�. _�4_ +I .�.'�'-' `s ` � , .� +., }F:. �t._,�- 5 � 'V � �:',R S�"';,[� ��,�m —__ _-
<br /> y ���,. I � '�.< ,t�4-a`_•:c.-`'-•: � *. - . ' 't :���� .;.41.:' `-' -!`i5'-,t-,�`.�'.`.S.'�l�za�io�.� =�`'.�c.�,asw�rarx
<br /> .`L��"u' ���-- -`-�:�fr �`` -- — -- - _—
<br /> -
<br /> --
<br /> _ i
<br /> -- --��.�� � � _
<br /> as>2� --- -�.- . — _ � , - - '� . �'�_ - -_--
<br /> . - . � . . . � �- 3.�„��� -
<br /> ,:� . _ . � , �_- --=_- -
<br /> � '� , •. !7.Traacf�aY ttie Pto or 3�eue�ccdal Interest[n$orroecer.If all or�ny�part of the IIroperty or any interest ia it �r -���
<br /> p� •
<br /> c� ,, ' n�so2d or dansferred tor if a b-enc�cial9nteiest irt�orro�rer as soId or t�ansferred and Bo�rm�er is aqE a natival pPisan)witlwai : _�
<br /> �an
<br /> Lender's prinr cvotte.n.conseat, �xuder may. at.its apiioa. ui�e imm�diate payntent im fuu of all sums ss�ated by tEris r-�`�_ - -_-_
<br /> v`� � Scxurily Fastraatcnt.I�iaRCrcr.this apiiaa shall troi be exet+cise�t�Y L.ensler if e�cerc�se is prohi6ited 6y federal lav;as of th0 date� �� T --
<br /> .�;�j of this Security Instntm�nt. • � , ' . �� = _ -
<br /> -� if f.enc�r exercises this option.Lender shall give Eorro�r•er notice of acceteratian.The notice shall pra�zde a period of not 9 ,x„.
<br />�_,� • .tess 4kan 3Q days from'th¢date the notice is delivered or�mailcd witY�in wluch Sorrower awst pay atl eums secured by this "�` ��,�.�_��:
<br />_---- �Security dnstnuneat.lF�orrorver fails to pay t�ese sum,s prioF to the expirutFon of this period.Lender may invoke aIIy remedirs - _
<br /> �� petmi�ted by this S�rity 6uttuztt�ni,�vithoa�t further�wiice ardemaud an Bosrower. � �- _--
<br /> ;. , 1�. 33osrosver's Rdgiit 40.�etr�te. If�orrower m.�ts r.crtatin condittons. Borraever shall have the rigf►t to have , ,�� �_
<br />= e,�forcQment of this Security Insuument disoohtinuetl at any tiase prior to the earife�.af: (a)5 days �or such othe4�rind as ;'�:�°�:; ��=:;�_:.;�,F';;':°°�
<br /> � sppticabie law may sgecify for reinstalteaient)6efore sale,of t�e Property parsuant to ony poti�er af sale contaiaed in this `�r `s���� "� =—
<br /> �� Sec�uity Insuuutea�or(b)entry of a judgnaeni enforcin�this S�curity instrument.'Phose conditions are that Borrawer:(a)pays , � �.f ,`a e: -
<br /> ,.< L�ter alS suft+s cv�ieh therr woaid be due �►der ttfi�Securiry insh�teat aad t�te Nate as cf ao aceticratios�inc!accurrrd:tb) "• � `? � ___-
<br /> ,•�� aues aay defauit of any otuer rnvenants or agreea�nts;(c)Pays all expenses ins�ined in enf�ing ihis Sscurity Instrument. `' ` � " -_-_
<br /> incI�ding.6ut not Guiited to,reasonabSe attorneys'fees:aud(d)takes such actian as Ia�der may r�onab�y cequire to assune 1, � � .x —
<br /> �s� tHat the lien uf this Sec.vrety Inst:ument�Lender s righu ut the Property and Borrawer's abligation to pay tlte sums secured by . T.� ���,� u�-.
<br /> tUs Sec�ity Inst�ument shall mntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement tiy Borrower. this Security Irumiment and the �.•��---f-=
<br /> ��._� _.._�
<br /> � ;`� obligations secured hereby shal!remain fully effeetive as if no acceleration had occurred.Ho�xever,this ri�itt tv reinstate shall
<br /> ._,-� not apply in the case of accetsration under paragaph 17. -`_y�'*� '�� � '�
<br /> �r�' 19. Sate o�Not�Chuage of Laan Ses�v[c�. The I�Tate or a partial i�erest in the Note (together with this Security ,�_Fr��=�-__-
<br /> _�� � Instzument)may be sold one or more times tivithout paor notice w Somrnyer.A�sal�may►�sult in a d�ange in tE�e emity(known � �=-'_�:_-_ __
<br /> _ as the"Loan 5ervicer")that collects monthly payments due�mder the Note and this Security Instrnment.There also may be flae �"�t•�����
<br />_ �� or more ch�nges of the Loan Servicer unretated to a sale of the Nate.If there is a change of the Loa�n Senriter,Bornowes will be �;:�=�.:_.
<br /> �.,� gjVen written notice of tlte change in accordance with parngraph 14 above and appficabie taw.The notice will state the s�ame and <-' f x�;� r--
<br />__�.:,� adaress of the csew Loan Servicer anQ the address so which payments should be made. 'the notice will als�contaia any ather �� -
<br /> �-� wforu4ztIoB�aired bY aPPlicable la�r. '`� � -
<br /> 20. Ua�ardoas�a6stanc�es.Borrow�r�stialt aot ranse ar perarit the presence. use,disposat, storage, or release of airy �-�;*-�,;� __
<br /> ��' • Hazardous Substances on or ia tite Properry. Borrower shali not do, nqr allow anyone else eo dn, anything aFfecting the -
<br /> = Pmperty thaY is in vialatio»of any Emrironmentai Law. The preceding nvo sentences shall not apply to the preseace, use,or �,x.__..��-_ �
<br /> :;y � stosage on the Property o£smali quantities of Aardrdaus Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal ���:
<br /> ar
<br /> ' residential uses and to maiutenance of the Property. . .~
<br /> '� , Bnrrower.sba!!promptly g�ve l.ender wriuen notice of any investigatian, claim,demand,lawsuit or other actiari by any �=
<br /> govemnieatal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Pcopes4y and any HaTardaus Sabstattse or Environmental Law r � °� �*�
<br />-�°-°�' of which.�onower has actual knowledge. If Bonower le�rns.or is notified by any go�emm�nta!or regulatory authority.that , •���
<br />__�`•� aay remaval or other rem�ttiatian of any Hazar�ons Substanc�affecting the Property is aec�ssary.Sorrawer sha11 PromPU3+�� �"� •. •
<br />_�� all necessary remedial acti�ns in accardance with Environmental Luw. � r�':`:f�� `
<br />-_- As used in this para�aph 20. °Hazardous Substances"are those xubstances defined as foaic or ha�ardous subsiances by , `�-�"'�' • '
<br />-�:�. Environmental Law a�td�e foltowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or-toxic petroteum praducts. toxic 'i� ;• ;'.�
<br /> ;; pesticides and Aerbicides.volatile solvents, materials cantaining as�estos or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �` ��a .�;�
<br /> � this paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" means federal laws and faws af the jarisdiction'vrhere the Property is located t6at• ;��.;,�;;�
<br />•.'"_��,' relate to health:safety or.ec�vironmental protection. • r 1���_`
<br /> NON-UIVIFORM QQ�T�'ENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and�ree as follows: "i' r. ;:
<br /> �=�-� � 2Y.Acceterdtton;tzrdsras:lies.Leader shaU give notice to Borrower priortn•sasceteratton followia�tir�rower's breac6 ., ��,r_....•f �j .<.�:
<br />�;��. .:. �u!any coveaant or agneetri��� this�ecurity instr�aeat (bat not prto� tn:ztadera3lan ander P�agruP6 1'f anless �.,:���,:,�.� ._
<br />_"._-� aPpltrabie law pr�dcs othe�i'r's�D.'1't�e notic�shall specify: (a)the defanit,(b)tf�e�oa eeqaired to cuse the defaWt; ��r,..f���,� � �
<br /> (c)a date,ant less than 30 days fror.�tRe date the motice is given to Borrower,by�vL��cfss dte de�'anli caust be cwed;and ���
<br />`y°;�?;� (d) that failure to core t6e defaWt oa or 6dore the date speeified in t6e not�ce may resalt in aaceierattun of the swns :� •; i'". 3 '-'�
<br />=;;�.� scrured by tWs Security In,nrument and sale of the Progerty.Tfie notice sl�all furlh�r�nfosm Borrower of the right to � •'�f"°'
<br /> �;r .=
<br />._:�� reinstate afier acceteratlon�nd the rigW to bring a coust attIon w assert the non-existeuce of a defaWt or any oWer . . ���
<br /> _�� defense of Borrmcver to nccelerat€on und sate. IP the defaWt is not cured on os before the date speciiied tn the aottce, • ,�,,���'
<br />----- I.�der, at!ts option,may c�{air+e immedlate payment in fal�of aq sums seeurcd 6y thts Secusity Icutrnmcnt wit6oni �.-:�,�: •-�-
<br /> ---- f�rther demaad aad msiy Invoke Rhe power of sale and any ot�sr remedies permitted by appfacabie law:Lender si�aU be �, • � �•��•. '.,::��
<br /> entitted to coflect all expenses incurred in pursutng the remedies provfded in thts paragrap6 Zl,iac�udtng,bnt not limtted � '�
<br /> , . � ' .,::"'�`.c:.,:r.��=r.. '
<br /> _ �• ' !o.reasflnable attomeys tces and crosts o4 Ntte evtdc�ce. ;_ "• ''�" ,3�'=__
<br /> -- . If the power of sale Is iavoked, Trustee shat�+cccord a notice of def�ii¢ In each county in cvUe'r.lt�ny part of the " � �• `"��-°'�=..�-�_
<br /> _� � Property is locate�ftnd shall mnfl wples of suc6�ot[ce in the manu�r pmscclbed by appllcable la�v tr�u�orrower aad to ��� •� !`�
<br /> - t6e other rson9 resci3bed b a Itcabte I�w.Af'4er thc time ' �� ���''`�
<br />.;� P� P Y PA re�Nirett by applicable law„'�ru.stee sha1�;.se�t�ltl�e tv�ttce '. ',� s , .
<br />._..� uf uate to the pesaons and in the mau�ser pr�excribed by applicab1e law.T�vstee,withou4 dernand on$orrtt;�,�i7a,�3 sell � , . •���•=��
<br /> tbe 8roperty at publlc auctIon to tT�Qi�at bidder at the tlme and ptace and under the terms designated in the acr•'ice of
<br />�'�;� sa�e in one or mom paa�',s s�nd in a¢�?order TrusteP determinps.Trustee may pnstpotte sale of all or any parcef ot'ttie � '
<br /> __= Property by publfc anna�cement ef the ttme and place of any pseviousty schedWed r�le. I.ender or,i2s designee may ' , _
<br /> -:-� pnscbnsQ the Property at any sate.. ' � �
<br /> �;� . . .
<br /> 'r a� , .
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