_ _ _ _ _
<br /> _ _ _ ___ _ _ ...�. ____
<br /> :. . , , ._ �js:: _ _ - -------
<br />,: I . ` • , 1 � , � + ��m�°a6i,c'L°�� g�'''t�+"'r— .,,--.
<br /> . ` c�s3erma�o�oT at�ea�of aa3r gart o�ti�e�r'y,+o.fvrco,zaLg�i�t-euaf cmt�€isu��aa,�Bere�y assigued�d rr,.,��=�_ _--_—
<br /> —--.—- s�aS16e �i�tQ I.gs�ifi�._ _ � � � � � ._
<br /> �. �����:o��w�stax;rig o�����y,�e,p�ceeds sRa�t i�agpli�fo tJte suf�ssxe:.��by thit��--- ;,�
<br /> � Insmrment.wF;e,xtter ar a�t ta�cI�e.with srni eacess paid w Berrower. �ths e�ent o�a Fartial;tx�iuS of di�P.Yap�.-t�in ��� ,_.
<br /> � r.rbi�fs t�e fa�'market vaiu,°of t�te Pt�serty iz�mediatelg befote tlte talmtg is equal w or�ate�c,tl°^l';stA th«:ataaunt;af,tIse sums �-_-�- ,=------
<br /> • secuted E}►t�is SeccricY Lnstruaaeat itrtst:ediateIy tsefore che takir+g,cntess Aorrovrer and Leir�':t;ot�tienvis�a�u iat.writin�, (� =�-
<br /> tt�e�t*as secures�by.titis Secur�ty Instrumeni shalt be reduced by t3�e amounr of th=�ceeds.m�ti�sIied bX t�1�fnitavr�ttg �.�;�; -
<br /> fiaction: (a�t�Ae e��t sc�tmtnk of the sams secure�immediateiy befoie tke 3al�ng,divi�2��i�,�,{j'�tI�f&�c�a�f:ei:v�Iue af the - ::
<br />: P1'o�erty ssnt�ediately b:fo{e th�ta.I�ttg. �y baiasce shall be paid to B�trower' �1�ti�.evcnss nf a pat4ia!t�kittg�f the � �`-+._ �" � -_
<br /> . Fsogerty�n whish the fair rna�et vaIus of thg Ptuperty immediateYy before ttce taking is�.iess than the amount of the sums �; - .
<br /> 3ecz�ir,arii-=d'i��y�:.fs�tt�ta�rsb.amess Boms�an�Lsn�Qr othecwise a�e in:aaXiting ar unless upplts�hte tav� t s� ._, ���-
<br /> otttetvrise.�xu�id�,the PT+oceed�steall be applied ta the sums secured by tI�s Seeut'sty lr�nt whett:ez or noi tlta suins are �_ "`�` �c ;; _-
<br /> thend�te. ' ' . ' . '. �� '� � E: -
<br />- If t���'rape�ty is abanduned by�omxwer.ar if.a�tet notice iry Lender co Borroviva,tt[��:e condemnor at�snstu maIce .r --
<br /> an a�vard or seW�a claim for dama$es:BQrroa+rer faits tn n�ond to Lender within 3Q d�1y,�a�ter ttce dat�the aetica is given. �-3' 1- ��;__"
<br /> re
<br /> ��.�--
<br /> i,ender is aatflu�ized to coIIect and.apply the paoceeds.at its optinn,either to resmrati�,t:ar,,repaiz of t@e FRopert�ar m the �..���;
<br /> sains ses4ued tsy this Security Lts�tunen6 avheti�er ar not thea due. .` •'"�
<br />� Uatess Lendsr and B�irower othecwise ag�ee�writing,any applica6on of pro�c�d9.ta priasipal shAlI nns�extend or • F� ^�'�' �
<br /> ���t�,.'_-�_-
<br />; 'postpone th�due date of the mont6lY PaYments mfemed to in pa�agraphs i and 2 ur char��t�amount oY such pa?�nents. �y�r '-"� __
<br /> � . I L,Barro�cr Not Reteaszd; ForDear�nce_By Lendes Hot a WaiFer. .�ctar�s�ora af•rl�s rime for� Fa:�ment or �'� ' '�
<br /> ` � modifiratian of amortizarion of tfi�smns sacured by tttis Secuiity In�ment�anted by�I;e t k d:r.to any suscessar in.in t a e s c ,? :._•_�:F�i^r.::�--•
<br /> , 2�.,,.
<br /> af I3osrower shaIi aot operat�m r+elease ihe Gability of the original Borrower or Hcs�avrer�suscessois in inteiest.Leader �.:�=_�;�=z__—
<br /> ' shall not be cgquired ta commenc�proceediags against any saccessor in interest a:;��efvse W eatend tims for paysnent or _;-__----- °
<br /> { , otherwise modify amortizarion of the sums secuted bg this Su:urity Insuumeni tsy masu3t��a€an.Y deman�made bu the origittal - '-'��:
<br /> .'"---=-�,-.
<br /> Burrower ar Borrawer�s successors in in�erest Any fori�r��ce by Lender in exer4a5it��anY.rigt�{crr reat�dy sSutll;not be a ��-::�=.:::�'i•�'
<br /> �c --=_
<br /> ,� , , . �-.�:::,_ _"'_----•__-
<br /> ` � waiver of or preciude the exercise oa any rigTat or cem�y. . � .. . -��� -
<br /> 1� �¢c�smrs aud Ass'sgas Ba�d;3�int aad Seve�.:!LlabWty,Co-siga�.Th�e covertan.ts aad ageemenis of this �:.��=a__�'-
<br /> . Secarity Insuument s6alI biud aad bene6t t�,��ccessors and assigns of Lender ul;�d��arrav�rer,suDje�Ai:ths}tmvisions of ' . :. •;.��,,r=:.:._ -
<br /> paragraph 19.Scz�^�ver.'s cavea�ants an��TPnts sbalt be joir±t aud severz:ba;��Hoamvrer wh��ra s�ns this Securiry
<br /> IusuurIIent But do�.�t eRteL�t'�..x Nate::.r;��.fs co-signing this SecurFty L�stnu�ri���oaty,to mortgage.'�r�t and conveY t}�t ---:.•�,' - ._;�,-. -
<br /> Bmtower's iaLenest iu the Pt��:�p;umdec tt�e terms of thi,c Securiry InstrumenC (bf�3�ttos p;ersoa�elly obligated to pA�the sums ti� -
<br /> ����"�' :�_.
<br /> � ' ' aecurad by tfiis Secu;ity Iri�,;i„�and(c}agrees that Lender and asry ather Bof�pv�ret.may as�ee ta extertd,tuA�ify,forb�ss ;4��:�`•`=���`�,
<br /> ; . or make any accommodatiom anth regar�d to the tenns of ttris Securiry Instrn�?�n4�or��re Nate withom�hnrE�raowers �.�.,.t+.
<br /> coasent. • � :
<br /> � }3, Loan Ciiarges, ff the[oan sec�d by this Securiry Inswment is su��ct�ta a law whicft sets ma.Rimum loasi �'=�;��_
<br /> ; charges,and that law isfinalty enterpret�so that the intetest or ather toam cha�es�r,�pllected or to be collected inconnection _�;: .
<br /> ! wit�the loan exceed the•peimitEed lim�its.chen: (a)any sach toan ct�arge shall ba redUCed by the amount nxcessary to reduce _. " °
<br /> � dte¢harge co the�rmitted lirait;aqd(b)any sums atready collected frum Borrovrer�whi�ch exceed�ed permitted Umits will h�
<br /> � refuaded to BmffC«�:s�r. Lender may choose W make this refiuid by reducing the pars,aip�!nv:ed under the Note or,by malcing a :��
<br /> d'erect payment��r�3+mo�ver. If a refund r:�cxs principal.the reduction.will:�e oeeat�d'as a partiaJ;prepayment,withaut any � ''T' ,
<br /> a ent cha. u�nder the Note. � ... �: " "�
<br /> FreP Ym "L�- ':.' • � -
<br /> t� NoEtce.s. Any notice to Bo�o«�r�mvided for in this S�carit�+�i��tfiun,ant�shall b�give+z�tsy delivaring it ar by �- .�'�L `
<br /> maitin�it by first ciass mail unless applicabie taw requiTes use of another metlr�dJ't7va notice sha!!be directed to tfte Ptagerty : ::����
<br /> ! Address or any other addicss Bomawer designates by notice to E.ender. Any nritzec ta Lertder shall be given by fisst class .�:�;r:c��.'�'.
<br /> f 1-'. , .w
<br /> mail to L.ender's address sta[ed her'ein o;any nther address Lender designates by Mlece ta Sorrower. Any notice providrd far �,�
<br /> i in this Securiry inswment shall be deeme�.to have been given to Boerower oz�L'endcr when given as providcd in dvs . --
<br /> ' P�a&TaPh• . J�
<br /> � l� Governing Law; Severa6illty. 'T'i�is Security Ins�ument shuli•be g�vemied,hy federal law and tha law of die �'� ��{��
<br /> �,__
<br /> jurisdiction in which tIle Ptoperty is locuted. In the event that any provisian or c11�s;ge oE.tiv.s Security Instrument or the Nuie : " �.'� :��.. �.r
<br />.; conflicts wItU applicable taw.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of thia;Seeurity Iastrument or the AToie whicb c�nn . r.�: _
<br /> c
<br /> Ixs.given eff�t without the conflicting provision. To this end the pro�sions of this•Security Instrument and the Nate are r'�•�-�" �' "�'�`a`�
<br /> :;����^��';
<br /> declared tv be severable. ' • �. rr,, .
<br /> �._. ._ .
<br /> '' 16. Barrawer's Copy. Borrower shall be gives�one conformed copy of tt�e Noie and of this Seruriry Instrument • i .,,�:_,,g�
<br /> � 17. 'Ilr^s�er of t@e Proper4y or a Bfneflclal Interest ia Bosrower. If allqr„atly flari of the Praperty or any interest u1 . ,r
<br /> it is sold ar uansfermd(or if�beneficial intecest in Borrower is sold or vartaf�{tsd'an�d Borrovrer is not a natur�l perseri) . . � .. V�� � ��~:
<br /> � Y p ¢q cat in.full of all aums secumd Qi �' r''�
<br /> � without Lender's or written consen�Lender ma ;at its o tion.r uire imR:eL�1te p�.ym Y � . �;'� '
<br /> . � this Securiry Iaswment� Ha��se�;this oation shall not be exercised by Lender i4ieaeccise is prohiDited by fedcRaf!uw as of � •
<br /> � • the datc of this Secarity Insuument. � '
<br /> If Lenctsr exercises this oprion.Lender shal!give$arrower nodce of accetet��� 'lita naL�e shall provide a p�^..r,d of •
<br /> r�':less than 30 days frona the date the notice is delivered or mai{ed within which8ectavrer�.ust p�.y aU sums secured by�his , .
<br /> � S�,u;iry Iasitument If Botrowet fails to pay the�,e sums prior to the expirado�i����P�ri�d,Lender muy invast�any .
<br /> � t�m�:es permitted by this Security Instrument without further natice or demand on Borcavrcr. _ .
<br /> . ��'�8. B�r=�wer's Right tc�Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain conditlons. Bonowet shall have the ri��ltt�to have
<br /> en.fu�ecaent of t7us Security inswment dfseontinued at any time prior to the eazlier of: (a)5 d�ya(ar sucb other period as
<br /> . � Singl�Fatnity-TaaGCleMaelFYedClelSLae11MFORlHINS'FA�JbiLPi7'-UnifmmCavenanm 9190 (P�S�4oJbDoR�s! t
<br /> i �. •
<br /> - -— �7�!", �r+ti�-..�.a+.o�,�n��.,�"�.t�+Iw t ,,�'!. , �-z:��.,�.::v:. • ,. . _ _ . � .
<br /> .1'.t _ . , . ,t: ll.a:_ .
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<br /> ;r-u';Zrv.-r" o`i' "�s..� . �.. . . .. .. . .� ''�'1.� 'I'I "}3_'1�.�: . � . . . .
<br /> - a , . . . .. �-_ ' i. � � �r' . • ' �
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