- ;,,, -�1 •c• .�.. :.` '. . • � _ . .icx:�rcz�+:�.cE:i�fx�..c�si�•:-__ a. _m=—_ __ _—. .
<br /> . .j, t crcc'1 _ _ _ '_ _—_ .
<br /> .'t� �r�a-.�n���5 - _ —____
<br /> __ ___.'__ — ._ , _, -----_-- , __-- —. . . . . � � . ' __.
<br /> . `, } , ' ° ` . ` �` . _ ` � . . ` • ' ��� ���� ` •• �— _—��.._
<br /> c �� ��i
<br /> _. � , . . � • r , . __--- __
<br /> i < � . � , . , .__---------
<br /> �_ : or'ta`apply all euch i�roceeda, aft�r eu�h d��a�c�ioras. =� �h= res° ----- _----.
<br /> �� Coratfc�n �f Cha Pr�aperlty uRcn suc�s s�rtdit�oae ae Lendo� a�ay' � � • _ __----- _-
<br /> ` cletexqa�n�• A�3f �PPlicatfon .of Proc�ed� zo indebtecin�ee ek�all sat ,
<br /> e�end ar postgone the c�tie r3ate of any�pay�e�ate under Che Note, . --_
<br /> ar ,�e�a�y d�fae�lt tY�.ereunder or �ere�nder: �y un�pplis� £�anst� . -___-----
<br /> , �hal]. be�paid t� Tru�tox. � � �=�=-��----
<br /> . ��.�
<br /> - ' .�, Qa:¢.,,���e by i.�ns3��. tipoa the eccuxrence of an EvenC =_ - ---__��_
<br /> of Default hereuadex-, oa� if any act fe take� or lega� proceeding u_��""
<br /> camnc�nced whick� materially affecte.Lende�'s interest in � Fsop- �-
<br /> � ' erty, Lender ma�i fn its own, di.screti.oa, but without ebligation to - -�
<br /> " do so, and v�rithQUt notiae to ar demaac� upon.Trustdr and without ---
<br /> � � seleasing�Ts�astor frem aa� obligatian, do any act.which Trustas = ____
<br /> ` has agreeii ,but fails �o do and �ay,alsa ,do aay ather act it deems
<br /> neces�ary to psote�t thp security hereaf. ��ar shall, immed£- - -
<br /> ��te3.y up�a demand thexefox� by Le�der, pa7� ze L�rsd�r a]-1 costs �c€ -------
<br /> ' eztpease� �.ncurred a�d su� ex�endeci by ��der is� connectia�u. e�i� .
<br /> the es�ercise by Leader o� the foregoing �ights, toge�her �i.� � _--
<br /> i.nterest thereon �t the �e€aul.t raete..providec� ia the I�tet�, wiaicIz
<br /> e�all. be added to z.he inde�tednes� secured heretz�. I�eas�r sha�I . ' --
<br /> ` n�ot iac� any liability hycau�e of anytlii.ng �.t �.Y do cr o�.� �� -
<br /> �_----_--__-
<br /> do heze�ie�. .. � , . ��--- - -
<br /> - .� : g;�::�`:$� --rdeLS r+ia �.�i s.. Tavstor ��ea71 keep the L��vperty in . -_ _ '
<br /> . :�nmpli�e .wieh. alI appl��able 13ws; ordi:nauc�s and r�gulations --- _
<br /> ��3.a'�;gig,�.to .indust�ial h�3iene or enviran�r..at�:,:;�prestec�fon �,�
<br /> � ' ;t;��:�Z��fi.i�:vely re£erret�. ;�:.herei.n as "Eri����'�n�;: Lavis.'�.� . ,,.,,,s,�,a-
<br /> � ; `t;;.��!c�`,�a13 keep ��.�.'.•L�operty fres fsar� �.�.���tais��;.-deemsd -_
<br /> c3o +i= �t ��`under aziy $nvi�trr�ta�ta�.-•t�c�rea� :.::
<br /> � � t��5e �� �� c?� � :...�.. ---
<br /> t , ., ;`G�col�ec���.� � `�..tz�,��o herein ae "Ha.zardau� �iat�r�.a,���'). ..,
<br /> ,{and re resents �4,�i�a�r:G�.� �� T�u�'-'
<br /> �� `"irustor �`�'".��'&`�ta��',.: P • t ..: ,'. . -
<br /> ` � � tor'e d�;ud��dge, thers:°�e no Hazardoue'.;M�ts�ia3�s: ox� ���:�.�der the . . � -
<br /> � ` Property: Trustor �her�y agrees to ind��f fy anc�. �oZd:�sxm].ess �Y,,,,.,� �
<br /> Lender, its directoxs, officers,� emp14y�8 and agents, and any �,_._�
<br /> successors ta Lender's intereat, fromi and against aay and all �;�
<br /> claima, datnages; losses and liabilities arising i.n connectioa ����_�---- _ -
<br /> with the presence, use, disposal or transport of any Hazardou8 `::��.u�, ="_"
<br /> Materials.oa,.under, frorn +or about the Property. TI� FOREGOING r,_���_----__
<br /> �-� �..
<br /> .:.,,. :, /-
<br /> � ,�... -��-=--
<br /> nF THYS DEED OF �R�ST. °;t-:�. _-
<br /> T«� • .
<br /> '_"—. _ _ ' . . .; z�}��_.
<br /> S.i:�Ai�.—e_�.`—�-..
<br /> :.F;.. 10. 8fi�3�►�'-'-t-Qf Reats. Truator hereby assigns to Lender ,�.���r��
<br /> �'�''°"• thc rent.s, issues and zofits of the Prap�rty, provided that . _
<br /> ,��...�.-=w:
<br /> Trustor shall, until the eccurreace of �n.Event of Default here- y �"'�`-
<br /> � uader, liave.tYre right to collect� and r�tain auch rent�, issues • '�� `
<br /> ` o its as the beco�e due and. a le. II on the qccune�ce '•����kr_ �"4-
<br /> and pr � Y P Y� P t �t_>,T�.
<br />- of a:n Event of Default, .Lendex� tnay, eithsr ia person'�or •by agent, '°'��`i�;���T„�;m�
<br /> ' .;:.:;, �.;.;--<���:
<br /> w�th or avithout bringf�zg aay action or p�toceedi.ng� b�:k}�(f' a ,•�:�r� !�`a.�'=��__:_:�';
<br /> .:,�( �:�� • �>:���
<br /> � receiver appointed,by a court aad without.rega�td to t1�e adequacy , s,�`r��-r;•. ,
<br /> of its security, enter upon and take posseasioa of the Property, ..'����'�c`..�,` '
<br /> � or amy part ther�aE, i.n its own name�or in the na�ue o£ Truetee, . •. , ;':,;;{,;:;.
<br /> � and do any acts which it deems �necessary oi desirable ta preserve • � �{ ��r`� ".
<br /> � the value, marketability or rentability oE the Property, or any � .. , .�,�;.;;,,
<br /> part th�reof, or intezeat thereia, i.ncrease the incame therefrom, .,•,:;�'�5;:'.� . .
<br /> �r protect the�security thereof, amd, with or o�ithout takfag pos- � •;��{�_. .. . �
<br /> sess�oa of the Froperty, sue for, er othezwise collect, the • .
<br /> reatss iasues and profits thereof, includiug those past due and � . .
<br /> � uagaid, and apply the same, less costs and exp�nses of aperation . �
<br />- and colYeceion� iaclud:ing attosneys� fees. upon any i.adebtedaess ,. � �
<br /> secured hereby, a'il in sucYi or3er as �ander ma7� determine. The . .
<br /> enteriag upon aad taiciag gassession o€ the Property, the collec- � .
<br /> �ion of such rents. issues and profits aad the applicaticn � ' . . � ,
<br /> � thezeof as afaresaid ska31 �ot cure or waiue any default ox
<br /> uIt herevnder or invalidate any act doae in ��.� ��"� � �� .
<br /> nat�ce of �e£a
<br /> respense ta such def�ault or pursua�.t to �such aotice of defau�t � , :•
<br /> . and, aot�.ith���nd�ng the ron�tinuance in possession of the Prop- ; . �
<br /> erty or the collectioa, r�ceipt anci application of rents, issues :
<br /> os gre£its, and Tr'ustee a�ad I�endes shall .be entitled ta exercise ._
<br /> � � evez�r xight gsovided for h�rein or ia any Qf the �oaa Imstruiueats
<br />_ . or.b� Za�r mgaa occu�rence of aa�r �+reat of IIefault, includiug. . .
<br />-�- ..._ rvit�eut. 2i�eit�tiQn} C�e rictht to exercise the parrer vf sale. �_`� �
<br /> _--- ..
<br />� --- . . ------- ---- --- -- - - -- --- - - - - E - . __
<br />.�_ _ . . . . , . � -=-:-.
<br />-� � � .
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