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: i' :-w:�. ' 1 I � •VY � •. T`� Y�t'„ ;'4��j � � _ ---- <br /> ., <br /> ,` ' ' . . � � . . �„` < � .3 T� L�A�..C4r <br /> �`� fi' _ 9 �- .- � __ ' �� : .. . _ _ 4't'J,�.,Y��� ._ � -- °_ <br /> � • <br /> . . ; . <br /> . . _. � . <br /> ..:�, ...�. ..-- �.": � .. ':" .. . "' _ —_ <br /> ' b i � r{1.�1s�F.lti�FSi`3k`�%�'dl'eSi��":wi._�.'L+2 .vs�.� �4.�1N.:�.s:v y�"S.� - _ __ "-__.__ <br /> _ • -�' �.ss� :'?r�� -_ _— _ _ - J -- ' -_ _— . _ <br /> " \'�s,t � . _—=__ �. .._ — ' _ -'�6z -. <br /> ? ' _ <br /> �}C-�'�� �� � . Q � ����i/ �'�'�— <br /> _ �i �'1.�� Yf��,. � . . V� '_ _ <br /> _ �- � -� � �'��bl�.�F. , , . �17 3i�z�tssf�o�ttte Pirog�erty or s�Beu�tI�!tmtsres�in Baxrae�r.U ala or any part of the Piaperty or�yr��atete�t in�t �-- -=' -: _ <br /> — f �l L -T is so2d ar tr�fea$d(or if a 6enefi�at intei�st in E,as�mrer is so�d or t�3asferced and Barrower is aot a a�r��pz�son)�ith�it - : � ._ _ - - <br /> -�-. -{ �*.�� Lead�r.'s pzior written�onsea4�t�er a� iis ropw�r.s�'.�ire 'unmediate papment in full of alf swttS sECUred[�y this `°�'Y' `� --- <br /> ;� r '�----S�nuity ta:�tnuneut.EIu�;�se�s thes a�ftion shai(noc�eae;cis��ct�sy t�id�if exer��iss is�nLibi.tad by fedc�f taw as of� . - - -- _� - <br /> ;,f?� t- � Of this Seturiry Iastmment. • - . ' �, _ <br /> � ��k <<��; � If tender ea�ercises this optian, Lender shadl give Borrmver Qot4ce of�ocetetation.The noticc shall provide a psricid of eot , � '�`� � _ <br /> - _,�:4:= less than 30 days from the date the natire is delivered or mailed�vit6in which Bor�otider�rrost pay all sums secured by this . �i °�: ' --- <br /> •`_` "'' � 3ecuvity Instcument.If Barrower faits to a these sums sior to the e iration of this riod.Lender ma invof�e reunedies '' ;.,. <br /> '*w�'#_'. P Y P xP Pe Y �3' � _ <br /> .: ,�`. p�rmiaed:by this Securiry Iactr4un.AI WtI�141tE ftlrttlEt AOt1CC Oi d2ii13itd OA�OFiOWCF. ��_� <br /> ' .� j� .. 18. �orrotifPr's Right to.Reinst�te. if Borrawer mceu certain c�sliauns, �3omoiver shall 6ave the tight t� 6ave ' t ;� <br /> �� 4����;f enforcement of this Suurity Irutnunent djscantinued at ascy time prior to th�eariier of: tay 5 days(or such ot�er peraod 2s � � �,�'- <br /> - � ° k'�`�•°""�' agplicable !aw may specify for teinstatement).hefore aale of the Property purss:arst t� any power of sale oontsi�ed in this - _ •�. �i�._:,� �:_ <br /> : .. <br /> �4 ,�.�,,,�-��:� �ecurity Instivmeni:or(bD entry of s jadgment enforcing this Sec�uity Instrume[�:�osN mnditioas are thaC Eorro�ver:(a)pays _ ,, ;�, <br /> ,.�; ,��„>.. - t$adei ali sums whicta then wouId be dne under this Seeurity inst���nt��lt�vte as if c�ucce[eratiaa ll�zad o�:t�� , �t.f kr _ <br />=� ' cures any defai�It of any otket coveuanu or ag�r�ements:!c)PaYs�.�penss�i�sutr�d i�eaforcimg tliis Security Instruar.ffit. �- ��{r ° <br />_�� , including. 6ut not limited,to. reasonable attomeys fees;and(d)tat'tea sach acsium a�t!cacf�c ma� r�sonabtg require to a5suce 4 "��' . <br />=--- , that the li:n of this Security Instrument.Lender s rights in the PropeFEy atsr!BUCmwec's o6iigacion ta pay the sums secu�ed by .°.`�;;:`'c''�:i%`..:,-%i,•` '�:� <br />-- -• - this Security Instrument sha15 continue unchanged. Upoa reinstatemeat tv�;'�'�'oura�v�: ti�is Se�uritys. L�sd�m�t6 �cfd the �: :'= � ;;- ` <br />_ .,ti• :�� . obligations secured•Aeraby shall remain fuqy effective as if no acceleration har,9;�urrr�d:6[ow��ver,this rigtiC Ca rein5tate shatt `-`•'�'Q ::'`:'<'S��'i:4:.r�„� <br /> - . . . z: ,,��.• aot apDly in the case of acceleration under paragrapb 17. ' . . • i�,�.:',,f��,'` ,�,i,•, , <br />" µ�:�:: " � 19 �aie of 1�ate: �an�°e nf I.oan Servicer. The Notc or a partial im'eczs¢��:�e Nor� (together witfl.t�is St:�it.� ,�, �'; '����',�''''.3` <br /> `; ` �`' Instrament)may be sold one or maie times without prior rtotice w Bormwer.A sale msf�ii�a shange in thQ ertny(1'tnana� �" '�ii��y� , �S r � <br /> Y k as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthlY RaYments due uadee a�e Note and this S�:E.tttruttient.There aiso r.�xy��e am� �'•� ,�.�.�, '-� <br /> ��, •, s or more chang�s of the Loan Seavicer unrelat�l to a sate of the Pieze.If there is a change of t6e Loan S�vi��Bottower avill be � .x�:�__�::_,�- <br /> given written nodce of tAe ciiange ia accordance with pa�agrap814 above anQ applicable law.The natiotr,s`-2[fi"state the name�d - . ..��.,�-�.L�-=,_•_-� <br /> ^� " address af the new Loan Servicer and the address tm niucb payments shouid be made.The nodce wi'f!'a"�q conqin any other ',��tfi �_ <br /> - --- � - _-' infonmarinn required bY apAlicable law, � . `•� �, .� :_ <br /> �,,�' '� 20. Hazardons Sabstances. Barrower shall not canse or pemiit the presence,use,�sposai, storage, or tetease of asy �-`� ,, { , . <br /> ay <br /> Hazardous Substaztces on or in the Propefty. Borrower shall not do, nor altow anyone else to do,anything affecting ihe � ' <br /> ' P r o p e r t y t h a t i s i a v i o l a ti o n o f an y E n v i m n m e n t a l L a w.T h e p r e r.e�i in g two se r tt e a c e s s t w l l n o t a{s pl y to t h e p r e s e nce,u s e.or "' ��� <br /> , , '`�� storage oa the Properry ofr sma1F quanrides of Hazar�u..�us Substances that are�enerally recagnized to be apprapriate to aormal � �. ._` = <br /> T��� ,� . residential uses and to maer.ea�ance of the Praper�jr_ . 4 � � <br /> ,__.���,;:� � Borrower shall prompdy give I.eIIder aritten notice of any investigation.�taim,demand,lawsuit or ather acrion t�w•��.[:�4 _. _____ .. ; <br /> - J � governmental or regulatory agency or private party invoiving the A�operty and any Harardous Substanze or Envimnmeaits:�t"aw ` � �`'° <br /> Aop <br /> ��''-' , of which Bomower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or as copfied by ang govemmental or tegulatory aat6or�.�•,that , -'�r <br />�..���.; ,; • any remaval or other remediatioa of any Ha�rdous Substanceaffea�ng the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptfy talce � <br /> �-a� all necessary remedial actions in accordance with F�vs�anmentat Law. � • <br /> 4 ` . '.Y As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are thoss substances defjned as toxic os haraidous substances bS• <br /> •�. .. . : <br /> �. '1.' Environmental and the foUowing subst4nces: gasatine. ke..-osene, other tlaznmabte or toxic petroteum pmducts. toxic � ' <br />-y� ' •' pesGcides and herbicides.volatile solvenis,materiats containinQ a�aestos or farmatdehyde,and rxdioactive materials. As a?sed in �` ' ' }`�'s-- <br />- ` . � this paragrapfi 20, "Environnuental Law" means federal laws �laNS of the jurisdictian where �he Properry is Ioca��that ":.�:��° . <br />� • , , relate to ar envimnmeniat protection. •' ,•;,�:- <br />_-- • . NON-IJ1ViFORM COVENANTS.Borrower ar3 I,ender further covenant�T�agree as foUows: � • :�_;r . . <br />_ . . . •' 21.Aco2teration;l�irtedfes.l.eader sha11 g6��e,noi�ce to Borrower�a��eo acceleration fo!lowing�.rrrmses's b�+e2cb � � " ,;.` <br /> , � 'oS a�y covenant or agre`ement in this 5ecari� insteament (but not prios to acceleratIon under paiv�graph i7 �less ` , .: ''b�;',. _. � " <br /> a <br /> '. f• : � , appflrab.�3aw pmvIdes othera�LQ).�e rtot�ce shaU spea3fy: Qs)t6e default;(b)the adion requlred to cur+e t��ult; � ���r���'' <br /> . i�. - ' �''�:�,;�i�•� <br />�--. � � (c)a d ate,not less t ban 3 0 d ays frc���e d ate the notice is given to Borrower,6y wdtct�the de fault must 6e ci,..^e�and •�k.;• , <br />�;;�;• '.: . ::_, (�that fa�'lure to c�re the defaait on or before the date sper�fied in the notice may resolt in acceleration of the sams '.� = �x ._;.. <br /> J�� • • ' secared by t6Es Socaraty Iasteument and sale of ttre Property. 7't�e nolice shall further inform Borr�er�er of the rlght to � �• :._ <br /> � ' se3astate after aoceteration and the right to brs"t�a conrt actioa to assert the non-existence of a a.�aalt or any otGer '�•,� ;;� <br />_,",—::. •. . � M;:..- � <br /> �-- ' . defense of Borrower to accelerattan and sale. I£'t�'+x defaWt is not cured on or beFore the date specified in t6e naHc� .::��'�; <br />=.�'���="'• .. I.ender,at its optton,may re�uire itumediate pay�nent ia fni7 of all sums secured by thfs Security Instrumznt�sithout � � <br />'-�� ' �';� � fi�rthes demaad and may invoke the powes os sale and ar�a�remedIes perrnitted by uppltcabie Is�w.Lender shall 6e •• ' � � <br /> 4�:����•�`.�'�-�' entttled to coBect afl ex ns�3ncuned in ursuir2g the remed'ies rovided in ttils a ° <br /> ;��-•�,.,-:_.,���-: !� P P pragraP521,inclading.b�natllmite� . <br />- a,_° to,rw�omt6le attarrteys fees eIId casts of titte esi�lf�.uce. • <br />� _.�.. . :' • If the�ower af��Ee is tnvoked, Trust¢e .�.�s�e�cord a nattcz oP deu�crlt in esct�couaty in whIch any parl of the ., ' ` r.. . <br />: " ' Property'�_arated fs±�'bfia11 mail copies ot suc'r�c�otice in the��anner pre�crlbed by appfiarbie law to Borrower and to .. • � <br />_' � .1;�;.`�°i., the otd�et t�rsons pmscribed by appltca6le YaN.After the t�i��vired by appflcablr la�v.Trustee shall give pmbtic�otice ,'��. �'�°� <br />- - "" .�?;s};?��' of sale to-t�te persoas and in the maaner prescribed 6y ap�ii�ifsTe 1aw.Trustee, �vithout demand on Bos���es. yt�u.£1 sell � . � � . <br /> ' the Pr operty at publtc a�action to the highest bnd�'�,s at the time and pince aad amder the tenns des3giated in t[v�rrnt9ce of �. � <br /> +. i ;; � :.� �,sate in one or more parcels and in any order Tc�ee determines.Tn�.stee may postpone sate oP all or any parccl of the � • • <br /> � , � Froperty by publts t�annuacement at the timr�a�piace of any previousty scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may : '. <br /> �� � an <br />�:��- �; . . : . pmchase the Property at any sate. � • , . <br />��_;: • • � • • ' <br />�;;;�::• �: ,. . , <br /> '�.�i�Yi , . .:i �. . . . . <br /> � • Farm 3028 9/9D . <br />� ' ' .� Papo 6 of 6 - ' . . <br />—s���:: ,G������. � � � � - <br /> ti ri,:.�::'.d•�'��(�:ti . ':(;!'i:!ti' <br />'�'i�i�`� . . . _t.��,- , <br /> T:�... YT.; ���.,1�S�il;: <br /> si�:a�•`�� • ' . . � � .. - <br />��.i .. . .. . - <br />��:�� � .. .�;�� <br /> — . �. � <br />— . • ,'i <br /> ��' ' - •,��•)i}�er:Y�.'�,hA�Li4+ . ..• S� .�-•i'..4:•.t�' � . � . , .. . ' , .1�' lt�t�,v!. �..�..t.� ' .�l• .. . .. .. . . . <br /> ` • fiATI.lI�' � . • '' .. ' . " , .. . - _ � <br />�.�%��iM1 ' � _ . • . • � .. . . . . � . .. ' . - � . . • • • . '� � • '� <br /> � ' � . , ' - I ... 1 ' '. '. . .. . .. .._ . �t. ' , . . ' . . ' . . • ' . . - � � <br />'_�_ . . . ' . . ' � . . . ' ' _ . . . � ' _ . . . ' . _ • )1•�.. <br /> . ' ' _� _ . . . . . _ . . - . . . . ' ' � . <br />��.� �V� ' . . .. • � .. � . I - � �- .. - ' . ' ' _ � . <br /> �.� . .. .. • . . . - � ' . 1 . _ • _ � � _ . . � . . 1� . _ .. ' .. . . <br /> �� _ '- . .. —' ' .. l • �—_-- -- �.—� , _ . -_._-_ _ - , . � _ _ . ' . ` _��_—_ ._ . —_—"_ , . . "__ <br />.. .,i . " . • � . . . <br /> ; . . . <br /> v • . � , . �. - .. , � � ' , . . . , - .• • . - li � . <br /> . . .- - � . . .. � - , <br /> ' <br /> - � � . � . . . � . _ . <br /> .. j , . .. . . . , . . . . . <br /> � . _ ' '. ' . '. • �.._._�-__.._Y- -- .-.._.�.����.--._._.�� <br /> �t <br /> '_`___.._"__. _ _ — ' "' <br /> . :,, , '. . _. •, . . ___ . .- _ _-- _ _- _ _ ,--- ._ - � �— — , -- ____. . __'._._ . _. , -._-_ .. - .. ' <br /> : . ' ' . ' . . � . ' . . _ <br /> :.1� . : ---- - <br /> , r; .. . _ ; . ; . : . . - .. . . ' . � �- . . � , . . � . . �� � � . :_ - . . . . . ` � ;. . <br /> . . - .. � . . . . . . , . - . . . . � . . <br /> . .' - ` . . . , . . . �- . . . " � . 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