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,. , - ::-� ,�--� —.�3 <br /> - . '._"r.:3 �.-, oc �`r_ _ "'ti_`�___"_ S.�-�—.—�.---�._"l -. _ --- ---- _. . <br /> -'�,�� _••z� G ' -'^�'-_'-�Y�,�`t 4 � .. l� `. `.�� � :- '`c„' ��V� . " � t � .,'U ` -: f����+,- - ---- <br /> Y�1+c `f'-�.°c'�.��� F`�+c . �t . . . 'E.�v_,y,.,. 'r�.� �e.`�t��a�i�'� .:.� '�.��- � - -- _ -- <br /> R „��v�- �t1cW L�,.s.�-r_.�a�iY�rr�ira�.�—= -- — -- — . � <br /> ���� � , : . . , ���� , ` - - �� <br /> .�.�-�.�.���-�-� ' ,� 9�- �. � _ - - _- _ <br /> ��'���'�` �7.Treu�Yer oY�hhc Pmgerty nr u BeutFftdaf Intetest i�Borrocv�If aU or any part of the Pmperty or any inter�t in it =.. - <br /> � "}"�ti s�: , � _ <br /> ,,.:� is sold or transferred Eor if a ben�cIa!inte�st in Ba�rm�cr is sotd or aansferned rsnd�orrower es aat a natuia}pe�son)wrthaut . � <br /> _�:'��� � I.endet's prior �vritten.consem. Lender ma,y:at its o�tion. reqnire imaadiate pagment 'sn fult of all snms secumd bY this ' �_ :� -_ <br /> ��n <br /> �:�;,�.�,��� Scciuity Instmmen2.Ka��ever.thfs option skall noi be exercised by i.e�er if exerriss is pmhibite�by f�era4 iaw as of tiie dat� �- �- ___- - <br /> 7:+a.��,.ra�� �i�E OF�}It$.�L'CIlrI�}III1S�fUIILCIIt. • i�c �?� — __ <br /> ,�_ � If Ixader exerdses this option,Lender st�afl�ve Borro�aer notice of ac�eteratien.TF�e notice sha'!I provide s p�riod of not t'` � � <br /> _ �^�,�.♦�.�,.� . , tesa th�r 3fl d�ys from the date the aotice is delivered or xnailed tivithin which Borrowee must pay alt suahs sQCUred by titis '�u ti��'°' __ <br /> -Y Sccurity Instmment If Boriow�r faiLs to pay thcse sums prior to the eapirattan of this perial. Len�u may invoke'any remodies ; ��=_� _ <br /> ��{ _;.0 .�`,�, . permitted by this Securiry Instrument witi�out further aatiae•ar demand on Barrouer. . . s -- <br /> ` . � l�. 8orrc+�cer's Ri�t Yo tteins3aie. If�rrow�r meets certain wndidons. Boarower shall have the right to have ,� S ;�� _-'��- <br /> ` F�:� -.� t enforcemeut of this Ss�urity lnstrument discominued at arry Yime prior to the eariier of: (a)S.days(or suc6 othet period 8s � � - <br /> �` •``��� appSicabte law may sgecify for miastatement)before sale af the Prope�zy pu�sunctt to any pu�vzr of sale contained in this 't' s .Y,:.'r _ <br /> �,,,��,ay,.,,._.y. ° -: <br /> .�!°.-��_ Seauitg I�tsitrumenr or(b�entry of a judgmer►[enforcung this Secu;ity Insunment.'fhose conditions are that Horrower:(a)PaYs _ = <br /> ���t; Lender a11 snms whlch then would 6e due uuder this Security Instnimesit agd tfle Note as if no acceteration had acc�ured:(b) ` ___ <br /> , cures any defauli of any other mvenants or agreements:(c)Pays all expettses incurred in enforring this Security [nstiument. ,l _ <br /> �_.,_�_�{.-..;�- � . � . ,. "`'- <br />..,,�.�,-c..:«__„ e; inciudina.but not limited to,masonable attomeys'fees:and(d)akes such acaon as Lender inay�easonahly cec�uire to assute r. <br /> �'�,��� ,.,,..$_• - ' that the lien of tRcs Securis}r Instcument. Leader s ri�hts in the Property and Borrower's obtigation to pay the sams secured by . . ��'V <br /> ��. <br /> �.-"� �� � this Sccurity Irtstru�nent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Barrawer. this Security InStrument and thz ,� r .-, - . -� <br />=:�• :?"�.` '. . ± obligations st�amd hereby shal�mmain fulty eFfective as�f no a�ceteration hud accurred. However.this right to reinstate sha11 _ .._. ' ','.;�_•• `�'.' <br /> t <br /> ''�`�-,�t: �, ' ! notappiy in tlt�case of acceleration under p.�aragraph 1T. � � �'_' . <br /> ' � ` 19.Spte of 1�Iot�C�angP of Loaa 5w�viaer.The Note or a partial interest in the qTote (together���th this Security � ��` �q-`-� '�` <br /> -""�W��'��` r'� ' inswment)may be�sotd one or more dmes withoat prior notice to Borrower. A sal�may resuit in a change in the endty(known R ` ��'.� <br /> -�:��:�'�"�� � , as the°Loan Senricer")thait collec[s monthiy payments due under the Note and this Security Instrurnent.There also may be ane . ; :+, ��`� '��� <br /> - `-��`�+`.;'�•.� ar[r.Qre changes of the Loan Servicer uurelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a ct�ange of the Loan Servicer.8orrowu wi[I be . ��` — <br /> -_>>,_,__, . � • <br /> --�_�;��'�-- <br /> -•�•y�::.�::�::,�= given written noticeof the ch3nge in aecondance with paragraph t4 above and appll�hhle law.T6e naace will state the name and _ . �".�,'',.... ��- <br /> - _���?�_:�,•` address of the new Loan�ervicer and the address to wtuch payments shoutd be made.The natice will also contain any ather . � ��= �� <br /> —�:. . �,;:. . . .. ::y'e- .., . <br /> • :-.;f; information re�ired by.applicable law. : <br />.•Yd• �.�.... �•��. ' TA,Aazardons Sqbstanoes. Borroner si�al! not awse or permit the presence. use,disposal. storage,or release of ariy ' . ` � _; , <br /> `�- bstano <br /> :r% , . Hazardous Substanoes on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the H '' ��,' _ <br /> � ;.r��. � Fmperty thae is in violation of any Envirurunaua!Lavr.The preceding two sentences shall noc apply to tbe presence.�se.or _ _._. �__= <br /> , ` ��� _;,.:� st�rage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that aze geaerally rcrognized to be appropriate to norma! . ,•,�•.A-°_ <br /> �r_.'•,, ;�. ;� r�iQential uses and to maintenance of the W�peRy. '.�� :_ <br /> � Borrower shall promptly pve Leader written notice of any invesdgauon,claim,demand,lawsuit or other ac[ion by any <br /> � � '�'q`�� overnmental or re fato or rivate mvolvin the Pra e and an Hazardoas Substance or Environmental tativ , •x ' • `"� <br /> . .�, g 8� rY��Y P P�'�Y� g P rtY Y .; <br /> ' � ' of wlucfi Borrower has actaai tcnowledge.If Bomower Iprns,or is notiEied by any govemmenta!or mgulatory authority. that , �:° <br /> _`�:,-�;�-'::`��-, airy remnval or other remeiiiation of any Na�ardous Substance affecting U�e P�rty is nwessary.Borrowex sha�I prompity ta6� '���r l :�,'�`" <br /> .l. .. � ::x all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. � i",3.:�_ <br /> .: .. • - As used in[t►is paragtapb�20. `Ha�ardaus Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha�ardoas substances by,' ; , �. <br /> ""`�"%� � F1►vironmental Law and the follatving subsiances: gasoline, kerosene. other t�ammable or toxic petroleum praducts. toxie�: • � <br /> 7":i�,�,'.sJ`Jt„ '•� <br /> �•:;.�t¢•��,,�; � pesticides and herbicides,volat�e salvents,mate►ials cantaining asbestos or fom�aldeh}de,and radioactive materials_As used in . .. t< < �`'' � <br /> LL. __ <br /> �`�;�%c���� �r this patag�aph 2Q. "Environmen�i iaw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is tacated that ' . .•.�:s: � •.. <br /> ,, -:.:' �:• �•' . relate to ot emironmental protection. � � . <br /> ` ' " `' NON-UNFFoIFiw1 COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further caveaant and agree as foltows: ��.''�'�`rl.. <br /> '"�:.r.,..__..r.�... . . • . <br /> . �.,,.•�.�-... ._. � 21.Acce[eration;Remedies.l.ender shstl!give notice to Bosrower pr�or to acceleration(ollo�ving Borrn�ver's 6reac6 ; , " ` _ <br /> �' of any covenant or agreem�tt in this Secmity Instrament (6�t not prior to acceleratioa uuder p�arageaph 17 uniess •, �f� �' •. <br /> �� °;` .. . a lica6le taw vPttes othercvtse?.T6e notice s�all �1 .�� �';. <br /> p p p y� spetify: (a)the defanit;(b)the action nired to cure the d�fauit; ' . .;� � <br /> � � . (c)a date,ao!tess tlwn 30 days from the date t fie ao t ice is g iven to�v h i c b t 6e d e fa W t m u s t 6 e c u r e d;a a d � _` • ; • <br /> 7:. �• ' (�ti�at faiiure to cure the defa n lt on or b e fore t he d a te s p e d f i e d in t he ao t ice ma y r e s u t t i n a c c e t e r a t ton of the sums ' -'�: . _ <br /> --- . secared by ttsis Secarity Instn�meat aad sate ot the Property. The Qottce sball furthec inform Borro�ver of the cigbt to _,. '"�'� R- <br /> .:,.. `.. � .....r.,1:.F;_: <br /> •• � .� � seinstate after acceteratYon aad the�ight to brtng a covrt ad3on to assert the noa-e x i s teace of a default or any othes � r � <br /> h <br /> �'�;,��::m�.�;-:. � def�e of Barrovres to aoce1eratiao and sale. IP the defaa1/is not cured on or 6efore the datP spedSed in the notice, � �. '�`::�,ri.,- <br /> =� ' �:;: �� •'`� � L ea�xr,at i t s op t fon,may r e q a i m i m m e d ia t e p a y m e a t i n f u 0 o f a l l s�u n s s e c umd 6 y thLs Securlt y Instrumen!�vithnut „ <br /> ;f�� j r�f�:' � iurtdcer deuiand and muy invoke t6e power of sate an�any other remedies permitted by applicabie IaN.Lender shali be . � . � <br /> A:Tr�_� , �t s'' eatttled to rof2eci all espenses tacarr�d tn parsving the remedIes provtded in this pslragraPh 21,inctading,6ut not ltmit� . .'= : .� �; <br /> .���,� ` to.reasonabPz mmiiajcsseys'fees and rnsis oY titt�evtdence. ' � • �' .. <br /> ��' QP�t�e p�ltt�'�rB saie is invoked, 7'r�st�x�� cecatd A notice of defanit in eacb county in tivhich any p3rt of the . . , :; <br /> ','z;����` ��. . .- <br /> �, Pro���tu is tacated and s6aU mall cop3es of�natice Fi�the manaer prescribed�y„v.ap�licable la�v to Borrower und to �;: <br /> �' t�2 Qiil�ar perso�s prescri�ed by appt[ca6le tasv.Aftes t�.tiane re�nired by applicabi�:[aw,Trustee shall give publtc notice. , '�,• <br /> � ".��,• oE.�ctlt�Ca the petsons und in the manner prescrlbed ts;�;Y�plicable law.Trustee,withoat deaaand on Borrower.shall seli " ����`� !� � ., <br /> : �����•. <br /> � F� �� � tde fFlraperty at ps�blic auction to the iilghest hidGer at the tim�and place and under the terms d��;nated in the nottce of '�'�'��',y� <br /> -��.�, ,.,,�,:, �- ,:� , saIe im�oge os rttore parcels and in any ord�.'H'ncstee determines.Trastee maY postpone sale v�'sil.�or any parcei of the ,: . , ;':'i;};�t;:� <br /> -_����•�;;: • r.•.' Pcor.:�aty by public anuoantement at the time and p�ace of any prevtoasly scheduted sale. Le�,d�er or its degtgnee may . • . � ' . '''�:�'�-�. <br /> .- _�-.. � pm��,.t,iut�e the Yroperty et any saie. ; . ' '. <br /> '=„f:4� rt� �( � . . . . <br /> 1 . <br /> ,�,..}f':.:::�` . , wm,ao2a srso . , . , <br /> - ��;_ •4'r`" ;;,' . • '� - Pago5ot8 ' _ _ <br /> _ .i�, , , <br /> -_"°vii(.,�'��i . . . , <br /> +.B_,:Y�?•`}��,�`h:,l� '' _ �, . 1 . ' .. ' ' • <br /> �Y�u <br /> —= r�':_�;,.r; � ; . - ' .. � � - . `.. . <br /> . t:r, . . <br /> . 8� • o�ni:�. a .� �a . • ' ' , , ... . . - . 9 ,-. '�:. ��!'�';..�,.w � 30'u..!" . .��. � .. . . ..- • <br /> �� + �� . . . ` . ' . . . . � . „ � ' ' � . _ ' ' .. , , . . . <br /> ..._ �`�- . . . _ _ ' -- � ' - • . . <br /> .7�1 J1�.�. �- . - - . ' . . ' � .. i • ' - . . � . - � ' � ' , _ <br /> "�i�r .+ .y _ , _ . <br /> _ ... . . . . . _ <br /> ..:.�..Ic.L:..t.? , . . . , . . � ' . . . � . <br /> . .. � . . <br /> : ...�. .. . . .. , . . . . ... . . <br /> . a .:,.a . .. , � . . - � . ' .. ���� - ' . .. .. , . . � � . . . ' . .. • . <br /> _- • • _ �i - - _ � - . . . , . . . • . . . .. . . . . . _ _ . <br /> ' -t - . - . • - . . . . . . . . <br /> _\ M �.'/i�� . ' . • � .. . • . .. .. ' -. - f} ' • ' •1 . • . . ' .� . ' � ' � <br /> _ � .. ' ., - • • l. � " . .. . ' . . � .. f ' �. . _ - . � . . <br /> •. . . . . . . . . <br /> - • _ ' • ' .. . . . .. . . ' _ _' _ . ' <br /> 1 • <br /> .L ......._.�..........� ... . _. �_ e .�. ... .�.�........�,". _ " .. . .. . ' ' _ <br /> .-_ _. ..... _ <br /> _.-_ _ _- . .. __ - � - _- _-_ <br /> _- ' - _ _ _ _- - _ ____-_- . <br /> -. __--- .- ___ _- ._-. <br /> -. . . . . __"_-_ _ .�-. . ._'-_ __- ._ - _ _ -_ . . _..--__-. <br /> �• • . ' • .--�_- " ._- ' .' . -� . <br />*��. . . . • ' ,. . 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