. , ' " � , � �., .. .. . . � `- --
<br /> ' . • , ' ' ; . ' ` _' �1����.���►� • , . :. .. . ._--_-.
<br /> _� TQ�T"�'E�tl'�ki�i�•i+?�,�nverneais�br�er�a3t��e��tad on tY�gtageatgrt'�rl a�l east�entsh utags��.- :. - -_ _---_
<br /> •. .. .
<br /> -- - - - �t�.�ues c�w ar�ei-�er a�p'ast of t3�c pRa . All�an�i udc'ctic�sl�ll also 6e c4��y t�is,S�cnrity. .
<br /> � c�9t af�foregoing Is�fei�se��Sec�tgi�as ti�s��.'�° .. , � , -- -
<br /> HORROWHt CUV�NA1�iTS tl�i�itaw�r is lav,fiiliy seised�t'the esta`ie hereby cameped aa8 h�s t1t��ight W gcaAt. . -
<br /> a�cvnvey the l�ert,�r aad�fiai�Prap�ty i��eucambeied,,eacc�fea earumbra�es o�rccor�.� Botmvsmi rvatraz�is apd ,
<br /> � will defead���lFy the tit:e ap the PYvperty e�auuL a�cl�i���3tF;t�emaads.stzbj�et to any eac��hrarse�of r��+b . , ,
<br /> , THIS SEC�JFE'T7l��ZUlt'�N'T combi4ees uri.fa,�;ar��Ri�itis �•aarionat use snd nou-nn4farcn tavenaats c,*ir� � ,
<br /> Iimi�dl variaEiuns Dy�utisdicxtan to consdt�te�fmifos�s srse�i*+�.' , �, .►�E cc+veria�reai pro�aty. _ � . -
<br /> UNtBORM COV�ENI�N3'S gormsvet�d I.EIIder c+c��ta�t,Qtt��t�as follows: • -
<br /> 1. �PtaymBii oY�gsl aa�It[te�-t,•�l�'eFa�tstt�t�t;Lt��!��g� Sotrovrr shnll.pmmptlg pgy cr•��daa the � ------_
<br /> p�i of a¢�.in�c�t an tlte deht evIdeace�t by t��tv��:a�sr�aay�r,l�ttttmtd�te�es dna aader.the Nasa,. . .-.` - , --_ . _
<br /> Fand�[orZhae��t�mr� Suaject to�a�I,i�tB?�i�x�ata�i.v�-c�mn waivet8p Leadet,l3orc�xiEa.s�all�pa3 m
<br /> I.��r an tIt��aY��Y FaYA?e��are d�e o.ad�r tF�-l�d'c�:t.�'�tb:�»Ji�?�.+'s paid in fnll.u snm�("Fansls")t�r:(a�Y�Y . �
<br /> eaxe,s ead assessme�ts w3ici�may auas��.�riii,�.iy avee titi�5�:usit��S�ma4er�as a Jien ou che Ftop�:.(t+3 yearSy Ie�sehnld . _
<br /> 1�'J�n3s or grouud rents pn the Ro�erty, if any; (a) 9c�:le�awa.'dfmr:pmgerty irL��r� p�em�m5: (d)3re�1y 800� —
<br /> ���e�mi�ms,if any;te)I��Y mo�igaSQ ias�rsca:pr�i�i��.i1F any;ea�(E?��atY s�s FaYab2e Dy Boirower to
<br /> Lea�drx,in accardance svith t�pmvis�ans of paragra��8.sti tiea�of dds,�payment of ma�gage ans�aance pre�ums. These ,
<br /> items are ca�l�°E�crow Items." Lea�der may,at sny du�.tx+��6',�?��mds in a�amaunt not m exceed the m�i�
<br /> ' amount a lender fat'tt.federally tel�ted motc��toaa.ra�q�fnx,Horrotver's ess�aw accaunt u�r the fede:al.P.eaY =_-
<br /> - E�tute Seulemeut PfUcGdures Act of 19T4 as am�t�fivaa smt�w tircNr.t2 fJ'.S.C.§ZGQI et seq.("R�SpA,�.unless anather :,:;�' • _---
<br /> taw:t�tagP�s to t��m,ds set,s a tesser a��.If Eo.a.erd�r m��,:a�aay E�coltec�andhold Fands ia an amqm�4.aat w � • -P.v.
<br /> exrr_�d•t�tesser amnim�. Lender may estim�ie th:amo�aat:of�r,c'.s d�ue on t2te Basis of cactent data and t�ua�,+1e `"�=_
<br /> esU�of espen�itures of fumre�scrow Items or atkern+i�a.#n rucacdsaee with appficable Iaw. .. �.�:.• . ��-
<br /> '�I�ds sha11 Ise held ia'an ia�ttutiam wh,ose d.�p4�its,ar�Tns�bq n federat•agency;instramentaliry,��ity ��,`_ --
<br /> ('m�I�,-�r,�i.�n�-�af Leader is sueh aa uuututioa)csr in�}�ede�2 Noasc�.o�n Hank Leader shati tipply tbe F�ads m g�ay �-- _- -- -
<br /> thr�:emw Items. Lendez ffiay not cbarge Bormwer fos&0�'.�3��PPIYmS��ds.a�nallY analYzing the escrow
<br /> acca�at,or verifyiug the E�c�ncv kems,�mless Lead�er pays Bmcmver inte�st on the Funds and applicable law pemrits �`�—- --
<br /> Leadcc W make sach a charge: Kbvrever,Leade�may�uice Bc�vwer to pay a oQe-tinm�cha�ge for an iadependent real �._W�__�
<br /> estat�Ls.q cegorting service nsed L�r•E.euder in conQ.actiaa wIth tfi53�La�n:antess applic�Ie f,�w provides otbeiwise. UnIess at► =.R..-°_- _ ,-
<br /> ' ageement is noade ot a licabte faw w�es in0�srse ta be �.�r shall noa be to pay Borrowcr interesi or F n _�_�
<br /> • �mgs aa th�l�c.�s.pBarmwcr ssu�I�.cndez raay a�ee in w�iring,;hflwever_�at utte�i�p�d on the 1��. Leader ` ��'S�!`�`%�=-
<br /> shnl!give to BoimweG ariWnut�e.an anaual a¢connting nf�h°Fnud�.�cnwiag credits and debits to the Fuuds and the � ;- a,•s.- _
<br /> purpabse for wt�tch each debit w t1�e F�arls was made. T6e Fu�ars ple��i as add�onal sec�ciry far aIl svms secured by . -:�.���-
<br /> t�is Securiry InsttumenL ' �`���-'� _--
<br /> .,:�... .—'
<br /> . ��If t�e Fands helQ,by Lender exceed the amosmts permiu,ed w be�eld by applicable law, Lend$r shall accermt to •..�
<br /> Bonmver for the excess FY�nds In a�cordance with the req�,���tc of ngp�able law. If the�aouat a€the Pimds heid hy . . �,;•,.��
<br /> I.eader at arxy time is not s�iicient W pay th$Escrow Items wE�en da�I:ctsdcr may so notify Baanwer iri writing,and,iq� ; � '�;:�
<br /> such rase Bnaower shaU pay to Lendea tlte amoant necessary m make i�the deficieucy. Horrower shall make up:he � � "'
<br /> deficieacy in no moie tban twelve mnnthly paymenis,at I.ead.ers sote discretion. � •
<br /> .U�nn paymeni in full of all�ums se�ured by this Secuiiity Insnrament,Lender shafl�ungtly r�fund to Bomowc-��y "� •<<�'� � y
<br /> ecu
<br /> Fimd�6�td by Lender. If.�mdec pazagraph 21.Lender shatl�aice or sell the Property;Lcmder,prior to the acqois�vr '�:�'�5'�` � ,
<br /> sale of t�e Progeny,shall apply any Fands held by I.ender at cI�e.time of.cqaisitioa or sale as a cr�dit against the sums ; ;��,:'`;� J
<br /> secared try t�is Sec�uity Ins�ameQL . �, ., , _� � •}.`
<br /> 3. ApplIc�f�on of Payments Unless agF;ic�ble law provides otherwise, aU payments received by Lende�r uader . • r_; ;_
<br /> para�hs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first,w eny prepayment charges due under the Note:second to amounts payable under � t��.
<br /> pazap��2;third,to interest due:fourth.w principa!due;,and[as�to aay late charges dae under the Note. . . ,. • y
<br /> �, Charges; Lfeas. Sortuwer shall pay all taxes.�s�essments, charges,fines and impositians attributab2e tu the � . . . �a��`
<br /> Pcogerty Mucb may attain prIoziry over this Seamty Insuuc�:;aad tease�o2d payments or gound rents.if azry. Harmwea . °.:�r_
<br /> s8all pay these obl�gations ia the marmer proviped in paxagraph Z,ar if aat�id in that manner,Borrower sh�ill pay them on ': .�..•,;'•�_:n
<br /> tim�dinecfly to tDe pe�son owed payment Barrower shaU pmmpdy furn�sh tr�r Lender all notices of amounts[o be paid uader ' � "r �-- -���':'n,':
<br /> this�ac��ph. I�Bmrower makes these payments disecsly.�comwer shaSl promptty fi�misb to Leuder�xipts evidcncing ._,�-.`'�`'��'�°--
<br /> ..�.+�,�,T --
<br /> the��;�eats. � ��.',��.. ,��_•� ..
<br /> Bormwer shala_promptiy.�.�ge any lien wbich has priority over this Seciuity III�ent unless Borrower:(a)agnees �'
<br /> shz
<br /> in writin�to the payaar:n!of�.he obli�atian secuied b}r the lien in a mar►ner ac�{3tab2e to Lender.(b)contests in gaod faiW the . � �I' -;.,.-
<br /> .��,��--.
<br /> ' lien iry,or defendv against enfarcement of the lien in,legal proceedings whictr�the Lender's opinion operate to prevcmt the � ;-�-�-�
<br /> ' eafoscement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hold�r of the lien an agreess�e-at satisfactory to Lend.er subordinadng the lien � . "';` �
<br /> ta thi:ti Security Ins�vmen� If l.eader determines that any pa�t of the Property is subject to a-ti�n which may attain prioriry •• • • , _.'.
<br /> ovet�tsis Securiry Insuvmenr.Leadet tnay give Borrower a recrse idenrifying the lien. Botrower shall satisfy the 14en or take
<br /> one ar atc�of t�e actioas set forth above within 10 days of th=giving of notice. .. . •
<br /> § t�s�d az 6'roperiy Insaranc� Eorrower shall keep the improvements nov�eaisdng or het�eafter erected oa the • ,"�
<br /> � Prapeny insuced n�t[nst loss by fue,hazaids inciuded within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including •
<br /> floods or fiooding, for wluch Lettder cequites insurance. '17iis insurance shall be maintaineA in the amounts and fos the ' . ..
<br /> • � Fusm3078 9/90 /page 2 af 6 yagca) ..,� ..' ` ' '
<br /> ' : 'y;,
<br /> . • ,t•
<br /> _ __,v -��<_� _ _ _ , .
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