° !__'�' 'r"' . . . .,' � ... ., , �, . `. . � .,� , ��, _�"1`_..,^va.r;:r�.:��ti.�r�R��--_,—
<br /> -..� .� . � .; , .
<br /> <'.. . . . • �� > 'T.-.
<br /> � . � .. . H
<br /> �.i -.. ' . c"1�. � CO �
<br /> �:
<br /> �!'. b...:_, .- � �_,.. .� � •'__.:�..:.. ._ . . � . �. . � . . • _ �Ft ��.�, ; _ - _ -
<br /> .s -. , . � ,' r.'?F�-
<br /> _- . . .... - - . ' _ ' ' _' '_ .- n ____�
<br /> _- ' ' .�.y .�."'_' .. .
<br /> t�_L'_ '_ _— '_. .. . _. . —. _ . . _ ._ '. __ -. . _ _' . _-- . ' . � �--�- .
<br /> -•--ntY, ,� ' ''_ _— _. . , . . ........ .
<br /> .r +3� .}Ft . � _ ' . - ., .�t����� ��� - • ��,�tt�+ _ -�.
<br /> =' `�'�� r in int�res�Lender shat!not'�s roquTrad ta Casnmenraa pracsedings against suct�successet oa r�s�o extand tlate ��=� - =
<br /> '4 � � . , torpaymerito�oihernisem��ifyarwortir�tioncit�esurnssecurEdByWsQae,dot7�us3bYreas^naofanydsmandmada . �. ,s;� �. ��� --
<br /> _ ��o byth�atf�En-�3�:trro:�re�e�tEcurawei`asucc+�^�r3lrefni�re�Y.Arrytori�arancebyLerederinexsrcisir�gan�rigt�tor a s..� � �� —_
<br /> 4�-'` � �� � rcm�;t��d�,�or aYt�s��°r.�fiu��b�eg��bL[?Kr.s�211 no!�a a waiver o#cr pre�uIIa th��rc1�9 04 any `h-�:� L�- -
<br /> _��-� <A Buo.AYight a��em�dy. , ' . : �:Y�, .
<br /> ����� :� ��. 91. Suc�aasat�aatd/�a[gns Btaund;detnt and S�neral�tabili�y;C�igrtECa The cavanalf�and egresme�ts . � . ` � -
<br /> ys
<br /> -��r��;; �� hereinoo�tain�rlshallbind.andtheNght�hereundershalllnureto.therespectives�ccessorsandassignsofLeflder �, . <,, ,<;��`�� --
<br /> .., <_'`.} ana Bonaeirar,suble�t to the prav[sions of paragraph 16 hsreof.All cavonanb and agresm�is o f Serrovrer s l t t 3 l i� �- ° _ 4
<br /> � ' � 1�� taintand�ev�ra�.�iny�arrawervrhoca�igns t�i�Deed otTiusx�butdoes notsxecutethe Note.ta)tsco-stgntng Mis �'``Y •-�
<br /> t., .�� . = - –
<br /> - � � � QeadatTtuston(ytograntandco�veyMatBanovre�'siMe�estinthePropertytaTnasteeunderth�termsofthisee�d � ���� � �• _ -
<br /> . ;� � ..
<br /> - �- � °�'� ot Ttust,(b)is no!par5onalty lia4te on the Ncie or under tl�fis Oesd at Tntst,artd(�j agrees tftat Lend9r snd any othet • -_
<br /> � -`- __'`� «'�-� gflrr��ertesreuaQ�rmayaSresi�c�xtxtend.mcdNY•farhear.crmakeanyotheracoommadatlanswithregardtothetenns �. '` � -
<br /> ...., � �,� � _
<br /> � - : .."�, otthisDaedofTrustorth8l�[ote,withautthatB�mow�r'&cansenianduv+thoutreteasingthat8orrovrerormodiyingMis r :Y
<br /> :u•. �� �aes9 ot Ttust as ta that Borrawer's inYerest in the Rropertyr. " �
<br /> --i-'=_� ° - ired urtd�r licable Ia�ta bs Ivsn tn another manner.(a)any�otice � ._.._ ---�. �`:
<br /> i2. fs�Y�a.�e�t tar any natise rc-qa eAP S = :�
<br />�•r"�' ' ;.. ` �" to Borrower ptr�,vvidsd tor in this 13eed af Trust shail be givert by defivering it or by�na�'ling such not[ce by cer�fied , :F�... �` - --
<br /> mail addressed to Barrowar at the Reoperty Address ar ai sucP�other address as Barrorler may des3gnate by ncitce �:?::`r�,
<br /> u:: ... �
<br />_�`';` .�i� �: .�,� ,.• to L$s�dar as ptovided harQin.and(b)any not[rs to Lender shall ba gi�an by certi�ed mail to LertdePs addeess ' ,r"�''.
<br /> � � siated.hereUt+o�ta suG�a4hsr address as lender may designAte by noiice fo Bor�a•�nter as provided herein.My ;. ����= - �
<br /> G
<br />- � noticeprovldedfqriothisOeadofTrustshafldedeemedtohavetreengivQntoBor�werorLenderv�hengiveninthe • - �,"":,��,'°v
<br /> - �"j f - - :2`, manrtardesi�nated hereirt. :,' `==:- ----
<br /> ` . � �� 13. Gatireming la�ar;Severabill4y.Tha state artd tocal taws appticabta to this Qaed of TreisY shall be the tav�of ..�.:s",-�":-
<br />����' � � '� . ' � ��
<br /> 4ftejurisdicSioninwhichtheP�pert}rislocemed.Theforegofngsentenceshallnoitimittheappli�abilityafFedera9law � .�. 4 �_z 4 .
<br />� � �� .�`� • �•, tothis0eedofTrust.lntheevantthatanypr�vistanorciauseofthis0eedofTrustorlheNoteconflictswithapplicable ° _..,, _�.,�
<br />� `� � �.� - lavr,such canflict shal4 nat aHect other pravis�ons ot this Oeed of Trus!ar the NatO whtch can be given effeci�vEttiout .,��
<br /> . _ ,�
<br /> �;,� �_, : theconflictingprovision,andtothisendthepsrovisionsofthisQeedofTrustandthAPlotearedectaredta6esevetabl� � • .� �, :.,-°�- ' _
<br /> � � A�u:�sdherein,"cbsLs':"oxpenses"and"attomey�fses"inctudeallsumstothaextarttrtotptohib�edbyappitcabtg w- �- -
<br /> ��.:
<br /> � Iawor llmited herein. � ;r�'
<br /> � ".;�..�-: . �-:�.';.`� :,_`�� -
<br /> . � .,,, _: ,; .. �
<br /> '' , � � 14. Bot�ower's Capy.Borrower shall be tumtshad a cartfomted cepy of the T�ote and af thfs Oeed of Trus!at the �:._ �. -
<br />-_: • , . � � ., time oi execvtton or after recordation hereaf. - --J r�`.`-`.
<br /> ��:--'-f...`.•�.:-�-: . 15. RehabflitaUon Lcan Ilg�eemenL Borrower shatl fuifill aIi af Borto�ver's obilgattons under any home _�... �'' ..
<br />-� � � rehabilita�ion,improvemsnt,repatr,orotherloanagreemerrtwfiich8orrawerentersintovrithLertder.Lender.atLender's �y��-' .
<br /> � � . optlon,m�y require Borrawer ta execute and dei�rer to Lertder.in a torm acceptable to Lender.an assignment of any ; �� ��
<br /> :.4_',];
<br /> righLs.ciaims ordefenseswhich Botrcwarmay haveagain�t�artteswi�osuppiytabor,matertatsorsetvlces tnconnsciion . .
<br /> ' � with improvements made to the Proseriy. �
<br /> t6. 7fartster ot Rroperty or a Benefla€a!��nterest tn Borra�er.ff aSU or any part of the Froperty or any interest � ���t� .�'.
<br /> � ' . ��`� �" " initissoldortransterred(orifadeneficialinterestinBorrowerissotdortr-�arredand6orrawerlsnotanaturalpersonj �, : :;.•`��
<br /> zir•,� ,i,,.,r. f� ,.. :
<br /> _ � r.,:•�.
<br /> _ ' ,.�_�s�,; . without Lender's priorwritten cansent,Lender may,at its optlon,require immediate pa�ment in full of aU sumssecured , cs�;;;Y��'�'�
<br />- .:_�,��'•`���:.,:„ by ihis Deed ot Trwt.Hovicever,this option shaii not be exerc(sed by Lender ii e�cerciss Is prohibited by federal law as � . :_�'' s
<br /> • • . of the date of thfs Qeesi of Trust. �;' '` <�� ' :.
<br />-- � ' ttLonderexercisesthisapiton,LendershallgiveBorrov�ernoUce����ceteratfion.Thenoticeshailprovideaperiad - •, .
<br />_� � � �� " ofnoitessthan30daysiromthedatethertoticeisdefiveredormaitedwithirowhlchBorrowermustpayailsumasecured ^' .. ��--
<br /> ir.��;: �� . , ' - :. ;:�*/f-�
<br /> -= �. � bythisDsed ofTrust.If Barrdrrer fai►s ta pay ttiese sums pcfor to the expiration cf this period,Lender may involse any • r.�. --
<br /> --- -�.:.
<br /> � � .,. � . � remedtes pemtttted by this Deed of Trust wlthout further�eatice or demand on Borrower. • �, i�
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furtiher covenani and agree as tollows: � . . �`�i`
<br /> s,: , 17. Aceeferatlon;Remetttes.Excepi ae pmvtded In paragraph 16 hereof�upon Borrovler's breach of arry . . ' =�
<br /> -° - � - cavenent or ags�eement o!Barrower in th:�Deed of ltust,Iacluding Borrower's tailuro to pay�by the end of 10 � � :�'�
<br />�� - - calenderdaysa�tert�eyaredu�anysumssecunedbythisOeedo4Yiust,Lendergriortoacc�terattonshafigive � � �,��.,;�.;:§%�.
<br />� '�� �°f,'�• • nottcetoBorrowerasprovid+Sdi'nparagra�hl2hereotspecftying:(4)theibreach;(2)theecttanrequiredL'�eure ;;�:,;''�. ::>-�>,r;;��-�
<br /> ��:,.;�.,; �::.,��1r:� �
<br /> _� . susbbreach;(3)adat�n�tlessthan20da��tr+omthedatethenottcetsmaitedtoBoarow+er.trywhtsfisus?�(3:�sch . � ",,•���,�;`;;?°;
<br />- � . � � :=�� must be cured:end(4)that fatluc�a to caro�:cb breach on or befoeethe dato specifted 1�the notice may resutt � � • ::����;;;::
<br /> �\, s ��: ' Inaexeterattonogthesurtessecuredbythisi�eedpfTFustartdfraaloof4�e�operty.Thenattceshallfurtherinbr�n �� • � - . • ��`�'
<br /> - � Bacna.�erotthsrfghttorelnstatoafteraccedera3lanendtherighttobrtrtgecouAactiontoasseRtAenonextstertce ., � ��
<br /> _ • .� ��; of a do:l'ault or arry other detense of Bomawer to acceteratFon ertd sate.I!the breacb is not cured on or betore '
<br />:� � � .� t,1a��:e specNte�in tOte no4ice.Lender,at Lender's option,may dectare all of the sumg secured by 4hYs Qsed �
<br />_;;.x ;�. � otltusitd be t�rmedlatefy dae and paya�3�withoutturther demand and may tmrottethe power of sete and arry `� .
<br /> _- - •.. ; � other�emecttts�armttted by appltcabEe[a�^.Gender sha11 be ontitlea�to cottect all r+easonabfe co�te and e�enses � .
<br />:'�, . ,._�-,�, tr.curred in puiauing th�e�cnedles pravided in this paragraph i7,includtng,but not Ilmited to,reasonabte
<br />- � , at�om��js'teea .
<br /> y��r�� •� , i84�epowerotselelsirsa�ked,hustesshallrecacdmnaticeofQeteultine¢ct�countytnwhichthePa+operry
<br />--�'�,,. � .'• +.�: orsomopa.¢4tf��flsloca4cdandshailmallcoplesa8svchnottcotnthemannerprescribedbyapplicablelaw !. ��. . �
<br /> y�':". . toBonr,weiand[r�i�eoiherper�onsperac�ti�edbyappltcab�letaw.A�,f.ts�ctheiapseaisuchtimeasmaybee�eQuired ,
<br />�'�� � �� ' .. � by��ilcebte R�r.lhuat�ee shaf!gtve pubiic nottce a7 sa:s to the peraons and in the manner pr�acrih�d tr/ �
<br /> :•'J.
<br />�� � � ap�i�abte law 7Yustec.wttitinut demand on Borra�r.s7�ail sefl tho Propeity at pubflc aactlon to tha itC�t:ast � � �
<br /> �` bldder et the time end ptacm�a�d under tMe terms de�[gn�ted in the not�ce et9ate in orte ormoro pa�t�and .
<br /> tnauahonleras�Cuatee�aydetermtR�liusteamaypostpanesaleolallorarrypaocotofthePro�rtybyp�ltc � '
<br />--���� ���.y.:• ..`��: snd lac�at e reviousl sched�ta9 sate.Lender or Lsn�r'a dest nee m , �
<br /> _ . . ,,,.. . announcement�t tf�e tQma� p try p y 9 a11 � .
<br />__�- :. '� "� � purchase the Rraperty at erty sat�. .
<br /> --.��;. : = -- ��r��.-�lMt o!��yntBRtof ihe prtoe bid,Trustee shatl deliverto tRe psrc ��srTtee9l�s's deed com�ying � . -
<br />--"_��� �. � � � thePropertysotd.4ecerecltatsinthsTi�stee'sdoadshapbeprlmafacteevidenceof4hetruthoftheatatements
<br /> � � ma�e theroin.'Rustee shafl apply tho proceeds of the s�ie tn the toltowing order:(a)to alt reasonebie costs i � . � �
<br />;�.;_ _�. and expenses ot tha saie,Inciuding,6ut not limited ta 7Fuste�s tees setual(y IncuRCd o!aoa moro than ; . � .
<br /> � �ooltRagrosssa{eprtce,re�sonabioattomeys'teesandcostsottitteevidenee;(b)toaflsums ( � �,
<br /> ��. �. � . securod by this Oeed ot Tiust;and(c)the excess,if erry,to ths pe�san or pe�sons fegally entitted thereto i �
<br /> � 18. Barrower's Right to Relns�te.Notwithstanding Lender's ecceleration of the sums secured by this Deed � .
<br /> ' _ a}Ttusl,duato8orro�rrer'sbraach.Borroworshailhavethertghttohavaarryproceedingsbegunbyl.ertdertoentorce _� __ .
<br /> : . this Deed ot Trust discontinued at any timo prior to the eariier to occur ot(i�the fift�i day 6efar�sate ot the Property �- - --� -
<br /> ...
<br />-• -� � --- - -�:� -, . �ni tal3��SS:�sr ot raSs�alnsQ ln!!�s!?eed e!Tr�st c+t(i��entry ot A jutt3ment onfotcing this beed o!Tr�st it:. " ' . .
<br /> � , . � � (a)�flrrowerpaysLonderallsumswhichwouldbethendueunderthisDeedofTruslandtheNotehadrtoacceferation .~� '
<br /> _ „
<br /> � . . � : _ � .
<br /> . ��
<br /> . ., � • t
<br /> - •� .. :� � .� �
<br />