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<br /> �-�-���-
<br /> WfTH THE POWEN OF 6ALE.lMtoUowtng,QASCribed praparry looaud in the Courtq af Ral� •Scata af�t�' ��x�±�a-�-`
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<br /> TOtiETHER witA a11 Dm7din�,flxtur�and irt�ruvemente now or hereaftor oreotad ttiotooman0 ail rights�ot•way.easemento,rents:issuos;profits, ' �
<br /> incortee,tenemerts.heraditemortts,ptivitagsa,appurtenaneea,royattles,and minaraf,oit,gas artd vratet rights chereurrto betonging,used or enjoyed � i �
<br /> with seid taryd or any part thenof,aa0 tha hortuestead or ma�ital lntarests,It any,whlch intorosia ara�utoby retoasad and waived,end�1 ot wluch.' �;: ,
<br /> inctuding repiacements artd sdditions thereto ahall 6a daemed to ba and rema3n a part ot tAe property coverad by this Trust Dead;and atl ot the �'
<br /> torogoing together whh saia propeRy are herein referred to ao tha'Property.' . . ��'�" ''
<br /> +.i•._ -
<br /> TO SECURE to La�or the repayment nf indebtednesa evidancad by Bortoevers note dated Z'�rCh 22 y .19 95 ,topatfisr y�.��
<br /> witfi enyr and�1 tenewals,modifloaRloru,arb ezfenaiona thereo!end eubstituUons or excfiangos theroTor,(horain rotarted to a9 the'Nota')in tAo %,��"�:�.:`
<br /> principal sum of J 1{-�n�_�O _ -toget�or v�ifA intarest at tho rato provldad tfierein,with a final maturity.if • '" """:�r��;�°
<br /> ��'��_ . �+ �h,�:' -
<br /> not sooctai pd0,of NlSreh 20 .79 99 -an0 as security for any futura advsnces that may be mado by Lender to Bortower '.�•��'t�
<br /> tram Ume to tlme arid as eaeentry for tAe payment ot any and all other(ndebtedness of the Borrower to the Lender wNch may ariso,ai3 ot satd sums -- :-:.�,�;.T.�T
<br /> not to e:Ceed in tho ag�ragAtcs s sum equa)to three tl�ries the orfginat prirtcipat emour.t of tho ebovo rocited Nota_ ' :-, ! `.:`.- �-
<br /> - ( s�"�i`'� i -
<br /> � . �ic�>;r.L',.....,- =
<br /> BdAROWER covanartts��Bortower is lawlully sei�zt tha Praperty heroby eorno}nsd and hos tho right to grant anA eonvey the Property,that tho � �y,,� � � �
<br /> Proparry is unencumhar�d by any►mortgage,trust dee�;conuaat to purchase,ar otAetwisa,except for a nPPfl nf Truat � � r •�=
<br /> r."�� - '�-�-
<br />= in favor ot Firat American Title Insurance Co, and PHH OS Mortgage Corp. � ��;;;�,' '
<br /> •,: . .
<br />- .• on wNcri tna uapaid baCance on this date does not excae0 S . Bonower covannnta to compty witfi all Me termn • .. :
<br /> and provisions of any Rrvs�mortgage,trust deed or cc�ttact to purchase,upon tfie Praporry end to make all paymoats theroon betore they bacoma . _ . � .
<br />- detinquont. If no na�m ca amaunt is Inserted In this�ragrapfi,then Borrower covenanta that thora aro no prior lioncc cf any kind upon tho Proporty. .
<br />- Bortower further caucrn�ts to wat►ant and do}and ffie t1Uo to the Proyerty against all claims and damands. , � • • • �
<br /> Bortowe'arsd Le�further eovenant and agree as tollowa: � �.�',':?'�`;^,"��, .
<br />_ ,,,. .
<br /> • 1. 6orrorrer eha;!pfo.�tfy Day when due tha pdnnipal and intetoet on tho indobtadnoas ovldanoad by tho Note. ' '. �
<br /> 2. At least ten days BuTo:a they boeome dalinQuant,Bb�rotvor ehall pay all taxos and 6pooinl ossossmonta lovied oy asco�sed agal�st the Property, ' ' '
<br />- or any part ttfereof,and a11 tmce3,favlea and assesamonto levled upon this Trust Doad or tho dobt whioh it eocuros. ,
<br />- 3. Borrovret ch�l keep the ImDrovaments and buitdings,if any,upon the Property insurod,wltfi a cortrpwp or aompanloa approved by tfio Lvndar,fur .
<br /> an amount not fe»then the un�ald batance on the indebtednesa sacured Dy tAia t�uai Ooad wlth a standnrd mortgage clause witb losa pay�to to . _
<br /> � the Londer. Bnrrowar ahaU deliver eaid pa[icy or poHcios to the Lamtar. �
<br />- In tAO ovant o}a toss,Bortowerah�l give prorty�t noUce to the insurance aarderand tho Lender and fito e ptool ot foss. I}the Botrowaris not otherwiso . ,
<br /> in EeTarlltJ thoBaROwer may electto e�spty the insurence proceads W repnir or ropface the damagad Proparty,if economiaally(easiblv,and tha sacurity . , ,
<br /> of this Tiust Deed wa�d not be irt�alrad. If the Horrower is In delault o�ofeota not to ropalr or reptaco tho damagad Property or�apalr ar rop(acomont �
<br />- would nu�oconomtcally tea�iDle or the aacurity otthis Trust Oeod wm�Sd ho impairod thon tho insumnco procoeds ohr�fl bo agptied to the tast maturing • �
<br /> paymems due on the PIote. It tfie insutance pracoeds aro in excess ot tfie total mnount duo on stdd Pipto,tho oxc�ss ehalf be paid to tho Bonovro�. :' � �
<br />- Insuranco praceeda tor repair vr repUcenleat shatl be ptaoed In escrow wiSh the I.er►�ar and disLurseAby Londer duriap o�upon comptotlon of such . ,.
<br /> rcpalt Or rep!acemant. If ths Latdot acqsilres tltie ta r}.r�Ptoperty by exarcising iCr p�wor of sale,toroctosuro or othorwlse,in soUsfoction of tho � .
<br /> � indebtoQness securod heroby.ln v�Rote or in part,thna,xtl rlght,tiUe and Intarest o111:rr�Ionove►in end to such in�tanco policy or poftcios sfiatl pnss . . .
<br /> to tho Lersdor. � • •
<br />= 4. f or tha purposo ot proviQing a fund toi tha paymon3 n!teuees,syccia)assessmants and insuran:�s�rarrilum9,Borrowor shall daposit with Londor, '�'�+ ?� .
<br /> on tAe dates thst payments are duo on the Noto,an��a�nt oqual to the taxe9,ass�.7morKS and inss:•tance promi;:.^.�s next Quo(all as osUmated by �'�;'.' '� • , �,
<br />'; tho lender,toss mnounts tdieaQy Qepoaited tfieretot)wiir.�cd Dy tho numbar o!paymor,;a an tho Note that w;ll boco�r:m dc:���stior to tho dt►to wAon such '
<br /> taxos.aS,essments end insuranco D��um9 v�iU boca:7a due and payabto. Said tu:v.fy wiU bo Rotd by tho Londer in a mndntorast boadng oserov+ �
<br /> necount tor the purpasas sot torth abave. tf tho mnounts of theso deposits aro not sufficiont to pay eaxos,oosossrsmrts and i�surnnce piorr,iums as � . i.;;.
<br /> - tnov eecomo eue,tho Borrov�or shall upon roqutrtL pay Londer tho amaunt noccs�ary to mako up tho doficionoy. • • .
<br /> -:- __ ...--5:Unio§3'a"�t6137i/G►OVlC09�tfim�sQ�rpuyma�vaan'V4unaEnm�dermeivotea�ropmog�:�.s:o�:�:ro�a�.Lafraribeappimd'oYiarn:vr -_
<br /> - first in paymant of umounta paycbtt�to londer by Bortowor undor paragrapA 4 horeof,then w intorost payablo on tho Noio,thon to tho prineipCi ot
<br /> - tho Noto,and ffion to intorwst and p�rineinal on any turtAbr cdvencos or otho�in8abtnBnoss secured horoby. �•
<br /> ,. ' ..
<br />