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<br /> ` �l�l.�ontt�nnatt�'E`�ft��tc�c�cd�o�eay award or sYa3si for d��t3sges.dI�4r.��•`►"�e��.witit��, .
<br /> �cm2�lan�tIbn ar:n�ftcc t�:�;c4�xry�,�r��f iIge�rexstY.e�Wa com�y�aa Pi.su af cnnde�tion.�tiersby as+��r�� ; . ^,
<br /> �3�t,�t��,�1`l�F11��t8 Y:S"lY.�iL`P. T �: � . ` � t�ta irik 5�'!LS 9�91[�t1}a t�97.�u�1EC41F14�!,TtlStiil[�1�4f r
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<br /> Wf�#u�or.nat�thcn d�e.��:rl:t��sna:raice3s pald ta Bo�N�xtc't��t af u�uti3t�Ciag,crf ta��'y�s�.-t��.
<br /> . �a�vaius uf ti�s FcoFcr'r�'u�oa:i�teJ�bsfere�t�g is e�to vz gt�kr ehas►t�amQUnt af ih�,suats seuued by thi3 d :
<br /> - • St��iity'1tiSSNm�IIi' ��9A:iy$e,°•+a�3 thC taYing,9n2GSS$orra�r and t.wd�t othcrwi5c egt�ee ia V�icieg,tfie Stuns sECUrCd by
<br /> � thiA�►tity.[t�stmmer�t ssatl;6�r�'i�td by`die am+n�ri of the prooee�ds muldp�ie8 by tha foldawing fraetion: (a)the Bonl� . .
<br /> ama�im;af t���,zms sc�e�'+.�i�a2�i�1}+be�ote the taYing„�divided by'€b)tbe fa�ttrutoet vaiu�o�the Prapexty.i��ceiY` '� �
<br />.. tx.�s di�e tt�ing. Aay L^a�tuc�:sl�utiihc�paid to BarmRer.7n f3ce�vent r�f a�ansal talnng�tf tha Prapetty in ahich tDe fur ..
<br /> r�sel�vtsii�e of dte Fr�."t�:i�uze�'�std�t.befare t�e mkiag is kss tEiaa the ama�afth�e simns�rod I�odiaJ.riy befdr�e.the �
<br /> t�3iiag..f1IIjGaS HOIIOWCT 3IIt.�p:L�t�C��l$Cl�filSC BgIEC III WIIStIIg Ol i30IC59 B�IIC?.�ZC I3�W At2HdW1.,£j11'O�IL$CS.tiie�rtooeafs sTvll.
<br /> fs�plics�ro the suans s�rr3.+�d�y.ttl�a Securiry Ins�►�,�nt wh�ar or r�t tLe sums ate tHm d¢e. , ` .
<br /> �:,. ff tf�es Pm�erty i�ab��-,�tiy:8uzrawer.az�f.after natige'by Leader�o Barmww:r thzt the co�mnar o�s7ca�a make.an .
<br /> �i�:an�tle a c6a:�a�:�mstgess,�armwer fails to respo�d t�I.e�dcr with�30 day$afira tl�e.da2e the�oe is�gi�m,
<br /> E.es��r:i&�utlwr"rr.ed ta c�iat:ix aad e��y tae pm�tIs,attts option,eiz��er to renarasiaa ni regair Qf the Pzugeriy.ur to tha swi�n
<br />_ ��t+tiy this Secanrity Iut4t�.v:hcd�cr ar�at th�rz due: ' . � � ` .
<br /> . -''�:j�ltss ff.�ader aud�rmwer�e�cvise�a:i�wr�g,a�± �licav.an.aC�to grfaciprii.shull:;ti�dt.e�tacd or --
<br /> -. - �.''�-�ri`�^�,r�daten�'t"��i�.�r.yr,�ts�fem�3rtctssspa��art�32�s+sI7�8etJ��of�rcch 'r-�'a.�is. � , .
<br /> l��t t'�r��r PTan&!G�FiS�,�`}�Not a�Td'�'s'ver.F��of t�e•ti�,'�'�P�yrnent ar u�ffCp1�'-:
<br /> �"�of'the snu��re��j this Seauitf I1i�r�c�ent gianted bq 4,e�+des'�7�..�3+��`�`.��.dT�iormwet�i ' �
<br /> �-itssG.uperi3ti fa•teleasati��iritfillty oS::the original�or�`v�ar Bormwer's su�ces�tik interest.'�er sbafl n�i��fie rrquira�to �_
<br /> le 1����35"�st'���t�oCSSOt�Ii,tIIt�.iI�f115B IO eRtCIId tiID@ YlU{'.�;�CIIL d{'��1�,Fj�IGlt!?3t10A `
<br /> aes
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<br /> ,:�.�}��. �,fil��cz C'�f;�es mr saerc+siag any right oz�t�ha1S not i��viraivG�r qf Qt pt�fu��,(�#�'�� m—-
<br /> �`' � �i':�:t:OL R.'��-' . . � _t. _�3: . � � _ f_ ?t .� . t ��: i' _ !,�- - '- -_-
<br /> <:, _ ,.��.,��,,.����;��a;aoi�����er�r�v�u�y;co�tt�:r����.s,����,��
<br /> 5+ECUxd'p,���in�st shrip:biad and'Uenefit the suca�'�is aad asse�s of Le�der��d Bo1mwe#,.sabJect ob"'t�j�vis�p�tc►��{, - _-
<br /> F�S�RH 1 : Barrower's caveaa;ts and agreemeuGs syall be joiat and several. Aay Bo�wer wt�o oa-slgns this Se�tt�jp�;;;.� ''. -
<br /> �asui�mom•but daes anc exewte tt�Note:(a)is oo-signing this Security Insnume.�t only to mort�e. grant and ooi►vey tIItit -_
<br /> Borru�var's imerest in t�c Ptape�y under the tem�s of ilhis Sewriry Insuua�nt.(b)is not personalIy ubliga4ed ta pay the sums
<br />_ se�titad by this Secari¢y L�suumer.,�:and(ej agiees tfsat l.eadet and any other Bouower m�y agzee to extend.cIIOdify.forDear or '°-`�
<br /> m�O any Esoam�nndaticns witti regazd to tl:e terms of this Security Iast�ment or the Note withaut t�u Sorrower's eonsena. , =
<br /> 13:.I;o�CE�rges.Ff tBe[�nn secured by this Secariry Instrumens is subject to a Iaw�vhics s�ts maximum to�n charges. ---
<br />- and tthst�!aw is frnsil4y u�n:rpretei'ri so that the imerest ar�ther�oan chas�es wlleRed or to be oollected ia eonnection wiW the -
<br />= loan�oxcre�th�permico�!d IImits.the�s:(a)any sach laan eBarge sh�l!be reduced by the s�nunt neaessary to reduce the e�stge T
<br /> to tliu p�rmitted limit;and(6)a:.�r sums aiready cot2erted fmm Bonower��rhish exceeQed permitted limits arill be refumded to �
<br />° Borrmti�es. Lender mm} choase Q�make t4is refund by redacing the principal owed undes the Note or by making 3 dinct �
<br /> paY,+,�d to Horrower. If a ceY.snd red�toes prii�cipal. t�e i�eduction will be trated sss a pardal prepayment withoue any =
<br />_ pre¢�aymea�ctusrge undee the Nou�::
<br />- lA:Nottc�es.Aag notice to�omnwea ptovided fo:ia ttris Se�vrity Instcumeat sh�ll be given by deliverin�it or by mailing
<br /> it tiy�.ftrsi�clffis mai�uni�appt�xable lan+requipes use of annther m:ihod.'T�e rtotice shall be dirert�d to the Progetty Address =-
<br /> or�y�other addr�ss Eono�ve.�designates hy Qodce to Z.eader. Aay notice to Lender shall be given by fi�st ciass m�l to . I ����
<br />= Lend�s's zddr�ss stated herein cic any other nddress[.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any aotice pmvidad for in this - °'"
<br />= Securi lnstr+�ent sitnt�be dee�me0 to have 6aen ven to Borrower or Lender when ven as v'sded in this h. �� � `��---
<br /> • �-.----'_ - _
<br />- ty, 8� � Pi'o P��P F���9_.�___.�-�
<br />_ • I S.G o��g �m t�; �u r e r a b i l i t y. This Securi t y Instrument shall he govemed b y federal taw and tbe law nf the �
<br /> : �rssdictt�nn in which tite Fco �s Lflcated.In the event that m�y provision or ctavse af this Searity Insbmm�rt or the l�oto �.;�--- --= �
<br />._ �� �• T �,-�'
<br />=_ . � :,cocflicts u�ith applscolrie la�v.st�ch canflict sDall aot uffect othe�Frrn'isions of diis Security Iastrumeut os the Note wfuch pn he ti,-��,'s�c-�---:•^:;;.;•
<br /> ;;��iven effe�cl without tlie ca�icting provision.To this end thg pmvisions of this Secvrity Instiument aud the Note are d�ctared � '
<br /> � "� :�:'i�_�.
<br />_ •t4 be sev+�rabte. . • � ,:=�'�'` � .
<br /> �:�..y. �
<br />- . ' �'�" 16,•Dtusv�eec's Cogiy.Barrower shall 6e given one caaformed copy of the Note and of this 5ecuriry[nstrument. �%���^���-��. �
<br /> .,,,,
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