.k _�q r'f�c v �^ �+C°i`YI'_�"'.�-*_�"Le�';��!'�`�4_`�`ffi?x _ Y �=`9'�'i .�'�:�.-� - --- --- ----�----
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<br /> � ` �� �������3,!�!4� ' . -___-===_---
<br /> � S. H��o� P�a�ty its�t��s. B�rrnti�cr s�ll [�s�the im¢r�en�uts not�� etsLLsGtr�or Fi�te��r crcct�� on ttJssc - ---_-
<br /> � 'Pra�ri3►it���s�a.{nst ta�6y frcr,,i�z;.t�s iRSiudr��ith::t�tt�te:*n'eAt��u��a�a�es�e°urni any other ha�►s;iur�udic� . �.,:._'-..
<br /> ita�t�r Fiao�Jin�. C�r wY�ich t,enQce rcquis�s ins�ar,irt¢c.'!"tti�ins�nec�ir�ii bc�ir�nii�ci in�fre cunaunts mzu for Ei��niw'3 ====—�_-__---- -
<br /> • .�at Cxrdcr r��uir��.'i`h�iasur,uzco rarricr pmvtd9ng tfte insvmntt�r�li.�ll t�.^cl�oscn try Ei�ttru�w�c�eiab)ea3 to E.e��r's uPqruvat � ��� -
<br /> .�yh�ch shalt nflt�be unte�.usn�ly �vichh�l�. if 8nr�c,�er fails ta mJntain saqzr�gr descdbcd af�o�e. Eam2Pr may..ut Lc�er's ���•;�'�'�:��:�:;=.-_-
<br /> �optio�ar Q�t�in caticg.�gc w prota�t t,endcr's r�gfi!s in the Propeny in u�rd;u�cc with paragiaph 7. � -��.—`�----
<br /> . ,4U in�urauce po'�cies arn3 ren�xcvals shalt 6�.�s�ptabfe to Lcader nnd$hall iacWde v stundar�l�mnrcgage ctausc. l.cadet . ��- -
<br /> ' shali have she ri�ht to 6ald the pofieics und rer.r.�:vals.If I.ender myuicrh.Sorro�ver sPt�O prnmgtly�;eva to Lcudcr u11 tecelpts of '=``Y �-�� =. -
<br /> . �� : � �w:�:. ��..;�.x�:
<br /> p�id pr�emiums ansl rzne�va!noti,oes.In the gvxnt of toss.Bor��v�r shnU give prcmpt r.otice co the insursnce carrier and l.�aQer. -.;;_'_;�Y:g=�.'a;_�:
<br /> • , i.ertder rrsay m�tcc proof of[ats if r.ot ma.�e pramg�ty 6y Borro�vcr. ' , _. •r} _-_
<br /> . Unl�ss I�deru.�d�orra�r�r atk.,-rnrjse agr�e in evdting.insurattc�praceeds s6ai1 be s��li�d ta��tasatiha u�regair nf the � _,�-�;.�. ;s-'_�<,��-
<br /> 'Fra�rEy d�ma�ect,if the mswsatien or repair is economically feasibte and Lender's security is aat le�ened.If the resioration or �� ` �•:--•-=--<-
<br /> ec `.,;_ -. . . ., .
<br /> , rcpair is not�onamically fcasibte or Lender's security�vouid be tessened,the insu�ance prncceds shali be applie�tn the sums '..-:�"':... '`���f
<br /> . , ; �� ,�p.
<br /> secured�by tf�is'Securiry Instrament. whether or not then due.�vish any excess gaid to Bor�ver. If iiorrmves abaadons the -� '�-`" "` ` ` �
<br /> 7_°'� �—.
<br /> Prap�ty,or daes a�t ans�rer within 30 days.a notice fr+om Lender that the insuraace cazrier'iias offeied co settle a daim.�hen `r�;:L._.�;:� ; -.
<br /> Leader may oollecx the insurance s. ixnder may use the mcee�is to air or cestore the Pno � or w� ay sums zfi ��. ;k� ���
<br /> Proc�d P reP P�Y P ::,�.`• �:���'. -,.
<br /> sec�u�ed by this Sec�rity instr�m�ent,whether ar nnt then due.Tbe 3�day period will begin when the notice is given. � ..,�-,� '=�'�=-_
<br /> . Uniess Lender and Bormvrer ntherwiss agree in writiug.�an}+ appfication of pmceeds to princigat shalt aot extend or ��`��"`�'�"
<br /> gvstp�ne tf�due date of the mo�uhSy paymenis cefemed to.in paragrapl�s 1 and 2 or change the 3mnnnt af the paymenLs. If' �:�_t�"��'t!�'�j��
<br /> �utd�r b 21 the Pra is red I.ender,Bormwer's ri to an insuiartce licies�d resnitin fmm '`,��-}-s �-
<br /> PAra� F�'nY� arclui 6Y fi� Y. F� P�� g �
<br /> � d�nage w the Pmperty prior to ti�e as;qaiution sha11 pass to Lender to the extent of the sams secured�y this Secariry Inswment -�`-..-���-'-`� _-
<br /> � :arpiy prior w the acyuisition. . °r��`a�'
<br /> 6.�g,Pt�sa4iaa�,6ia3aD�arcce and ABteci�on of the Propetty,IIateaw�'s i.oan Ag�Hca�n.Lc�ai�. -� �-----
<br /> Borrower sball acc�y,eSt'�?�acd use tt�Pco�esyr as Borrower's griacipa!r�si�se within sixty days after ihe eaecution of f�"'�� - _
<br /> r
<br /> �1FS.�1�(�3����COtItI(1C�QiD QOC!!�7 IEh°.�f0�'d5�ALL�W2I�5�IlIICl '�IQSIL�CQf�L fQI 8T jCa1St QAC yCslf d�rr �-k--�"x'__- i �
<br /> � t�date of ac�,T:�*};affls�.5�der atfaerr�=-,�e agrees in�vriaing.ak'v�fn wonseni shal!not 6e�eably wic6hEid, or unless � < �`y - -
<br /> , . �aabng ci�:�es�t� which are 6e}ond 8o�v.vrer's cotAraf. 8orrawer sha11 not �es'�y, da���-unpair the �,{ • ✓
<br /> �.��r',;r t Y,a ll a w t h e P r a g a t�;:�d e t e r i o r a t e. o r c a a u a�:r:�:e a n t h e P r a p e rt y. B o r m R C r s h a l l M i a d e f a u!t t�"� f o r f e i t n t e , �1 • -,
<br /> � '�ac�ion or prnceeding,vrhet�tcivil or criminal.is 6e�a.t�at in i�ndcr's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of th�• '�tl�,;L�: _ �� <<�'
<br /> � � � �•Prnperty ar othenvise materiafly i�mpair the lien cteated by this Secvrity Idstnsirtent or f�ender's sec,�zty interest.Borsower�y ,rr�,,.t '4'�:
<br /> � •�{r.
<br /> .�s such a defaut�attd rein-�.as provided in P�ragraBE�lS..by causiag the action.oc.Proc�dia�.t�:f�,dismissed with a cali�g r, ;,,
<br /> �rli�C:�in Lead@r s gan@�{i,�d�femsination, precIudes f�zf�iture of the Sorrawer's� [�f ire f�Progerry�or dher rnateziai �` J�:.�
<br /> ' � .'i�lqiai:ment o�the lien ce�e�:'by Wis Securicy Instrun,c-nR or Lender's security iqtt�i:��.•Borrv��sdaU also't�i.n default if �'�,�'� ��..
<br /> Bormwer.dnrisg the'Ioan appSi�cation process.gave materially false or ina�ccurate infam�ation cr�,*�?at�:tr.�ts to Lender(or fa7�d..'-..;�;:..,., . � :;<.'
<br /> to proy-ide Lender cvith any material information)in connection with the 3oan evidenced by the lYc���st:ctading,but not liariti�rl: .. . :,. .� ��.' �� .
<br /> to.represer�ons wnceming Enrrower s accupancy of the Property as a principal aesidence.If thi�5esuriry[nswment is on a � �,f�,� ,. . ..�.
<br /> •teasehutd, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the,lease. If Borro�;er aaqaires fce ritle to tke:9'coperty. the �. ; �,� .
<br /> te3sehold and ohe f�tide shafl Roi merge unless L�ender agrees 4o the merger in wriang. - ' + .
<br /> 7.Ytatectton o!Leadec's Flghts tr�tde Froperty.If Sartoaer fails co perform the coveaants and a�reements confained in �T`�:�.
<br /> tlus Security Instn�ment, or ther�is a legal proceeding that¢nay signifcandy affect Lender's rights in the Property (such�s a ' ��•
<br /> yiooe�din�in bangruptcy,pro�ate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or regulauo�s).then I.�nder ua�y do and ' • � , ,�;='=
<br /> �r. .:
<br /> pay for wh2teves is necessary to protect the value of the Property and I�nder's rights in the Property. Leudei s actions may - . ., .p� 11v�
<br /> [nrlude parying'asry sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security [s�strutnent. aPpearing ia court. p�Ying . . .�,Kt
<br /> ra.wnable atiomeys fee.s ar,d cntering on the Property to make repatrs.Althougfi Lender rt�y take�ction ander this para�apb :. -';�;;� �}
<br /> ?.Lender does aot have co do so. ._.�`�-�-7'�n----z��
<br /> Any a�ounu disbarsed by Leader ander this patpgcaph 7 shall becom� additionaf debi of Borruwer s�eatnd by this `--� `I���'�`
<br /> Sewrity I�suument. Un2ess Borro�t�r and Lender a�ne to othcr terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the : � x ,���
<br /> date of disbur�emem at the Note rate an�sliall be payabte. �vitP� interest. upon noace from Lender to Enrro�ver requesdng. � ` � ��:_
<br /> . •;,„_
<br /> payment. •'-e •� � , . ._
<br /> 8.111or4�ge Iffims�se.If Leader re�uimd mortga�e iasurunce ac a condition of makia�the toan seeured by this Secvrity. � • .:i ��:`•�'�'�
<br /> , r.
<br /> InsbUment.Borrower s6all pay thc ptemiams rrq�tad co maintain che�nort�e insuian�e in eifect. If,for any mason, the • . , � � �.;; _ .
<br /> mort�e i�ut�rar�ce cnverage raquired by Leader lapse.s or ceaux to b�in effe�t.Borro��er sha11 pay the pm.�nniums req�iimd to .:' ry '
<br /> �tain eove�e substan�alty equivateni to the�nortga�e insurance pre�iously in effect,at a cost suAstantially equivalent to the � •
<br /> oost to&,naAer of the �nortgaoc insur.�rtcr previously in effect. fmm an altemate r�artgage insurer appraved by Lende�. If ":.;,.:.'. '" ' .
<br /> subst�ntiatiy equiva2ent mortgaae insurant�,co+�era�e is not axailable,$vnniser shall pay to Isnder cach moni6 a sum aqual to , � �
<br /> o�-metRri of tI�yeariy�nortga�e i�sumac�e premiuro aeing paid Dy Borro«er�vMn the insurance coverage lapsed or ce�ed to : :
<br /> be in efPect.Lead�r�vill amept.use awl retain thcsc payrafnts s►v a Ioss resenre in lieo of nrong�e iasurance. L�ss resenre ' �
<br /> . . Fmm 3Q28 9P30 .
<br /> Pr,yr9afB � , ' � ' �
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