� !r . ` .. � 4 . r . . . . � . ' . . ` . _ - •. _ _ __-_- - _
<br /> .,. < . .. � . _ � • . ` � - . , � � .• • ''��������• 4 ' ' .� .n��--
<br /> �� � TO(3�iEE�V4'L'�&I al!tis�imp�re�.enss;c�vr��et�tfter et�cte�om t�p�ugeyty.�a12 eas�eats.aPP���,• . _—_`__� _
<br /> �6amr�� � �s-^���-�+-��t��'�?�,g..A.�r��IIts a.r�a,�dii'sa�s�i aiso be cavec�d by this Secusity � _- _ ----- -.
<br /> • ' [nstmr.sen_ N10FlhCfoteYtt#n.,�LY��icr�t+}�'+L?�CGtri�Iyinst[un�fltestl+e°Flopel�y:" . , � --
<br /> ._. . , . —._ _
<br /> � ' HORAOWER COYf�NAN6�tfl�t Borrov�er ls Ia�fully seised of¢�e�state�z�by coeveyed,and b,as.t�rig8t to grant =- _--- -
<br /> . . •� ria�crosvey t&�Property aad t�as tLs Ptn�t is w�encumbered;ext�ePt for eacumbrences of recofd. Bo4rovrer ar-.rranfs aud =_ - - -- _ --
<br /> � Evii�defend genzrra�y the Rit1e to a�e P,m�rty ag�.,�t el�eIauns atu�d e u n�n�s,s�bject tv an�eac�nbrances pf record. ___-__
<br /> . THIS SE�JRI�Y'Il�IS'�'RUR'�►�1T ca�tbines uni€oan a►veaaats for narion�3 ase and a��uniform covenants with . ---��
<br /> ` , timited watisions 6ry jwzsdictiun to co�sri�a unifa�n secu�ry i�st�ent c,avesing cesI praperty. . � . '�--�-�--�-- --_=_
<br /> �� ��.--
<br /> UNIF{JRM�G�OV'ENAN i5. 8or,�awer and Lender covEaant aad agcee as fol�mws: •
<br /> 1. I'�ymeut of Prtnd�{anrl Ertt�;Y�'ep��a�n3 t�Late Chatg�. Bomowe3 shaII ptomP�Y P�Y when due the �=,�, ��s.�z.�� _
<br /> � gs�at of uu3 int�est�the�i��i:tt�.�b3r tl�I�ote a�i aa3r pr�payment anc3lat�ckaiges due n�rs tlae l�iore., �
<br /> � L F�ds far'I�aad*�=��^�^4 Subjrxg to appli�:a61e Iaw or ta a vrrimen waiver b y I.�der,$oaaarer shail pay to . `� �:�•�`�.;,;i�_
<br /> Lender on the day manzbIY P�Y���aze d�r$imde�t�e Not�uatii the Not�is paia in fall,a snm("Fimds'?fflr.Ea)Y�Y ��'�: _�= __—
<br /> t��s�nci a���smenrc��r attain paaxicy over tLis Sec�u�iry Ins�rmeaL as a lcea On tbe Ptoperty;(b)YeariY Ieasehoid _u�_� —
<br /> paynents or gm�d rents aa t�e Pmpesty,..ff any:.(c}ye�iy 6aza�d ur graperty insutanse premiums:(d?Y�Y �ood ��������_
<br /> � �P�+ ��Y:(e)Y�Y���� P��•if any;and (fl�Y�PaY���3+Boaower to ., �-- __�
<br /> �.euder,in accordance with the psovisions af para�aph$,in lieu of the payment of mortgage ins���pienlinms. 't�ese ���,' .':�a>"�'�
<br /> items are called"Escraw Items." Lea�er m�y,at aa}r tim�.collect sud hotd Fascds in an amu�t,nat to exce�d the maximmn • . �` .- = -
<br /> • a��unt a leuder far a federally relaied xnatt�ag�Laan may req�rire f�Borrower's escrow a.cca�nx under tPte fedeial Real �-:-.�-�.�____��__�_�-�.
<br /> ��. � �� r
<br /> 3'rsi3t�:Seu2ement Fmced�ues E1ct of 1974 asatneaded from,time to dms.12 U.S.G§Zb(}t et seq.("RESpA'7,untes�another � �,..��;;���_.�.�._,--.
<br /> taw that agplies to tfle�ds sets a Iesser a�'+ounL if'so.Lender may,az any t�,colIect and hold.F�nds in aa amount nat to �.�--`�=_---
<br /> exceed the te�ser amnuat. Lesder may estimate tHe amount of Fvmds 8ue aa the basi5 of c�ment data and reasonable �'��,`��-.=:'--_-
<br /> . L .' �nS�rr'x•1_._
<br /> estimat�s of enpeadim�es of fatme Fs�avi�tems or othenvise in accosdance arith applicahte[aw. . . � ,� �.� —�
<br /> • 'Che Funds sl�all.be 1�eld m aa insti0;tion whose deposits are insured by a fedeial ageucy,insonim�,;,+or entiry ��r� —
<br /> �in�tiuting Leadar,if Leadrs is sacli an i�Utiissn)or in any Fe�eral Home Lo�Ban1s. Lea�slsalt aggl�r t�te:Fctiuis t�p�y'� ' , ,j.. -=-_- --
<br /> �;�# .:,::;i� ---_
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may aot�Basa�uer for holdm�and aPPlying the£vads,a�ua�ty anal��fu�.i�e .�::,-:_;�:;:_---=
<br /> acco�t,or verifying tt�r Fscmw Items. pnless Lender pays Borrower iure�est on tlre Fimds aj:d appli�aTq:B_laar pea� . :=_-=--=—
<br /> L�ader m malce such a charge. Hov,ever..I.eader may zeqaue Bomawer w pay a oII�tise ci�rge far an iad'e,�endest c�€:- �:..�:,,�����_
<br /> estate tax�pmdn�service�sed by Lende�ia connecti�n with this loan,as�ess.app4cable law prnvides otl�i��' UnYess an. .:'.' ''�`�
<br /> agreement is made or appiicable tacv r+equuiizrs inretest Uo be gaid.Leuder shall aot be required to pay Borrow�ultr!-u►.teiest or �;a-
<br /> +eq
<br /> eamin�s Qnt�e.Funds. SoAVwer.and IRnd�t may ag�in wnting,hawEVer,that intezest shall be�aid aa the Funds. Yxnder '�;�'�- __'.��.,y.,,�
<br /> sLall give to Barmwer,without chatge,ait aanual arcountia�of the Funds,showing crediu and debits w th�Funds aad the { s
<br /> . puzpose for whic&eac�de6it tn the Funda was mzde. 'i8e Funds are pledged as addi�oaal sec�ity far alt sam�secased isy ���'"���'
<br /> :...s ..�. :
<br /> tLis Securi.ty Instrument � , �`�
<br /> .. If the Funds held by Lender exse�t sae aznouuts permiit�to be held by applieable law.Leader shalf aa:ount to , "�s'�j :
<br /> uts ��y"'�
<br /> Bmrower for the eacess Funds in accarQance v�ith the requi�eiaents of applirabte law. If the azno�mt of the l�iuds held hy `�*�� •.�,� t�.
<br /> Leicdes ai any time is noi sufficient t�pay the EsFtow Items when due,I.ender may so aotify Borrower in writiag,and.in '= `
<br /> n `
<br /> sach cas�BoAOwer shall pay to Leader,the amount neressary to make up the defcciency. Boaower shall make up the ;,:=��`
<br /> de�deucy in no more thaa twelve manthha Payments.ai Lender's sole discredoa ,.:,� .
<br />� Upon payment in full of all s�s swcuted by tbis Setu�iry Instrnmen�Leasler shalt prompdy refuBd to Bora�ower any " ,>
<br /> Funds held by i.endex. If,undes para�h 21,L.ender.sliall acquire ar sell the Property,ls:nder,prior to the acqnisitinn or . _.�� ,
<br /> sale of the Praperty, s1�all appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisiaon or sale as a cnedit agaiusc the sums �'��
<br /> ;' -
<br /> sec.�ued[ry this Security Insmmtent � . '•••� :
<br /> 3 App�on of Paymeats. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments r�eceived by Lender under ..
<br /> pa�agtaphs 1 aud 2 shall be apptied:f�s�to any ptepayment charges due under tiie Note;second,to amaunts paya6te�mder , Y# .��
<br /> � paragrapb Z;third W inUe�st du:;fowth,.co priacipal due:and las�to any tate chatges dae imder the Note. �- f
<br /> , ��_�
<br /> 4. Cbat�s;I�eas Bomowes s�all pay all taxes. assessments. cGarges,fines and imposi6oas attaibutable to the � '',�,.
<br /> �/��a�.__
<br /> Rcrperty which may suain priarity over this Secnri•y Inswmen�and le�seS�old paymenu or ground tents,if any. Bosrower �: �r; • _
<br /> shall Qay dtese oDliga�ons in the mnnner provided in paiagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bonower shall pay them on -4:�'�_-f�� "
<br /> tia�c cfu�ect[y to th�peTSOn owed paymeni. Bw�ro�ver shall promp8y fiunish to Lender all nodces of amaunts to be paid undear . �f
<br /> t h i s p a t a g r a p 6. I f B o r ro w e r t n�-t k e s t h e�P p a y ments directl y,Bormwer shall pmm ptl y famish to Lender recci pts evidencin�. `y�'
<br /> ihe a `'��
<br /> p 8�shall pmmptly di�char�e any lien which ha�prioriry over this Security Insoniment nnless Borrower:(a)agrees - c�:_
<br /> in evritwg tn the paycnent of the abligaUCn secured t�the lierr in a maaaer acceptable'to Len�er:(b)contests in good faith the �."�. �;
<br /> lien Dy.or defcnds agaimt enfarcement of the Gen in,iegal proceedings wtuch in the Lender's opinioa operdte to prevent the �. �':�;�;�� � •�
<br /> enfamemcnt of the liea;or(c)secures f4om the holder of the lIen an agreemcnt satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien • .y,,,,�`��
<br /> to tiris Sec�►ry Insumnent if l.eadez detelmines that any part of the Properry is subject to a lien wluch may auain prioriry ;;�.�� ::'
<br /> over this Secutity Instrument,l.ender may give Borrower a nodce identifying the lien. Bonrower shall stuisfy the lien or take `�`;
<br /> aae or mare of We actions set forih above within 10 days of the giving of notice. `.��;' . •
<br /> S. Na�rd or Praperty Ins� Bocrotver shall keep the improvements now existing or Aereafter erected on the
<br /> Rnperty insumd agaiast lasa by fire.hat�u+ds included within the term°estendcd coverage"and any other ha�rds.including
<br /> IIoods ar flooding,f�r whict�Lend�re�uites insarance. 'Y7�is insurance shall be main�aiuexl in the amounts and far the . . ,
<br /> � Far�'e3MB 9I90 lDoge 2 oJb yagt�) . ' .
<br /> _ .,g�rrarr -�--"�---- --�"" . . _ _ , � •
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