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<br /> -: � ( � F _.; .. � . �� ' ,. _ ---
<br /> r.
<br /> ua� . � �. �a�rd or �roperly I�ance.,Boi•m�rcr shaf! keeg�the improvements now exi �Tr���thE = __ -- --
<br /> _�_ - � Propt�y insvrc;d ag:tinst Iass t+y f�re.hazards inriuded within the tgtm"exte�e�sove�age"aztd a�sy,urther ba�rds,intinding. _—_-=_—---
<br />-- ==' ` fiaods or fiooding,for which E,e�er rr,qui�s insur.mce.This'u�ur.u�e shal!be niaini�iu�d in�he amounts aud for t3�p�ds - --- -
<br /> -�-�� . ; tAai Leader,reqaires.The ins`uranoe�rrier pmvidin�tfie.insuranc�sball be rdios�n tiy Borrotver subiect to T,endcr's agsp�aval . ��.�-�_.._�: , _ .
<br /> «�� �
<br /> _�� whicD shall rtot 6e uttreasonabty wit�held. If Eorrawer fai�s to cnaintain covera�e descr�be�u6ova;Lender inpy,at Lender's . �,� ___�__
<br /> ��, � • aption;abtain coverage to pratect I�nder'3 rights in the Property in�ccordanr,�with paragraph'1. -
<br /> wW'' . AIl insurance policies and renevlals sfiall'be arceptable to Lender and shaU.include a standard mortgape ciause. H.eadet, s-= '
<br /> "'��1�'� sha�l have the cight tu hold the pulicies and reneuraTs.If I.ender requires.Horr�vrea�s3�a11 P�PUY S��e to Lender all receipts af ' '� "`�. �. - --
<br /> �' ' pa'sd preuliums and r�aewal notices.tst the event of loss.Sairower shall giv�prnmpt aorice tn the insvianse carrier and Lender: .,�,�, � - _
<br /> �� Leader ma3r make proof of loss if rtot made promptly 6y Eorrower. ' �`��' "�"" - -
<br /> �` `� ' I3otess I.Sss�and Euno«es othersvise aa�ree in writing,*n���nce pr4oeeds shall be appfied to�estaratinn or repa}r of.the '� =..Y-zr4����-�-
<br /> ,t� � < Pro�e�tY damaged if the restoration or repair is ecoAomically feasible anQ L,endePs securiry is not lasem�.If the restoration or f r��Lr;-�' _
<br /> ,�� �; mpair is uat econnmicaliy feasi6le ot Lender's security w�uld be lessened.the insurdnce proceeds shatl be appUed to tl�sstms .__�� �ti.�� -
<br />-�:'�:�'�� --
<br /> ����_r�, sseccar�by this Security Instrum�nt. vlhether or not then due.wich any excess paid to Borrower. If Eo�ower a6andoac the ~• `:,=��s;;t���:y"°
<br /> ---��: � L�rc�erty.or dces RQt ans�x;s�w�?�;n 30 days a nodce from.I.er.d�•r that the insutance cazrier has offered to sets�a ctau�.then ��,a''�� _ _.
<br /> �aader may collect t��xar�:�ce:�roceeds. Lensfer uia;� use-:t��pcaceeds ta.r air or restore the Pm or to a sun)s `�-`�'-�.�`::�``�i. ,.,_ .--
<br /> ,.�a.��� �P P�Y P Y ��,� L< � _
<br /> - secured!ry tbis SeruciGy��tae�r�e�s,whether or not�tnaerc d�e�.T6e 34day pe�riad�e�ill begin when the notice is given. ;-:��:.�4 °�a - --
<br /> - ' � . Unless Lender'at�9��tower otheivVise agz�i�ws�ling. any application of.proceeds to principal� shall nat ext4� or • ��f�#r{��
<br /> ��'�r�'�j gostgone the due date oF�tFe monthty pa�nents ref�rre��co in paragraphs l and 2 or change the amouat`of the payments. If :'- � ,��,�,��- �
<br /> <,�tiY,�-: urtder ara h 21 the Pr is a uired 6 Lender,Bonawer's ri t 4a an insurance olicies and receeds resuItiu from • ;;�„;��� _
<br /> F $�P aP�Y� �1 Y S� Y P P 8 : ���. �
<br /> � `�. t R -�j ,.�-
<br /> =.�-.. � damage ta the Property prior to We acquisition shail pass to l.ender io the exterct of the sums seFured by this Seauity Instniment , �r�,p���,-„,?-__
<br /> r�-�-�. ; immediately prior ra��s:e acquisition. , � . �:f`����'�' -
<br /> �
<br /> ''' ' ad � :,'.:•� b.O�w M»;et��*sP and Itmtec�n of the Ptopertp;Barsoweti's Loan.4��tlon;Leasehotds. 's�� -
<br /> .� .;�: , �..:•`.'. P�nc9,.:�vation, -
<br /> �_�- BarrGw�sha11 ocaipy.cstablish.and ase the Property as Sorrower's prinripal residtnce aiihin sixty ct�s after the�+cec�tion uf -� �—��:-..
<br /> `-�'�"y� this Sei�'..rity Insuutuent and shall continue to occupy the Pcoperty as Borrower's principat residense for at least o�e year after ���r�rt a� __
<br /> , • � the date of occugapcy.unless Lender otherwise ag�ees in wriang,which consent shall nfli be unreasonably withhet�,or a�less � ;'t��f�a�
<br /> '= 3 extenuatin circ�v~s�nces exist which are b and Borrower s comrol. Borra�ver shalE not destro , dama e or air the `7`; ��- .r�.
<br /> ,�;_ P �Y Y S �P �: 'r.t�1r
<br /> , :,,� Praperty.allow tb��coperty to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Propei�3+. Borrower shall be in defaulc if any forfeiture . � �
<br /> ,,t.��,- � • aarion or proceeding,whether civi!or criminal,is began that in Lender s gnod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the _ • f i�:`'��`�
<br /> e
<br /> ti,-�-f � Progerty or otkeravise materially '.�air the lien crrat�by this Ser�rity Instrument or Lender's sec�rity interest.�orrow�r may -r�`�-� '-
<br /> cure such p default and reinstate.:s provided in parag�aph 18.by causing the action or pmceeding to be dismiss���t:.h a ruling ��,: ., '�
<br /> ..r'�: �,;�
<br /> "�� � . � tha�.in Lcnder's gJ���.fa;dr.deter�mnation, precludes forfeiture of the Bcrrower's interest in the Property or•otaer material ,. •., �;•,
<br /> ' �:'��. f : impairmerct�::�1i� ^-e��a �v this Securir�:7x.�strument or Lender's se�curity interest. Barrower shall atso be�in defauit if : :,-:� ����
<br /> `` I �l: .• Borro���..�����t"��R^�n ..ca�op Process: ave materialt false or inaccurate infor�mation or statements to Leader(or failed � ��} �' � }�':
<br /> , �_ ,� b �P'' �ti. g Y �
<br /> ,.�1�'�"'�� �� to pro�r:i��;�I.ender with any mat�i�.information)in connectican with the loaa evidenced by the Note,including,b�:,not limited ;s�+•i�; �,
<br /> �'r��'•`•'j�% , to. �ssenta6ons concemin Borrotver's occu an of the Fro e as a rinci al reside�.ce.If this Securi Iastr.�:..ieac is on a %'t���a��%, .,
<br />' F� :t, _ • �F-.� S 1� �Y � nY P P n' ;:-t,.,�Y. ,< . ;•;.
<br /> '-'�y���,'�>�'`� leasehold. Eorrower shall comply with a11•the provisioru of the le�se. If Borrower acquires fee title to the r''�aperty, the �'i:;�•i�: � ":�,;, ,
<br /> �!=?P.r.` : _ . . . '1,<+15.:�(�� . i.i.,
<br /> � .,.•� •� teasehold aad the fae titl.,shall not merge untess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. ..I�%��,�J �� ��Y
<br />""��� `� ' 7.Pratecbian of Lertder's Rights in t6e Peoperty.If Bor.vwer fails to perfarm the coveasnts and agreements wntained in ..'%%�'.;:?����
<br /> � a���;� '` this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding that�nay significandy affect Lender's righu in the�roperty(such as a ".>��;�, �:j � _
<br /> ��� proceeding in bankruptcy.pmbate, for condemnation or forse cure or to enforce laws or regulations). then Lender may do and ' '��•�' �-
<br /> ��- • r
<br />��:X�y�;. pay for w h a tever is necessary to pro t e c t t he v a lae o f t h e P r a�t e r ry a n d L e n d e r's r i g h t s i n t h e P r o p e rt y. L e n d e r's a c t i o n s m a y � . �•-
<br /> -,.-__.� . .. .�,.�.�. .,�.
<br /> -=�w� ' � iitclude paying a�ry sums secvred by a lien which has priosity over this Security Instrument, appearing in court. paying � '''.��,. .�,�;'=�
<br />== �-"� rzasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Pn��rty to make re airs.Althou Lender may take action under this ara h •�''�`"'"-� =
<br /> - P � P S�P , h;a....
<br /> �`� � �,!�u'.;:?does not Qave to do so. . . ;f .�'
<br /> �- -- M..�:� amounts disbursed by Lender�nnder this paragr-�� 7 shall become addido:� debt of Borrower se��:d b this �� � ` °�
<br /> - y �', ;',:�;x�.�-�, �':
<br /> .,� Security Instrumena. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the ,-, ,� �,1�yTt_f
<br /> � d a t e o f d i s b u r s e m�t a t t h e N o t e r a t e an d s h a U �a e p a y a b l e. w i t h i n t e r e s t. u p o n n o t i e e f ro m I.e n d e r t o B o r r ow e r re questin g '� {,�,,,.�
<br /> P 9 • . �4,
<br /> =��� a ment. � � . :
<br />.:�.�: � � ..:s;�,.
<br /> �_;�,:.r�� S.Moi�tgage Insurance.If l.ender requited mortgage insurance sis a condition of making the loan secured by this Security .�;;.., �, ..� �
<br /> s .
<br />�`r3�.�. Instrument. Borrowcr shall pay the premiums requireA to maintain the mortga�e ir�suc;n�i in effect. If, for any reason, the ,.;;��,,�r;A:-` .. �. . ,
<br /> _�._�;;rl � ._.�y�,,.: .
<br /> ___�.�� mortgage insurance coverage requued by Y.ender lapses or seases to be in effect.Borro���:shall pay the premiums required to •._••� . ., . -:••
<br />-'�'`' obktin wverage substar►tially equivalent to the r�a�rtgage insuranoe previously in effect,at a oost subc!antially cquivalent tr.r�:e • . �;.�'`;,�rs�`
<br /> ;,;;�=`.F,�1 cost to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insure���proved by Lender. =C •� • '�;%�r�`'`
<br /> '��-'�- substantiaD u�vatent mort a e insurance covera e is nat a,ailable.Borrower shall a to Lendcr each month a�:,r.c�e ual to �•
<br />':�r I Y e9 � S S S ' F Y e a ' �
<br />_;;s,LL•_;,�,:�� one-tr.•.r•.i:fih of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being�r,;.id by Bonower when the insurance ooverage lapsed mr.,eased to ''; . .
<br /> °-��•`� be ir�f:rs;,�der.will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve `�•i'�: ' _ • .
<br />- ��-'�f • � Fom�3028 8/90 � .
<br /> -°-°=-"�Ii .. . .
<br /> .- , ' Vago 3 018 , . '
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