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<br /> t�ecan�rty the Ptoperty a�d shaF�sutr�nder th:s 5ecurty�nsmsment and all nat�.s evid� :: L�?t secure@ by tfsis Sec�t�y�, .
<br /> . , ' Y�At t£!T�SLSE�C. 3�2S�E�5$S1I,h�"PIIITCY��i�Y wi:�l0tlt wBciaAiy.Nid+NIt�14tlL i�?�F�t'*�t0 th@ pEIS�i' F� , �
<br /> ' ;te��?3�e��:Iecl to i� SuCfr person�r pera�s s�L paY a�.y r�rdarion cnst5. ' � �:� • • � --
<br /> . • Z3. Su�stitnts Tr��{te. I.e�de:.a?its optia�.may,£rr+m ti�e to�tims remove'[ivst�a�sE�uu a sacccssor tnistc�e�o
<br /> � . anv'�us�e appQi�t�d.flerena�er 6y,ah insntsaa�nc�+ecarc3ed in tt�6oz�riy in wt�ch tt�is S�cxuity tsnss�taent is re�nrded. -
<br />,- -- W'�t«�ve�•aace o�'.ti�e ProptrtY.th�ssicc�ssat'tcust�e s9alt susceed t�all tPte otte.�r�et�nd dutics con€ar�ed u�n —
<br /> 'L'a�tce Ii�ts�a al'sd byap�T�c��Fc I�w. •. ' :
<br /> -� .?A,'4te��rgt fer�lYot�ec�, Borrower�eqaeststir�c�opies a,f tde nntioes of d�fantt�nd�a4'c be s�nc to ff3srra�vei's a3�ress
<br /> . vrhich is tFse�npe�ty Addre�s. �. �
<br /> ' �, „:��,���,�ar��.;� ,'ff e�ar mo�a rid..-rs are executed by�3orrtwer aad re,car�ed t�getls�s v�rith _
<br /> ' this Security.instrstmcut.tNs eavenamu amd agre�aents o$�sae�rider sfl3ll be iucatpotateQ inro au;d dha11 amead a�d
<br /> � supEtletn�nt ihe cov2n�nts a�r3 agcee�enLs of tt�is Se�ty Insmunen3 as if tke ride�r(s)c�ere�part of thls Sectivaty Ins�vutent , <
<br /> [�&ecic appiicable tioa(es�] " , . . , ' • ' -
<br /> • �Adjustatsia Ra,te I�atrs � �Condorainium Rid�r �1-4 Family R�der .
<br />� �(irddua�Paymenf�id� �Plaaued��t Deqetopment P•id� �Bicve:LIy Paymeni Rider . . _
<br /> !' �Ralloou Rider . �Raie Improve�snt Rider �Secoad gtou�:Rider • v
<br /> .Q om�csf«�. .. � . . .. . � _ . _
<br /> ,.
<br /> . � � HY SIGN�hC BIIAW,Boanwer accepts aada�ees w the terms and covenants cont�xrted�this S�curity iasavment -
<br /> • aud ia aa f rideY(s)ex�uted t�Borrower aud.resor�ed wit6 it ° � -
<br /> Wimess: . . '. � � Witaess: . =
<br /> �� (Seal) C'��' � .t�'� (Sea1) =-
<br /> ' �R(�IAL�D.�_1��TTLS�i�IEt� -saaawer SAMd�{A L FI'lZ3�� : -eo:rowu
<br /> � . .. . ,
<br /> � . _ _ � (5ea!} . (Seai) �`=
<br /> • . , _Bc��r -8onowar • --
<br /> � sTa�oFrs�sRas�a► . - . . ` . ca�,.n,s�: � . � � . -
<br /> • � t� --
<br /> ��� 81st day of. iNareh, 1995 .before m�:.,tlt�uadasi�ned.a Notary Pabiic� � Y_
<br /> dbly commi:,^-,�cs�!aad gwzliff;,d for said cownry,P��'Y� RU�IAL�D J FITLrIL�UNS Il�ID SAI�i�.'L � -
<br /> � FITdSIAIONS HItSBAND AND WIPE , to me Imatc�r�tn ise the ' ':�"
<br /> identical persons(s)whose name(s)are�cabed to the foxeguing instn�ment.zad uckr.�v�ged the execatian t�,.of to -
<br /> be volunFary act and deed. . ,�
<br /> . wmess���and rtotarial seat at �in said county,the� �
<br /> � .date uforesaid. ISLAND --
<br /> l�fi'Cvm�aission ex ' s- � ��
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<br /> Ill�!'iieafaRA�t3�1!!1 EZEQUFS7'FORRECONVE�ANCE . -
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<br /> 1�e uada:s3gned�s t�..o2der of th$note m notes ec y 8�
<br /> . oiiicer indeb�dness secnre��this Der�1 af Trust,have been paid in fuIl. You are hereby diter-ted to cancel said note er tote� F=
<br /> and this Deed oY'dvs�w2iich are delivened here6y,and ta teconveq.withoat waaanty.aU the estate aow held by you under ��;
<br /> �.his I)ad of Ztust w dse person or peisons IegalIy entitled thereto. ' �:_
<br /> � � - , � - - � - F=:
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