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<br />___ , ._._�_.�------------ -------------------
<br /> -- .�L;dl'" — --�.�..1,,. _s_- • � ....l-_ __. _ . . . .:._` ---
<br /> -� , \ ; _ + . •. .. . • . , ` , , , ��y ��tii'� , • � ' � :�,, --
<br />�_---=- . S. �is2�tl ar �o�ty IBSa�raue� BoFto�r�hal� [cec�the impmeements aow eai�ting.nr hrr€after�rcr��vn tkc� , --
<br /> - _- -- = proi�erW{nsuced�ainst toss by fir�,haQards ias4�a!wit9iin�he ter�`exteu�ect,c�verage'aud any othex�+ds�'iasl��ir�3 . ` --- .—
<br /> --_ �a�s ar tlou�fln�,f�s vr�ich[:er�er�uares ii�cr;.ace.T4�is'u�an�e sh��do�inmir.e�1 in the nmolunts atW for the perlods _ . �_
<br /> y�� ' , that I.�tdsr�quims:'f�e.irisur�aee c�rier providia;the�nsuranee shali bE chosete by Baa�zov�er subject tq Lsaster's aQp�o•ral .�. _--.____.-
<br />- — _ �tich s1�11 r.ot be�et�rea'soasbty�itl�held. If Borroti�er�ails to mai�.zin cuvcr.�e d�rn`�°d a�ove. l.ender mny.at l�sader's
<br /> --__= optiott.'obtain covemge to prfltQCt Lender's righis in the Pro�etty in acootdaace�vettr parag�ap�?. . . ..
<br />— =,�_3 A�l insurance pvliri�s�rcnewats sh�sli be ae�tabie to[.a�tder and sitall iIIClade a sta3idard mnrt�age cisuse. Leadat . _____
<br /> _�:-�:�� shail Bave the right to hoW t&e poiieies and;eu�viais.If txnder'tec�uices.Boaiocver sP�all prampiiy give eo L�de�all i�eoeipb of . �=�=__---
<br /> �u; paid Qremiurus and cea�vat trotfees.![n the event of Icsss,Borroc�er�all giv�prampi autIce to the i►�u�toe cerrier und Leeder. �l� _ _ -
<br /> ._.,� I.ender mny�Ye proof of loss if not made prompiiy by Sarrower. . ��r - -
<br /> =� Unless Lender and Surro�r•er ottfenvise aga�in auriting.ia�u�noc Pmceeds sfiatt i4e applied t4 restoratian ar icp�ir of tI� _- �.�,;,� _
<br /> �.�'�`� ' � Pro d � �.�.����_-"'
<br />_,�:�-�-� Penl a��,if 4he restnr3tio�or mpair is eranomica�ly feasible a�Lenster's securi is not Iesseaed if the restaiakon az �.��r-�� --
<br /> '��� ' ,rzFair is not er.oaam�lltv feasi6le ar L�der's s�urity svau[3 6e tesseaed.th�ias�•a��proceeds sha�l be app�e:l to t�he suats y��,� a _ --
<br /> -'"�� sewred[yy.this S�cusity Iasuumeat. wt{etker ar aot then du�aith any eacess paid m Borrotves. if Borrower abaadoas t�e ���-.�- -
<br /> � as;� Peaperty:or d2�es n�t anmer�in 30 clays a notice fram I.endsr that the insuranse cairicr i�ss oSeied to senie a slaim.tb� , --=~° �-� {--
<br />-_�;�,-Syo-� L�eadet mzy or�ilod thc insnrauoe proceeds. Lender may uss the prooeads to regaiT or restor�the Pra�secty or to pay su� �'���--'
<br /> _� � �r�d py this Seauity���+ nt,whether ar not thxn due.'�e 3�y periad will 6egin�vhen We notise is giveti. -� =
<br /> » _�-`� . UNess Lender and Barmaver athern-ise agrez in wridng. aIIy a�plic�uon of praczeds to principal shall noi extend ar ��F,, _�� -_--
<br /> �� ' postpottt the�aar$ai the mnntWY Payments ref�d txi in paragraptu 1 and 2 or change the amunnt of the paymeats. If �r� _...m... -.
<br /> �'�=`"�� undcr pa:agr,�ph 21 the Prn �s r2d b i.ender.Borcower s ri t to an insuraaee poliri�s and Qruceeds�+esutting from ��"'
<br /> _�:� Aert3' asqni Y � Y [�.:�r w � 1_ -=--
<br /> damage to the Praperty prior to dte acquisition sha11 pass to i�uder to titr extent of We surns secured by tIzis Se�urity Ins�ment .r't=;
<br /> �� �.�t';:��'' -
<br /> -�,° immediately prior to tae acquis"sdoa :�;,.�x� '!'
<br /> s_,.��,• Lease�nidg ��s�:• � �
<br /> •.,�_ � 6•O�p.Pre�etvation.Matatenaace and P�ufect�an af ihe 1��eaR�;�on»wer's I.oan Appi�eation; • �,r�
<br /> _ w�-_�•, 6orrower shall oavpy,establish.�d ase the F�ogerty as 8omaner's principaf residence within sixty days after the execudon of k�:;~:�.��,YV;�
<br /> ;-°S`.� ,-- this Sesuciiy ifl.._ctmmnnl 3u@ ShHll oo11iiItUC t0 OC�y th6 Pt��feCrty�15 BotTOwe['S pri1iCIp3L[�eSidCiICe foZ SI Ieast DAe ye�aftEC �``��` , ;."�„�
<br /> 13,� the date of occupanry.untess Lender or2�envise agrees in�vri�g.wlucb consent shall not be unreasonably nithheld.or unless r.���� �,'���1�'
<br /> ;; t`. :4 � extenuating ciraunstances eirist n�hic�h ace 6epotrc�Sarrowec s r.antrol. Borrower sha11 not destroy. daatage or impair the � ,:�'`�a�,� 3'^'��`'.
<br /> cf. + . Praperty. allow the Properiy to deteiimate.or onimrii.t waste on the Pmperty. Borrower sha11 be in defauit if any forfeiture �:�� ���
<br /> '''� � _, ' action nr pmeeediag.whet�er civil or criRUnal,i�,Bc�un that in Lender s good faith judgment coald resu[t in forfeiuue of the °.._ ,�,�K`*�.
<br /> ��.
<br />. � �-� Propeit7ir or oihernise materialty impair the lien created by this Security Insaument or Lendec's secarity irterest:Bnmawer may �' rw`ir�.�-- -
<br /> ;•?:':}•� cure such a def�ilt and neinstate.as provided in paragraph 18,bY causing the action or praoeeding to be dismissed with a ruling ;}..�;,�-:; . ,
<br /> �i,;.� 'r:.::� r�- •t
<br /> .` that. 8n L�ender's good faith determinatioa. preciudes forfeiture of the Bnrrower's ir�ter�st in the Property or other material ,�'r` ..
<br /> 1; ,y�'�t,t:4 ,r
<br /> .• •�.:��,� impaimtent of the lien aeated by this Senuity Instrument or Lender's secusiay inteiest. Borratver shalb afso ba in default if �r�;•;.i''�=:Ra �:,.
<br /> ` �':'=• • BorroRer.during th�taar�.a�plication prooess,gave materialiy faLse or inaccaua¢e infom�ation or state�Ev,I.ender(or failed � � �5:°-
<br /> ph;� to provide I.ender witls:uc��materiai enfarmatioa)in connection csith the loan evidenced by tt�Note.ir,cIririiisg.6ut nat limited �� .�,_•:��.'�� ' ''��'
<br />�`.'.��etP. . �`:
<br /> :>�...•
<br /> ,�?.�,y,�-�� to.rey�msentations canceming Bor�u�ec's occupancy of the Par�p�r as a prinripal residenm.`[f(�as Saccerin Instrumen4 c�an u �.` 'z��;:� �
<br /> e
<br />-.r;•�"� teasehol�. Bnrrower shalLrnmply vnttr all the p�ovisions of ttr� Iease. If Borrower acqu�es #"e� tit[z tca ithe Property.ttie =:-:� _ ,f
<br /> - �,°;: ���. lmsel�otd and the fee tide shaU not merge unless L�r�ag�ees to the merger in writing. �
<br /> r..-s• 7.Prpteciion a8 I.QnQei's ts in the Pt����}.�.�.�J�vr.If Bonower fails to orm the cavenanu and a��{�V�a��ents cantained in � . . TF�,/ �
<br /> ' .f'.: `•; � !!s-'�"r � . � ' '
<br /> • �•-f. 4� f.AG-
<br /> :..:.�;�s; • this St�airy Insuurasm.or there is a legal proce�ctiir�b that may significandy affecc Lender s rights in the Property (sucii as a ': ;.•,, ..
<br /> t
<br /> ��.:r�;,,�� �n 6 robate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may d�aud '"'� � =_-
<br /> . *� P�� �P�Y•P ., "`•�
<br /> ,� >;I. . ,�
<br /> ' pay for whatever is aecessary to protect the valae of the Property and Lender s rights in the Property. [.ender's actions may• •�;.. �=�
<br />_h'.__.' ' . ' 'r,...r�,.I �
<br /> a�.�;-�� include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Scxuriry Insuument, appearing in court, paying „ , :. �_,'.-
<br />-•�.-;;•.':�, reasor►able attomeys'f�s and entering on the Property to make repairs.Atthough ixr.der may take action under this pamgraph .;;;_ �• � ����
<br /> .:�;;'�;,;� ?.Lender does not 6ave ro do so. �' �� •?p'�'.,y:: ;
<br /> My amounts disbursvd by l.ender under this pa�agraph 7 shall become additional debt of Barrower secured by this � ���r
<br />�,«�w Secvriry�"ascrument. lJnless Borrower and Lender agree to oth�•tc�ms of payraen�these amounts shall bear incerest fiom the � ..' , ,.
<br /> ��•• ; date 4�;ilistinrsement at the Note tate and shalf �+e payable. cvifi�i interest, upon notice from Lender to �rrower requesting , �� •
<br /> �..� �`;�'r,.".,P&YltiCa�i:;. . ' ' :' . ,� '
<br /> .::ti ' 1T,.ARortgage Iasmanee.If Lender required sr�rctgage insur-.�{:��s a condition of ma&ing the loan sedised 6y this Security {
<br />��A;,,,',;;,,; . � lnstrt�t�esit. Barrower shal{�ay the premiwns required to mai�tal�rti��mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason, the ' �
<br /> ,� �'.s�� mortga�•insurance coverage rcquired by Lender lapses or�..�,t�i,'be in effert.Borrower shalt pay the premiums req:ured to '' • • •
<br /> : '��''�- obtain cavelage substanually equivalent to the mortg�ge insurac�previously Fn effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the •
<br />'''�'��'�•- wst to Borrower af tbe�rnortgage insurance previously in effect, from un alturnatc mortguge insuret approved by l.ender. If • , � .
<br /> ��'-��`�`'v substantially eqvivalerx cnortgage insurance coverage is not available, Bortagec shall pay to l.,ender each month a sum equa! to � � � � '
<br /> -,�.1.ii.�` : ' • - '_ •
<br />_:�i� � one-twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium 6eing paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or cqsed to . • _
<br />.':;:1';;� 6e in effed.1.enQer will accept:use aad retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuranoe. Loss resenre • .
<br />�=��?,�?� Farm 3020 9l90 " ' ,
<br /> -���z�i ve�a of e _ ,
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