_ _� .�....J. . _' _ _ _—`—� _ 4 —�^—_�•j. . _ _�. -. . A'"_✓ . _' ` .! ��)L 1
<br /> • ` �� `^`.�' .�F. ,t�' - ` . - . ' ,. � . _. �` :. �-l � ` � J- - � —.
<br /> � . ,,4 , :..' ' . �r. . � ' «-- . —-- � .r=� `�-' ;.Y�1 '':t'.�_. y+"�'�S V q r`+cc' _
<br /> -_ . - e`� . . , . , c+S.^ Y. _ . . . � ��e'ii_� =—_
<br /> ;:t; � : • � • , ���j ���� � . ���-
<br /> " 4 f _ � r7 ��. . a-��g� E� ,,� '_�
<br /> 'F �4 e . � . .�.n.'f�F£-:
<br /> ¢' ..h' ` . . . • . . . � ' ,`.-a' -'-_'--
<br /> - ' �`.-c � �-` �a�redt�if�L�n�cialintert�s2ia8uaraareaissnlda��e�tedsad�9nav�a'ismts��eas�)witl��'s�Yara�i� . 4�`� -
<br /> - `° ' c�nt.LenQeamay,atitsaptian.ie4�eimm�iaieFaYm+zntinfa3IafaD�s�6ydtisDeedofTimsL Roweve�tIlisopil�asbaII ` ' •- 4 .
<br /> �•� � . .. `.
<br /> . � doi b�exe�ised 6y LeadPa i�exe�cisa is p�nbi'bited by fed�al law as of tas d�te of this Deed af'IY�st • � . ' �: .
<br /> _ . , , . � tfLea�de¢exerasesthisoptian.�desshaUgiveB�a�we��ti�eof�ceterauan.'Iffinot�est�aIIFmvidcapeaodoftmtless • `�,�,_
<br /> . � ,,. . sban 30 daysfro�tbe dar�theaatice isdeliv�ed ormailed afithin wLich Ba�ver mastpr3y a1i�ms s�uedby this Deed a�'i1us3.Yf . '
<br /> Pr _
<br /> �,
<br /> � ` Baa�s�+erfa�s[ogaytheses�g8m'tndteex�aasi�ofti�isperia�,I.�d�maymvdcesayc�medi�pe�itte�isyt�isBeedaY'tY�t f: , . n.••
<br /> rer am
<br /> • �-�''�""=_. � witRcm£m�theam�se�d�an�anBosowa. ' ' _�
<br /> __� �. • £m thea �__;., _:.__' �_� :
<br /> ', �r N�Urm�nae��:ovgt�urns. Bmr�awer and IRUder fimher o�v�n3 an��ge�ac foIIav�
<br /> - `t', I7. Accetesaiiun's�emedie�.EaoeP!as pmvide8 tn pass�rsp&16�ereaf,a�a�Bo�eu��s br�ch af aay oaivtnant� ;�
<br /> � ` v �. _ , agretmm4 at B�u ia tNs Deed af'ims�iaelading Bareo�'s faILmre tn pay,by the�d d 10 c�eadardays aR�t�y� , ..
<br />= dnq�a�sum.ssce�MbyffiisDea.laf'PrusE,Leaderprfortoaceedera�an�aIIgivea�cetoBaare►W��a3pro�Sdtdinpara�5 , .. ' . '�
<br /> , ..<'`=� ���;
<br /> - ... • �RersofspecEtyin�il)thebreamh:(Z)t6eacKonreqnaedWaores¢chbzeac6;(�adatGr�atiesstsars?Adays6+a�tY�rdatsth+e ' . , . , .',�
<br /> , a�tiee�msikd to BuiraW�,6yw�it6 snshhreac6 m�t Fa�caae3;�(�t�atiaIIm�etocases�breasb on�bdaae thed� ... � `_'
<br /> ' • ;,`. ' .
<br /> ' . � sp�ed m the t�et mfry re�vtt in'ssoete�radiun of fhe sams�A by th�s D'e�e�af Trrat Andsak of t6e Property.The ntitk� • . � .
<br />� . ;�'.. ,�
<br /> _ '_.� , s�aD thr��[nimr�Bueaawer o!t�e sight to reiastate afGxr�ecet�n a�the aight to b�iag��t actiu�to�ert tbe '. � ��::
<br /> mr
<br /> - . , �stenoeofadda�4ar�c�dfie�oseotBorm�wrxtoaecel�afianandsa3�Vthetrrea�'s�ot�anorbd�rethed�te £, � t �
<br /> . : �•`'s:��': spa3liedint��a.'sL�d�'tat.�d�r'sopttoa,maydec7aa+eaAofthesumsseeuret�bytb3�t3[edotTtostMbti,n,+v.s:��.t�� . :. . -
<br /> �,,- . . . • andpasa62e�thaatfimrtfl+trd�loadmapinsokethepoW+��'s�eand�yothurea�dt�}�rmitt�dbyaDP43c�klaw L�des. � _ . . .` _
<br /> ' ' sbaD be�titteb W�s�D reasamsble eosts and a�penses ft�m red ia pmsnIng&e ranedie.s pmvi�ed ia t�is para�ragb t7, :�: .4,� ::.. ' ..�`
<br /> - ' --�-:, ',- inst�din�,butnotlimSteaiW.reasanableattarne}s'fe�. . ` ".�-N--.-�_`--��:.�
<br />- -� ��- ..��,�. :°-. .Itthepo�varolssleisiava�ed.�esbaRseasdmm�tceotdefanitdneacdcuaatyfinwhi�t�elr'Iropa�trqirao�e�rt _� --"'W'.'
<br /> aR
<br /> ',' ' ' � thcxtotis�acated and sball ma�oopks aisacb notice in tt�r�er preser�ed 67 gPPHcable law tm f�qec'acra�'mattt�tlu at�r ;:.:;.u,•� .:•.
<br /> /.�r. � . „.��,;.
<br /> • . . - rescrfiedbyaPDl�ptbleLarw.Afterthelapseofsactifir�asmay6erequ�rcdbY�,sp�bfe(�R4'bYastce��ivepubffc � �:,�•,..��"�,'=.r
<br /> : P�D `�a:�
<br /> • `. • � n�ticedsaietothepersa►tts�adi�themaaaerpsescdbedbyappliwblelas�'�'rustee,witha�dt��, ry�� � •�,,'��r•� ` "�=�
<br /> a �.. �'.�>-.
<br /> _:� . . ... ... ..... - Yropt�at pnptIe�toffie[�estDidderatt�etimeaml ptace actd,��,.��S�e t�s dt����,�f� . ., 4- --�.-
<br /> _ .��,: ., ', �. � oa more parcets and in sacb arder av'I`rrss�tee may determin�Trostee ma�.�stpont szt:�i�D or.1�iPD�Otet�'i�Aty by , '. �4�;,:,;:,�{;.� �`"� ��
<br /> .. y�.. ,� F.'
<br /> . : pnb�annannctffient at the tiffiP�phce o!anY Previausl}►sc�ednted sale. L�d�r�i�d�rQ destgRee may'prirct�se the :.::;� :.
<br /> — c.�„�,i .f
<br /> . . P�'iit�,y S81G � , . f�.
<br /> r• .3
<br /> - • � • UP�reaeiPi otpaymeat of tbe price DfQ,'ilrastee�I detiver tm�e pmd�ser 7lrastes's d�c�nveyF�tit�e Praputy ':;.4�� '.;�
<br /> - � � . saia.The�intt�e7lrastee'sdeeds�Dbe�rabmafadeevideaceatthe�oltheseatementsmadt1�.Ts�-�sLaIIaDWf • c:<:
<br /> m :•' ' ,
<br />� . �• , ... tBe g�ea2cds at the sWe in the foIIowing order. (a)to all re�nabie ousPs and ot the sa:�in�ag,Dc�acat�imfte�tQ, . . �-�,�,;,;:�; pa .
<br /> � ,�;s3�,,, . .o.
<br /> . �� ... Tr�rt�f�eaactustUp�ucarredolnotmoretLan 5Ga?t![sgr�saleprktire�saaaDleattosneys'fassnu€rl�aitItte . �;���.,;���=.;-. ='�.
<br /> �� : , evldte�e;N)toa�a�rms sewral by Qbfs Deed dTras�and(�ttu=eaeess,if any,to tDe pason or pessms ieg,aDy�tii�ilt�+reOo..; . : .'�`'=",��
<br /> . • . IS.Boaoe�er's Rtgbt W BelasfatG Noiwithctanding Lende�s�ei�taLian of the s�uns sec��d Ay dtis DOed of`�'`i�nst dae to .:� • '�. ..
<br /> ` . .. Boaowet's Dceach,Emm�werst►aD davetLeright w 6aveanY P�S$��Y I.eadertnenforce ttds Deedoflfastdisranriauedat � • � � �;
<br /> .e
<br /> ��'� , . . a�r�epnartntheearliert000airof(�thefifthdaybeforethesaleofthePm�C}►pmsQaattothegowerofsalecanfainedintbisDeed • ".� �"
<br /> _ � � `���r � ���� .
<br /> •�;ti';:" � .- .
<br /> �. ofTiascQ(�'�emryofajadg�nentenfarcu�gthisDoedofTrast.if(a)Barroa�erpaysLeadc,r�L�whicbwon2dbeWeadae�dtsflus ;:,,���;`F,1: .�
<br /> .�. ^ � � DadofTmstandtheNotchadnoacoeleratioaocc�rred;(b)Bmrnweaauc.sa11bYeachesof��ert�avvenantsosa�eemratsofBacawer ..;'+;f;;i�^=�-•�
<br /> � . ca�aodinthisDeedofTtasC{c)Eoaaw�paysallreasoffibIseapa�sesincarredbyLenderand'IYasteei�e�'as+cmgtbeoove�atsaad . ,:>,;;�:'
<br /> . � � . �..-°� � a�eats of BaQUwea con�ained"m tlds Detd a£T'r�zsr,a�d in enfo�iag L�dets and TYastee's�enaadi�s t��oti►ideA In pe�a�aph I? .` ��i:;�
<br /> .. � ��,. hea�o�iaset¢dta8�birt aot limited to.t+easonable a�rneys'fees;.uGii t�Baasower tatoza sucD ecxion as l.ender may•��19?^ly ru�e Lp . . � ;.'
<br /> assumt&�uthellen oftbis Deedof Tiast.I.ender's interestin the�Sperty�OBo:mwe�s ohTi�ion ro pay thss�uns secmr�,L4y ddsDeed .
<br />_ ' .;v��, ofTtustshaUc�nWmeunimpaired.UWnsuchpaymeatandc�ebyBmmwer.t3�.,sDeedofTmstaadtheobtigadanssoc�uedha�sbyshall '�;a;,:i�.'
<br />_ .. • � . temam in fuD fasre and eSfect as if no accet�i�3d occ�meB. � ' . � � � �
<br /> -- � ,` ' . � 19.ASS�nto4Reals;A�pointmentofReaivtr;I.enderb�oa.Asaddidonalseaaityhe�dra,Buaowrrbae�,+- . • .. ..
<br /> � � ' assis_nswLeadertheienasofthePY�nocty.Dmvide�thatBonoweashal�,prIortosccele�atiamm�QerpatagRaphl7he�eaf�ahaadoammt , '. ..
<br /> � : . , af thePm�aty.have the rig6ttoc�t and retam such renmrs they becomedue andpayttLti:. i . .`�'!_�. .
<br /> : �� ' Upan aocel�atifln andes�eag�raph 171�er�f ar abandamnem of tae Pro �::i```'°'� . .
<br /> -. prsty.Lendea.ln Deison.by ageat ar i�y jndiciallp � .,.
<br />=;;: . . � aypai�ed�eceiver sha116e entit2ed w etuer t�rsn�..t'aYe passes.sion oi and manage the A+aperty and to coIIect the tent�af the Prbpaty . • . .
<br /> . � � , incLidL�gthaseyastdue.Allrentscattectedbyt�nderosthem,ceivershallbea�pliedfusttnpayme�tofth�ecAStsofm���ttentofthe .
<br /> � ., �. ' �� pto�Cipacdcoller,�onofrents,incir�ing,butnotl3aritedto.receic��'sfees.Dtemiumsonreseivea'sbandsandceascxtableut�rney'sfees. , .
<br /> �. en�t�cmwthesrunssecaaedbythisDeedofTn�st Lenderaadtit��ceiverst�allEeliabletoaocountanlyforthaseientsacd�aIIyroceived • .
<br /> `'• � � ZO.R�¢�aae.Uponpayme�tofallsumssec�redbyNhisDeedofTiast.Leadersha0reqnest7lruscoewreconveytheA�ape�ty . ..•
<br /> _ .. �` � andsballs�endertIti�IlseedofTmstaadallnotesevldencingindebieduESSSec�eA6ythisDeedof�tnstL�Ti�e.'IYust�est�llrecai►v�p .
<br />-^` � ' tme Pmperty withau3 arsrr�ty anA cvithaut eA�e tn We persoa or peisoas LegaUy endtled thereto. Such p�san or pasans shall pay aSl : � .
<br /> -�• . . ..�
<br />- coatsofreco�acrion.i�a�►y. p
<br />_'.�_ � ' t ` .�. ,
<br />_�:��. . .+w Zl. Sub�itute Trustae.La�dea,at I.eade�s optinn.mf►S'fmm time m time tetaav�Tiuste�aa�t�ppoint a sttocessor ttustat w , � .
<br />.;,i � . �_ y''-� � any�•e sppoiut�h�nenader by�nsdvment mc�rded in the co�mty in whicti Qils Deed of'I'inst is ce�d��. Withorut oonveyanoe of
<br />�..���'�,.''��; ,y.- , t h e p r m y e i c y,t h e suocessa�u a s i�e s b.a ll s n e c e e�[�a i t t R e t i t t e i D u�v e r a n d c�ti e s c a n f e rt e d a p oa t h e Tnzstce 1�ein za�b y a p pficaDte�s�v. �
<br /> � . . � � �
<br /> ;� < 2Z.ReqtteslPorNoticea Botroweareqaeststhatcu�CSOfthenoticeafdefaultandnoitceofsatebesanttnHmrawe�saddtess
<br />-. , � wtdCh is the Praperiy A�dtess. ��
<br />_ � : i
<br /> . - . � ' : i �
<br />_ }' . � ; � .
<br /> .. ' �
<br />— _ ' _—' _ . . �,_:�..___._ .__.�.
<br />-_ . i! . ' ' _ ' .
<br /> . . . j �
<br /> • - StSt-0MIU"S.•RUTWI.OROIEe!•itl� {} - ' . .
<br /> . ' - � ' f� � ' -
<br />