_ __ ___ �_ _ .
<br /> •_ _. , , � � � • . o.v�i �°",�.��"��, . _ ,
<br /> , , . . , .r ��.4
<br /> � • 17.Tcai�'es ai t&��iges�,��r a$�n�c�ai Fnt��ni Bona�n�f a1f or any part of ti�e�'ra�t�aa f.�Y inte:�t�i.�� '
<br /> • is soId or traasf�zted(as;if 3 be�fcci�l'snte�t in Lo:mtver is s�L�3 ar'trnnsfe;�and�rro�cr in nut a n�turat pe�.n)c�i:�eat.
<br /> � f�::.,A;s��r��� �=rr�t�e�cs�i��,��;. as its,o�ti��..r�ire im��Siet�'P�Yrn�nt in f�1i.o�ail ci:ms:sefiured b�..�`'`s . .� ---
<br /> • �...�ty 1n�t-ttc��;�er.this,ogiivn s}�aox he elcercesed by S.�d�r���reis$i�pcatu�itc�6y��crJ Lir�u&u�t�c c3�e. . . .—
<br /> of t�ic Sec�uity��sar�.*a�nt.. . ` ° ` � ' .
<br /> ` ' 1g�I.�aidcr_exercis�s t�i"s ogtioa.t.eader shall giv$Bofrpu�et:uatire of acceteaation.The nati,ce sb�l1 pravi�ea pc.�iod qf ncit, .
<br /> . t�ss c�a�3�Elay3 frorrs th.daiP the nutice is delive�ai or mailed�vithEn_v�rt�Icl�Eaaouer must p�y alt sums sficanQ 6y�is
<br /> � Security�nstrumem.I�Barrowe�fails to pay these svms prior to the expiration of this pe;inc#.I��er�ay invotce any remec�ies �
<br /> permitte�f Dp�ttiis Sscurity Fnsuumem vvithout�urth�r notice or demanB aa�Bormwes. ' � ,
<br /> I$. �rraw�'s �tig�Itt ta �1at�. If k3orrativer raxts cscYta'src oorsditiotis. Sarmwer shali hav�the right to(�ave ° ,
<br /> � � enforr�merii af this�arity Insmament diseontinuec!at any,tir.�e priar to the�arlier of:(ss)S tL?ys(or'sus�aahr�genost as
<br /> agpucabte la�r may specify fos reinstatentet►tj before sale oP Rtce YrflFeny pursw�nt to amy power of s�le soatained in ttus
<br /> � $ecnrity Insuum2nt;or(b)entry of a judgmeat enfonein;this Secunty,fistnimens.'Those condiNons are t�t�arrawer.(a)pa s
<br /> � Le�td�'ait 3ams wfsich tirea woald be due uasfer this Security Imtnssu�u'a�cE ti�e t�tate as if atta�rcte�aticsa h�ecpsrt�l:�} ,_. . _ -
<br /> ' cnc�s any defat�t af esry other coYeaants or agreemeats:(e�paYs�exgens�s incusr�ia enfotcing this �eeuTity Ynctn�rrr�±
<br /> inctu�ing.but nut limited.to,zeasona6le nttomeys'fee,c:and f�)tattes such actio�as Lend:r msy reasonably require w s$seue
<br /> that tf►e lien of this Securtty Insuuraent,I.ender's rights in tlte.Property and Bonuwer's obligatio�co pa�t�the siuns sesareQ by...
<br /> this Se�vriry Instn�ent shxll conti� un�hanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, this Securiry Insirum�nt sad;.ciie:
<br /> obIigatians secures�hereby shall remain fuily ef�'eaive as if ao anceleration had nccwre�4.tioweves'.this right w reinst3ie:sh�!!
<br /> nn*_�sply in the case of axelerarion wder paragraph l7.
<br /> 19 Saie af Note;C6spge of.�.oatt Servic�r.17ie NaLe or.a partial interest in the Aiate'(wgethex with t�i1s,�e�uity :
<br /> tnscsvment)may be sold oae or more times wiWout priar.ft�i�to Borrower.A sate may cesulc in a change in Ute e�ity{Dqto��tt .
<br /> � as the"Lflan Seivicer")that cofl;ects monthly payrtters�s dus un�er che Note and this Serurity Inst�ent.There atso may be ane —
<br /> � or more ch�a�►ges of the Loan Serficer wuelat�to a sale of the 1Vote.If there is a change of the Loan Servi�,Eurrower will be
<br /> grven written notice of the change in aconrdance with paragra�h.14 above and applica6le law.The not�se will state the nam�ar.d
<br /> �• addxess of the new Loan Servicei aad the addtess ta wtuc�payruems shouId be tri3de. Tite notiCp;wi�;also wntaar any otlier ,
<br /> infarmation mquired by applia►bte law. �
<br /> � Z� Fa�erua��uit�.Borrawer shatl Rot canse or pemodt the preseu�,use,disgosal.starage,o:retc�c of any =— ---- ----
<br /> H2zardous Substances on pr in ths Progerty. Borrower shall not dp. nar a11oR anyone eLse to do.,anylhing affearng the
<br /> proparty that is ia.violation of any! Enviro�rtental Law.The prece�in�,two seIItences si�all aot apply to�e preseace,use, or
<br />. �� �storage on the Fra�erty of smaU quantities aF.Harardous Subsia�ces tira.6 are geneialty nzco�i�zed to 6e appropriate to nomial �
<br /> , � residenrial uses acsd to mainteuanse of the Pta�erry. .
<br /> Borrower shall.promptly give Lender written.rcouce of aay investigation, claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> '. govemr�entap or iegulatory agency or private pariy involving t6e Pcaperty snd any Ha7a�dons Subsiance or Environmenial Iaw �—_-- - ---
<br /> � of wtnid►Soaower has aswal kno�eledga.�f Holmwer tearas,or is iroafied 6y any goveirrjmeatat or regulatory authoriry. thaY � — _
<br /> '" any removal or other remediation af any I-Iaz',:�daus Substanse affecung ttte Property is nz,cessary.Ho}YOwer shal!ptomp4lY take -
<br /> a�l xt�cessary remedial actions in accordance�ith•Environmental law. • � • ��
<br /> . ° As used in this para$raph 20, "Haza.��Substanaeg°•ar�a thosc�i�stanc,es definad as toaic or bar�dotis substances by _ --
<br /> � Ea�iir6nmenta! Law aad the following snt�staaces: g�1sr.�.�kemsene, other fl��rable or toxic paroleum pmdttcts. toxic :__�
<br /> pesticides aacd herbicides.volatile svlvents,.kmw'riats cor.taissing asbestos or forraal�:'ayde.and radioactrve materials:As used'w -
<br /> dus paragraph 20. °Eavironmental Law" r��� fedetal laws and laa�at.#ha jurisdiction whete the Ptoperty is lo� that'
<br /> relate to health.safety or emitonmental pre�tson. ,
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bezeva:er and Lender fuzther co�c-�nt and.agreES.as follows: , -
<br /> ' 21.Acceieratton;Remedies.Lender�a91 give notice to Borrower prior ta acc¢ter�tIon foflo�vin�Borrowe�s breacb '"'��°�'.'���
<br /> • of aay covenant or agceeme�t In tWs Serarlty IaslYV�eai (but ctot prtor to acceteratien under garagsagh 17 unl�s t'�:��--�
<br /> • applicable taw provides oY�erwise).'Phe aottse s9aA specify: (a)the defaalt;(b)the actfon requtred to cure the defauit; !�����e____ _
<br /> (c>a date,ant tess than 30 days from td��'ate the nottce is g€ven to Borrower,by w6lcti the defaWt mast 6e cured;and �u_=_._n_
<br /> � (d)t6ai faiture to cure the default oa�r Is:fore the date s�tecilied in the notice may resait in acceleraiion of the suims ��;>�_�s�.�=-
<br /> �., seceired by this Setu�ity Inshvment and sale of the Properiy.Tite Qottce shai�further tnform Borrower of the rigtit to -_--- --
<br /> � ;,,,
<br /> refinstate after accelerntion sud the eight to bsin�a court actlon to assert the ttoQ�eadstence of a dePaott or any other { ,j�_
<br /> defense of Borrower to ac.�;°�.:on aad st�te. V the dd'aujt is not cured on or before thr date specitied In ti�e notice, �;r.___.:�:_-=-
<br /> Lender.ut tts optton,maY�ue imanediate ptiymsxtt tn fa11 of s.►►l1 sams s�rer,�by this Searrity Iastnmieat wlth�trt 4'��;:_-�---_�_
<br />, further demand and may iAVOge the p��rr of saIe nnd any other remedfes permitte�d by applIca6le law.Lender shall be �����°�__
<br /> entided to colted all expenses Incarred ir�p�utng the remedt�p��`";�Qtl in tGis paragraph 21,fr.cluding,bat aot iimit,ed•.. _==�-----.-_
<br /> . to;reasonabte attorneys'fe�and cas[s nf title evtdence. � _�----_-_-
<br /> If the power of sale fs 1r�voked.�'r�a shap eacar8 a notfce oY defautt in eac6 wunty ia whieb any Qart of the ki�Y.�� - -.-�_
<br /> �"JtLx«�'1��f��-.
<br /> • [fiaE.�erty is lo�ted and shaq rnail copies e�3 sucb nosic,�.in the manner prescribed 6y appUca6lP taw to I�acct��ver.aad to =
<br /> . t�m other peisons prescribe�by applicub!s.taw.Afier tics time required by applIcable law.Trastee shs�ll gfFe�a611c notice ,� " •��'
<br /> r
<br /> ' � cY sale�to tke persons and in t�e martner�s�.'^szsibed by appticabie law.Trastee,�vithout demand on IIta�n�,sha0 sell ''�� � .n.��:;",
<br /> tlie Ptoperiy at gu6Uc auction to the hl;ttest Uidder at the time and piaoe and ander the tesms d�slgizat e d i�t he no t tce o f ':�=a�����:�.-�;--.-.,��-.
<br /> -�:~ ,,...�asn_r,._.
<br /> � sate 3n one or mare parceLs ttnd in aap oe^SPr Trustee deterrniQCS.'I'rostee may pas3pone.sale o8 all or an��parcel of/he ' �r`����_-_-:--
<br /> �" ' ' -
<br /> ' • PMpLerty by pubftc annotincemepi at the Hme stnd place of aay prevlously schedaled salc. I.ender or iL=t.�signee may ` �.`�•,. �..r,�'r,_�+�t,::
<br /> �,y'�nase the Pro at s�p sale. •::r.�:�y�.T r��-
<br /> r_A � J ' L ��.71,.I . . _-__
<br /> \ ��.��' - , ��.
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