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<br /> D.1�O�i.�.Tn��s�flz'f k��he Prayerty tn camP![ar►ce�witb a1i app�cabie taxrs.ordlnassc�a e�1�tlt�fss. _
<br /> � fpisYr�$�h�tr�r'`...!h;g�^_t,emtrAnmsst�J qsro2oCtlfln tCOQeEthre$►�ofer:ed to h�rBA�es''Entdr�nfrBr+mi Eaww��Tnmtar a4�i = _ - -
<br /> °���' k�oD�et?resgeRytre�tristne�seublt�n�dex.'kedf��ehassrdDUSOtt�t�ucd�rBnYEitviranrnsn�3tsws(t�'rif�G-i,lro�icII:';�� ' - - -
<br /> --- �Im aa"�4sret�4aue MBterfat!'?.Treast�r KerebY�ranerzts and rayr�senm tc Lertdsr tria3 there ara no tteur�aus Ma�a1a�nr ,
<br /> � u�refwR�aAertY.4hittnrt�mrtia3►+�Faestoirtdemnti�landP�otd��rMesslendsr.itsdIrss:tora►offi�empto3l��+��� - -
<br /> ' y astiy auc�aa�re to L�er+Qe�s rrrteresL tra�ene a���ny ena sll ciaima,dama�t�s ane I1aIDlli9e�erisir�9 Irs canne�re vvt� _
<br /> :�'>"x��� tha prB�anCa.u�.dfaIIOSa1 t�t traAa�Ort a!erry Naaard0as Materiaf�on,r.�tQer.t`nom cr e�u4 ths PraD°rE�l•TFFE FOi���iNQ � � -__------
<br /> -±� SIlliiYNE RgCOliSV�YAh:Y3E OF�ttl$OEm Qf 7WlF�Y. � ��•__---
<br /> f -" t0.AC��t��Tsustai f�°-r�!�fl�to LenQer the renls.�ues ar�profib ot tfie Praperiy:Pravtded�a.tYnrsmr w.� _----
<br /> '��t a3salt.�tntilUleac�urrencsat8t11Evbntcf[tEi�utthereunQ=r.h�vetherfgt+it�cotlect8rtdretatnsuct�ren�Tssves8sidptoh'�laathey � -�- _
<br />_:�;`���,�l b�cams 6�ce and B�Y�Ie.ttRan Ns ecsurrenrs ot en Evem e?C�t�Les�det rtu�y.etth�Qn peiaan or byr a.�ent wittt er wft�ou4 - - - __- -
<br />��'��-':4�� bKnsir�any actlan or pccceedt�s�nr Dy a��eiver aPDairrted Dy r�court and withoue reSard tn tha eQe�ua�gr o!Its�cu3ritf►.entei ----^
<br />`�"=�--�°�� uponertdtakepoassssta�oftf�ePrapertY���YR�tafereo�inlboxmnameorinthenamsottn9'fru�an�doany8�bwhLrd�n __-----v_.._
<br /> -—"m='�'� �eerttsn�esattyardes�bi�topresetvetltsvatue.maske�at(It.yarrortta43t'rt�►olthePropedy.urarrypa�ttlsta+aotm(rt�estlhe�eIn. --
<br /> ��`r`�r� tnr•rea$e the iacamo tAere�m or proier�t3is eecurir,�hereo!and w3tA or without ffiktng possessfon o!ihe Pmgerty.sue tor or --- �_-W�
<br /> atharwise caitec8 tlte rer9ta�issues an0�rofits t3�areo�Ineiuding tAa�past dics and unPa10.arsd aAAM�e sama.t�s casts and
<br /> -= experue3ofaperaflansrldcottectloa�inctudlrt�attomeystees.uPonanYindetrt�dne�ssecured�ere�Y.aflinsud�oiHerasLender �➢=
<br /> ,.:=,-.r,�=_�
<br />---,�,�� enay deLa�mfine.'R�e.�nt�Ing upan ertd faltiny Posse&ston ot tne Rrop�+tyr.tt�e eafieriton oi such rerts�[ssue.�and Orafi�and ffie ��.-..._�_v�_�,.-
<br /> '�-:�;,,«,�,.; ap�llcat[on tffereaf aa a€oresaid.sha11 not cure ar wahre arry defautt or neiice of QefauSt n�reunder or invalldate enY ac!dane in _-�� i�
<br /> :{��� �spansetoaucl�def$u}larpeu6s+an;taeucAnotIceatdetauttan4�►atbctB�slandirtgtheearrtireu3rtceinpass�sioc�clUiePraperhfor °=:__-_ —
<br /> _v.z r�, tRe ooLeWon.cecebt attd a�Dl��tf�n o!rent�.issuss or PtafitA and Y�us�ae and Lender shal!ba e�ed ta exerclEe every ri9h't }�x:_��
<br /> .�"�t�i provid�dfarfiuryofthetanDocumert��byfawuport�xtrrenceofanyEver�tof�etauiti���9witlwui�m�ontnodgMto rr ---
<br /> "°'` = �. exa�ei3e ttse Onwer of safe.FuNier.4ende►"s rigMs ar�d�semedIes un6er tAis P�S�Pri sha!!be eumuiative witf►.and in no way a f:y�'L _ _
<br /> �`�r`F�=� Qmi�io�tOn.Lertde�arfy�htsand�etstediesttt�eranYas�i9rtmentalt8asB9enQreittare!•Artledegatn5ttt�ProPem►•L�Yr�tste� ����_---
<br /> �� �� sc�f trie r�r�talt be tlabte w a��►tY ttwsa�rtts actuaitY rece,'ved. �� _ _
<br /> ` 'r 11.Ewnb d QaL�!'f he toltowin�shail co��ta en Event o1 D�auft rander Nis Qeed oi Tn� .� - ,�
<br /> `"��'� (a�Faiture w paY ar+Y insffiltmeat at prinei�aJ ar imerest of ar+y other sum secured here�y when due� � _.�
<br /> : �', , (b) dlb�eachofor�faac]tunderarrypTavisioncantalnedtntha[Vote.lhisDeedotTnas�t.anl+oithela�n!=ocume�eranY ��,��`,�, .;�_-�.
<br />_:?� ti_ � y`�a- =�-
<br /> O!l�er ti�l ar enCUmbiet:OB uDart tP�PrOAefil: r,'..
<br /> (c)AwritatexecutIonorattachmentorarrysimflarprocessshallbeentereBagatnstTrustoTwhichshaUbecomealtenan ,,,+,_�s.l?�: r�
<br /> ,.. _..__u ..n. 1F::'
<br /> " ths Property or any parttan the�of or interest theretnr � 4:, _�. �
<br /> ��'�,-��:�- id)TBere shall b0 fited by cr ag3tnst i rustm ar Sor�ower an ect�an und�s Fu�y present ar tuture teQera4 state nr ath8r . � --- -- -
<br /> "'� ''� �ffihcte,law or reguIaUan relaHng W Qaniauptcyl.insotvency or otfrer re�ttef tot Qebtor�or there shaB be appointed at�y Wste� "`' : '"
<br /> , `:� receiverorltqufdatoroiTrustororBonawerorafallorarrypaROftheProperty.ortherents.issuesorproffsthereof.orTn�stcr ,;,y;.�;`.:�,
<br /> • or Bflrrawar s h a f l m a i ce arry gen e r a l s s s i g n m e n t t o r t h e b e n e fi t o i�r e s t t n r� •i�''�': _�; �,
<br /> ..:`,�,�, ,-�J„d
<br /> . (e)Tha�sat�tranaier,teass.assiQr►men�com►eya�ee or turther encum6rana3of ail or aery part of or Interest in tne ,.�.,.,. .,
<br /> �►Y • :`•,� .�,�, s
<br /> � ��.} P ro p e rt y.e i t n n r v o i u r�[r i y o r i m ro t u n t a r i l y.w i U w u t t h e e x p r e s s w r i K 9 n c o n s s rt t ot lertder.provided lhat Trusta!sfiaD(ut . .. c�
<br />_�, � ''.:3f..�A p�mit�dtsexecuteeteaseofthePrapedytlsatdoesnotcontainanoptiontopurchaseandthatermoirvhict►Coasttoter.� : •; 2
<br /> one year, . . ��.r: �
<br />_,,z:..:�.:��:• (Q AbandonmentafthsProperty.ar ;;,s�: r-�.f� �
<br /> :_-.'"�`�-'-.�•.�� (� lttnistorisaatanindivtdual.theissuance.satetransfer,assignmantcon��sceoreneumbrar�ceo�cr.arott�anatataf
<br /> :?�r�,� • '
<br />-s'�GCgb.' . I' �'.
<br /> �tT'.;�' �� . /,
<br />:��.=z- ° �ta,—pereento!(it a corporation)its tssued and outstanding stodc or(A a partnership)a total ot percent of ,,�F.y��;� �`
<br /> �"' �' �;'�.� t� p3rbiership iaterests d�Jr1ng tRe period B�Is Oeed of Trust remains a ti�n on the Property. �'..�:
<br /> `''->;`_'.-'s�":,; � 12.Ran�A�onUpon�ludllntf►aevantotany£ventotOetauitler►dermay.witt�outno�rsexcsytasrequlredby
<br /> �; ,��-•.
<br />- -..�'.r�!;�� taw dectare e!1 IndeDtedne`s secured hereby to.bs dua and payabie and the same shail theceupon becamB due artd payabl8 ,�;•� . �-�=-
<br /> , , ... wfthot[t arry Dreserrtmen�QemanQ Dmtest or notice ot any kind TAereafter tsnCe�rtr�,F: •�Jl�?3�, � . -,
<br /> �:�-�` 's (� Oem9nd that 1"rusl�e exercise the POWER Q�SALE granted he�etn.�rrustae sttati lttereafter cause Trusto�s , �z sr,} '��.-� �
<br /> , f;;t,,....� 'i•`r� �}�: _.
<br /> ��1 _,� Interest in Ute Property to bs so i A an d t he P�o c e e d s t a b e d i s fi b u t e d.all in the�r Pravtded In the Nebraska Trust Qseds ,. ' ..
<br /> AcC �
<br /> ..='�' : (b� Ex�clseanyandaiidghbpra�rfdRA[o�inarryoftAeLoanOocumeMsorbytawuponoceumetioeotarryEventolDeisult � - �.. .:
<br /> _- - tf �.'.-�
<br /> --�_-�r��-}a � -, ::. ..
<br />_. (c) CommenceanacL'ontotmectosethisDeedolTrwtasemortgage.ep(sat�mcecehrer.orspeGfiealiyenf�rceanyotthe ..t:�.'����F:`::.•
<br /> : :��,f covenanb hereo� .
<br /> ``�� i�c�remedy hereln eonterred aSson or resenred to Trustee or Lender is intenQed t0 be e�cctusive ot any ather reme4y hereln.in the ';�•�;;4,�� . '�
<br />_.s ..�:;: �� ,, . .
<br /> ; .�t ��` loen ppcutner:fs pr by law pr+�viQetf ar RertniKed.but each sheil be wmutative,shall be in additton to every other remeQy gtven
<br />-_ , '.'�_;,`�,,atw.�: hereunder.intlzalLoanOxaimentsQrnowcrhereafterexis�ngatfaweri�c�uityorbystaMe.andmaybeexereised�ncurrsntty. :. ,. ''
<br />-=;:.?sk�';g �;';�� i►�dependenti�i�Pauccessivery. , .
<br />,:_::,'±��.-i°;:.�r�'°• 18.Tnt�.Ths TNS�ee cnay reslgn at arty tlms without cause.and Lender may at arty tirt�e and without cause appo(nt�
<br />'�_�"=�=�•,:•s.:,� �� �caessorar�WssiituteTnr._�ca.Tcustea8halleolbeliabtetoanyparty.includingwi4rCL�tlimimflonLender,6arrower.Tnistororarry `��L. : •
<br /> ; .�. . , �{z� , .
<br /> � j;, . purchase►attttePropenyr.torar,yto�ord2mageuntessduetorec�QessorwfiitulmisconducLendshalinotbereq�:kedtotalcear►y 7`�:`,.,,
<br /> '�•���•����R�14. actlon in conneCtion wit�the enforc�rrtnat o4 this Oeed of Trust untess indemnifled.in wriUng,for atl casb.o�mpensa�on or �'t,}�-• ' ,
<br />:.`�r^,Ii,��,,,t,�� . . .
<br /> -;;=�.'F.. `��^.;� expenses which may tre assaGated themwiih_tr�addition.Trustes may become e purchaser et any�alcs ei the Rroperty QudiClat or
<br />-:_\:,.,..: •-, �y.
<br /> -:�.�-�;��e".��.. under the pawar of sate grant�herein);postpone the sale of aU or eny portlon ot the Property.a�D��d�bY taw;or sell tne
<br />=__�.�"`,•��':;`�, Property as e whate�or in sepsrate parce9s or tois at Trustee's discretton. .
<br /> :��� .. , 14. Fufand Exp�.tn the evant Tnistee sef(a the Pwperty by exerclse o!poxrat o1 sal�T�ustee sl�att faa mc�tte0 W egDty ,
<br /> . Fu
<br /> ,, ,=_ any sats praq�8ds il�a!�payrtt8nt af ell cOSb and expense9 01 exercising powet of S8lo.inctuding atl TrustEe e tc.�s,rind tenQefe ",a�, �
<br />