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<br /> ... -.� � . '• . : �_� S s. ... � Y lq .� r;� t � t� ���,J.k���r .��---- --_ —
<br /> St����E��. �r�:�:���S:f4 Y �"":c �a'."`"� ���+ ___ — __ , . - o — — .
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<br /> — ,:�. . < 6at�na�r o1r ha�a�t qFB���.AII rep',�ro�'sn�s3Gl�ms s3�aU aF:��sovar�by ti�s S�nfty.Ias�� — --_ --
<br /> — ^�, g /�QF�}'i��i4&�4I��t@�'1��TA$ti'11RlEBT$$�°pC!)QQI�.e 6 - �
<br /> 4�`�` $Q��ll`1$R��/�1]��j��C3 33�F7�1►SE�SQfl OF 6�Pr.PSfBZC�G$'J COLYEYCB 8Il�b33 t$8 I�$�EL m$I�1� .. , � .,�gy�x .- -
<br /> �-��-�e�:24� . T tiiAr�.'�°�i =
<br /> canv�y_tt�Prasaaty snd c6ffi�Fcc�peny is u�cr�d,�ae�c eus�c�nluance3 af reoar0.B�re�waasnts aud qn'll t �- � _
<br /> �c.-__`c"`�'�'� ��`� defea�gtatsalIy th�tiEt�w t�e FcolxstY�a�c3aims er�d desoandR 6mbjeet t�eaq�Cf�d. . � ���`�n ���--
<br /> et �f �-�� --
<br /> - '-�;�-� -� � T�IIS SECiTRPBY 1N�7RiJN�NP�am�s.s m.�fosm oo*rr,aaaL9 f�na�nal ttse�d n o n-u n�tsm taaveA3nts w i t I i I i m i t e�� r�. �.��-��� _
<br /> ���f `t: - vsd�s bY�mitdf�nn to caasdtute a�ifaam s�tyi�tcovcrm8 real DmpFaty � , : � � _
<br /> �: 4 ` c�.,,' tJNII�dRM00YEN�1I+�i5.Boau�taaadLc�u+peaovve�ant�dagtc�as fo�aw� -
<br /> _ ��� .°1'�� , , L�mt olPtmdga!an�Intsrs�Prepsymmt e�nd Y.ale Ctaargas.' Hoaow�a shaIl gma�tty gaY when du.x the � .. , '..,�
<br /> pg •
<br /> ___ � ����:, - p�plof sa�inY�st an tl�e deht evideuced tsy t�ie Note aad aay gc�gaymeai�td Iate ct�g�s,du��tiieNos� . -- �
<br /> �a�'����.�''�, �Fm�Q4 for Tau��nd Lasur�ac� Snb�t to spp�b2e tatqi or�o S�waivea by Iender.Bmrawa shal�gay►u► • � ,� r -
<br /> ��?��,- - _.,�. , �.�.
<br />`=�t 4 �� <,. I��r on d�daY mom�IY 'b are dr.��m�ea t�'N�te,m�a7 the PIote ts gai�l in fa�,,��i"F+mds"}far.{82 Y�Y�ffi ,� x f' .
<br />..��Y�� �' ..�� . �d�wl�cD raaY�#�1 or.r��ss S�t�aq a�ien an.t1�':����T�bf Ie�ehoJQ gay� ' , �
<br />�� �€ ., az.�r?�zentsenthel'�C•_•j;��arYr(sfr3'�'�ar.�Ps�1�su�ss��tt�'��--`"s���� .v €
<br /> �S����ii t..'�:��I� ��]f r��3�:f,`1�y��`i i� ..'�.,', 7ua°�����l���3 Yol".."'���7P�t!7��1�IIl�OL Wi121�P. .' �'i., .. �_
<br />��._�'�.� . �uv�af ga¢��-�'►�i��i�the gaym�t of maxt�e msivance�.��s�sre c�ed �ssaaw Items.° " � -
<br /> �e.r��'�s�Y[!z '` ' �''�`��r = s.`
<br />_� �.,•.�'�•�v.� r.��y.ai aay t�colle�x sn�i Iio1d Fimds'ta�ama�tno4tn eat�eett the ma�m auwm�a�eadea far a fedeaaIIy rel�fed .
<br /> ,..::;�r�-i: r- ' �BO��Y�P� 4 .
<br /> for BaAawer's essanw accamit tmder dts fedaat Real Es�ate S *�eat Fmcedmxs Act.of 19?4 as � ,��,_„�_..�
<br /> ' .`�,,<., �.° � ameg3rd from ti�e w time.l2 US.C.Set�n 2bQl u stq..("RFSPE!"),unt�.ss amother L�w tbat applies tn the FaaQs sets a iesser .- �; ` : ,�"�`�.�'x
<br /> '?`�k<c.�-�r,.. < , ,n� �Y�-,"-
<br /> , . a���..� ama�mT.Yf so.rra��►,ei aa�►t�G�o]lcct eaa tmtd Funds In�+emamn not to ea,�ed me tessa amoamL t�eaaes may , .
<br /> �.�'��•;�`�. estia}au the a�onnt of F�mdv due an t�o basJs of amait data aud re�onabSe es�matrs of a�pcnddnues o4 fuouo Esc?ow Itcros ar ` ,',.' .��: •_
<br /> m
<br /> � .--� � �.' o�mwLSe�n eccad�ce with�pJicable Iaw. .
<br /> �� ��'���:<-n , . ...
<br />- ��`-`-� - - - �-- 'tt�Fimda s�il bc flctd in��asdutt�n�w�oso d,,pos�ts�a insureA 6y a fcd�al t�acy,Ir��tune,�ettty.�r cndry�(inoiuding �:,.- �±E- ., �j�.�
<br /> `•���� Le�cr.i[I.s�a La sQCh a�insddtt�I or ia any Fedetal [irnne Loan B�Tc.Lendet sbatl aapiy Iho Fvnds to�r the Es�row __.. _--�..`=`s--11.
<br /> .� ,; : '�t'`��� Itcros.Lcitdcr may rtot ct�r�gt Horroaor far Qol9ing and ap�Iytt�g tke Fun6s.amsuatiy srcalyzi�tg the escrow nccouns.or varitying . . 'T;°�,;;,-
<br /> . � �� �°�•: ' t3to L�Saow Iu�a+.ualeu I�eader pays 8ottowet intcress on tho�unds ec4 oppllsabla(aw permtis Lendar to maka such e ct�arge. . � � .,
<br />- �, F?� Howevt�.l�Qcr may require Baraoacr W pay a onattme ch3rge foi aa indepaident rea!estate�c repordng savtce used by '" 4'��,:1�
<br />_- -_- .:__;�:;;::�- l�cud�in aouaution wid�t�s!��unI�s appIIcs�ble taw pro�riQes�ttt�wisa.Ualess aa agr�eat L�m�e az gplicable!aw . , _' :'`
<br /> •, ' �•Y rtquires intrrest tn be paid.Leatder ehal!nat be r�eqaIre�to pay Bcm�wca aay it�t�est or ea�n�ngs on the Ftmds.Borrowea and � :" -
<br />_ . •� �:� Len�r maY egr�e ia wridng.however.tbat iate[est sbaU be paid an the Funds.Le,ndea shaU give tn Bmaower,arithmit cLazge.an ��t r
<br /> • . �� �nual axoundng of the Fimds.s6owtng credits mi�debits ta the Fands aad the purpose far which each debit to tl�e Fuads was ;� �_
<br />- . . ,��.�: �� mada Tht Fuads are pledged as additional�faraIl sauns sec�ued by this Secariry L�strama►L �:�;�, . �
<br /> . . � . If the FimQs held by I�der exceed the amo�rs p�mitted to be hetd by applicab2e taw.Leadea shaall acoonnt to Hoaowea for � �;;..r ,
<br /> . ,". " the w�c,ess Faads in aocordance with the reqa�.eaus of appUcabl�taw If the amo�mt of the F�mds held by Leader at any time is . , �;� ,�,,. 1
<br /> . . aot safficieat w pay the Fscrow Items wh�due.Lerdet may so notify Borrowea in writmg,and.m sac6 case Baarower shall pay . �
<br /> " . • . to I�ndu the amoimt necessa�y►to make ap the defr�cy: Boaower sLall maYe ap the deficiency m no mare tham taelve .<<. s:��,��
<br /> : . .�i F.
<br /> .� � . ,m�n�hty payme,uts,stirude�'s sole disc�edon. . �`�:>`; ':�.��
<br /> ' � - ,. Ugon paymeaT Ea fiili of all siuns seaued by tiris 5ecaority Instrnmea�t,Lr.ndea sball Pm�P�Y�nd to Boaowes any F�mds .:i,,, �;�°` .�
<br /> ' I.s _ Ix�dd hy Le�d�r.Yf,�paragrapL 21,Le�dea sball acquIIe ar seI!the pi�ag�ty.L,ender,Prior w the acqnisition ar sale of the . .�',.,.i . . t!
<br />�="- J �F�Y.�BPPIy�Y Fmids�by Lendea at the mne af acqui��cgr sate as a credii agamst the sums secured by this `�;'<:.f���'• - . :.� .
<br /> _� _ �_.
<br /> �IS�IAS[[IlIIlCIlL ��4i„5i:i•r�±,�•. �-�:�;_
<br /> •. . .'� S• . , - _ . . _ ;7•...::� �� .
<br /> ` _ �:.,:,a,; /
<br />'�: ;, :,. , ,� 3.A licatbn of P� ments. Unl�ss agphcab1e law pmvi�s at��.�all payme�-s:zceaved by Lea�dea nuder paragraphs I.%�f<<!t��•;:;�; .� � � .
<br /> J an�l2Dsha11 be s�7�ed:fust. e 2% �`,� . :�;• �� �
<br /> �`��.:� ` .. ' �: m anY D�P��t charges due�dea the 1�'�;e..;sECOnd.tu amounts g���e aadea parag�spb �: . .,,;;�
<br />_�=�`'.'.,�-•;•��":• t o i n t a e s e d��-f i.�n t h w d ow a�i a s t,t o a n y 1 a t,e c h a r g e s d u e i s m�c r t h e N o t e. • a k '. � � .•;;''�
<br />�:�Pl�r�i,w�.;rs� t111It}. -o . D�� • . E�`-;;�'� �i�'"�•�i:
<br /> !_�. Yr
<br /> .-,r'r:'r�° ° 4.Cbaf$r8i Li�. Bo��s sti211 p;►y ell taxes.a�ssma►ts.c1�ao�B�s.fines and impositions at�ufab2e tD th8 YlropCriy °, . . • i"
<br /> � 4„.
<br /> �s � 1:
<br /> ��' w1�rfi may ei�in prtarity ovrr C:s Secaairy Instrameat,and tease6uld paymeats or gmvnd rents.if any.Bavmwea shall pay these �E ;s,;:,�,�: .
<br />-����`�y , in th�c.anua provi�e@�n p�rapb Z.or if not ysi�In that maanQa.Borrowed shaD pay them on time d'aectly eo the � ;';;�:'.. . .
<br /> ab�tions r '�:�"',-.
<br /> .. '. praso�awed pa�zm�t. Bo�ower shaU Pi'o�P�Y famisb to Lendea aU noHces of amo�Ls to be paid nndca this pa�agrayh.If . �` �. •'��r,;: ���
<br />�' °' ' Ba�raw►�malces�payments d'uecd}r,BormRer sba11 pmmptly fumisb to Len�er receipis evlde�cing the paymenta. � ,. ` .
<br /> _ � � . .�,; �: ..
<br /> ,� � - . '.:3 Burmwer shaU pmmp�dy C;:�+�arge any lien whtch has prlority over thv Security Instiameui uules�Bauowea:(sj ag�rees in :I';, .
<br />_�;�F'- . � writ�g to the paymeat of the c1F�'�atlan seWred by the lien in a mann�acaeptxble to l�ender;(b)wntests in good faitb We lien ; ';��"?;. . .
<br /> � :,. �• by. a:r dr,fe�ds against e,nfar�nt of.the E;.,� in,legal proce�mgs which m the LeadPa's opin�on ope�ate to prevent the ' ,:"`;�' �
<br /> ds � r�
<br />-'��, � eafa�t of t�t:e�;ar(c�saaues froa�ite i�aIder of the lien an ag�ee,me,nt satisfactmy w Lender subard�adng the liea to ..�,�„���:• .
<br /> :.,, .
<br />�_�'_�;.�; ,..- .. .. . :�' this goauityr I�sa,�st If Ir-�.�s determines�any part of tho pmpraty is snbject w a tica ahich may aualn yriariry ov�this �';`�. _ . �
<br /> - � , � _;�'. Sea�i,y Instrameat,l.ender m:n9 8ive Bormevea a nodce identifytng the liea.Borrawes sLall sa6sfy the lien or 1aYe oue os maze `. �, : • .
<br /> . � of 8�.e ac�ions sei fmth above ariQdn 10 days of the glvIng of notica '`'>:ti r•`'�F�.. .
<br /> ��.. ,�.. : ��;:
<br /> Form 8028 91D0 •
<br /> �-�61(NE�(92t2) Paa�Qot e tnitfat•:
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