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<br /> � , Together wi�� ths ICo.�e a) end indebtedneaa deeeribed in;�3
<br /> secured by the iu�trueetet afoceaaid. � Do��"+�'�5-- r€�::4s-rei ss3 - � . -
<br />- TO MVH APD �0 HOLD th� sem� unto t�io 9aid L ERAL M RTGAG CORBORATION n....
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<br /> �CD?BD AHD DELIVE3�D tfde ,��„�aq of 2iaRGH . t9 95 . � --:°���,:;T_°M,__—___
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<br />_ The foresoing instsuaent va� acknov2edg�d be�ore me t6fa dap of tfARt:R__ . ' � � . . '
<br /> - 1995 . bp W.i�. FERGtTS�N. PRESI�EliT � . of COL US FS�EAAL SAVIt�GS HAt�fi . . .
<br /> -- Asefgrtar, a Nebr�ra� � Cotporatio� or Asaocietfon. oo behalF of the Gosposatiaa os �
<br /> = Aeaocfe�tion. . .
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<br /> - et COLUl9S1iS, it��HA81.� ., thia ��day of Ms�rr_ , 19 95 . ' . .
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