lien which has priarity over this Securiry InStrument, appearing in ca:ttt. �aying � • y;'_��
<br /> masonab2e attom , fees and eaterin on the Pro ta make r rs. Atthau Lender ���'''i'�"�
<br /> � � � P�Y � 8h maY tal;c action urzdcr this'P.aragraPh - �,-�'' -
<br /> •,��=?"�•,-: ,..
<br /> 7.Lender does nat iuive to do so. � r� � ,
<br /> Any amovnu�isbnrs�! by Lender under this para�raph 7 shall be�ame addiHonal.debt of�orrawer sax�xi by ttvs -: ���`'�`�:.t��:� .
<br /> 5ecariry Instr�mcnt. Untess Borrower and L,ender a�ree to othEr�erms of a ment.these amounts shal} hear.inter��rom the �"•"� r-""'
<br /> date.af'disbursement at the Not�rate and shall be payabte, lv�.h interestp up�n notice from Lender to Borros�•2r requesting • � `'�'��•�+��'=:r
<br /> , PaYmeat• . • ��::��,:
<br /> S.Mortgage Insniaace.If Lemlet required mortgage insarance as a condition of making the loan�red by this Security ` , ��`'��' •
<br /> lnstnrment.Barrower shall pay the pr�miums requ'ued to maiRain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any cea�on, the � ' -�•� �� ��
<br /> mort�nge insaranoe coverage required by Lender lapses or cea.�s to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums r�nired to •. `� "
<br /> o6tair�coverage substanrialiy equivalent to We mongage insvr�rne previously in effect,at a c�st substantially equivalent to the � . ' �
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previousty in effect, from an aJtemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If � � •
<br /> substantialty equivaient rttortguge insutance coverage is not availabte.Bonower stuil!pay to Lender qch montfi a sum equal to : ' ' . .
<br /> oae-twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bosrower w8en the insur�►ce coverage lapsed or ceased to • �
<br /> be in effect.Lender wi11 accept.use and retain these payments s�.s a loss reserve in licu of mortgage insutance. Loss reserve � , �
<br /> Fortn�028 9/90 , . • � .
<br /> Pago3ot6 � . - �i•�.
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