�- --- , .- , - - � ;�;.- ! .. . , ..�s
<br /> ----_ � �, , " .• . . . ,
<br /> -_-_=_ � . , � ; .. ' ` ' . . ` . , . . , -__ _
<br /> — - • . , �. , � . � . , . _---- -
<br /> � ����� . • �
<br /> _— _ • • .. � . , ` ' �����: � to�ti�e s�i3s ssCt��;i Cy t�.:s ` = _ —
<br /> = � tn t�e eeca3 of�.�1 taYing of thc PropoctS►,the grex�ds s1�3!b��p4ti� . _ , � _
<br /> ;_=�; , $EC��tyl Iif51dU�811ts�CihCI'OY IIpL t$CI!�.�t2t 8IIj1 CRAF55 QTfd t0�UZ[t1�6'CL TB 1�CYeII4 Qf��gI f2�Yl$ . -- ___—_—
<br /> --- - of tBe Pw�. nn��s Bo�owrr aad Isnder a��in wntin89 t�e s�s � �y`�����Y
<br /> -- - � lnunuue�tsl�1 ta�c�hg t�e�t of thepmsaeds muttiplt�d b9 t�fnlfo�vIt�g frictiais: (a)ti�ttstal aur�'.�t� . • . .--.
<br />---_=—" tlf t�e sums��+++n�9iatetg 6eFDrC�tak�ng,ct'ivided by(b)the fEit�t�+aIne of dte Fcogemi�$teIy , ----
<br /> �.,.a_-°r • . - - -----
<br /> — �� �iC�OSZ t�£f.11tiII$. I�II}i�331fiflCe�1 UB ji3[Q t0 BAiiOWP.Y. • , . ._._� _-
<br /> '�'"�� If iUe Pmperts►is aba�oned bp Bar�oa,�r,os i£a�a nnuce by I�der ta Boriovssr that the obndemnar . °".'m"�"` -__-
<br /> . ` off�rs to make asa avPard or s�tte a ctaim far damages.B�mwec t�fo�ond tn Lendef svit3�30 days aft�r d� � �_ __ -
<br /> �'��'� . date t5e nodce is giuen,I.emder Is au�n�to eoIl�tand appSy t�e�ocee3�,at Lendea's option,eit�r ta restote =_�_�
<br /> 9 *�� or�pair the pmpetiEy a�r.4n gay tbe s�ms serur�ed bY th�s Secatiry�nsuume�u,whe�r or not�tcen d�e. . ��
<br /> ��i�t� . �R..r--
<br /> ��� ., ���
<br /> ,n;rr�� Untess Lender aRd Eotrva�c oiheearise agree iu writ�ug,anY ap�lica�io€�of p�s to sDal1 not __�
<br /> =��+ + extend or postpane We due d�q�''�.�,�, Y P�i��ne�ett�m m g�l�s 1 av:;���c'..ange:t�e ammatt of __ ---- ---
<br /> - � sucd�paymeats. ��,�' ` � � .. � . ,. ' �
<br /> �� ' ` ,.; • ; J .:: `•.,. . ..: _ :-
<br /> t S (�.\ t17/9� ' "
<br /> ;,,,�:,°�.'� �3..Borrawei Not ReI��. ,` ,�bY�ader 1�Toi a.Vlfaiv+� FxtensYOn�ff�e dme for Fay�ent or � _._
<br /> ,�r������'-'�� modif�carion of auiorthadon o��e s�s�by this Secarity Ias�t giunted hY Iender w an}±snccessor ����.-�-
<br /> �N�� �n i��s of Balrower st�ali not aperate to zelease tHe liability of the origival Boaawer mr Baaawzr'sviceessa�s. `�; -
<br /> :�:�='� . in inoeies�. Leuder.shau nas�e re�ised w cammenre pruceediugs agaiast su�+sac�sor in intgrest or refuse w
<br /> �, ��Y exc�nd qme for payment or othetwlse mudify amortizadan of dze saais s e c u s e�I s Y tlus S�urltY insi�c+�ent tcy c�san � -- _ -
<br /> _�,�� of aay demand rmade tiy the osi�nal Barrower or�maawets' saccessois in inteses� Any far6eatan�e by Lender , � ,� --
<br /> rt�;�-' ` �n c�ercisiag an3►righc or semedy s�alI not 6e a waiver df ar pcectude the exec�case of uny aight o�rta�edy. - :�
<br /> (� ..I '• � . . ,�t 4.. _- _
<br /> 10. Saccessa�s aad Asslgns Boand:Joint aud Se9reral i3ability:Ca5l8ners.'it�cave�.nts and�ats '
<br /> �-�- , .�
<br /> . ut�Is Sec�iry Ins�snt shatt f�iud aud�te8t the srtsc.,sso�s nr.e��^ig�of Least:r eu�Botrower.xubjett m tQe :;,,�- --
<br />�. . -::�`�` . provisions of Fa�8r1Ph 17. � • ,�_�,�.r;= __
<br /> �.ar_��, , ".�"_— _
<br /> ' - .6':r5:._
<br /> ._, ,r 11. I�eg�stadon Affecti�g Lender's Rfghts. If enact�eni or expiradon of agplicabte taws Oas the effect �:.�,�
<br /> � of ieadeiiag arsy pmvis�oa of the Note or d�is Secusiry Insaumeat unenforceable according to its tec�s. Iander, '� ":°�:�` .
<br /> '�. vi i �
<br /> _ ;'; .:,;.F , at Leader's optiov.may require immediat�payment in futl of all s�s secured by this Secmity Instrumient and may
<br /> ��i.'.�..... r,: imroke any mmedies petmitted bY P�S[8Ph�7. � . .r . 'sr
<br /> :-�.:i� ' . �.-.1
<br />.:_,;.;�.:�:,,:.c��•
<br /> .i�;��
<br />_;_�✓�;�.�.: 12. Idotices. �1ny uotice to Bosrower pinvided for in this Sxariry Instnmient shall be pven by delive�ng •.. .
<br /> � it ar hy mailing it hy 5isc class ma�aniess applirable faw requires use of auother method. 1$e notice shall be r'
<br /> ��>� . i't°.. � or other addmss$arrower d�i by uoace w l.euder. Any aotice to Lender �.
<br /> :f :�1��{; s�g�ive�n b�lass mai! I.ende�s address s�ed heiein or any other addies.v Lend.�r designace�6y notice . ; -;" ;
<br /> _.. •`�":'� w Bomower. Any notice pmvided for iu this Se;,urity Inst�mment st�all be dPemed co t�v�been given to Borrower , '��-�� ',_:_
<br /> � �s � , _
<br /> � s��. or Lender when given as provided in this par�qrnpb. ���'°
<br /> ,s �t��_-t� �� i�•
<br /> =�`�F`'�;"�,� � 13. Govecsdng Iaw;Severability. T'�Secwicy Ir.suamera s&2�k Ge gwemed by the law.c+�r�r�.Srate of �� .�,�,
<br /> t� ..�t���=
<br /> -_;��'L���±;� . 2F���sica. In the event t�at aay��rnrision or c l a a s e o f t h i s S�ity I n s u�u n e n t o r t he N o t e c o�t}i a s s�e�1*".�i i t: ; . ,`�' ,-.", --
<br /> ,�, ,:,�#1.�:- a.
<br /> - - . , Lx�;�ach conflia sbal!not affax�pravisions of this Seauity Insaumeni or the h'aca:�r2dch can ire���� '�_ �;� :."�s.
<br /> _ affi� �,�. ��.:. .
<br /> - . �itua�a the conflicting pmvisiom.ro this end the pmvisions of this Secmity i���d the Nae�are declared . rr.�i����"<�::-�:� . �
<br /> . w 6e seveialrTe. . , •�;�' :
<br /> ;: ••<..,a:- ,;;
<br /> :.i.� .s''y � - . J`
<br />- .•-:�:`ts. . 14. Bomowers'Cog��_ �orcower sbaU be givenone canfomaed copy of r�1�i�te au8 of tWs Security ..�'��'�.:;,'---"�
<br /> �k�
<br /> . .�'�r . �;,_)j"`,� .
<br /> '•�' ItiSttlllRBllt. ' ' •i:.�' .
<br /> f�' 4J��`S�• ! � ` �. . , . _
<br /> �� � f1��(� . .
<br />`Y`:�;��`j: 15. Ttaasfer of the Properry or a Beuefcial In4erest in Borrowet. If aIl or any part�of st�Fraperty or ., .. : ,.
<br /> �mna.:y ,!._. . � .
<br />-_,_S S!S(�•• „' •. .
<br /> : . .4s�r�t,;,:,� � an}r interrst In it is sotd,tiansfemd,or leased(or if a benefcial interest in Bormv�er is sotd or uaasfferr�d aad , : �
<br />:r!�'�;!�tf'�'t Bn:rower is n4t a nanual peisan)without Lender's prior writcen consent.Lender�+ay, at it's opdon.requir� �
<br />:r`•:n;;.-� immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this Seeurity Insan�me�t. • . •
<br /> },�t,,;i. ,1:. • ? � " .
<br />:.-��``�r�$' If Lender exercises tbis opdon,Ixnder shall�ive Borrower nodce of accelerar,cv. The natice�aII provide ' �
<br /> a.�;t`; : ' . _ .
<br />�3�c—;
<br /> -=�1�:..•, a periocl of nos tess ahan 30 daye fcom the clate t�e nodce ts delivesed ar mailed wIt�:�.��3uch Bornower must pay
<br /> ==a°��` � all sams seaued by this Secniity Insuumetu. If Boirower 631s to pay these sums prior to the expiradon of this '
<br />:��w��`;��'<�. period,Lender m�y imrofce any remedies permitted 6y tbis Secmity Insuament without further notice or demand : . . . .
<br /> t"` :`-i'� OD BQITOW2I.
<br /> �=�c .�.' .
<br />�:;.�:...�_: .
<br /> =':,,g#?!*'; • . . . , .. •
<br />--_�=��.�t s ., .
<br /> ;'-'�i���' 16.. Ba�n�s�rs Right w Reinstate. If Bormwermeets certain ctindiaons,Bnrmwer shall have the right .
<br /> "�`""�"?'�"''.. to l�ye enforcement of this.Security ins W�ment discondaued at any time yrior to the earlier of(a�5 days(or suc6 � ..
<br /> - �°_`�:�" other periad as applica6le Iaw maY specifY for reinstatemeni)before sale of the Pcope�tY Pu�s'uant to�ny power of . .'
<br /> __=�'�_::, sale wntained in this Security Insuument:or @)entry of a jud�nent enfoning this Secu=ity Instmmens. Those
<br /> � ��;;���� � oonditions are t�at Borrawer. (a)PaY I.ender all svms whicb then w�auld be due nnder tlils S°.curtry lnsttument an4 . .
<br /> t�� ^.�. � thc Note had nn acceleraaoa oahut�ed; (b)cure any defaWt of any other covenants or agr�emenis:(c)PaY all � . . .
<br /> -._.r:''':�,-;� , expens�iacurnd ia enforciag this 5ecurity Insuument.includ�ng,but not limited co.reasonabls attoraeys' fees;
<br /> , 4=�� •. and(d)take such sction as Ixndet may reasonably cequue to assure that the lien.af a"is S�ry Inswment, ,-� .
<br /> �;,� .�x
<br /> = �:`,�,� i..;: . Lender's tights in the Property a3d Eorcawer'obligafioa to pay the sums secured 6y�th:�,���isy Cn:;tr�ment,shall .
<br /> i;y•T�;t,1' , , • ' �`
<br /> -�����`�i_,___ . ;LL' :.a�. ,i..� .
<br /> f 3
<br /> � ,��_. _ _ , C-` ::�.
<br /> :'�;�:.�`� . . - .-- .-_
<br /> ,,,,, � �.
<br /> . . �,
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> . ;
<br />