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<br /> — _. �e-��_—___Irti�� � , ` 1 ` ` � � —
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<br /> — � _.._.,�,4;.: `. � aab�t�Sitly.� �j►.�a�a�tv�• ��"`tu�� �'�a ''"�,n-•� ' -
<br /> . � � -Y,€+�r f.+�
<br /> __ _ _ —�r_� '. �I�ce, ' �r,su�c 'a�t3}a�in ttra f�the ti�I+sa�a � Baaiai�re'a��vo iasu��_ — - _
<br /> _ �;�`�, `�� �ll i�v���t�the Pt'o�aty�,wheT�S aaw io Wri�ca�str su�tly e��t�d.a�drrsi toss Uy EloQds,�Ehc�xteu�r� `� -�`- ____.
<br /> ,by @�a S�y. AII�sisati i�e c�ed wi��s.&�qt4vefi ir�I�t.'13�s�e 3�0�.�s!�Y�s ���'-�
<br /> - �:�� � shal�l�e t�d�yB,eaGesar�d shaT�uss'inde Wsspaysb�cl�ses ia favnraf.sadia afo�a�yta8�e to.l.ea+def.� . �,,, _ -.___ --
<br /> . �: _.? . • : _ ,. . � ' �.�=.��;��� -
<br /> ` f��„ In tIIe eveaE of tasv.8arn��r shaA grve Ie�ia�diate r�by ma�Leades maY�aYe praof of 1n�.if�sot ma�e , ��'��-�- � =--
<br /> f�r s¢�Io �?.'�'. ' ,�� �.�._.
<br /> � �. � �agtty�y Bonower..Fxb insu�a�e cm�ny oa�nsd is a�d and t+lic�'.�d ta maY� � �• �
<br /> �Y `
<br /> Y�
<br /> '"-���: . �u�dly to.�.iutsqd bf�a 9oiraR�r tQ Lee�slcr' in All a� �t�insur�re ��be '
<br /> Y t�
<br /> - _ ; - . - -
<br /> � L 1� Sp• �Y g�t _ �s�Y �P�$Y� -���
<br /> �
<br /> �' .�.�-�� I�,at its a�eiber(a}so t�r�dn�af the inde�ted�ss�s ttie Naie�srtd ttias S �s�t,�.�ez�+ � � `}�.� �
<br /> �Y�`� 1:���'�,�� mrm�a�ts u!ftte�in 3,s�st t�ea Lo gsepayimeat of�iacep3l�a�(b}to th�r�s�aa�re�ait of.. � {� -
<br /> � �PP�� �. , �
<br /> =T'"'.�.`'��^ ��B���Y BFP��f.t��.s t�t��t sbaII aot e�ad ar post�ons the due date of t��s�n�tly r , � �=,� A
<br /> -�-
<br /> r AB
<br />_ _ `�` 5�; �WIfiC�t.ffiQ SP�lilF�tU�II�8 j�h Z.�T C�12YI$P.Q{C 8�O�SOCt!�AQ�T�C�S3ID�CC�IL'CCC�3 QYt'd 311 t,_� :� �r_.=/�
<br /> ---�.�� �t zeQ�red o�gay all w�'m8�debie�e�s tmder the Nn�e an0 ttiis Sec�tiiyr Insn�t sball be aid w dte en _ �:: 9-�
<br /> a1 F. �9�Y .}s-:,.�,. �.�,..�,;�
<br /> - `��_C'r9t'�' �'�a . . . . F_.= � � ,�,Z�_
<br /> — �a�.���� Q��W�U� ' n '?=���
<br /> — J.h �
<br /> : .�_� '3Y - -_� __ _"'__
<br /> - _�. Ts.- ����
<br /> _,�� In tlie eveat,of fmcectos�ae of this S�r �ustnua�or 9ttter taansfer af ritia tn t�e Pmpeaty dsat e�ganshes die . ��-- --
<br /> �'`�•� ' .:4' j��i 31g�11,tit��tIItE'SCSLQf S6IIUWPd ffi�tD�FII�tCSC31D fQICCSb2I1�}�S4Ib t�tC piIICb3St'd: � ,,x ' _--
<br /> �� r - - p LL�i < y,�• i'�'/ —_
<br /> .� ��-..r�� ��fa�.!w"'lI�YWLLY1sY�.ilH���W WGifVp�JfB�JI{ti4is gLQ����� 'CPs'f" _�.
<br /> `�� �` �� �sL�Il �a5C the SS Bari�Owei'&�t n�sider��7�ti1�Su�y days a$Cr Ltb�c�'.�utii�un'Of . ; --=,
<br /> _ . :., s �3t,�lisb. �P�Y �;,..-
<br /> _ this Sx�ity Iasuuat�i aod sbaIl c�ue ro aocnpy tAe Pmpaty a4 B�aow�'s�te�cl�eno�s f�atl���aft�c,r� • ;� -
<br /> a,.�;���7"� 0 s
<br /> �`�'" ; .�: aara af oa�y, � the.Seczei�r de�ne� this rzqa�mau w�l. c�anse aaoine hard�"si�x.tzs Brni�� or� � . ��i�� -
<br /> � �ua�ag � e�st w�h ana hey�d Buaowrt's arnttoZ Baimwer stmU a�tify Lt�drs af 21�y � -
<br /> A {�
<br /> c�aoes.Ba�ower svaU noi cQmmit was�tee.ur destmy.damaSe or sab5�lanti�IIy cbange dte P1ropeRy or aIIaw�B�P4oPesty tv ` •`
<br />'�r . � aU wa � . �
<br /> � ��ahje wrar aa�l t�r eac�d I�eudar may ia�poct ths�Pmgaty if fhe Mvgeaty is vacant ar aba�u�i c��e loaa . !��
<br /> ��:;.;.�., --=.`�—',�� - is��.j.azd�r�y t�:e i�a.�Ie sc�n us g��ct sffi�o st�h var�t ar�Ptog��.B�st�aa —.-_�__-'�-,-
<br /> --. 1___ , ba in drfautE if�nawer.d�g the Io�a a�plicarian.�oc�.Save ma�a�Y false or�ate i�fa�+o�n or stat��nts u�. __ . �.
<br /> �'Y- ;-�� ��,�:' Leudes(ar�tn p�mride l�der arith aay mateaial infarmatianj in o�nectinn witb tl�e Io�evIdenced 6y tiie Not�including, . .. -�� �.��
<br /> Q IA ' r
<br /> � . . .. TfIIL II fl t li�l1�W,I C�f C S ffi 1�(A'fl 3 COIICCTI�D$B�IfOWR'9 O��th6 PlQ�21iy 7S 8 pIgSL'�ICSId�AC�If 1hL5�$�it1Lj1 .`
<br /> .��:��� 'y.�..
<br />. � . . w7:.:�... 1i�i.[ t,l `i
<br /> '�'' � :`.•.:•� . Instcame�t is oa��t�sc�o1�, Basowea saall camp�+wide the PmvisioT�s of the leas+e.If Bnauwea aoquues€ee t�tE w th� . �
<br /> �:. :-,- , Prayerty,t�e t�asehold anH feo 6tle sball not 6e tne�ged antess Lendet agrees Ou the meagra in wd�g. ��,�s. ,.
<br /> ��,:�... . �:• �"�`�'
<br /> ';�; ..-;�;'_`:-;�., ": a��° b„C�to Borrawwer and Prot�of Lender's R,Tg,hts ia the Pmperdy. Bmmwer shall pay aIl gover�m�tal as. .• : :�".;
<br /> a
<br /> ���.,, r'�Y; . muuicip�l s.har8�s.fm�s aad imposi�ans that are uot inclnded'm pa��2.Boanwer sball pay lhese obligations on tims �.,��`
<br /> . �d'u��,td,,y� m�c eatity which,,��S,owed theq payme,nt If fa�ure to pay wontd adve�ely affect I�dea's tniecest m the Pro�eaty,aQ�n �; ��
<br /> �(AilS�v`. '' S� iAdiffi�a��Z�Q���M�6��Y�������Yi�i pa��W. . :•il A,
<br /> -.-'_.`_.�. . �n°ii�. � . ..•. � ii.
<br /> '�'`° 'a� If Bazrowcr a�7s paymentv paYme�ts r�q�red DY P�P� • , � f �
<br /> �j;�.. f to maYe thcse a:the 2 or f�7s w peaform any otttea coven�itv � ;�r==
<br /> == ,,':�..xR_-:• ' Ol thQC i3fl jC t113t 8ff0CtLCIIdCd'91j$,�lui iJl . .����j; -
<br /> -�^°� . �`. aad 2g�o�aents��n dus S�nt�ty► �t 8�P�8 �Y g�Y :�_ �'.�,'
<br />� -� :' ,� '''3 � the PtapatY(such as a pmceetl�ng In b�iauptcyr.fos cande,mnation ar to euforce Iaws or regutations).then l.endes may do and s''� _
<br /> � -- ,;� _��' �� yay w6atevci 3s necessa�yr w p�tect the valne of the Pcopeny ane�Lcadea's rights m the Ptop�ty.including yaymeut of ta�s, , � '-
<br />�'.����_ :'��,: Gardrd ins�tmce and other it�s me�tinned iu�aregtaph 2. � . . ``'. ` ��
<br /> �- ± Any eraaants disbarsed by L�dct aader tbis pa�aph strall 6ec�e au addidanal debt of Bonower and be se�l Tay sfi� .. �r', -
<br /> �� :. ��. f _
<br /> _ -;'�:; 5ecarity Ia�ment'It�se aat�mis shall bear ipLeiest fmm the date of disbmsemen�at the Note iata►and at the apt,�a af L�d�, -- .�i=;�
<br /> _— -";;�''� sbali be i�madiateSy.due aad payable. . , � "±i*`. -'-
<br /> :;.<
<br /> .�.'�'""-,�.' '.�'. 7.CQndemaAtia�. '[l�gmceeds of any award or claim for danaagea. d�ect ar cansequential,in conneqion wItb a�► � � z.
<br /> �f:�. ` �`��_ cvndemaatian or other taldng of�y part of the Pmp�y.or far canveyauce in place of condeannatiun.am hercby assi�ed and . � ���•.%���,
<br /> �7 °,�/�`'`�^��'1��`� sGall be paid m t.eaQe�to the excent of the full amfluni of the indebtedness Wat remams wpaid under the Note and,dris Secu�iry . � .
<br /> .i�.`�l`.•-•r ti i ,
<br />:��,.' }�,, �;f`:' :. . 1nso�t Lender s1wi1 apply s�p�aeaedv tv the redncti4n of the indebtedae�imdes tha Nore and tfis Sec�ity Instr�e�t, :��<` , •� .
<br />=:_�.-�����;:'';•�::��•.a�`, fu�ta � lie��in the arder m b 3 �n�then to ent of aL An 1i�ion '��' ��
<br /> _-:. �Y d� SPD �� F�� . D�P� P�P Y�DP .. . ', �; �.
<br />�� =, j;,�z��� �•;; of�the pmc�As tn tt�c pri�l�il s�U ao�eati:ad or yostDane ttce.due dafe of t�e monthIS►paYm��.whicb are r�femd w ire. .
<br /> �:.�. �,_. `�?, . `•
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