_St r �r�.����c l.:.i� ,-t'' 4 ��.tr2. '��,}.. -'.�.]�¢.,.:�I� �.'� >tP �-`�.� +F�-,�_ � --
<br /> �-. . - . •a4" � .�� "t�r_ S �tS" ��}r�t.�'�:�t r ¢��� — �
<br /> .♦ j1�.i� '-.1 t.�- °'Q4 �_ `(_ ';�i'4'33.-�' ___ _ i�Z' _ � _ _
<br />-%i�'�_--'�';_, 3 i� . _ � • - � ' � � - --� -- -— - - —�- - -- --------- ----
<br /> �'y.�-z��•=.Sp� " . � . � � ----------�--- _ - ----- - -. _.c. ----_ . — -- ---�_--- --
<br /> �_m`n'.T��'f. `K � .. • . ' ` , . —� ` . ' — -
<br /> r� A t �r� � � � � � _ _ - _. `e
<br /> `, �_ . , ' . : �����-���'�� _ - - - ==_-
<br /> °µ °"'�� � 9 ltszandow�iRi�s.thtstOr sRatt keep tT[p ProDortS►In camAllan�s c�ei!a�pII�a4te[..,sxs.oMtrt�tt�2n�t��ta8ast9 -- _
<br /> �-�'"�� ' . relattrt�t�tndusirta/t►yQ[e�e or erni�anta!praiscHon(co!'.acUvety r¢ferred t�hesetn as"En�3rmnrrser+ffi!t.ews'�TYwiar� _ _-
<br /> ;-i - keeAtPteRroperiyfraef�omatlaubatanc�sdeemedMbeB�ar�cusartoziauc:a3srurr#E�v!ios�n+�lL:�^!t�glEec�iv�r�r�dtt� - --- -
<br /> � `' , hacatn as"t�azardous iVtstoriala'�.T►ystgr Aarebyr wanams and represents t�I.end�r tRat ttrare¢re no H�xardaus[�brlaSa ar►or � _ �-_ -----
<br /> ���;�� < undert�eRroyariy.fiutarheraD3�agreeatotnc4amn�fytandhoidharmteasL+andEr.t4adUectara�otftcern.empto]►�an�eQe�a.av� ; _ _
<br /> ���� any aucC�ra ta tendafa intgres�iram and aqains4 any 3nd all ctatrn�,damaqes.tosses a�d.lia�itities aris�nS In canae�ion w� r, � - - _
<br /> �: - the pre50rtCe.t,tsB,dis�tossl Or tr0n9pdrt at any H�EBrdotes EJlatert3t9 os�,under,fram aF 8b0ut th9�petry.n��r-a�EaaiHt� - _ __—__
<br /> 0fl
<br /> �.�k'� "_`, 10.A�elgnm�nt c9 Ran�.,7r�sio'r hereby assi8ns tc Lendar wtss renis.issue9 and pmfits o�tha�ro¢erM oravfded tttat T�r ����x����`.__
<br /> rr�.rau��r� ---
<br /> �,�;,�Y ; shalt.untilUfeaccur4enceatanEeeentot0&tauitheraundei havethe�ghttocAl[�cE8rtdre4�tn$uc�'��er'��,issuo3&r.�pmt'�s�ft�� �. q� ;� _ -
<br />- -•. - ' Decome duaas=d payabto.UDon th�occurrertae o1 as�Ev�t o!Oelaui;Lender may.eiths�In psrson or�y agenL with or witt�a�at '` � ��_� _.-- _-�
<br /> - - _-}• br(n�Ing aay acUon or praceedirt�or tiy a receiver apAoiRted DY a court and wHhout regard to the adequacy ot i!s soe�uitY.enLas �r��_-�,����,_
<br /> �-�,'�`.- - - upofiandtakepassesstonotti�aPro��ty.ofenYParttfl8re�l.initsownnaraeortn6�enart�ealMeTrust$e►artddot�r�faclswtitet�il .� -_`___-__-_._
<br /> x�' • deem�nece3saryardeairaDtetopceservatt►avatue.malkafabDit�orren�bilitya4theProDenY.Qt�YP�lR�eolnr�restU�sre+�+,,:• _ ---_
<br /> '�� . . �� �ncraase the Incoms therefrom or protect tha securtry her8of and wftb ar wfthout tak[ng posaessior�o!tlte Prop3ity.sue tcta or,� , _� -
<br /> . : oUtonvl�e coflect�e rents.issaes an3 profita tAereot[ns.�dt�g tt�ase pastsis9 en�unpaid.and aPRtY the sam�tess cosLa andi ��,.._�--�.---
<br /> ,,,.�,�.� °�� eapertsesolaperattonaadcollecUonincludingattomey5i8as.uponarryin�aLtednasssecuredh8r�eby.eflinsucAordsv�Lend� � ----_
<br /> �. `may determfna YRe entesing upoi►and t�ing possesaion ot t�a Property.the coltection of sach rents.issues ar�praf�and 4tier _- -
<br /> _ ayDttc�tlon tloereof a�etoresatd,sriall not cure ar waive any detault or rtatice of detault hereunder or tnvattdat�a�/act dcr.a tcj, ; -
<br /> _ - 3 respQnsAtosuchdefauitarpursuanttostichnati�eafdefauttand,notwiU�stasldtngttiecCntinuancein�ssESSEonatU[eProp�tyoYr i.,�.=__e—__
<br /> " .. _; . � the co3leciion.rec�iDi and application ot renffi.issues ar Orafits,and Trustee ar:d lsrtder shail De erititted to exercise e'+esY r15t�t :�.�_.�__-.-
<br /> - _ �_- . prov;dedtarinarryofthoL.oanOacumentsorbytawuQor►ouuner�ceatenyEvertafOetauit,iadad'ingwtthou4itmifationthgrt�Mt+a, _ _-_
<br /> ,:J:� ,.� '��,, exer�tse tfle pawes af sala W rthe.Lender's►igAts and remedies under this�aragrapfi shal l be cumutative with,and in no way a: � --
<br /> `��, � timitat'sonon,kender'srtgfiben�rsmadiesunderanyassignmentaffeasesasfd�entsrscac+�edagaEnsithePcoperty.f��Qer.Tnx�r�, � _
<br /> and!na r�ceiver shali be Yiab�e to accaunt oniX thase rer�actualry�r�,d-. '.. -
<br /> �--- --3�- ' 1 i.C-e�m�ag�etascl�The tollnwing shaq constirirte an Event ot QeSaiilY.il�der thts f2esd o}T�ust ��'� _------
<br /> �= :�i:.3 �. .-�- -_
<br /> �. :�' . � (a)FaIfure to pay any tnstaitmeM o!p�nciyai or interes!of any atlidr sum secured hereby wAen due� . --,
<br /> ���. ' ' (b)Abreachofordefauttunderanyprovisioncontalnedinthet�ihis�eedofTnut.arryaf4heLoaniJxuments.ott.-rny� �-----
<br /> . �1.`�'_��—��
<br /> - otherlienorencumbranceuAantheProDe►N: �� �'-:"..•°.:-�:�--
<br /> � (c)Awr(tafexecudonorattachmantor8nysimilarprocesssdalfbeenteredagalr�stTrustorwhfchshalib�carteaiten�n� �, i ,:,�
<br /> tha Property or any poR[on thereot or interest theretn: ° �.
<br /> _- : d�Thare shall be flled by or againat 7rustor or Borroyuer an actien under arty present ar future fede�ab s�te or ottlmt� �j`Yf� �T����-:
<br /> 'i � ,�7�,.��. .
<br /> � i�� stetute,lavi or regutatfon�etating to bankruAt�y%(reso[vency or aMer reUef tor deb2or�or there shali be appofr�ted arry iriii�.. ,�{% - �,
<br /> ��, receIvBro�liquldatorofTrustororBorrowerorofalloranypaAOtthe Pruperty.ortherents,isauesarprofitsthereot orTruatar� � y� �_
<br /> � . or 8�rrower shafl make any generel asslgnment for the benefit o!creditora: •°:r�;.
<br /> (ey The,sale.transter,tease,assignmenL conveyance or furMer encumbrance of aii or any part of or any interest ie�the• ),>,;S:S�•. •
<br /> . '�.`• � Property,eithe►v�tuntarity nr invofuntarity,without the eupress wrlt0en consent af Lender,provfdad that Trustor sh�.�D!he .,Lm�,,��.
<br /> � .. pertnitfled to execute a tc�ast�af the Propertythat Qoes not contain an option to purch3sp and theterm of whtch dn�not ara��t' ;i)'�r;,��_;
<br /> - one year: ., ' ,..,. ,r.�,, .
<br /> - (�AkaadonmeT't of t�e Propercy.or ••`�%�'�,'� .
<br /> f�,. r
<br /> == ' �- (g)ItTnrstorisnota»indivtduaf,theissuance.sate,transter,asssgnment,conveyanceorencumbranceofmorett�ane�.� .. :-�; � _ .
<br /> ,4:'• Y�;�s.
<br /> _ ` � , • :p�,._._percent of(if a corporaUon)its issued end outstanding siock or(it a partnership)a toffiI o} perc�rA ai' �;::;�;�'
<br /> rsht interests du�i� the period this Deed of Trust remalns a lien on the PropeRy. � ' ;: jPf' `=.`{
<br /> .�., p3Rne P �9 , :; �'�'=�. . ;
<br /> . �., 12, RNn�Acc�[sr,Girnl Upon Qefa�L In the event of any Event of Detault Lender may,withaut natice excep.�s requirsd try. :,:., :
<br /> - �nf' � law,deciare ati,indebte�ness secured hereby t�be due artd payabte and the same shatl thereupon become due and paq�bto � ''"
<br /> i � � f t'�' i ; � . : witt�put any prasentmen��nan�,prote�t or noUce of any kind.Thereafter Lendor may. , L �%�f -,
<br /> � �rr:� �y .
<br /> - � ;,.,��..: • (a) Demand tnat 1'n�s exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereafter cause TrusLOS'9 �;�,�
<br /> `` "" ���` ' � . interest in ttie Propercy�?rnl�d sold anC the pr�ceeds W bs disUibuted,aIl in the mar+a8r provided in the Nebr�f�Trust�oct48 ,..� ,_
<br /> ...; ._���r': ': . . A� :� . . . _�
<br /> .-,�rR.;�;:_'����` �. (p) Esera�seanyanoaTldghtsprovidedtorinanyoftriaLaanDacumentsortry[a�+�ponoccu�enceofanyC-i+.�tofDeQl�ulr _ �'l:
<br /> � � . . -
<br /> . �. T~ - (c�CGtnc+�enceanactiontoforectosethfsOeeCofTrustasama►i�e.appolntareceiver.or:,�ciAca�tyer.:ereear►y;alth�. . ,:�,,'� ,
<br /> � _, covbnants hereoi +�t�0 • r ' i-�
<br /> S' Nr;.•uemeQy her0in conferred upan or reserved to Trustee aa Cender is ir.:�^Qed to be ex�fusiue of any other re:-�Sy:C�erein;
<br /> �- • �+_=: Loan Oxuments or by taw pravided or permitted.but eas�n�halt be cumutative,shatl be in eddition to every o�."r°r remedy gtvofl� ..',�' '
<br /> � ~ � hereunQer.in the loan Documents or now or hareafter exlsting at law or�,�a equiry or by statute,and may be exe "ra^.:c,ri conwm�r+tiyr ' �
<br /> � � . ;: independentty or successivety. � ' m r : .,
<br /> ar •.r•-y • _. , :. .
<br /> ,,�„:� ;, 93.7rudee.Tha Trustee may reslgn at any time without cause,rusd�Lender may at any Ume�witho:�t cause appol'r�'a
<br /> ..r�:fi., '"�' ' '� successororsubstltuteTrustee.Trusteeshallnotbeli�bletoenyC���,i►rduCingwitho�:UmiteUonLer.:er,Borrower,Trustorordny: � , .., :`.`, ,�
<br /> .,�-�,-,. . -=_°- T,urehaserottiteProperiy.foranytossordamageuntessdueczreci,das�arvsllfulmisc�n�uc�andshallnotberequir�dtoffiko�ny ,, , .
<br /> ,.:5��; . :-:�Y. ac?ton i�connectlon wJth the entorcement o!this Qeed����cu�t�.�inQemnifled ir wrlting,tor ail costa,ac�r�ensattom�or� ;�tii.:,_,:,�
<br /> _ y .,, expenses which may 6e assaciated tAerewitA.In addiUOn.Truste�rnayGi°come a purrhaser at any sate ot the P►�C.�y(IudiCiat�or• n,� c'..; .
<br /> �...�' under Utd power o1 sale granted hereln);postpone the s9te pf ail cr any poNon of the Property,as provlded by 4a�;or seil CY;9
<br /> -=� - ••� <�� Property as a us[�!e.or in sept�rete parc8fa or lob at Trustea s discraUarn .. .
<br /> r8 �
<br /> '•;`�:.� •� tq, Fass andt E�cpensn,tn the event T►ustee selisthe Property by cr.arcise o1 power o1 sate.Trustee shau be entiUed to eppty; ; . , .
<br /> ,.. �:•:. ,;:...
<br /> _ �=:�..;rt:�: ar�y sate proceeds tlrst to payment at e11 cosb and expenses of exercising power of safe.inctuding atl Trustee's tseo.and Lender'8 �• .
<br /> d .,;��:�},�, '
<br /> .���S r�":i'� FSIVdTN3tb9'sattome�steeaectualryincuaedtoextentp�mi:tiedbyappticabtelaw.IntttaeventBorrowerorTn�cexercisesany: •,.,,•�•,; . ..
<br /> `-•� ����j:`, � right pravtded by 1&w to cure an EveM of 0efault�ertder sRa11 ba entltled to recover iram Trustor all costs and c�cer�ses aCtualty• � ��:?,•�� _ .. .
<br />' ' -��-a Incurred IIs a resuit of Tru9toPs defBUiR including without limiffitlan aii TrustEe e and attorney's tees,to the extent permitted by � .
<br /> - ;."�e ePpilcabte taw. " . � . ,
<br /> '���• 15. �utu»Advan�N.Upon request of Borrov�er,Lender may,at its op8on,mak9 addiUonal and tuwre advancas and rEr � � � . , ,
<br /> .`f. :��'�`.��' ..
<br /> advances tp Ciomnwer.SuCA fldvence9 and�eadvanCe9,with interest tharaon,shall be Secured by thia Oaed ot Trust At no Ume shal�
<br /> '_�`�.���• thapdnclpalamauntoftheindebtedrtesssecuradtrythlsDeedof7rustnotinctudingsumsadvancedtoprotectthoseauriiyofthfa I , ::.,•• . .. ��
<br /> =��-i:�<:��.� Oeed ot Trust exceed tP►a odginal prtrtcipat emount stated herein,o►S --v�hichever Is graate.� },� -
<br /> �'..��,t . `••`�r�, 18. Mf�Nl�inotn Pra�taree. '
<br /> �,��.�
<br /> A•-:=v::.�v e� • � . •
<br /> _.;,,�;<;���t.,i (a) BoROw�t Not R�a�e�.Fxtenston o!the Umo tor payment or modificatlon of amoNzaUon of the suma secured by this
<br /> � ` • OeadolTrustgrantaQDyLendertoam►successorinintorestol6ortawershallnotoaeratetore�easo,Inanymanner,theUabitity
<br /> � ` -.%�'� oltheoriginal6orrowerandB�rrowePesuccossorBtnlntocestLendersfiatlnotberequlredtocommeneeproceedingsagalnst
<br /> � such succe�or or ratusoto extend Umetor payment orothenviso modlfy amortimUOn o1 tho sums secured by thla Deed of Trust .
<br /> '_��,;-�•.�'••, by reason o!a�►demands mado by tt�e cfiginat Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest � _ . .. .
<br /> ._, ....��i.=r.,, .
<br /> - (b)L+e�t�1'�Paw�n.Without aNecting tha 1►abiliry of any other pertion Uable far the payment of any obligaUon herein , ,
<br /> � � mon8onad,andwithoutaNeCUngthettenorchargeolthisDesdofTrustuponanypoRtonoltheProperlyrtotthenorUterototorv ;
<br /> -':'�',�' � � ' releasedassecudrytorthetutlamountofallunpat0ob11gaUona.Lendermay.tromumatotimaandwlthoutnoSlce(i)reteaseany C
<br /> _ •• parson so Unbio.pi)extend tho maCuriryor aftsr eny oi theterms o1 any such obligaUons,pii)grantother indutgencas,(iv)teteas9 •
<br /> I' "�' '� . , ' or reconvoy,ar cause to be r�ieas�d ar reCOnvoyed at sny Ume et LendoPs opUon any parcel,portion ar atl ot the Praporhl. .
<br /> - • n other or addluonai securl far anY ohllaat►tln hereln menUonod,or(vi)maka compo51Uon3 ar othAt � _._ __ _ ._ _
<br /> ---,-- ---�•_' fu)take or rotease a y �Y . .- -.
<br /> .-- � ._ �.�.�mgt�s�tiih d2Dh1►t�tn rnlc�tton tlu�rESic. . . . ' = ? . � C-.-_—,--�.
<br />- • _ 4, '
<br /> _ . ;f�;... ' . . � �: . . . .
<br /> . .
<br /> �
<br /> s . ..
<br /> t . . . . _ -_ ..- -- _
<br />