- - :.� � � � , � � -: , . � . . � . : . � � �����: ������ . .�
<br /> _ _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . � ,
<br /> - _ .. � � . �,
<br /> - ' canCY�,`�taSt'on nz o�er tai��o£anJ�,gai4 of t�e Feo��,�r faF,canvay�tce ua l�e�af co�desnssic�4.arY in�rcts}=55sigaec!a_.� �
<br /> - . . . .s�.3Y bepaid to I�euLei. • . . � . . . . ,_ � � , -
<br /> -_ -_ •,' In tfie event.�a.ta�al taldng.�the Pt+operty,.�he•Pi�o�.f�st�alt be a�pglic6 t��tf�sams seture�"�Y this 5�ft�tit} .
<br /> t
<br /> -- -_�:ist�.unen�,v�etteer or.nu+�-theri due.with anX excxss p�d ta`Enrio:Ner. Iai che�'ven1E of u Fa..�.ia#1ak��g of�,,�..�!'r�.-r=-,--�--
<br /> -- : .tvhiclr Rh�fair�et,vat�te of che I�roperty immediateIy before tdse takingis eq�ro gr�tsr t�tfle.nmoi�r`o�tlie se�rns' .
<br /> --- s:,curcd,by titis Secu.risy�nstcuix►ent ifamediat'�Iy befa�e tlre t�Ying,urless$orroarer au�Lender otherv�c�r a�-cz in w:iti�g, , .
<br /> - . '. the eum�s s�c�3 bY tbis Securii}r Iastrument shall be a�.,ducec�by th�s�asount of the prxae�s m�t�ripfied by,the follawing.
<br /> �r:�tion: ta)�he cuta!am�unt of the s�ims s�u�d im�ediat�ly before�e ta'�sing,divi�d by(b)die faii rr�Cet watua af�ho .
<br /> �=� ' g�iop�rty iam:�diately iiefat�the ta�n;: .4ny batanc.�sf�ll be paid.to Borravr� Lv th�evenr af a pzrt�.t�xg of th�
<br /> _��, � 'Progerty in�ich th:f�u market value of the P�vpe�cty immediatety befon ihe taking Is less.than the amov..�t of t?i.e st�s :,"�
<br /> - � secured ha��IY$efaie th�t�kking,antess Bormvier and I.ender atlienvise a�in vrritin�ar�nIess app�cablE law -
<br /> _ ` . �henvise grovicjes:d��-•.,ce�8s shall is;uggiiec�to the s�sts�d�y t�s Ser�ty,�Tn�t�em�ther ar nvi th�sums sire- - .
<br /> - --� .
<br /> --=- t�ai�tue. "
<br /> _____ . Ff t�he Property is aba�doned by Bo�ower,or if,afrer notice by[.entlt�'w$o�tower tha*.the cond:mrar of6ers.tq enake� �
<br /> : ot .
<br /> - - = • �s�..xd ar:,�tT�s cla:.m for dam�es,Boaowet�fails w respond t�I.en�er c;ritliin 30 days attai the d3se th�.aadce i�givea,
<br /> W LeAder is autktarized to collest and apply S�e proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Froperty or ta ttle �� "�_
<br /> ---:_. su�secured hy tHis Secnrity Insir�ment,grhether or not thea due.
<br /> --- tJnt�s Lender and Borrower otheswise agree in cvritinz,anY agP�icatian of proc�ec�s w princip2l Shalt not extend ar
<br /> pa�.,t�one the due daie of ths raonthly gayacents referred to m paragraghs 1 ana,2 ar chac�,:;�?�amaunt of sucIi paymen.ts. ' . .
<br /> 2t. Bmt�+awer Not Ssleused;.Foebea�noe By L�ndga' i�ot a WaSser. F�G�vn o€th�•time for paymeut cn�
<br /> -----�- •modification of amoreizafion of tRe�sums s�by�►is Secucity t� �m r���1�:,,�det U7:^�y,silCC�ssgF iA i�SeieSt
<br /> ------ -- of Sarrawer shalt nat operare to�lease the l�:�ity of dte ori$inal Barmwer or Bor�c,r�3 s�iec�s,�;s in interesL b:ender .
<br /> �-----
<br />